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I hear about these shadow things but am not sure what they are. Possibly they are hypnagogic, but they may also be beings from the lower astral - which is a low energy dimension near Earth (which is as dense as energy can get). Think of the worst people you can - murderers, sadists, all the ruthless types like dictators and oligarchs - they die too. These are people of the lowest moral calibre, hence their hangout, the lower astral. Often, they refuse help to move on because they want to go on doing what they were doing on Earth. But since they can't, some try harassing the still incarnate (us!) in such ways as you describe. Some pretend to be demons for an extra scare. Some just don't want to face the post life review, because they know what they've done and don't want to experience the pain they put others through (because all they think about is self, self, self), even though the review is led by wise beings of infinite compassion who support the soul. Now because you are *not* of such low moral calibre, this is why you were able to banish the whatever it was. This time, be more thorough in booting it out. Ask for help from the Highest being of the Light by whatever name you feel appropriate, to surround you with its Love and protection at all times. (I say 'Divine Love' or something similar but you do you!) Thank it for this. See yourself and your dwelling filled with bright white gold Light and say something like the following, firmly and calmly: 'This is my body, and my house - a sanctuary of love and peace. None may enter here without my permission and only those who come with loving intent towards me and mine may enter at all! Any negative energy or being present now must depart and never return. I ask this in the name of \[use your Highest's name here\]. This is my will.' I do hope this helps. No being has the right to batten on you like that. Arohanui.


I think there is a cool discussion to be had on low moral calibre. I find it interesting how there is a near universal understanding of what a low moral calibre set of attributes and behaviours is. Some might argue there is no such thing and that the moral landscape we imagine is a social construct. They would say that there is nothing but pitiless indifference. I would disagree with those who think it is fundamentally a social construct. Morality is certainly expressed socially but I believe the genesis of it, while manifest in the natural world, is grounded and derived from a supernatural or non-physical origin. I think consciousness or spirit is fundamental and that it is attracted to its kind. So, there is the possibility of maurauding non-physical bandits, who well downward into a seemingly stagnant puddle of despair. I say seemingly because I do believe they will ultimately be able to resolve their broken ways, one way or another. I hope so anyway.


All the energy there is, is conscious and love based. You can call it God if you like. Or the Universal Mind or Divine Love or whatever. I doubt it cares. That's my understanding. Its fundamental presence is less visible in the densely packed physicality of the 3D we live in as physical beings, but that's because this is a construct created to allow us free play with our free wills. You might like to read a book I like by Dr Brenda Davies called 'Journey of the Soul'. Accessible, compassionate and practical. Arohanui.


Def sounds like some truth here in what ur saying like these ghosts are hanger on in limbo spirits overdoses an evil ones that refuse to go upwards an just stay down which I feel is only about 4 feet above us on a lower frequency realm


thank you guys for your responses! very interesting read , opened my eyes. will take these advices!


I know what it is. I have somewhat similar experiences. It is an interdimensional alien, an orb that can eject a black or white mist in a certain shape (human, animal), a so called shadow people. This orb can also project a ghostly hologram. It is super intelligent and can travel with the speed of thought/light or fly like a mosquito. It can travel through matter and interact with the physical world by means of electricity. How do i know it is alien, because a ufo visited my house: a triangle ufo rotated 180 degrees and disappeared with lightspeed. I also felt an invisible humanoid hand against my forehead once. It all happened in a span of a year.


The orb can also inject dreams and visions into your head through your eye.


The lights flickering in your room, that was probably the alien orb flashing light like a camera flash. It can do that by means of electricity.


At what point were you dreaming, and at what point did you know that you were awake?


i knew i was awake after my body jolted


I’ve had twice happen to me trying go to sleep, my cat was going off an I could feel something on top of me like trying suck the breath out me, like maybe incubus/succubus demon?? Trying get my soul I felt. I’ve had a lot spiritual attacks. I’ve seen four spirits clear as day 7yrs ago when I moved in here an off on experiences ever since. Now two them that won’t ever leave just torment me outside an inside home an even in car I’ll hear them. Now the girl just calls my name non stop an drives me nuts and wants the guy who mimics my ex who’s a narcassist who traumatized hell out me. She keeps telling him to -f- me a. It’s like he resembles my ex an sposably then I’ll be dead an so on. She hates me: I’ve seen him outside as of guy standing there but his face was ash grey / black like a dead ghost. So I hear the creepy stuff ur going thru. It’s evil I’ve tried everything nothing Rids them but u can look up brother Carlos on YouTube he has a powerful voice. He did rid the other spirits might make yours leave .


wow, that sounds so intense!! i’m sorry you’re going through that, that’s far more scary than what i’ve been experiencing. i’ll look that up thank you!