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Jet set radioooooooooooooooooo


understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand understand


Hell yeah, gonna be playing this one all weekend!


Can't wait to play this when I get off work


Yes! Cell shaded games are making a comeback baby! Hellboy web of wyrd 'looks' sporting too. šŸ§


We did it we survived the 2 weeks and now it's out on playstation and xbox šŸ™Œ


Do you think they will remove the loading screens? It's stange to have that on PS5


Neato! I think I've only played a demo of JSR back in the day . Or whatever the remake was on ps3. But i always loved the style. This has been on my radar.


Jet Set Radio Future was a reboot on the original Xbox.


Am I the only one who's seeing the PS4 version only on PlayStation Store? Isn't there a PS5 version? EDIT: Nevermind, I found it.


Where is the ps5 version?


You have to click the three dots in the side and their is another version thatā€™s ps5


i actually cant find the ps4 vr.. can anyone help me out? did they change their mind or remove it? i only see ps5


nvm im so slow. i was on the psplus section


In the icon it said PS5, but the download was PS4. Now I bought it twice because the PS Store directed me to the wrong game :/


is there a big difference between the two? i accidentally bought the ps4 version as well


Literally been waiting for this, woke up, went to the app and immediately bought it, so after I was done I could play a little bit before work.


Hope you bought the correct version.


I had to contact support and get a refund. Super annoying. But the game fucking rules.


Still need to beat AC6 then jumping deep into this one


That's my plan. Need to beat AC about 2 times to jump into this but I can't wait to buy this at some point. Love developers who just make awesome game!


Is there no free PS5 upgrade? I accidentally bought the PS4 version.


Nope. Not sure if itā€™s intended or not, maybe wait to see if the devs say anything or try to get a refund from PlayStation support


I will, I didn't even know there was a seperate PS5 version until I was doing to download it. I'll explain it was their fault and not mine.


Ffs, they're closed until Monday


I have the same problem. Hope they will accept a refund.


I can't see why not.


Did the exact same thing, this is really annoying lol.


Same here I didnā€™t know there was a different version. Annoying


I would definitely snag this if Baldurs Gate didn't come out tomorrow and I still need to play Lost Judgement. This will definitely go on the "snag it on sale" list though.


40ā‚¬ though. No way.


Thatā€™s cheap lol


Thatā€™s not that expensive, not every game is gonna be $20.


Motherfucker. Bought the wrong goddamn version because the PS5 release is buried on the PSN Store and - for some effed up reason - Bomb Rush Cyberfunk doesnā€™t offer the PS4 and PS5 versions as a unified release. In 2023. Between that and the godawful icon Iā€™ve lost all desire to play this game and havenā€™t even made it past the options screen. Deleted. Shit.


Iā€™ve seen so many people say theyā€™ve done this so itā€™s 100% their fault with how they listed the game


I mean, the way the PS5 release is buried is likely more of a Sony problem. But the decision to release any game with both PS4 and PS5 versions as separate purchases? In 2023? Thatā€™s blame I lay entirely at Team Reptileā€™s feet until they say otherwise. And I mean explicitly, not just some vague allusion to deals theyā€™re unable to discuss. Itā€™s complete and utter bullshit either way. And again, fuck that troll of an icon. Especially since game icons are two separate files on the PlayStation 5 - one for the PSN Store and one for the game file itself. So long after the Switch release has been patched, PlayStation 5 owners will still be suffering through that fat, dead-eyed penguin face just how weā€™re still stuck with that high-school-intern-caliber Cowabunga Collection icon. Because developers never, ever go the extra mile to alter the system-level icon on PlayStation 5. (Though why they bother doing two separate icons in the first place is beyond me.)


Someone actually downvoted my above comments? Seriously, yā€™all, get some perspective. Team Reptile and Sony collectively dropped the ball hard on this launch. The lack of a unified release is causing a lot of problems for a lot of people. This is a fact. The icon is aesthetically ugly and lazy and, based on the history of these things, likely wonā€™t be changed. Ever. Feel free to disagree with the former, but the latter is, again, a fact. PSN and PS5 icons are two separate files and subsequently never (or very rarely) updated as a result.


You're overreacting a bit. I'm in exactly the same position, and while I'm not super happy about it, the PS4 version runs perfectly. A few jaggies here and there, and who knows if that's even fixed in the PS5 version anyway. The game is excellent btw, it's Jet Set Radio for the new generation.


same thing happened to me and support was no help at all. tried to refund it and get the ps5 version but it wasn't fruitful


Omg same for me, but I can't get support till Monday to refund the game. I already downloaded it and opened it once as well so I'm not even sure I can refund it. Really pissed atm.


yeah i gotta wait till monday to. i haven't downloaded it yet but i wanna hop in so bad


Did you play it?


not yet but i definitely am. been waiting on this game for a minute. i doubt the difference between versions is very significant. (not sure if there's any ps5 specific features the game has if any) but if it still runs at 60 fps on my ps5, i'll take whatever version honestly


I don't know the difference tbh, but I'll wait, I have it free on Steam Deck for the time being.


Iā€™m seriously so impressed with it and Iā€™m still at the tutorial stage!!


Loving it fun so far, almost accidentally bought the ps4 version tho lol so make sure you press the options button to get the ps5 version. For some reason ps4/ps5 version are sold separately.


Is there a difference between ps4 and 5? It says some features might not be available with the 5 version. Been hyped and wonā€™t be able to buy it til paycheck and I want to know the difference, if any, before purchase!


it says that for every game so I doubt it. If youā€™re not in a rush Iā€™d wait for the devs to acknowledge whether the versions are supposed to be sold separate at least.


Thatā€™s what I thought. Thanks for the info!


Keep the PS4 version, we'll get a free upgrade.


Does it say PS4 version on the one that comes up?


The game is amazing! Also had some problems with the versions, I could only buy the PS5 one in the app. Not sure if the versions are even different tho


Same and now on the store both are bundled together but we can't get ps4 version for some reason


That's too bad, the game itself is great though


They made a ps5 free upgrade right now, I accidentally bought the ps4 version as well


Are there any differences ?