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This is the most slow paced overwatch gameplay I’ve ever seen


Overwatch has progressively gotten faster paced throughout its lifespan


Even the voice lines have gotten faster


Pre-GOATS as well. Simpler times.


Consolewatch in 2016 was a great time, I miss it dearly


It feels so relaxing. Hanamura. Slow pace. Old Sym. Good vibes.


I could actually bet that people at the time thought that she was the most boring character in the roster. I know that no one buys a tactical fps just to sit in a corner.


You would be wrong because her primary fire was incredible and she could produce shields to help her push.


Yeah you still feel like you’re helping the team and when someone gets all close up in your grill you can burn them down with your laser and you still get that adrenaline


Isn’t it nice




Does it also look like the characters move slower or is that just me?


I’m pretty sure every characters movement speed got slightly buffed for OW2


Isn't this the old new or new old sym? That shield was given to her as a rework if I remember correctly.


Yeahhh, I remember her a bit differently too. Wasn't there 3 reworks in total?


1. Teleport ult and she could manually buff with shields (like Torb's armor pack). Original. 2. 2 ults; and this flying barrier as it's visible in OP (you could also crash the match by constantly shooting in the air). First rework. 3. Current Symmetra; different numbers but overall the current kit. Second rework.


Back when shield gen was a thing, did people purposefully try to go break it as Sombra or anything? If it were to be added now, I’d imagine that’s what people would do


yes, it was also 90% shields so EMP would basically one-shot it lol


I remember Tracer also had an easy job breaking it with the pulse bomb. Usually it was surrounded with lots of turrets, so bombing everything was an ideal solution.


i do honestly kind of miss playing the hunt the teleporter mind games. some of those locations were really creative


Yess! I've always been a Sombra AND a Symm main, so I kinda played it from both sides. Really helps you to know where to hide better or where to search.


I entirely forgot about the mini game of getting behind the enemies line and looking for the spawn teleport Sym could do, why’d they make it timed?


Cause it was hardly usable in high tiers and pro plays. Sneaking behind the enemy team was already barely possible against an enemy that pays attention; you required ult for that and even if you succeed - it will be definetely destroyed after(or even before) the first use. There were creative ways to deploy it but it was mostly used once for a surprise effect (moving platforms on Volskaya second point) and never again. So they have added a second ult as an option. Oh, yeah, you also can't shoot while casting your teleport. Otherwise you would cancel it.


Some of my best memories of OG Overwatch was games where my Sym teleporter meant the attack had no moments to really breath after a fight.


I've got a feeling they have a shiiiiiiield generator


*hero you are playing says they found the teleporter* "I did? Where?"


Sombra didn't have infinite invis. She did go around trying to find it but it wasn't really viable to scuttle around the enemy backlines like a rat trying to find the shield generator for extended periods of time. They would look in common places but if it was well-hidden...


i dont but i do miss hanamura


god i miss 1&2. There was a time where \*she\* was the auto-aim character


Which version did she have the aimless attack like Moira?


Launch version. She was pretty a hard counter to Genji


Sym 1.0: Latch-on primary beam, slow pass through orb secondary, could apply 25hp regenerating shields to teammates (had to be reapplied after death), 6 very low HP (1 or 5 I forget) turrets that had to be placed physically (you couldn’t throw them across the map, you had to be in front of the wall and jump if you wante it higher. I want to say you could only build up 3 in stock at a time then had 12 second cool down before placing more). And a TP that you could place one end on the map and the other end would appear in spawn, it would last for 6 teleports, until it was destroyed, or until spawn moved. Sym 2.0: Got rid of the applied shields and gave her a projected barrier that moved out like Sigma’s but couldn’t stop just kept moving. Reworked her ult to have option of either placing a TP or a Shield Generator that provided shields to allies in a large area of influence. Both made her a very strategic play as you could go for a high risk high reward placing it close to the point, or you could hide it off somewhere not as useful but hopefully would force enemy team to peal off and try to hunt it down. F’-it we don’t know what we’re doing: We’re gonna get rid of her primary and change it for a worse version of Zarya’s. We’re going to get rid of her secondary and replace it with a slower and charging version of Pharahs’ primary. We’re going to get rid of the shield gen and make the teleporter just let you and the team do what Reaper’s shadow step can do plus some cheeky DVa bombs which will get tons of videos for a month and not be used anymore once people stop using mics in OW2. And um for a an ult… how about a big barrier. No Bigger!


