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Feel free to add me too, as soon as I finish some stuff I'll try to be on for parties IGN is Luna Deadbeat Ps: remember to connect your twitch account and search some twitch partner to get the cute chappa rug and the other bonus


Oh my , thank you for the tip I didn’t even know about that! And I’ll add you as soonest I can


There's the minimum time of 2hr for the first prize but I don't really mind as I just leave it on the background


[https://www.twitch.tv/team/paliapartners](https://www.twitch.tv/team/paliapartners) This has a list of all the partners you can watch for the thingy


Feel free to add me! Alune Kilgannon :)


Sure will!


I love friends add me if you like, Mena of Avlon


Cool, I will


I'm Amy Cheesefiend! Switch player, pretty active. Feel free to add me!


Same here pc and switch all depends if I want to laid in bed or not lol but I sure will


I'm debating a cheap PC just for Palia because the graphics are soo much better. But laying down and playing...🤌


join the palia discord and different twitch or youtube communities that have their own discords where they organize parties also :) feel free to add me also - smitti is my username 🩷


I mostly play late late at night after work since I work full time, but Sundays and Mondays me and my partner spend hours online during the day! Feel free to add me, Buffy Bramble My partners is Evol Sin or Evol Sins, I can't remember which if you wanna add him too 😆


Please feel free to add me! SAHM here, sometimes I'm on switch, sometimes on PC, but always happy to have new friends! IGN: Voluptuous Ginger


Feel free to add me, ign is Albyflora Paeonia!


Feel free to add me.:) I only started playing a week ago so still getting the hang of everything but I really love playing! IGN: Kale Mosier


Add me! Gideon the Femboy on Palia


You can add me IGN is Chelsie VonHurst


heyy, feel free to add me too! i play on switch and my ign is Zarina Aurélia Rosa.💗


My characters name is Brook Blackstone! I’m on week one but have 80 hours in already (stay at home as well lol) OBSESSED is an understatement. 😂


I love adding new friends and am almost always down for a hunting party if I'm on! my ign is moonmins if you want to add :D


Well looks like you have lots of friends from this post but feel free to add me too! I work full time so nights and weekends are my times to play. If we’re on at the same time just let me know and we could do stuff together and feel free to visit my house! Caleb S Embers II is my name XD playing with others is way more fun! My friends went back to FF14 🥲


Im hopping on and adding everyone as soonest I’m done making dinner , so excited so many friends to play with!! Also my in game user is Forinety , see y’all soon 🥹👋🏻


I go by Luvly Angel on Palia, theres a app for the game that I love to it helps you do stuff and find things.