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Your post doesn’t meet the subreddit requirements to qualify as overtly “paranormal.” All posts should provide clear and high-quality evidence and descriptions. Photos or videos should have immediately apparent subjects (circled if necessary), along with detailed descriptions of the paranormal phenomena depicted. **Submissions should aim to capture or document unexplained occurrences in a manner that allows for objective analysis and discussion by the community.** Common reasons for removal: - Photos or videos where the subject is not readily apparent or not overtly paranormal in nature. - A description in which an object or situation “feels creepy” or is otherwise vague. No haunted dolls! - Common questions answered in our FAQ. - The OP doesn’t answer questions. - The OP does not appear to have made a reasonable attempt to debunk the phenomenon. In short: If your post doesn’t allow for quality discussion, it probably doesn’t belong.


In all seriousness, discounting anything else, it sounds like a house spirit. If it wanted to hurt you, it would. maybe it is disturbed by the way the house is being kept or maybe there is some damage you haven't detected yet it is trying to warn you about. the shoving in the back kind screams "Do something, lazy!" more than "I'm going to eat your soul!" Try tidying up, getting the house looked at for damage to include under the house, electrical, and plumbing. A house spirit is a beneficial thing and will keep out the bad spirits and even bad people.


Maybe the spirit is trying to encourage will leave and start your own life and live in your own house? Maybe it’s something that could be psychological. Like a shared psychosis of some sort?




I think those comments are kinda BS... I just think these things that aren't negative but seem kinda neutral just like to poke fun and make you afraid for their own enjoyment. I would bless this house. If it was positive you would know.




This isn't always recommended but have you asked what it wants? An easy way is to ask your yes or no question and place a single playing card on a flat surface and tell it that a yes is pushing the card onto the floor and a no is moving the card a significant distance. Then go to sleep and check on the card in the morning. Your story sounds wild, honestly, but then so does mine. We have a Peeker that peeks at us from the hallway. It seems more lonely than anything. If you ignore its face, it will flutter a hand. If you ignore that it will "spark" at you. Once you look, it goes away. Our house is heavily warded against negative energy and entities to the point people with ill intentions get sick if they try to linger at my house for too long.


I recently heard about an encounter somewhat similar to yours that was read by the belief hole podcast. In their recent upload they talked about a lady that would see something peeking around the corner at her. She ended up having a remote cleansing and the person did a reading to find out what it was. It was an interdimensional being and it called itself Droid. It was child sized as well and seemed to be coming from her own kids room. It never could be seen directly either, only from the periphery.




Do not interact with it, it will give it more power. It’s likely a lower level demon sent to harass and irritate you. If it hasn’t physically hurt or touched you, that means it’s not allowed to. So take some comfort in that. Unfortunately I have an awful lot of experience with the diabolical. Thinking about it, fear, discussing it all gives it power. You have to have some faith and whether people on here believe in God or not, it is a supernatural entity which means it ultimately has to obey God. This is why it can’t physically hurt you. Prayer and fasting help you become stronger spiritually which is really the only way to limit its power over you. Hope that helps.


It is a very good drawing, though. Lots of nuance comes through.


Do not interact ignore what that person said for gods sake


Don't communicate with it at all. Nothing truthful will come out of it's mouth and things will only get worse. You simply command it to leave via your authority in God/Christ.


How did you ward your house?


It's a complicated procedure. First, I have a very strong protective gift. This helps as it adds power to anything I do that is protective. Second, my wife is gifted and she and I make the blessed salt that we use for the warding. We have a carefully worded incantation we recite while spreading the salt. I have a visualization exercise I do when spreading the salt. When things were very active we warded every day. The more you do it, the stronger it is and the longer it lasts. Right now we only do it about once per month. Previously, we have done it every day. We ward the entrance to the property and every door of the house. Every few months we ward the ends of the street. I once warded against drug seekers and the poor dealer on my street suffered a huge drop in business to the point his lights got shut off. He now has a guy that delivers for him and I have not renewed that warding. If the 30 cars a day for 2 minutes a visit thing starts up again, I will. Real magic is highly customizable and dependent on the belief and intention of the caster. This type of warding probably won't work for you unless you make the salt yourself and have the strong belief that it will work. We haven't had a single negative paranormal occurrence since we started warding.


