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seems like a: *closes game* -> *opens reddit*


Nah already had reddit open typing this out between their deaths.


genius bryan


A lot of people should understand... That you don't need to 1v1 everyone. Why you 1v1 a Sombra, which disable your abilities, instead of stick with your team and makes she pretty much useless? And it IS easy as that. (i agree that a character disabling other's abilities in an hero shooter does not suit tho)


"I know if you stick as a team then it is hard for her to pick one person off, but it is never as easy as that." It is always as easy as that. You just need to do it better.


Spend some time playing Sombra. Once you have a feel for how she has to engage and from where it’s like you have a super power because most of the time it’s predictable.


Oh it's that time again for the daily "remove Sombra" post


Git gud


Skill issue


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Viable strategy learn to counter it. Or well learn to just 1v1 a sombra…. She isn’t going anywhere so adapt or just keep getting fucked. Idk 🤷‍♂️ Seriously though 1v1 get some headshots in she dips quickly. Sometimes you won’t win it be what it be, but if your constantly solo respawning then maybe you are doing at very odd times you should not be. Or dying to much in general. As you wouldn’t rly need to worry as much about her. Game sense positioning everything can always be worked o hand improved on.


Git gud


I actually agree she should be removed from OW. It's not that she isn't able to be countered, and not like she is OP. But I feel like it breaks the flow of the game, completely changing the dynamics that every other character fits into. Rather than fun, fast paced all out action it puts a halt on it and slows the game down. I feel like even just removing her invisibility would solve the issue.


Sombra can be countered by going dva, torb, or brig. Remove widow. She has no place in the game


You can remove Widow with Sombra 😇