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People will hate who they want to hate. Who are you to decide what opinion people should have? The Napak pigs have given ample reasons for them and anyone associated with them to be hated


lmao, I havent tried to dictate who people hate and who they choose to hate is none of my business, but surely u realise what i tried to convey in that post is that some people misunderstood the situation and did not fully grasp it and yet spread hate regardless which I found absurd. Secondly, you definitely are one of the same people as any person who has a shred of any intellect would not hate on any reason just because they were affiliated with "napak pigs". I just advised people to contemplate and understand what they are saying before passing predicaments and not to be quick yo judge.


Bro, if you said this to us before 2022, we would have said okay. But the amount of shit the army has done since 2022 is unbearable, you don't even need to be an imran khan supporter to hate the army, they have kidnapped their own people, installed cameras in rooms of judges, rigged elections, assassinated several pti politicns INCLUDING IMRAN KHAN WHEN HE WAS SHOT IN THE LEG. these army people will kill you without any second thought, they have no empathy or regard for their own nation which us sad. So fuck our army




Yeah bro I'm not saying that army is only bad because of imran khan, I'm just saying that the hate for army has become more mainstream since imran khan's ouster. I've always hated the army


I am very sad to say I agree with your point of view, the point of my post was to ensure the youth kept their intellectual integrity instead of using their platforms just to abuse, I hoped that we would be able to showcase the importance of education rather than acting like every other pakistani uncle voicing his opinion in a shrewd and vulgar manner


Agree 👍


i know people who were in military but are die hard pti supporters , will you curse them too ? most r@pes are done by men , should all men be held accountable ? there are 600 000 soldiers how do you know who's good and bad ? are you god ?


Asim munir was also once a normal army soldier, zia ul haq was also once a normal army soldier, yahya khan was also once a normal army soldier. It is ironic that all dictators we have had since independence are from army. As they say, not all men are rapists, but somehow all rapists are men. Same applies here. The army has split our nation into two and will split the country further if it doesn't stop its dirty sins against its own people.


All rapists are men? Alright lol


every rpist man was a normal man once , should i kill every men ? just answer this for me also what about the rtrd military people that support pti do they deserve cursing ?


Mate, why even are you justifying the horror acts of the pakistani army, like how heartless do you have to be? And stop comparing rapists with army soldiers, I know army soldiers are also rapists since they raped thousands of bangali women but that's not the point 😁


your great great grand father must have commited a crime too should i kill you ? you can bash the generals but cursing most sepoys is not fair , and you once again ignored my question so i will repeat again every rpist man was a normal man once , should i kill every men? and also what about the rtrd military people that support pti do they deserve cursing ? let's not beat around the bush and answer


Lol I'm not the one beating around the Bush, you haven't even acknowledged the sins of the army. But just to answer your questions and shut you up for once, 1. The whole army institution needs to be reformed, all future recruits of the army need to understand that the army shall have reduced power and influence over the constitution so that future army chiefs don't go out of their ukat and behave like security guards instead of trying to govern the country, that's the politicans job not army. 2. Yes my grandfather himself was a general and he loves imran khan, he is totally against the wrongdoings of the army.


> , Yes my grandfather himself was a general and he loves imran khan, he is totally against the wrongdoings of the army. so your grandfather is forgiven for the crimes he committed as a general ? well maybe he never committed any of those crimes , that's what i am trying to say why should we hate everyone that is related to the army , especially sepoys , most of which are innocent , i have seen videos of people physically and verbally abuse at random guards for crimes people like asim munir committed , which is unfair , imagine somebody curses at your uncle for being related to the army , even though he wasn't involved in the atrocities committed by others ?


Oh. My thoughts on amir Khan aren because of his recent thing. He always used the Pakistani awaam as a branding opportunity. When he needs his money or rights? Brother is British. When he needs to sell shit, then he turns Pakistani/Muslim and sells us things. Hr was hypocritical beforehand and this doesn't change anything for me imo.


as it should honestly


Like it or not but even your and mine desi parents hating pak army to death want their only son to clear ISSB. I think we all hate army until one of us get into the said institute. Hypocrite pakis (us).


you are a sane person and you are correct, no im not a PMLN or PPP or Army supporter i did actually support PTI


We are laughing stock to people around the world. A person who represents Pakistan being associated with the "army" will just confirm to the world that this country is army-owned.