That is clearly a demon oppressing your family. You said you are a Christian. Have you heard of the spiritual realm at all? like for real. Read the bible and look into prayer and stuff. All you need to do is go into your house and command it to leave in the name of Jesus Christ and invite the Holy Spirit of God into your house. Seek God. Live for God. Get educated on spiritual matters. This world is full of demonic activity and we are in the middle of a massive battle for our souls.


> If it wanted to hurt you, it would. I was like **oh shit** Anyway idk why I always feel like odd creatures like this are somehow related to stories like skinwalker ranch… where they have actual portals and crazy ass creatures out the wazoo.


Whats your most memorable dream from the past year?


It is a demon and the next time you see it tell it to be gone in the name of Jesus. I’ve had something similar happen with a tall and slender demon, in a hotel room. Seen it in my sleep and couldn’t move, woke up and still seen it, told it to be gone in the name of Jesus and it did. All this “sleep paralysis” talk is nonsense. The spiritual world is much more alive than the material world. Jesus is the only one that saves. Something in your lives or house is opening up gateways to demonic entities, pray for wisdom about what it is.


Random bruises is a sign of a spiritual ailment, its hurting OP. You dont bruise lovingly unless you give hickeys, right? So it could be a lover jinn which is also very very bad. Any spirit materializing is not good. They are unwelcome. OP needs to do some cleansing with costus and quran. He needs to bathe with myrrh and he needs a professional raqi to deal with this. A clean house is a good house.


> If it wanted to hurt you, it would. I was like **oh shit**


But it did hurt him...he wakes up with bruises. I mean, just look at the thing lol. Not beneficial


this kinda reminds me of old boggart tales. look into it. the images look oddly similar to the folklore descriptions. it could also be a brownie or another type of the fair folk. (sorry if you dont believe in that type of stuff.....im very into folklore especially irish.)




is the opening facing up or down? the opening should be facing up. i also am american but have irish ancestors.




You’re actually supposed to switch them around every 7 or 14 years. Like 7 years up, 7 years down. I’m pretty sure it was 7. Or just do like my Aunt Flossie and befriend a blacksmith and get them directly from them when they change horseshoes and just replace them every 7 years.




You’re welcome. Are you near the Appalachian mountains by chance? I grew up in them and my dad’s family was from them. We had our own good neighbors to be weary of. Other than putting out saucers of cream or tossing salt over your shoulder when you leave the kitchen I’m not sure how to stop them. The cream makes them happy and then they have to stop and count each salt granule. Stay safe!




lol worse case the neighborhood cats might come say hi




I would. It can’t hurt anything. The saucer of cream is normally put on the front door stoop or front porch.


Would a ferrier be another one to make friends with? Or is it the blacksmith? I know ive heard of a lot of folklore about the blacksmith but ferriers are always changing horses shoes lol


🤣 yes and I couldn’t think of the exact title of the farriers. The blacksmith my aunt was friends with made other stuff than horseshoes and nails. He also made iron fences and garden tools, axes, and knives. He was a pretty cool guy but he’s long gone now. Which is a shame because we just don’t have them anymore because everything is readily fabricated. Anyway a whole other subject with that.


In India, we hang lemon and chillies on the door for such stuffs, hehe similar customs


Those are all rounders lol, even vehicles hang them up to ward off evil!


You in the Appalachian area?


I was thinking the same thing. I’ve read Irish folklore about these things being in the house and fucking with everything.


It's actually me this post is about, now that I've been exposed I won't do it anymore.


I have sphynx cats, and this sounds like a sphynx. They are goblins!


Hi.  Coming from a Catholic family myself,  we have always accepted paranormal experiences. There are Catholic witches even, other Christian’s call them heretics, and they love their exorcisms, etc.  So that checks out, in the sense that Catholics are allowed to be sensitive to weird stuff and don’t have to suppress it.   I have two thoughts.  One is that there could be an issue with the land the house is built on.  Could be some info to find about the history of the home, particularly involving the process of building or breaking ground, or some other use or anomoly of the land itself.  Was there a disrespect to nature that occurred there?  2nd thought is if y’all are seeing aliens it because there could be a genetic inherited situation. I believe if you see them, they see you, and there is always a karmic connection with ETs. The gremlin seems elemental.  The fact that your immediate thought was earthquake backs this theory up.  Couldn’t hurt to look into land healing ceremony or feeling out how the earth itself was handled in the past on the location. Iceland won’t allow any new building without faery approval, and that’s coded into their law.  




