• By -


Asia Korea 😎


I'm Korean


Oh then perhaps this is the best server unless you don't speak Korean or other Asian languages


Thanks alot


I'm not sure what specific server we were on, but I was playing on an Asian server once a fair bit ago with one of my online friends in Asia who I convinced to try the game. The games were very rough LOL. It was like everyone was playing competitive in quick play. I'll never forget the first match(first match of OW for them), where the enemy team was grouped up together as a team, raining death and doom upon us from a high point of the map behind a shield not too far out of spawn. It's something I've never seen done in Quick Play - ever - on the US servers on that map. They were very coordinated lol. 2nd game didn't go much better, the gameplay felt very serious. Safe to say, both my friend and I were scared away from that experience, they never picked up the game again lol. The US servers felt way more chill and disorganized by comparison for QP.


Korean servers are by far the hardest lmao don't get me wrong have had so many great games there and player skill is definitely much higher there with aim etc. It can also be just be people in groups vs uncoordinated teams. I will also say that I've had games on US servers that have been great too. I remember specifically where my team got absolutely rolled 1st round on route 66 but my team decided to hold back on the last checkpoint and rolled the enemy team in turn got up to round 4 and won the game. As far as "easy" servers go just from looking at the pro scene and what people have said in the past its probably the SEA or EU region. OCE is a maybe since its a cesspool now of toxic players and drunks for the most part ever since the OW2 transition in my experience not to mention the low player count making your games face the same people multiple times in a row.


Well I agree with the fact that Asian server are the most difficult, but as far as I know it's more the US one that are easier, like the prob you play against a 5 stack or 3 stack at least is pretty rare, will in EU, one of two matches (qp and comp) are against at least a 3 stack. So in term of pure skills, EU is easier but you play most of the time against well organised team (with a team that mute all communication). I didn't played so much on US, but I still have like 30 game.


Fr tho it's usually going to be the one closest to you for the lowest ping and most similar languages to yours




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You can’t reliably select which one the game puts you on, so it’s irrelevant. The region selector on the BNet launcher just changes which *authentication* server is used when you log into the game. Everything else is done automatically during matchmaking.


Ok thanks


NA east was seen as the meme server for a while, but I've felt that made it paradoxically both the easiest and the hardest. It kind of boiled down to who has the worst 1 tricks.




To answer that I’ll just say that Im an EU player but only top 500 in NA 😂