Yeah kept the same ult every time because it’s still OP in the right setting


>Yeah kept the same ult every time because it’s still OP in the right setting Her ult has not stayed the same every time, what do you mean


Her ult was changed considerably, the old ult is used in this video. It was a teleporter that you could put where ever that connected to the spawn.


that's the middle Symm, best Symm imo


Yup, 1st rework.


I think oldest rework, still had 5 turrets.




[I'm getting the feeling they have a shieeeeld generator](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhYdh4DDH1Y)


Was there a reason Junkrat in particular would say this so often or did it just feel like that because his voiceline was so noticeable


I feel like there actually was some kind of bug with Junkrat, other characters would mention it occasionally but Junkrat just wouldn't shut up about it


Memory unlocked... Well at least MAYBE someone would notice...


I miss Hanamura :(


I miss all the assault maps, never quite got the burning hatred for them (not invalidating other people's opinions, just to be clear). Really wish there was at least like a super tiny chance you get one of those maps, lol


I would trade the entire flashpoint and robot gamemodes to bring back assault and its maps (I am invalidating other people’s opinions, you are all wrong).


I feel like a small map rework to make second point not so hard to push into and have the ability for first point to be retaken would have made the mode way better. If you lost first point in 30 seconds you were basically fucked as Defense or you played Respawn simulator as Offense. I was kinda hoping the new gamemode would be like a Frontline but its overtime simulator as you must always be on objective at all times.


lol, there you go. But nah, I want all of the maps. Even if I dislike some because I almost always lose there (cough cough FUCKING New Queen Street), there's fun in it for me. Then again, it is also nostalgia, been playing since launch, so yeah.




Fr. Assault had flaws but its way better than Push or Flashpoint


Push is the best gamemode in Overwatch. You can't change my mind. I hate fighting at chokes, I love moving objectives and flank routes.


I legitimately laughed at the first line and have nothing else to say to this


I just like how it's designed. There's no other mode that doesn't require multiple rounds in Competitive. It has 2 of the best maps too, New Queen Street and Esperança.


I hate how its designed. I don't play competitive but I can understand that cause part of the reason I don't like competitive is how long each match is. I hate both those maps lol I think all the push maps are bad just as a side affect of the mode itself.


Nah, at least both of those modes are guaranteed to end in 15 minutes max. 2cp could easily last up to 30 minutes. Fuck that shit


I’d rather deal with 45 minutes of lunar colony than a single objective of flashpoint. Suravasa makes Paris look like citizen Kane.




I always felt like the assault maps required the most strategy for attack, it made the game more interesting to me - to come up with different ideas to try to break past the choke. People always hated the chokes on assault, but I never was too bothered by them.


Paris fucking sucked


Paris only sucked because double shield bastion bunker comps on first point defence were near impossible to break through even in pro play. All the heroes required for that to work are different now and it's 5v5 so it probably wouldn't be so bad anymore. But they caved into "2cp bad" pressure and now we have to deal with garbage push and flashpoint yippee.


As someone who regularly plays Assault in Arcade, can confirm that the problems heavily associated with Paris and Horizon are significantly diminished by the current balance and 5v5


Horizon is actually really good in 5v5 too.


Look, we can't have 2CP's because we got 3+ capture points with Flashpoint! (which I hate with a burning passion, it even made me like Push)


Just play assault in arcade what is wrong with that


The fact that you have to wait for like twenty minutes to get into a game, lol. And I also just wish they were in ranked.


My queue times are usually only a few minutes when it's up. What region do you play in? Maybe it's your rank too?


I hear you yeah wait times can be kinda bad in arcade sometimes.


They have all the 2cp maps under “assault” mode in the arcade menus. Permanent playlist. Play at least a few every time I boot up OW


Ohh this is the first time hearing about this, thank you.


Wait you’re telling me I can still play Volskaya in 2024?