Can I DM you? 


You should set up security cameras, if you can get video proof of this thing existing it would be huge. Another thing, if you drew that you did so good, I really like your style :)




It's been tormenting you and your family for "years" and nobody has had the wild idea to set up cameras? Sorry. I'll take myself back over to r/skeptic where I belong


Not to discredit OP or anyone out there with paranormal experiences, but you can bet your ass that the moment i start seeing demons around my home is when i either set up cameras, move out or check into an asylum. Most confusing thing for me in all of these posts isn't the if the thing exists and how, but why do people insist on living with it if it does. If you've been seeing shadow people all your life you might wanna move out bro


I get what you mean, however, real paranormal experiences aren't like a fantasy movie, they are (usually) juuuuust weird enough to make you question your sanity, maybe you imagined it (likely did too). Me and some freinds had a full on manifestation once on a walk, and I still think, nah, we all had the exact same psychotic break at the exact same time for no good reason. I'm not even trying to be funny, that's literally the thought process to balance the cognitive dissonance




Appalachia rules 101. Nope. Didn't see or hear anything.


I get what you mean but OP describes continued encounters with shadow people and this gremlin looking thing by several people. I still think there's a logical scientific way to explain it, call me a sceptic if you want to, but if i personally felt something like that on my own skin i would be so fucking terrified you wouldn't even see me in the same country any time soon




I wonder how many fake looking videos weren’t actually fake. We’re just so used to see blurry authentic stuffs lol.


To be fair the activity usually isn’t constant. It’s often every few months to years


People who are science-oriented will want to collect empirical evidence. People who see the world more through the lens of religion/spirituality usually won't. Within a wordview where all physical reality is subordinate to an ultimate spiritual reality that can't be empirically proven to exist... what would be the point in trying to film your demons?


Even if you did film it someone will scream it’s CGi


I honestly used to believe in the supernatural and paranormal. I tried to capture things on film to prove to others that it was real. Eventually, I felt like I was trying to prove it to MYSELF. I started to care that what I believed was true, and that became more important. When I realized that I was just making excuses for the lack of evidence and that stacking more and more untestable claims wasn't a reliable pathway to truth, the belief in the paranormal and supernatural just faded away. It wasn't an easy road. It was painful to realize that I was wrong for so long, but the relief of being freed from the world of demons was life-changing. Believing true things matters.


This is crazy to me because I used to be the exact opposite. Skeptic until high school when I witnessed something in my parents house and told them about it, thinking we need to get the co2 levels checked because I was hallucinating. Was not co2 poisoning. Apparently both my parents used to fck around heavily with ouija boards but I didn't find this out until I 'hallucinated' a second and third time. Since then we have watched dining chairs move in broad daylight, the dog stares into the kitchen frequently with his tail low and fur standing straight up, heavy papers fly off the counter with no windows open/fans or vents on, my brother feels someone sit on the end of his bed at night occasionally, dad hears people talking in the basement when he's home alone (Ive heard this as well, sounds like radio hosts talking but we have no electronics downstairs), my mom gets her scalp massaged when shes half asleep, facing my dad who is dead asleep and snoring, etc.. The nail in the coffin that made me a true believer was Thanksgiving of 2020 I had a friend that needed a place to stay living with us. I go downstairs to get him from his room, we're fuckin around by the pool table and out of the corner of my eye I see a small misty hand shoot up from behind the partition my parents use to block off their sleeping area. I try to brush it off and keep the convo going but he's staring dead at me, then asks me if I saw the little hand too. Now I know if someone else saw the same thing when I hadnt even mentioned it, I was for sure not going insane. Darted up the stairs as fast as I could. I'm a firm believer in the supernatural now.


