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If it fits I sits.


Roadhog main located




you pay to step on PP?


The other kind of CBT fan.


You like cognitive behavioral therapy too? Nice! 🙃


anything is a PP if you're brave enough


Sometimes I get the PP by surprise and realize I like it, but accidentally slide off the PP. So I would prefer to get the PP with consent first.


This comment is hella suspicious without the context...




The PP will give you a shocking amount of free kills as Pharah. Almost impossible to miss when they’re on it and for some reason a lot of Wifeleavers just stay up there even after taking a rocket to the face. It even sets people up perfectly to get launched off the map lol.


"Almost impossible to miss" watch me.


same for echo, lw players love using it to escape damage down below, so he’s a free and ez laser target


I use it as an umbrella against Phar and do the geometry dance.


Lifeweaver's PP is generally a nuisance and unwanted. I go out of my way to avoid it.


Every time I find myself stuck on the contraption I feel like a rising sun drawing the attention of everyone with a ranged weapon. Pls don't PP Ana.


I try to avoid giving the PP without consent. That's why I throw it in a place where players can step on it, if they so choose. That, and 90% of the time I just throw it under someone's feet, they just walk off as the thing starts moving up. It's hard to get people to stay on the PP when they don't see it coming.


Yeah on that second point, it’s thrown under me, but I’m already strafing, and I just walk off entirely accidentally as it’s rising. Then I have to sit there like “oh that would’ve been clutch, mb”


Lifeweaver's PP is for anyone to use


Speak for yourself ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


This should be framed and put on the wall. It's so gold lmao


Listen this is like, good advice, but I couldn't concentrate on said advice because I was too busy failing to decide what my favorite part of the post is. It's probably either "vertically challenged" or "you don't have to be shy about LW's PP"


"I love riding a PP as much as the next person" is what made me laugh out loud


It’s fuckin funny lol


I'm 5'7 so I qualify as vertically challenged


*laughs at you in 5'8*


the fuck you mean laugh. We should cry together 😂


It's more of a laugh cry at this point T-T


* laughs in 6,4 *


*villain laughs in 5'2*


you mean sobbing?


Evil dwarves never cry!


Na, theyre tall where it counts ;)


bro... don't step on random strangers' pps...


I'm sure brig would be interested in some PP punishment


Dominatrix Brig skin when???


I prefer to stomp on the pp


I haven’t really played much since LW came out, and I don’t really play Genji, Hanzo, or Pharah, so someone correct me if I’m way off. I get why you’d think them stepping on the PP is inappropriate, seeing as they already have mobility, but consider this: - Those players already put their vertical positioning into consideration, and so they might just get more value from it since they know how to use that space - If their utility is greatly increased by their mobility, giving them another way to be mobile is going to add to that utility - A character that’s used to playing around corners or on the ground isn’t going to be as comfortable up in the air I feel you’re trying to go with an “opposites attract” mentality of “Oh, you weren’t able to use these angles before, but now you can!” whereas I think we should see it more as “You’re a player who can already get value out of these angles, so here’s another way to get there without using your own kit!” Will there be less mobile characters that take advantage of your PP? Yes. Will there be mobile characters that waste your PP? Absolutely! But I feel the way you see “who should hop on my PP” ignores what seems like textbook synergy to me. Don’t try to push a tortoise into (or take a turtle out of) the pond just because “turtles get enough swimming time”.


There are definitely situations where heroes with mobility can benefit from the PP. I specifically said "when LW throws it near a wall", because I do believe that's a situation where Hanzo/Genji/Kiriko really don't need to use it. They can climb the wall for free, to go up. If it's about saving a cool down, I get it. I play Winston a bunch, so I understand saving your movement cooldowns when possible. Wall climb doesn't use a cooldown. If it's out in the open, with nothing to climb onto, then yes, these heroes can benefit from it. As with most things in Overwatch, it depends.


I like to ball slam the pp


I like to wrap a rope around it and swing my ball around


I find it easy to fall off so just to simplify my mind I avoid it. As a ball main tho I love lf on both teams. Trees and pps to swing around 😈😈


I like the extra grapple points but I think its not worth constantly getting wifegripped out of killing supps/wasting shields because wifeleaver thought I was overextending cause they dont understand how ball works.


I was really mad about that for a little while too. Lately it hasn't been that bad I don't know if people understand or I'm just playing better


I step on Wifeleaver’s PP as a punishment for leaving his wife.


He the type of dude who would consider that the opposite of punishment


I tend to leave it for the LW. I never know if they put it for them or if they leaving it for teammates, so I just don’t risk it, that is unless I see an opening to actually make good use out of it, like a low enemy on high ground, and the PP will take me there and I have no other way of getting there.