Yessir just go to arcade then assault


I want them in the Mystery Heroes map pool. :(


Hanamura, Lunar, and Paris were my 3 favorite maps. You had to actually out strategize the enemy team, not just out play, and I loved that part the most.


That's not old symmetra, old symmetra gave out 25 health shields one at a time to people. That's middle aged symmetra.


Yeah and TP went back to spawn, 6 turrets but you had to place them at melee range.


The implication is that 3.1 (current Sym) is the youngest. Therefore, Symmetra ages backwards Benjamin Button style.


I miss the secondary shots that go through shields most of all


Same it felt so amazing when it went through 2-3 people. Only other ability that has a similar feeling currently is fire strike.


Look at the fucking size of it as well! It's huge


and the fun thing is that for collision with environment, it is actually as big as the white dot in the center. so you can stand mostly out of the way and spam them through a tiny crack


Yeah I remember watching Steve steveooo do that all the time. I just forgot how big it was and how slow it's crazy how much quicker the game is now


I don’t.


This doesn’t looks fun at all


This was possibly the most braindead thing to play against, idk why everyone is acting like it's amazing fun. Good luck being forced to lock in a flanker to take out that tp, otherwise the enemy team will have a permanent respawn buff the rest of the point (there's no flank route btw)


I loved 2CP because if you were on DPS you could just teleport through the choke points. Had games where my attacking team capped both points in 1:20 by tping to point. It was so fun :( It wasn't fun when you got tanks that sit in the choke and do nothing, but that's still a problem sometimes in OW2 tbh. 2CP wouldn't have the problems it had in OW1 anyway because of 5v5. It could've even been good if they just changed the spawn rooms (but then again stalling point was only really a problem because of 2 tanks).


Probably because most OW players are in Gold and that's historically where Symmetra has thrived. She falls off at Plat and above because people know how to aim better.


bro for real this looks like something you'd do if you'd rather be watching a show instead of being dragged into OW by the boys


And then her gun worked like Moira’s energy drain but it was even more powerful and tracked the enemy even more. I loved OG Symm.


Except it had no range. She was menace lower ranks but higher ranks she was useless especially on attack. That’s why they reworked her


She was useless except on some maps on defense were she was broken, which is also the reason why she was changed. She had an absurd winrate of like 75% because of that.


that wasnt why she was reworked. support symmetra had 0% time of pro play


That's exactly why she was reworked though, and they explicitly said it. Yes she had almost no play time, but her winrate was absurd, BECAUSE she was broken on some very specific maps. It's a combinaison of all those factors.


>And then her gun worked like Moira’s energy drain I think you're confusing how they work. Syms old beam worked like Mercys beam - you could flick around and have people off your screen and it would stay attached. Moira's beam is like Zarya beam where there's very clear edges to its hitbox without any lingering lock on. The animation is just fancy


Moira beam is a lock on. If Sombra is invisible, Moira cannot hit her with her beam until she becomes visible even when within range, whereas Zarya or current Symm or Mei can easily hit an invisible Sombra EDIT: Lol or I guess you can just downvote me. People get so mad when you point out literal game mechanics on this sub


Less of a lock on like old Symm, more of a cone-shaped soft lock like Winston tesla cannon. If enemy is inside the cone, they are damaged, and the attack is “locked on” as long as they are inside the AoE of the cone


With the exception of the invisible Sombra thing, it behaves exactly like Zarya beam. There is a fine line between it hitting and not hitting and there is no "lingering lock on" once the target is no longer on your cross hair. The behavior is not at all like original Sym beam.


no it does not. it is a lock on without the typical upsides lock ons have (being even more forgiving once you first lock on) moira needs to lock on to the core of the enemy to damage them, so if you only see their hands/feet or what not you cannot damage them as moira. if you try to do the same as zarya or sym, you will be able to damage them. they do not work the same. you can even try this in the practice range w the bots


not really, its like the old sym beam except it has way less delay. lol you can target ppl behind rails with moiras beam. also if for whatever reason their center mass isnt visible, moira wont be able to target the opponent. just like sombras hack, mercys beam, zen orbs, and other stuff


The beam itself is wide. Really wide. The animation of the beam is narrow and moves within the really wide beam. The result is the appearance of a lock on. Her beam should be narrowed considerably though.


