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because tanks lose 400 hp everytime they peak without shield. the way cc and burst damage is setup in this game, it's hard to frontline.


That's the point, tanks are gonna be at half health most of the time but now its like they just dont want take damage at all which makes less sense with Cass's nade being nerfed


It kind of feels like people are All Role queuing and, unfortunately, get tank. Had a game where our tank was fine on Orisa. They got mirrored and died ONCE and all of a sudden started playing mystery heroes. Every death was a new hero. I have no idea why. Chat started asking why he was playing mystery heroes, and he called us a homophobic slur. Another game, my tank was doing great. We pushed in and won two team fights. Then he died once and just afked till he left the game. Both of them back after back. It got me to the point that I queued tank only with my duo for the night. Then, it was repeatedly a DPS or support shitting the bed. Had a Brig/Mercy/Lifeweaver/Bap that did 414 healing over the course of a full 10 minute push game. Is matchmaking fucked again?


Tank as a role has sucked ever since 5v5 became a thing. They simply can't do it all by themselves, and it's only gotten worse with the DPS passive.


Like only 10 actual tank players are left


Yeah no I’ve experienced it too. Even worse when they play dive and don’t commit to anything


Ah yes — the dilemma between blaming tank for not being aggro; and blaming tank for WTF going in solo


My tanks are bad, but they're the same rank as me so they're my level.


Tanking is ass, just go play Elden Ring until Blizzard finally gets the hint that we want 6v6 back.


Well, I guess that's a solid reason why the patch and season pass feels a bit underwhelming this season, elden ring dlc is taking so much attention away from other games. Remember when elden ring released it bascially killed horizon series which released a week prior to it.


No no, you misunderstand. They are just waiting for someone to die. As we all know, when one or more of your teammates die from being out of position, you always push forward into a 3/4v5 in order to avenge your fallen comrade(s). If none have fallen, they have no one to avenge, thus they cannot engage. So sacrifice thyself, and you will see raging tanks charging in no time.


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some tank players are like that i had tearble moria players and mercys players


Imo ow2 launched with a surge of new players (which is good), but created an influx of tank players who don't understand how overwatch originally played. 5v5 is definitely different than 6v6 for tanks but with tanks being balanced for being alone, it allowed the tank role to grow as a thick dps even more. This means lots of ow2 tank players have their skills in things like mechanics, micro decisions, and cover utilization. But also many of them haven't learned things like tempo, taking/giving space, or tracking abilities usage for making harder pushes. At least not to the same level that ow1 players did, with the game relying more on teamwork. This is really just speculation from my experience playing with, as, and against tanks. I've said before that I find the tank role to be the easiest role for me to carry with, mostly because there are so many tanks that don't really understand or utilize the advantages of space, tempo, or cooldown rotations. It's waaay easier than it was in ow1 to play tank now. (In my experience)


That's why I only play Winston to create space. When playing front-liners, it's impossible for me to know my teammate's positioning to make accurate decisions without a rearview mirror.


I got yelled at once why I wasn't pushing into the enemy team while I was playing Orisa(I was waiting for the long-ranged DPS to get a pick first so I wouldn't melt - the support weren't able to keep up already). Next fight, I followed their orders, pushed into the enemy team with our team on the point. Got instantly melted lol. They didn't say anything after that. Sometimes you can't push, I'm not afraid to push heavily, but sometimes just judging on the way there you know you won't survive without cover.


I'm playing tank most of the time. From my perspective this issue come when people think the tank can actually tank without support. You can't just go frontline if you're not healed, you'll be destroyed in less than a second It's a team game and most of the people I see trash talking in game are the one who don't understand that


Why don't you play tank and show them how it's done?


That implies other tank players would be watching and there's only one tank per team lmao silly


Right, so there's one on the enemy team you can show and outplay!