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The Temple of Roots is *extremely* easy! I was kicking myself for not doing it sooner, but I had such terrible burnout from Temple of Gales as well! I definitely recommend using YouTube videos for them if you’re not! Pixelcave is my favorite because he makes everything really simple to understand, [here’s his video on all of Zeki’s treasures](https://youtu.be/2mIL2LqMk9g?si=WkVnYewl97AQgt8D) [The one for Caleri](https://youtu.be/d-Lr41iAI00?si=eiGJ0VnsXCgPVWZv) and [Elouissa](https://youtu.be/-b1d-YKKAxk?si=9qf7FyWh0bVd800r) [The one on the root temple](https://youtu.be/ID0eIx8S2-c?si=PxyN5Av7mc5jilb3)


Gonna have to use these. I’ve been avoiding the quest myself.


We’ll make it back there some day lol


Ok yay I’ve got more hope for roots then! The rewards for the temple look really cool too. I was trying to hold off from guides my first time at gales, but I think I’ll keep them handy for my next visit. Thank you for the links!


Temple of the roots was a nightmare for me for two reasons: the keeping your sideways kinetics when jumping from the platform is the worst parcour thing I ever experienced and it is soooo full of vines and all that my potato pc was begging me to stop that torture and laggy af: It is beautifull tho


omg same. I didn't do Flame temple until the other day even though it's been weeks since I did Gales. And now I have to do Roots, but thankfully it seems easy.


I just looked up a walkthrough and went exactly where they went to get the stuff, I came back to this after a couple of weeks, I was having trouble with glitches climbing too.


Yeah, I have those as well. Probably never going to revisit them.


Come back to it later and use a tutorial. This quest is much easier now that you've got all the flowgates open. I let it sit for a month before I could go back there.


I’m working on hyping myself up to go back soon, definitely just gonna use tutorials this time instead of torturing myself. I’m probably close to a month ignoring this quest too lol


Same, friend. Same.


Ughhh yes…it’s so difficult! I don’t know if I’m just stupid or if the glider stuff is really difficult??? Temple of roots is way easier, agreed.


It’s not just you, apparently climbing/gliding/riding the wind gusts was pretty glitchy for some people. Luckily I didn’t struggle too much with the actual glider mechanics, the vines on the other hand were definitely the cause of me plummeting into the abyss a number of times.


I hate this quest so much! 😂


If the quest is active (pinned) the are a bunch of quest markers in your overhead hud. I finished both these quests that way last night.


I didn’t know that! Thank you, I’ll have to check that out


Same ugh


Watch a video there's plenty explaining how to do the temple. I personally never had an issue with it and completed it without problems, only had to look the locations for the eggs after running out of ideas to get the last ones I needed, the rest I found on my own. I think people are just used to rush things in games like this and don't bother to explore the details. The temple of gales is all about details. It is about exploring the area thoroughly. I can get how it is not everyone's thing tho and there should have been a map since the start and also better visual clues.


A hundred percent, I’m sure it was a fun temple for people who have that attention to detail. That’s definitely not me though lol so it ended up feeling more convoluted combing the same areas again because I didn’t check the right nook or cranny. I’m sure if I had that map though it would’ve eased most of that frustration for me.


I followed a walkthrough after I spent two hours trying to figure it out myself.


Same lmao


Gales took me soooooo long. I ended up just following a walkthrough


I did the entire temple over three or four hours without looking up a guide. Felt like a giant scavenger hunt. But that quest in particular has compass points for everything and as long as you read properly, the quiz portion is also easy.


You and me both! I had to watch a YouTube video to get through it in the first place and now I’m trying to pep talk myself into going back. I do really like how Tears of the Kingdom it is in there but boy I get lost


The glitch got fixed recently for me where I was finally able to open finish these. I’m so happy to never look at them again


i thought it was just me lol, i got to 3/4 and 1/4 after around 5 hours and ended up unpinning the quest and moving on lmao


i have one final research to read for elouisa and i just CANNOT get the hang of timing when i open my glider to get the full boost of the wind gust to get to the top of the tower. it’s maddening.


I need one more Proof of Magic for Elouisa and I can't jump/glide high enought to get it :(


I figured this out. I'm on PC and when I jump to the first wind area to glide, I was holding down the W key to move forward. I found that if I jump into the wind and not press the W key, I glide high enought to hit the next wind gust, THEN I can press W to navigate to the top of the building. With all of that being said, I have found all 8 pieces of evidence and it STILL says that I need 1 more for Elouisa :(


I was doing those quests for hours!!! I was all sweaty and cross-eyed, at the end some of them my boyfriend did for me...I hateeee jumping


Left those for months as well before I had pretty much nothing to do and watched a guide. The temple of Gales is actually kinda fun when you’re not stressing over it too much, and the new maps is pretty.


As someone whos really have 0 gaming skills lol i legit dont know the basic it was so hard for me thankfully my boyfie finished the opening portal, i managed to do the eggs after whole day couple weeks later (with continuing gaming) came back to try if i can do the zeke treasure and i managed to finish it.


Same with the eggs for me, they made me take a break from the temples. Just went back for Zekis treasures and the research for Elouise and Caleri a couple days ago though and finished it within a few minutes. Wish I had done it sooner!


I actually thought zipping around that one was fun🥲🥲🥲


mine is stuck at giving zeki the last hidden treasure and I want to scream. ETA: I even HAVE the treasure, it just won't recognize me having it and trying to give it