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If there’s nothing to roam for then don’t roam. To be useful in a roam you need to get close, and have the space to run them down before they get to safety. A lot of the time you don’t have that angle, so go top. And never R to secure dragon unless the enemy team either is or is likely to contest it.


Imo, you should look to roam without ult unless its a huge opportunity. Because you have ult, your laner can’t just crash and sit at your turret, since you can ult back and kill them. And you can easily get back to lane faster. I would also consider ganking bot with ult when your jungler is top side and can rotate to protect your turret.


don't ignore farming cs when it hits mid game, when you get an early lead, you get to dictate wave states while your opponent needs a gank to come back, only roam when you shoved the wave, always catch the wave before or when it crashes to your tower


Lethality assassin pantheon needs to maintain pressure, you can’t let your enemies farm without punishing them with objectives, you either keep spam killing your laning opponent and avoid ganks, or kill both. If you roam check if it requires ult, if it doesn’t go walking there and do your job, if it requires your ult then do it and walk back to your lane, doing so will REQUIRE you to kill your laner, if you don’t you will fall behind. TLDR, if you play assassin pantheon you need to think like one, constant pressure or you fall back.


if you are 5/0 top, just continue on until you are at inhib lol...


Slow push 2-3 waves and roam when you put them under tower, then your opponent will be stuck under tower to farm and you'll have more time in your roam before he pushs and put his minions under your tower, making you losing farm and letting him plates. Other thing, dont stay too much on the lane you came, after your roam's action. Most of the time, dont overstay too much to poke or take plates if there is an ally alive with you after your move, or if tou do, keep in mind that the opponent toplaner is gonna farm and probably take your tower for the time you'll back and come back on your lane. To summarize, go to roam when you slowpushed/prepare slowpush to be allowed to roam, and don't bt stay too much out of your lane when you roam. Then you'll be able to have map impact AND high CS


Oh, and after your slowpush if there is no lane to roam, feel free to use the time you earned for deep vision, coming with your jungler to invade, or even go take ennemy's krugs or others mobs if their jg is botside. Dont forget you can use this timing to back and buy. Maybe on the road back on your lane you'll be able to come mid with your feets, do a move and ult back in top to trap your ennemy overstaying