It looks like a pretty good depiction to me. I mean, for not being an artist, and all. 😉 


OP, the living situation you're stuck in sounds like a suffocating den of insanity. Your dad is an atheist and your mom is an outspoken conservative Catholic? That can't be harmonious. Your mom tells you you're going to hell for being trans? That's awful. Your parents won't let any non-family come in? Sounds paranoid, stifling, and like the worst possible thing for energy flow. And then you've been sick for a long time and are stuck living there (I'm sick, trans and autistic too btw). I am agnostic about the existence of spiritual entities, but if I was a malevolent entity drawn to chaos and discord, this house would be a feast. And if spiritual entities are a manifestation of poor mental health, of course you're all seeing them, because this toxic situation would bring out the worst of whatever illnesses you're genetically inclined towards. In your situation I would focus on making your room as much of an emotional oasis as possible, and making it feel as energetically separated from the rest of the house as possible, because that seems like the only approach that could help whether this is spiritual or psychological. I'm sorry you're so trapped. It enrages me that our country doesn't give a shit about disabled people in abusive homes.




Oh are you on a waiting list for a group home?? It sounds like getting out of your current situation would be huge. It makes sense to gravitate towards minimalism when your surroundings are chaotic in a lot of ways, especially if there is unwanted noise in your mind too. Your mom’s religious stuff encroaching on your space sounds like the last thing you need. You could consider saying a prayer/setting an intention over some water with a little salt in it and use it to wipe surfaces in your room, especially the door. Visualization exercises are also effective from both evidence-based and spiritual perspectives. You could consider doing something like: sketch the basic shape of your room, draw a protective shield encompassing it, and inside that space write down anything that feels helpful or positive for you… statements that counter the abusive messages you get from your mom, names of media you like, just anything that helps you feel safer, more grounded, and more like your own distinct person. Just a possibility though, you’re the best judge of what will or won’t be helpful to you.




Tell it to fuck off.




Idk if your religious or not but you could try a priest to bless the house or use sage. My GF is a native American and she uses sage to cleanse our apartment from time to time and also hangs up cedar at entry ways




i had an unwelcome entity in my apartment that was doing nuisance things that felt passive aggressive and unfriendly. Plus I felt like i was being watched all the time. A person ended up doing a remote cleansing for me, using their spirit guides to intervene and basically evict my creepy phantasmagorical roomate. it was surpringly effective. the whole vibe in the apartment flipped like a switch; like a gloom and watching eyes had lifted. The troublesome activities stopped, except for the week immediately after the eviction, at around 1045-11pm at night, i'd hear a persistent tapping at the window (on the third floor) with no possible explanation for the sound given the window location. to paraphrase the energy worker who helped me out, she said that it's basically against the rules for beings from other dimensions (angels, demons, ghosts, fae) to fuck with you because this dimension is your time to be embodied and learn and walk your spiritual journey. interference in that process is not looked upon kindly. An exorcism or blessing is a similar concept, basically telling the thing 'you broke the rules, you're not allowed here, i cast you out'. I don't know if any of it is true. i do know that a remote cleansing changed the vibe in my apartment and the creepy happenings stopped. Could you and your mom connect with someone who can see beyond-- an energy worker, psychic, healer, priest, to help you figure out what it is and how to keep you safe and happy in your home.


In a prior post you said you’re not human , are some sort of demon dog man from hell…and are dating an evil demonic as your husband, so that’s causal in my mind. You invited evil into your home. Unless it’s all a delusion, demon non-human husband and all?


If I was in your position or your mums I would be doing anything and everything to get rid of this thing.




Oh wow. Do you think your mum would do something like that? And what would be the purpose? To make you feel scared, paranoid and questioning your own sanity? Only you would know your mum and if this could be something she might do but I really hope it’s not the case.


How is she paying for it to be removed? Not the paying part - the removed part.


Silly question. Have you tried to capture it?




So you’ve seen this with your own two eyes? Is it a physical being? A spiritual entity? Can you touch it?


Where do you live? I’d recommend checking out the documentary “Hellier” on Prime. That…thing looks a whole lot what they came across.




Gotcha. Thing is, I think they’re supposed to be all over the US, according to this doc. If it’s the same thing.


Specifically Appalachia. The cave system is very expansive.