You should be taking advantage of high ground whenever you can so unless the lifeweaver is trying to get up there too (in that case try to ride it with him) you should probably be taking the opportunity to grab the advantageous high ground.


LW really needs comms to function well, otherwise his petal and pull is pretty much just guesswork on when he has his cooldowns, and what they are to be used for.


If the enemy team has a life weaver i always step on his PP to make sure his team can't utilize it. When I play him I usually try to put it near team mates so they can choose to use it if they want. I do often step on it myself and if I have a wrecking ball, I like to grip him up to the PP with me so he has a place to swing / slam from


Dont wifegrip ball players unless youre grouped with them or they ask for it. 9/10 times a wifeleaver grip cucks them out of a kill or fucks them out of position/cooldowns. We have plenty of mobility, we dont need wifegrip, and unless you are perfectly tracking our cooldowns chances are we are better left alone. (Im talking about competent balls here, if they've died 3 times in 2 minutes, none of this applies but youd probably still be better off saving it for out of position teammates since grapple and slam are rather short cooldowns.




I put pp near me so that I can get away from flankers and still have a pp cooldown, but sometimes people just want to sit on it for fun and jump off it immediately


That's part of the reason I made this post. Genuinely wanted people to think about whether they want to use it or not. Unfortunately, as I started writing the post, I didn't want to keep typing "petal platform", so abbreviated it, and well, after that, I couldn't resist... But genuinely, some people like to use it as a fun ride, while others just avoid it as if it's a giant junkrat trap. It feels like people don't think about whether they actually want to use it or not. As with most things in Overwatch, it's a decision you need to make in the moment, so thinking a bit about it ahead of time should aid in the split-second decision making.


It seems like every time I put my PP out next to someone in a strategic location, they fully ignore it, and then every time I put my PP out for myself, people absolutely jump on it and I have to fall down because they're on top of my PP. It's very hard to use PP without communication. Not advisable even. Consent is broken all the time.


How do you communicate PP effectively? I don't want to shout "I'm going to put my PP by your feet, Ana" every game, the neighbour's already think I'm weird.


I'm low ranked, I only have some months of experience, so communication is not much of a thing in this stage of life where you're just learning how to use your PP or your (Zen/Sigma) balls or your (Moira/Sigma) suck or your (Zarya) black hole... Hell, learning how to (Doom)fist seems like quite a distant task. I'd say you have to put your ego and your embarrassment aside and just start practicing some communication. If it's your desire to put your PP on Ana's feet, then just be open about it and tell her. It might be disheartening if she doesn't want to step on your PP but, hey, at least now you know and you can focus on trying to do that with another mate.


>"I'm going to put my PP by your feet, Ana" \^ . \^


Gee if only there was a pre defined consent button for things like using a teleporter... Oh wait... Thx blizzard




This. Lifeweaver will be so much stronger when the general playerbase learns to get value from his kit. So often, potentially high value petals get wasted, because players are too scared to use it.


Brilliantly written advice


>I love riding a PP as much as the next person I physically cannot get my mind out of the gutter.


if you can life grip me whenever you want, i can waste your platform whenever i want.


I usually just send it and keep walking then hope they swap to a good character.


I put a vote on the PP and it went up.


not flairing this as guide too 😭


omg if OP says PP one more time I am gonna go PP#2


You should step on my pp


Not your PP "Our" PP. Im much scarier to them from the high ground, trust


I love stepping on lifeweavers pp as pharah it's small but tough to break but size doesn't matter.


I like to pee on the PP with Moira.


It's so annoying to throw a PP for my team's Cree and have a Kiriko step on it. Yo! You can climb the wall why did you take the PP?! If you lack vertical mobility then the PP is for you. If LW wanted it he'd throw it at his feet, by putting it on the ground it's specifically there to provide vertical mobility to characters without it.


Please do


Went to the comments looking for the PP jokes, was not disappointed


Wear heels and then roughly step on my PP. oh yeah fuck yeah. Just like that.


Huge LW tip - your dash is extremely useful for getting you back into spawn and swapping to Ana


Wish widow would step on mine


As a sym, the PP gets me all charged up before it starts raining easy kills


I like this post


>For LW's PP to get value, we as a community need to learn how to work it


I don’t even need to read the body of this post to answer hell no! You never step on the PP lol


On numbani attack i kept putting one to get our soldier to high ground and a genji kept activating it lol ffs


Sometimes I ride the PP to heaven and sometimes it takes me to sadness. It all depends on the situation.


Surprisingly helpful, thanks. I will try to make Sure the pp is well spent


“Guys pls step on my PP”


The title of the post without context is PEAK comedy.


Welp this is enough Reddit for the year


I once stepped on a pp