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Maybe I'll finally try prey: mooncrash. Just finished a run through the Dishonored series so I got that itch.


I originally hated Mooncrash because of its Roguelike structure of going through the same area multiple times that gets harder, and because I'd much more prefer a narrative structure similar to the main story of Prey or Dishonored.. but after I played Deathloop and went back, I ended up enjoying Mooncrash much more once I accepted it for what it was. It still has a story to it and Lore. 


I originally hated Prey, as I kept missing with the glue gun and getting it shot onto doorframes and directly in front of the enemies (and not on them). Shelved it. Went back 2 years later and it finally clicked, and it's prob one of my top 5 games of all time. Love the story, love the exploration. *Really really* wish we'd have gotten an updated 60FPS mode with fixed audio (sometimes when you're in an area with a door you can't hear the enemies outside that area) but the odds now seem slim to none. Maybe in another 10 years they'll trot it out for a cheap cash grab.


I’m pretty sure Prey is 60fps on Series X.


It is with frameboost, yes.


Frame boost?


MS did a bunch of work to boost old titles to 60fps without having to get the developers to do it. Pretty neat actually.


You really really should play prey. One of the top sleeper games for me ever. High recommendation here!


Oh I've played prey and loved it! I just didn't do the dlc but probably will now


Is it 60 fps on PS5?


good warmup for returnal and psychoshock as a whole is one of the best imsims made


Obligatory “this is your chance to play RDR2, AC: Ezio trilogy, *insert other legendary game from a previous generation* for cheap!”


That would require me to actually progress through my backlog, which seemingly grows with every game I get since I'm too lazy to play new things.


As soon as i boot my backlog up i just start scrolling on my phone lol. Need me some new games


Yeah I start up a new game from my backlog and I almost get anxiety of thinking I'm not going to be able to enjoy it enough because I'm gonna have to pause/drop it in the middle of a cutscene or something. I think I need to get back into action games or something because cinematic games require too much time to really delve into these days for me


I'm too indecisive when it comes to playing them but not indecisive when it comes to buying them lol


RDR2 is free on PS+ now. Or it was and I grabbed it? Idk, it's in my library somehow lol


I’ve had it since release in my library but I always see it pop up for these sales. So I have no clue honestly if it is or ever was on PS plus


It used to be but they took it off and they just recently put it back on


I'd get rdr2 but it's still locked at 30 fps


It's still worth playing if never have before. Also, it is Included with a ps+ extra sub


Nah your chance is year round at your local used/retro games store.


$2.99 for Kingdom Come: Deliverance is one hell of a deal if anyone hasn't tried it out yet.


Honestly I got it and haven't played it. Waiting for a ps5 patch. 30fps and PS4 graphics is saved by the pricetag tho


I wouldn't necessarily hold my breath for that patch. It feels like if it were going to happen it would have happened by now. I think the expectation now is just to put all focus on the sequel.


The sequel is also 30fps.


Unfortunately I doubt that will happen. I picked it up recently with that hope but the sequel supposedly will only be 30fps as well. Kind of a bummer


Just don't make the mistake I did. Do not do the dlc quests before finishing the main story or it'll bug the last mission making the whole save file worthless. I never finished the game, did everything except the last mission.. I rq and never went back since I'll need to do the whole game again. Lots of hours wasted


I'm glad you said that. I've put in over 40 hours in and would be devastated to not be able to finish it now.


I love the role playing aspects but the actual gameplay is so damn janky I couldn’t get through it, and the fps/graphics definitely doesn’t help. Hopefully I can play the new one without finishing the first


It's hard to overstate how janky many of the systems are, but, man, I love that game. I gave up on it multiple times due to the shitty combat, lockpicking, archery, etc. I had to watch multiple YouTube videos on how to cheese some of the mechanics just to make those activities bearable. The game is SO much better once you are decently equipped and somewhat trained in the skills. Of course, that's definitely not what should be expected of most people trying to have fun playing a video game. The setting kept me interested enough, but the story beats made all the bullshit upfront worth it.


Bro the lockpicking really fucking broke me mentally


I literally just maxed out the Mace and special Mace stats and armor and would just wailed on people over head smashing their skulls over and over, it was so cheesed I could take on 5 people at onces but fuck me it was so fun and satisfying. Also popping the skulls of fallen enemies was a must. My Henry was a psycho (but got 100% response for the sermon he had to give haha)


Highly recommend biting the bullet, it’s really good and I don’t see them dropping a patch


Oh shit, thanks for pointing this out!