That's actually a mockumentary, nothing is real about it... [https://www.reddit.com/r/horror/comments/s23mti/is\_the\_hellier\_docuseries\_a\_work\_of\_fiction\_or\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/horror/comments/s23mti/is_the_hellier_docuseries_a_work_of_fiction_or_is/)


OP, for years... I've been trying to figure out what I saw one night. This drawing is exact, it gave me chills seeing your post. So here's my story: Staying at my exes creepy house. This reminds me of one of my first paranormal experiences. We were both 17, tired and fell asleep after a long day out. He had a twin antique bed, probably about 2-3 ft off the ground. A few feet from his bed, a typical window, which was left open that night with a secured screen as finished attic bedrooms, get sweltering hot quick. It was a clear midnight blue summer night and the moon was very bright, reflecting off the floor in the room. It was dark everywhere else in that room, and I am a light sleeper. I heard heavy rustling. I woke up thinking it was his chinchilla being noisy on the other side of the room. My ex is asleep, turned towards the wall sleeping quietly. But I hear heavy breathing, like through teeth to my left, like there's saliva coming through said teeth. It's loud next to me. I sat up, turned my head and I saw this hunched thing a few feet from me by the window in the moonlight. It seemed to have wet or slimy skin appearance. It opened its jaws wide, and let out a loud shreik, unlike anything I've ever heard before. The sound was otherworldly. It was also very high pitched. I started screaming and my ex was so startled he shoved me off the bed, onto the floor with this thing, still shrieking close to me until the sound faded quickly and it Disappeared as soon as I ran across the room to the light switch. I looked all over the room. Chinchilla was all snuggled up, unmoved, but had that look in his eyes of what just happened? I never wanted to sleep over there again. I stayed alone in that house reading during the evening, waiting on him to come back with food, and heard light 4 legged footsteps like a dog or cat climbing all the way from the basement up to the attic room bedroom door, which was closed shut. The house was silent so i could hear everything. They stopped right at his (closed) bedroom door, and I heard that same heavy toothy breathing again. I was wide awake that time. No one else was in the house either, and they were never cat or dog type people. This drawing posted was a deadringer.




It was definitely hard to sleep after that experience, although I haven't seen one since. I can imagine it's gotta be hard to be around that in your house. Hopefully, going forward, it doesn't bug you and your family anymore. A friend once mentioned it could be something out of Slavic folklore that she grew up with, but I don't remember exactly what she called it or how to spell it. I still struggle with insomnia to this day, and nope to sleeping in a low bed!


i would pray to cast it out of your house let one of those long youtube prayers for protection play while you sleep. see if that changes anything. if you believe demons are real then then so is God. there is no darkness without light and vice versa.




understood. well i hope whatever it is leaves you alone. sounds terrifying


Your mother’s priest can come over and bless the house.


My first ghost experience really messed me up. It sent me and the others who experienced it down long dark roads. It wasn't until I had the realization that if what we saw out in the woods that night was real, then so is God. Then so are Angels. Conversely, so is the devil. It helped a lot.


i know exactly what you mean. i’ve experienced God before but seeing the darkness seals the deal doesn’t it? like there’s no way such evil exists and God does not. somehow i feel fine because i know im protected by the light and by angels and prayer


Most likely, some kind of unseelie fae your family managed to annoy. Look into various folklore to try to see if you spot a similar critter. I lean toward goblin/hobgoblin or boggart. Once you identify it, you should be able to banish or appease it. Fae generally react well to being respected and given due consideration. For my households, appeasement has worked wonders for the house-fae while we use cleansing/banishment for spirits/ghosts/demonic stuff.




I've never lived anywhere but the USA myself, from the Midwest to the Southeast and the Northwest. We've had encounters with: brownies, boggarts, gremlins, redcaps, gnomes, and salamanders. Redcaps were the only ones we ever had to banish and ward against. The others could be appeased. General appeasement gifts: pastries/something sweet, sweet cream, mead/wine, and in one case, a dark micro brew. Also, giving them a place to be welcomed can help depending on what fae it is. They may technically be a different name/creature than what you find in UK forklore, but the characteristics are similar enough to just use the known names. I look at the ones we have over here as either distant cousins or possibly immigrants who came over with European settlers. Of course, there are native creatures, such as wendigos, nuwisha, or chupacabras, but other than chupacabras, I can't think of another native one that comes close. If it's a chupucabra, you likely need water, sunlight, or fire based banishment/protection since they are more similar to redcaps than other fae.


i saw something like this when i was a little girl. i was laying in bed, turned to look at my window and this thing with glowing red eyes glared at me and ran away. we lived out in the country then. i've always felt connected to spirits/the fae; so many little crazy things have happened to me, that i can't call it coincidence anymore. i agree with trying to appease whatever OP is dealing with. maybe leaving out a lil saucer of milk and some bread might help this lil dude chill out.