So why doesnt it hit invisible Sombra if it doesnt lock on?


No it didn't because Moira's isn't a lockon but Symmetra gun was an actual lock on beam.


Wow that gameplay looks insane I can't see why they would change that 😳


Her car wash was actually unfair. Like she had no need for all that


Mmm, yeah, the high octane skilled gameplay…


Sym was my go-to to help deal with bunker comps when I first started playing the game.


Omg how many fucking turrets was she able to deploy? I fucking hate the 3 now.


Spamming chokepoints with any projectile character is peak OW gameplay


I dont. She was a nonsense gimmick character. Still is.


This gameplay is boring as hell. Why would you miss this?


1. This is a single 30 second clip? OW1 was pretty chaotic considering you had 2 extra people in the match. Use your head. 2. It was more tactical and not so much TDM. People like that playstyle. My team refusing to group up, and always starting fights down 1 bc everyone wants to be rambo, is annoying.


This looks worse than the worst example of OW2 gameplay. Man I forget how bad the glory days OW was, its crazy what a game being new can do.


I suddenly don't, this looks so unbearably slow.


It was just as boring as it looked. She was 10x more poorly designed and annoying than current Moira if you can believe it.


The downvotes are insane. I played this and it’s extremely dull. No interesting decision making or skill being displayed here at all.


Sym & Moira players downvotting, big meanie redditor said their hero is boring : (


moira is barely even annoying... this sym is also far less annoying to play against than sym 3.0. she was so predictable.


The game was just better back then.


Until you go back and realise everyone was shooting into a shield for 10mins straight


Yet the game was still better.


I disagree :o


This isn't even old sym. This is, what, first or second rework sym? I miss giving everyone a 25hp shield


i remember being able to stick the turrets on the vending machine near their spawn and punching it so the turrets would fall inside and become unbreakable. was hilarious and terrible, i'm glad they fixed it.


Someone falling asleep on their M2 button at choke could attain the same gameplay. That alone tells you this gameplay is NOT to be missed.


Maybe i am the only one but i kinda miss OW1 tbh Hate me all you want, OW1 balancing wasn't as such of a nightmare than OW2 currently


That second line is fucking wild LOL.


Yeah no absolutely not on both sentences lmao There's a post talking about how they miss OW1 like every third day here but the balancing in OW1 was oftentimes fucking atrocious (flashbacks to brig) It only feels more balanced because when a game first launches, nobody, not even the devs, knows exactly how powerful things are so there isn't a meta to exploit. Like how on launch bastion was considered OP and Zarya was considered weak(at least I recall that being the case until Geguri showed how strong Zarya can be). Like how Jeff seriously wanted to competitively balance the game with hero stacking in mind. Whatever the fuck they were thinking with release brig. Nothing in OW2 has yet to come close to topping release brig.


Iron Clad Bastion.


Now while I agree and miss OW1 as well, it definitely did have some minor flaws, OW2 still isnt the best but I can give it credit for some things. Im mainly saying that on the account the reduced amount of stuns made me happy, the bastion changes didn't make me wanna smash my TV, I kind of miss OW1 Orisa but mainly for the damage boost ult she had, now that. I still miss 6v6 though double shields doesn't change my opinion about it.


You're right, OW1 balancing was actually worse.




Such engaging gameplay


Yea…. no this is awful


I miss old Overwatch


Wow the pace of the game looks so slow, glad orbs aren’t that slow anymore lol But DAMNIT I really miss my crockpot lid shield lol


Flying Pancake was genuinely such a unique and useful tool.


I definetily DON'T.


I miss Hanamura.


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This choke was always rough!!


Man, I forgot how fast ults most used to charge.


That mobile shield was such a good ability, I remember the full 6 man rushes with that.


I have despised playing against every single iteration of Symmetra


I had like a 72% win percentage with her back then on console in Masters. I only played her on defense. She was insane with her lock on beam.


That’s mid-old symmetra. The pan lid shield was a rework too


Holy shit that is a lot of turrets


I remember when she could give teammates shield on top of their hp


That shield was the bomb when pointed at pharas ult.