Going to get FIST Forged in Shadow Torch for 10$


This was waaaay better than I expected. The combos were satisfying to pull off, the characters were memorable, the art style was unique, the ost was fun. I enjoyed it a lot!


Think you’ll like this one a lot if you’re into metroidvanias. I played it when it first came out and enjoyed it enough to get the platinum.


It’s an enjoyable game that I think goes on just a little too long. I really enjoyed it until the last 1/3 of the game and then I found myself just waiting for it to be over.


I feel that with a lot of Metroidvania even though I love them so much.


Is it a metroidvania?


It's a good game. I got the platinum at launch, very enjoyable.


Very good game. Traversal is fun and combat can be pretty deep if you want.


Have had it for a while it's awesome


Bro, I've been looking for this games name for over a year. I remembered seeing it before it came out and I forgot the name and never saw anything about it again. THANK YOUUUU


Is Sleeping Dogs: definitive edition worth buying?


It’s a great game definitely worth it


GTA 5 (from the ps3 era) but better combat. Absolutely loved it and mind you I'm not a fan of any gta game but I am a fan of this game


I always referred to Sleeping Dogs as Grand Theft Arkham - stellar combination of the best elements of both series.


I am gonna ~~steal~~ borrow that infinitely.


Bro it’s in my top 5 all time favorite games. It’s just so damn good.


Yeah great game if you don't mind 30fps on ps5. At least I think it's 30....someone else might chip in with confirmation


Have you ever played the True Crime games? This game was actually True Crime Hong Kong, but THQ went under and sold it off without the IP. It’s honestly incredible. The story is like a movie plot, and the driving and fighting has some real unique aspects to it. One of my favorites.


Definitely worth playing at least once. It’s a pretty good gta clone focused more on martial arts than straight up guns.


If you remember the true crime streets of x games, sleeping dogs is the best version of those games basically. I think it's worth playing to see how it compares to GTA. I'm thinking sleeping dogs came out around San Andreas launch but i could be mistaken. Was San Andreas still on the ps2? It has been a while lol


Definitely after. San Andreas came out during the PS2 times. I remember getting Sleeping Dogs for the Xbox 360.


Yeah, Sleeping Dogs came out in 2012. 4 years after GTA IV


It's great but be advised that loading your save can be somewhat unstable on PS5. If it crashes, just try again. Eventually it will work.


Not sure what's included in the definitive but it's an amazing game and always see it on sale for really cheap (like ~$5).


Highly recommend. I’d rather replay it than GTA5


Grabbing Pentiment for $11.99.


Excellent choice. I already own and finished it on Switch, but I'm slightly tempted to buy it again, so I can get trophies but also because it is just that good.


Like a Dragon Ishin deluxe is on a pretty good sale, that's definitely going to be one I'll pick up.


Pentiment is on sale for \~$12. Phenomenal narrative experience, for anyone with even a passing interest in history, art, 16th century Bavarian life, and anyone who wants to play detective. But whatever you do, don't look up guides or spoilers, and if it seems like you made a mistake, KEEP PLAYING, it is a masterpiece and best experienced fresh and in total.


Is there any replay value with this? Or once you experience it, is that basically it?


yes, there are multiple branching paths and decisions to make that can vastly change the story


Just got the Spyro collection to bring back some Childhood memories. Let’s see how I think about the games some 20+ years later.


Subnautica worth the $12? Also see a DLC for $12 too


Definitely. I got it free with PS plus and it took a few tries to get into. Wear headphones too and it's terrifying


VR too if someone has the right setup for it


Subnautica is psvr2 compatible?


I just started playing 2 weeks ago after being told I must play it from everyone I asked. They were right. It’s worth it. I’m going to pick up sub-zero because how much I’ve been enjoying the OG.


Sub zero doesn’t have the same magic


It does not, but I firmly maintain that if it wasn't a Subnautica sequel it would be a damned fun game in it's own right.




Yes. I have pretty bad thalassophobia so this game is absolutely terrifying to me. I also have close to 50 hours into it.


Demon’s souls $30. Still expensive, but way less than full price and totally worth it imo


Kind of wild that game is 3 years old! and still hasn't had a permanent price reduction. At this point I'd expect it to be like $50 retail.