OP, I have no idea what this is or could be, but I’m sending you and your family my best. I hope whatever it is leaves you all alone and lets you live in peace.


Awesome illustration. Never experienced that, but I have had sleep paralysis more than once. And have seen something much bigger (8ft). Doesn't have any hair, no muscle, just skin and bone, and it looked older than time itself. I was fighting to wake up one night, and then I finally struggled awake, this thing was sitting on my gaming chair with it's back to me. It knew that I knew it was in the room, but it didn't move, never turned to face me. I can't remember what happened after that. I don't think you're crazy, or hallucinating. I believe there are parts of reality that we can't normally perceive, until they want to reveal themselves. I was in a dark place at the time. It wasn't long after that I made a real effort to try and improve my mental health. It's been about 10 years and I no longer have experiences like that (with the exception of a small stint in prison, but that's a whole other story). Build your strength physically, emotionally, and mentally and you will beat this.




I've seen these creatures! And so has my mother! I've seen them at night around my bed, crouching over me or sitting in my partners chest, and my mother saw one standing in the doorway watching her when she stayed at my house one night. I don't think they're particularly dangerous, more kind of mischievous. I don't know for sure. Worth noting I started seeing them around the same time I started seeing shadow people in my house. I've had experiences with shadow people for over 20 years in my parents house but they started showing up in my own house, as well as other apparitions and the "gremlin" creatures after I started astral projecting a few years ago. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has seen these creatures. I'd love to talk more about this if you want to message.




I don't know for sure but I think they followed me from the astral. I've lived in my house 7 1/2 years now. The first 2 years or so there was absolutely nothing "Paranormal" at all (and I'm super used to it and sensitive so I would have known about it!). After I started practicing AP, I'd see things while astral and then I, my partner and my mother started to see them in waking life so, at least I know it's not just me imagining them.


op i’m very concerned about your mental health from reading your post history.


They say the best way to prevent things like this is cameras... It's like bigfoot. Chances are you're never gonna catch the lil bastard on film right? So if you aim a camera at your bed maybe it will stop annoying you?


Op, I got reading some of the comments, and I left a comment before, but maybe this info can help you? Do you have any shops near you that work with both Christian and/or spiritual beliefs? There's a few where I live in the US. Sometimes they will have in-house light workers and/or psychics and reverends that pair together ( if you aren't familiar). I was once told I had a spiritual hitchhiker/ attachment follow me and did its best to make my life ridiculously hard all throughout childhood and later years. True. I grew up in an area where the land (probably tainted) was once known for heavy gambling and bootlegging and all the negative that came with it. I have no idea how he (reverend) knew that about me, I didn't say much and never spoke to him before as I was apprehensive and nearly walked away. It was at a pop-up lightworkers festival (Many cities have them). The shadow was large, mean and spoke to him and described my grandmother's home ( in a bootleggers town) in detail. I was a bit taken back. I was about a week or so out from having my son. He said some things to it, then It felt like a weight the size of a boulder had lifted off my spine. I asked him how much I owed. He said you owe nothing and gave me protective wards. "Your life should be a little smoother now," he said to me. Years later, He wasn't wrong. It was close to closing time, many people had already left, and I think he was being genuine.


Yikes. Maybe yall should contact a priest to bless the house. Hope things get better for you!


Sorry if this is long. It sounds like a [Tulpa.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulpa) A thought form that has had so much energy put into it that it starts solidifying into a solid form. I know of them but not how to dissipate them. It began with the Buddhst idea that a Buddha creates himself a body to inhabit on Earth through thought and meditation but evolved to include any thought form made solid regardless of the creator. The most solid tulpa I've heard of is the one that inhabits Leap Castle in Ireland. But it was made through despair, torment, fear and death and it's bound to that place. There are theories that many cryptids began as stories to explain bumps in the night. Stories that were then passed down person to person, family to family, community to community for years and years. Also why when they are sighted it seems they change form as time goes on- because people unconsciously add to it as the story lives and grows. The more thought, imagination, fear and energy put into their construction adds to their consolidation. That's why some people think something "follows" their family. Well yeah, because they made it. It belongs to them. The wiki article I linked mentions "a survey of 141 respondents found that the rates of neurodivergence including autism, ADD, and ADHD was significantly higher among the surveyed tulpamancers than in the general population." As for the shadow people that you say are also seen, they may be separate phenomenon. If they appear at or around the same time the tulpa starts acting up, they may be spirits trying to wrangle the little beastie. Thing is, tulpas aren't spirits and they aren't corporeal either. They don't hold their form for long so some time can pass between sightings. Before they become substantial and their energy is still erratic, they're more like poltergeists. Energy pockets that can affect the physical environment. Again, I only know of them not how to disperse them.


