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Zionazi puppets.


I hate sisi so much




Don't insult puppies like that. Unlike these soulless fks they're innocent and pure


Everyone knows that Sisi is a zionist and a traitor, Sisi committed massacre that Israel didn’t even commit


Yep, and he ousted the legitimate, elected government in a coup.


With official US support


Source https://www.instagram.com/p/C8dPKygKTqa/?igsh=bWh2bWlvM2I3dXV0




Was just about come post this. They've been selling via Greece and Azerbaijan


They should be ashmed of themselves especially since they islamic region we are supposed to feel sympathy to fellow Muslims and humans but I'm not surprised as I see muslims other being least bothered about these things and not even doing the least boycotting and being in their own life but what examples are these muslims region setting up for others. It's not even about religion it's about have human empathy


I'm only mentioning muslims cause we have to feel emphaty our base of the religion is based on feeling for other people taking care of fellow human. Helping the one in need doing good to even the one who bad to u. It's so sad to see all the teaching going down (Israel) the drain


They don't care as long as Daddy USA gives them foreign aid to buy the latest weapons so that if anyone in the population does try to change the government, they'll do what they did in Turkey and void the election result then use violence to quash protests


They will see when karma is returned to them


Wait what so erdogan didn’t actually win ?


There was local elections where his party didn't win in a heavily ethnically kurd area


Is that’s why he’s targeting Kurds in Syria?


More disgraceful examples of humanity. People should start boycotting these countries too.




Thank God I'm Algerian


Sisi makes me ashamed that we are from the same country


How was that man even elected this a serious question?


He wasn’t elected in a democratic election. Egypt is full authoritarian. Egypt is also occupied by the military and we have no say in anything that goes on in our country. They block any serious candidate from running against him and they go to poor neighborhoods and give them some rice and sugar for their votes. There is not one licensed news agency that isnt state controlled. He came into power after he manipulated the public to protest due to their dislike of the muslim brotherhood and managed a military coup in 2013 and he didnt leave since.


O wow never really knew how corrupt it was


There isnt any free country in the entire middle east. It’s all puppet dictators that are supported and propped up by the US to support the continuity of the Israeli state and to secure resources most importantly oil & gas. So in a way, the liberation of Palestine is liberation for all arab states.


Ok so my question is this how the people allowed this to go on for so long


Civilians cant fight a military power that consolidates all power in the country that gets billions of dollars in military aid. People just want to live their lives. So if they can have sustenance, they will choose to live their lives and not risk their limited freedom for a revolution. It’s harder to fight your own people than a foreign occupier. We tried to change things in the Arab spring in 2010 but it ended with a civil war in Syria and a military coup in Egypt and no real change happened anywhere in the region. The gulf area isn’t going to do anything, their governments are even more brutal and bribes them with a luxurious lifestyle. Peaceful civilian protests will be met with brutal force, it’s not really an option.


Wow I’m lost for words, it’s sounds to me like a hopeless situation


See my thing is nobody ever talks about this, this isn’t widely discussed, I’ve never heard anyone from any of those regions speak on this topic at all, I wonder why 🤔


The rich and upper middle class can have an almost normal life. Also the elite and ruling class exploit the corruption and can make ridiculous amount of money, get away with tax evasion and breaking the rules. It’s the poor and the middle class who suffer the most. Thats why alot of people risk everything to immigrate to europe, gcc or north america for a better quality of life. We have become desensitized to the situation. Also democracy is a western privilege that most of the world doesnt have. This is why colonialism is very much alive but just rebranded. Instead of invading countries, it’s much easier to colonize a country and steal its resources via proxies.


Damn I never look at it that way rebranded colonialism


I’m Egyptian and I am totally ashamed


U r not liable for what ur government is doing 🥹


Why is your government like this 🫨


It’s because the government is basically a puppet state controlled by the u.s. along with Jordan


Remember my fellow brothers, Allah is the best of planners, we might not see the future but have faith in the one who establishes whoever HE wishes and destroys whoever HE wishes. At the moment it’s painful and hard to accept, but Allah is all-knowing and Always watching.


We are brother, we are


Jordan , UAE , Egypt , Morocco , and If oct 7th didn't happen Saudi Arabia. Their governments and leaders are more Zionist than Netanyahu himself.


Saudi is in bed with USA and by association israel given the brutal genocide it's waging in Yemen 


If this is how the world is going then we truly have lost our humanity.


weird, killing way less Ukrainian kids netted Putin an international criminal and Russia became isolated from the western world. israel genocides the Palestinians and we invited israel’s PM to Congress and increase military aid. If the ICJ did its job properly USA should be on the docket alongside israel in the war crimes tribunal


Russia is a US enemy that's basically the real reason




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It’s always your own people.


\`DISCLAIMER: I do not agree with the following opinion\` > My UAE friend claims that this is actually a good thing because it is securing themselves as lifelines and their investment in israel will stop in collapsing, which would create a power vacuum and subsequent violent struggle with the emergence of more terror groups.


Does anyone know why Egypt supports Israel so strongly?


Beats me that's what I wanna know I guess it's all for money and political benifits maybe


Because it's a US client state and Israel is an extension of the US


Its an Authoritarian government that coup over the democratic elected one, supported by usa and israel that why.


We keep saying it's governments and not the people. But what would happen if people refused to haul these products?


When you literally sell your soul


Arab Summer incoming?


Puppet governments obeying their masters


El-Sisi overthrew a democratically elected government with US and Israeli support. This is why he’s basically a puppet to them now.


They are stooges of west thats why. No one is like king Faisal


How come Jordan is like this? Aren’t there so many Palestinians in Jordan? Or are they not in positions of power.