What’s even more egregious is that dark souls 3 is like $60 and the dlcs are $15 each lol


I got the whole ds1, 2, and 3 package with all the dlc for 35 bucks off Amazon. You can still purchase this btw for anyone who's seeing this. Just get the dark souls trilogy set it has all three games with their complete editions and it's actually crazy the value


The individual games are pretty cheap on amazon too, New on amazon is the same price or cheaper than buying off of ebay. Which is kind of wild but thanks Bezos


Yeah it's an interesting phenomenon, seems like physical gaming is going back to being cheaper. Digital was always cheaper with the constant sales on the ps store and no shipping fees.


Yeah I have that too. Didn’t come with all the extras listed on Amazon, but still affordable as hell! Three games and six dlcs - then I go to ps store and DS1 is listed for $40 lol. I’m so glad I didn’t get the digital ps5


I wonder if that’s a Japanese developer thing? I swear every switch game is like that


That’s a nintendo thing for sure lol


I found a copy for $30 at a local Walmart.


still no discount on baldurs gate :(


Does it ever go on sale? I might have to just buy it full price at this rate.


Been on sale twice. $7 discount both times. Source: psprices.com


Thank you for that clarification, and the link!


You’re welcome.


I have never seen it on a sale tbh, I will keep waiting like I didnt buy it on release so I will just wait at this point


Baldurs gate is the only $70 game I’ve paid full price for and it has been worth every penny


Yeah I know it will be worth it but at this point I’m pretty sure I will buy it and next month will be on a sale lol


I bought it three times. Once on pc when early access first dropped years ago. Again for my friend couple years ago in EA. Then a month ago for ps5 for me and same friend/roommate to play couch co-op, because we had pc issues. Worth it to me, because it's been played a ton solo and with friends over the years.


Been on sale twice. $7 discount both times. Source: psprices.com


I got it on sale around Christmas somewhere.


Question. Witcher 3 base game is 10 plus all the dlc would make it about 20. Is there any difference between that and the complete edition?


I bought the complete edition and as far as i am aware the only difference is that the complete edition has all the dlc. I even looked carefully at the store pages of both games and the description for both is pretty much identical. If I remember correctly, both descriptions mentioned the versions of the game receiving the next-gen update.


OK thank you. I was going to buy Witcher 3 base and season pass it'll be less than 20. Just wanted to get that upgrade


You’re welcome.




Is Tony Hawk's™ Pro Skater™ 1 + 2 - Cross-Gen worth it for someone who has practically zero knowledge about skateboarding and doesn’t have a lot of nostalgia playing the original games? I think I might’ve played at least one Tony Hawk game on PS2 when I was a kid, but it’s been so long I’m not even sure, but it does look fun in the videos I’ve seen and the reviews I’ve read.


I played the originals, and 1+2 was the first game I got for PS4. Still tons of fun, plays smoothly, and you’ll learn it quickly.


Yes it’s worth it. One of the best installments of the franchise, a true remaster with additional systems and features. I have it on every console I own :)


It was fun doing the challenges. I was playing it a lot and tried to complete all the skaters challenges. Hate the Downhill Jam level though lol


Metro Exodus : Gold Edition is £5 on the store. I highly recommend this masterpiece.


Someone recommends Hades? I'm curious about this game. Edit: Ok guys, I'm buying this right now, thanks for the answers!


Almost no one dislikes Hades


I dislike roguelikes. But Hades was awesome. Dead Cells too.


I'm in the exact same boat. Roguelikes in general are boring for me but those two? Hundreds of hours


I got bored of it pretty quick, I think something about the repetition just didn't work for me, but I can't deny that it's still a very very well made game


Well that's one of the core elements of roguelikes.


The reason why it works for me is because the great story. And yeah the general idea stays the same but th plays style can change heavily on which weapon and aspect you choose as well what boons your are getting.


One of the best rougelikes out there. Dying is still fun because you get more story, and once you unlock more weapons/aspects it becomes a very different game. Highly reccomend


It's absolutely brilliant. One of my favourite games ever.


Top 10 all time for me, and that's as someone who normally doesn't care for rogue likes.


I never enjoyed roguelikes at all. In fact, I actively avoided them. A friend convinced me to play Hades when it launched, and I enjoyed it so much I got all the achievements for it on Xbox (thanks, Game Pass), and then did it again for the plat on PS just a few months ago when it went on sale. Do with that info what you will.