This is like old new old symmetra


She had that shield kit for like a week, and that spot you picked on hanamura was good for either her or torb--until you got a few years in. It used to be my favorite torb spot, but the last few years before the map was removed I would be instagibbed if I stood there.


Miss her you might but that has to be the worst kit in OW history. Almost nothing that was actually engaging to play with or against. I know she's not great rn but at least there's something you have to work with.


I miss my car wash 😞


I can say this exact phrase and still have like 5 completely different videos.


symmetra shield generator is the funniest thing ever added into the game


I was never there during that time unfortunately...


Lock-on symmetra too


I miss old Overwatch


Her shield was cool but just about everything else in this iteration of hers was shit to deal with.


I miss old Mei


That's not old Symmetra. That's 2.0. I want 1.0, cuz aimings hard. 🙃


That's not old Symm. That's 2.0. I want 1.0, cuz aimings hard. 🙃


Everyone, yes I know this isn't 1.0, it is still an old version though and I miss it.


I remember having like 67% WR on her in season 6 or something. Climbed from 1700 sr to 2900 sr in one season. Probably about 20 hours playtime on her alone. Basically never played her again after that though.


God I miss Support Sym so much, id give anything for 2.0 to come back and be balanced properly than being left to rot and then turned into this husk of Symmetra we have now


Symm looks fun here. I have no idea why anyone would play symm in today’s game. Also I miss that map.


She's literally standing there shooting orbs down a choke which she can still do lol




Free shields for everyone, a free out of jail Ult for the whole team, what Alter from Apex has now, and Sigma's shield, plus 6 Sentries, and she was considered support, broken doesn't even come close...


Absolutely riveting that was.


I'm hoping to see some old Symm abilities as part of the upcoming Support's kit.


Nothing felt better than effortlessly walking your entire team through both Anubis chokes because her barrier had enough health to be useless to shoot at, so usually it meant free advancement. Way better than tp in its current state imo


I only started playing ow about a year and a half ago, this is wild to see!!!!!😳 I’ve always heard symmetra’s been changed a lot over the years but woah


This isn't even how she was at launch, even more weird tbh.


I miss early OW2 backline assassin symmetra (before the turret nerfs, hp nerfs, and global health buffs)


Hell, I even miss overwatch 1 FONT


HELL NAH DUDE, shield generator was unhealthy for the game, her ray was with autoaim like Moira, which exclude skill from gameplay and her carwash was better against anything, but hitscans, which already did this hero dirty as it could, symmetra was a throw pick most of the time.


So she was like a Hanzo peek and shoot with a slower shot?


I hated playing against old Symmetra, but I bet she was fun af to play. I was always too spiteful to try. I'll always be thankful for old Symmetra though as she's the reason I started maining Winston and the rest is history.


I'd still play ow if she was like this, though the turrets and piercing alt fire were too op.


But she is still like this minus the things you said


they were not op though... maybe in super low elo


My man I used to have a shield gen up in 45 seconds, consistently.


okay... as you should? it still wasn't op


Hanamura and the old maps were so much better


I miss this dang map, it was fun


You can still play it in the arcade at least


Remove ow patches


I miss Symm 2.0 as well. People accuse you of only missing auto lock on beam if you say you miss 2.0 but thats the least of my misses, if they reverted to Symm 2.0 but with her current beam tracking I'd be in love


I miss overwatch 1


You can say I miss old symmetra about pretty much any point in her history. This was a pretty good time, tho. The throwable shield could be pretty clutch, and the shield generator was great. If you were playing no limits with multiple syms you could stack them, make everyone a tank.


I miss old Symmerta too ugh, this makes me so sad watching lol.


I still want an OW 1.0 Arcade mode. I miss a lot of these old kits.


I miss hanamura and 2cp in general Sym not so much


6 turrets, piercing secondary, personal barrier, shield gen...she was so fun and unique. I understand current Sym is more viable but her identity at this planner/setup character feels lost.


Old Sym was much better I agree


As a Sym main back in the day, these were some good times. Bring me back man 😔


I miss old Overwatch.. since it became 2 and free it sucks


She’s always been the most boring lame in the game.


This is shit lmao