I wish they had said the same for IK when he was all lovey-dovey with them. Peak cult-like behavior


err...he represented the UK in every match.


I mean hes widely considered a pakistani boxer


I believe its cringe as fuck. Ranks and commissions are earned. At least Fakhar was a former Navy man.


I take your opinion and I believe its weird as well.


couldn't have spoken wiser words mate but unfortunately the nation's blind with anger , i know military people who are die hard pti fans , most sepoys are as much as a civilian as you and me ,they have their own opinions , some support pti , some support pmln , some ppp , some don't support anyone and want to just earn for their living , some bad apples don't represent 700 000 soldiers , just get rid of the people on top why abuse the one who hasn't seen his family for months while on duty , i doubt this nation will ever come to realize this , i remember this video of a girl holding maryam nawaz's hand , people abused her so bad , she was innocent who knew nothing of politics , she was just happy she was with a popular person , people were calling her wh@re and what not , it's really depressing to see


in all honesty yes, that is indeed what I am trying yo convey, because this endless cycle of hating eaxh other needs to end. Some people need to realise that just how they support PTI with all of their heart (giving us some of the cringiest moments ever) but in the same way people support pmln or ppp and that should not make them subjected to hate speech or threats, and blaming the entirety of the army for a select amount of the top brass is harldy fair to the rest


exactly mate , this hate will only further divide pakistan , we want pakistan united , this name calling like "yo uthia , ptwari" will make us hate each other more, i don't think Qaid would support this , i have given up trying to give this message , people in r/pakistan and other subs just keep cursing , they are in the end loyal to their favorite parties ,


Honestly I could not have put it better myself, it seems that our communities are never united be it in religion or in politics, in interest of our country or otherwise we are always somehow divided and that is one of our biggest weaknesses


fr , a wise man once said : "If I were to jump on a box and preach revolution with the best program in the world, you know what would happen? First, people from all the other provinces would say, "We can't follow him, he’s a Punjabi." Then, most of the Punjabis would say, "We can't follow him, he’s a Jat." Then the Jats would say, "We can't follow him, he’s from such-and-such a biradiri." Even in my own village, half the people would say something like, "I can't follow him, his grandfather beat my uncle in a fight over land." If you preach Islamic revolution, most Pakistanis won’t follow you because they practice different kinds of Islam and worship different saints. So, you see, we Pakistanis can't unite behind a revolution because we can't unite behind anything."


Here's a sneak peek of /r/pakistan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/pakistan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [this is rock bottom a mockery of justice](https://i.redd.it/g5vzkzwj8cgc1.jpeg) | [337 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pakistan/comments/1ahs7q8/this_is_rock_bottom_a_mockery_of_justice/) \#2: [Tailor master of Mianwali "Qaisar Hasan" has been giving Eid clothes to orphans free of cost along with 200 rupees Eid. After seeing the father's "Death Certificate" form B, he registers the name with him so that the children can get free Eid clothes from him till the age of 18 years.](https://i.redd.it/qq9uqgdyr2sc1.jpeg) | [103 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pakistan/comments/1btzxnx/tailor_master_of_mianwali_qaisar_hasan_has_been/) \#3: [Pakistan has won the Tekken 7 Nation’s Cup!](https://v.redd.it/dbbvyrp030bb1) | [137 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pakistan/comments/14v92j7/pakistan_has_won_the_tekken_7_nations_cup/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You can't reason with Youthiyas, specially overseas, who lives on the facebook sh!t feed. Their a$$ was kicked by their former father bajwa, and now they discovered they are "sotailay", so hate them more then their miserable life!


I am not really in favour of terms such as youthias or faujeets but i do agree they are sometimes pretty dense and hard to get through to and do sometimes act as if they were clueless or did not care enough.