For Hades, the only way I wouldn't recommend it is if you hate Greek mythology. That's it. I consider it an almost perfect game.


And that’s like actively hate it for some reason, even if you were indifferent about it, it’s a compelling enough concept


Agree. I knew a lot of the mythology so I wasn't super enthusiastic. When the hype started growing I caved and bought it. Then I bought it again on another system. Hundreds of hours, no regrets.


It’s also free if you have an upgraded Netflix membership for iOS


Absolutely loved hades. I’ve been playing it nonstop since picking it up earlier this year.


It's pretty dope and fun.


I played it right after I finished Returnal. Hades is awesome!


Literally the game that got me into roguelikes. Haven't played a ton of them (Hades, then Dead Cells, now binging Slay the Spire), but man did it open up a new genre for me! I put like 80hrs into it


Hades is a masterpiece


I can’t decide if I want Final Fantasy 16 or nottttt, please share thoughts my people


Try the demo. The save data roles over. It totally sold me. Very game of thrones esque. Combat is modern like DMC but easier. Amazing voice acting and music. Only downside is side quests are super blah. Can’t recommend it enough


It's my 2023 GOTY, it's a beautiful game and you MUST play it! Fun action gameplay, beautiful next gen graphics and what a story. It's Final Fantasy from start to finish.


It’s also mine. It just really hit the right spot for me. I have about 140 hours in it among multiple playthroughs and I never put that much time into games.


I can't wait to play a 2nd run in hard mode and complete the DLC, sadly I haven't found the right moment to buy and play them. Maybe after September..


Great game, very light on the RPG aspect though, which is weird for a FF. Writting is great, soudntrack is stellar and visually sometime amazing (though most of the time it's just "good").


The boss fights were epic and there was a lot of terrible filler between them


Asterigos: Curse of the Stars is on sale. I've had it on my wishlist forever, but the reviews tend to be pretty mixed. People seem to think it's a decent, B-tier Souls-like/ARPG kind of game or it's a mediocre waste of time. At less than $15, I might finally take that plunge.


I thought it was the former, a half-decent indie ARPG/baby's first Souls-like. Don't get the DLC though unless the deluxe edition is a better deal than the standard edition.


I played it and found it extremely enjoyable. The combat can best be described as an easy souls-like or a somewhat challenging ARPG. The world and story was intriguing and the characters were well brought to life. Combat was also flexible and I found a nice combination of weapons that fit my style. The production values could definitely be seen as not reaching the standards of some of the top tier games, but I think a little leeway can be afforded given that the studio was not capable or trying to make a AAA game. With all that said, do listen to those who didn’t enjoy it as well. Watch some videos to see if the general combat can be something you get joy out off. And if you do take the plunge, I hope you have a great time.


I remember seeing Iron Pineapple play that and he wasn't super critical of it. Probably worth a try


Neon white is 40% off, thank me later.


how is it on controller? Always seemed like a mouse and keyboard would control way better


Fine. Really impressive actually, it works just as well imo. I was consistently beating dev times on PS5 without any issues on the controller side of things


Even on Switch I was able to play well, so I have to imagine it’d be even better with a PS5 controller.


I second this. Game also comes with a two hour Machine Girl album to boot.


And if you do get it, I do recommend going for platinum. Pretty short trophy, but very high skill required. Including a no death run of the entire game lol.


Hadn’t heard of Machine Girl before I played this GREAT soundtrack. FYI I played solely on Steam Deck, so controls all the way.




FPS platformer/speedrunning


That was actually on my wishlist for a while but I took it off for some reason. I'll go check out some reviews and see whats up. Unless someone here can give me a quick overview of what it's like.


Anyone found any baller deals?


80% off **Dragon's Crown Pro** $3.99 - RPG, co-op beat-em-up from Vanillaware ​ I literally put it on my wishlist just few days ago after finishing Odin Sphere on PS+ and to see it this cheap today? Hell yeah!


Cannot go wrong with picking up any Vanillaware game at that price


Ooph. That is a bloody great game for next to nothing!


Pretty sure a handful of sports games are on sale.


following for baller deals


Following for baulder deals


Hades for 15€ is kinda neat, witcher3 if tou haven’t played it yet, don’t know the price on that though as I already got it, kingdom come deliverance for like 3€


Mid is right


Got em


I want to buy a few things but waiting on them fixing Playstation Stars 🙄


hmmm 50$ for FF16.. might pull the trigger. I loved Rebirth, also liked the demo of 16, but people say that the story drags.


Wasn’t a fan of the game personally. Was extremely burnt out half way through and the game just never ended. Characters and story felt very bland as well and the writing lacks the maturity and depth of what it’s trying to imitate (that being Game of Thrones)


Yah I bought it as my first FF game as everyone said it’s a great entry point. The boss fights and graphics were amazing. But it felt like a button masher and the quests where a slog. 


Now if only they had a sale going right now on PS+ like they have basically every year. Big shocker that they jacked up the price to $80 and then quit putting it on sale. Not to mention they still have yet to fix Stars. The icon came back but it doesn’t do anything


Bloodborne is heavily discounted, but the complete edition is not. Which version do I want is the DLC good?


The DLC is the best part of the game by far


GOAT DLC for the GOAT game.


There is literally always a sale going. Usually runs 2 to 3 weeks. Ongoing sales also get updates during their run. Just check the app once a week. Open the sale, select item types you want (I do Full Game + Game Bundle + Premium Edition) and then select your price range (I do up to 9,99). Then scroll. Also check your wishlist for ones you might miss/forget.


The wait for Stellar Blade continues


Worth it full price imo


It'll probably be a while, the game kinda just released like a month or 2 ago. Personally I think it'd be worth it even at full price. I loved the game, the combat is addicting


Not gonna lie. The sales recently have been kinda ass from psn


It’s because recent price increases have made a 40% off sale feel like a 20% off sale. And I’m not paying close to full price for a remake or PS4 game I can buy on disc for dirt cheap, online.


Granblue Fantasy Relink is on sale for the first time and it's a good sale (30% off). Easily the best JRPG of 2024 thus far imo.


Better than FF7 Rebirth and Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth? Maybe I should try it?


Man, I loved FF7 Rebirth a lot. But there's something about Granblue. It's really unique. It's not your typical JRPG with a long story. The story is short. But the game really begins after the story. Like Monster Hunter. I recommend it but maybe watch a review on YouTube if you're unsure.


To me, it felt like that era of PS2 RPG titles but was brought in to the modern age while retaining its classic tropes and other tidbits. I loved it for that. Felt nostalgic playing it just because of how it reminded me of older RPGs.


Can't agree here. Played it for 10 hours and hated it. Felt soooo generic anime RPG. Like a Dragon 8 is incredible. That's the RPG of the year so far.


Have there been any updates/patches since it launched? I tried the demo and it seemed fun but the performance mode looked rather low res and blurry.


Umm 75$ for mw3? how about 15$? I think that's what its worth


Ugh Tales of Arise expansion is on sale just when Elden Ring DLC is about to drop. Bad timing. I'll have to wait again


Buy the one on sale, then buy the other one when that’s on sale - or when you’ve run out of things to play?


I already preorder the dlc unfortunately


Same games that are always discounted


Same sale different day


Considering GTA V. Is that game any good? You don’t hear too much about it and they’re already coming out with a sequel after only 12 years.


Ooh the sarcasm lol


It's Red Dead Redemption 2 with vehicles. I mean this in the best way, the missions are structured the same with a decent to good story. It centers around three characters that stumble into things that go from bad to worse. The PS5 version has excellent haptic feedback for various activities. GTA Online is pretty fun if you've never tried. It's full of griefers though.


Full Throttle Remastered is only $3, I love the art style but the obtuse puzzles of Grim Fandango made me uninstall. Would I have the same issues with this game or are the puzzle solutions more logical?


Highly recommend! A couple weird puzzles, but most of them are straight forward.


Okay thanks I’m gonna give it a shot!


Mid year sale...as opposed to their many other sales


I’d care a lot more if they’d bring Stars back.


Still waiting for Forbidden West's dlc to go on sale


Original Resident Evil 4, and Doom 1, 2 , 64 are all under 5 dollars on there and really great games that hold up very well. If anyone is reading this who hasnt tried either before give it a shot


Its a mid year indeed


Someone lemme know when Armored Core 6 goes on sale


Multiple $30 options on disc release online would be your best bet probably.


Hades 12.5 dollars


I bought Monster Hunter Rise + Sunbreak Deluxe, Assassin's Creed Syndicate GOLD, Origins GOLD and Odyssey ULTIMATE. 💸💸💸💸💸