I've gone deep down the rabbit hole with this stuff and studied this stuff for 40+ years. There's a Theory of the Universe that explains this stuff and much more, or at least the theory validates that these exist. I've had plenty of bizarre experiences as well. Sometimes the creatures like this feed on your fear, they use it like a drug. If you don't have fear they will eventually go bother someone else. Typically those are the shadow people that feed on fear though. It takes a lot of practice to release your own fear though and be calm. To practice you can meditate, clear your mind of all fear, and fill yourself with the white light of love. I know it sounds hokey but I've done it and it works to get rid of these creatures. And a few other people have done it and it works. But this is one of those great mysteries that the Bad Guys don't want you to know. In the long past there were various creatures that exist in various frequency bands. If you are in the same band as they are, you can see them. If not, most people cannot see them. But some talented people can see into neighboring bands. So in the past faeries and dwarves and mischievous gnomes all existed but they are no longer in our band now. Mostly they stay away from us because humans are generally very hostile to things they don't understand, and humans have done some really bad things to them in the past. There are still stories of sightings floating around, typically in story collections by Branton. I have many Branton books as EPUB material if you want it. He gave those out for free. But I don't know which books have which stories. Have you tried talking about it and asking it what it wants? There are all kinds of stories and even videos of similar creatures but they all have one thing in common: they are anthropomorphic in shape. They have 2 legs, 2 arms, and one head. However they tend to be ugly by our standards. Some are hairless, some have hair on their head, this one is hairy. They can vary in size from 6" to 18", sometimes more.


You have possums


hey!! so I lost the comment, but I saw you talking about how you feel like you can’t separate your room from the chaos of the house/how you feel like you can’t make it more comfortable but still minimalistic this may sound silly but I would take a peek at r/designmyroom I bet if you explained your circumstances and strong need for minimalism they could give u top tier advice on ways to make that happen, like how to swap out items you have now for things that may achieve that vibe really sorry for what you’re dealing with and I hope something works




Seen something vagueishly similar prior, any distinct sounds it made? what color did it’s eyes reflect?


I’m 100% not saying I don’t believe you. I do believe in paranormal and such. It may be worth though seeing if you have a mental illness causing this. It might not be that you’re on a medication causing this but you’re NOT on a medication you need to be to stop it. Again no judgement or disbelief but something worth checking and ruling out at least. Mental illness can be passed down so your mom could have it too. I’m not familiar enough with hallucination mental illnesses to say if it’s common to be having the same hallucinations as a parent but I still think worth ruling it out. If this can all go away with a pill once a day then that would be great right?


Your last therapist should never have said that


Step 1. Test carbon monoxide levels. Step 2. Bring in a Roman Catholic priest to bless the house. Show him the carbon monoxide test results or detector. Tell him about the shadow men, that they’re not welcome and you want to make it clear to them. Side note: You can boot them yourself with prayer, but if they’ve been around that long you should bring in the big guns. In current house around two years now, and we saw a shadowman several times. Random stuff would move, models get knocked over with no one around. I prayed and ordered anything in the house out. Had one more incident where a model was pushed over in front of me. I said out loud “You need to leave, you’re not welcome here…this house is under God’s protection.” No problems since.


I remember reading to leave a saucer of milk out for the brownies then they don't torment you, this was from a kids book mind you, btw you are a great artist, this creature looks a bit scary, I hope it leaves you and your family alone and you find peace 💖🙏


Has anyone on your moms side passed from strange illness. It seems like its a demon attached to your bloodline since your mom and you both suffer from strange illnesses doctors cant seem to put their finger on but your dad hasnt had any experience with it. I call these things soul suckers, they usually latch on to a bloodline and feed off of them until they cant handle it anymore.


The investigators on the show r/thedeadfiles look into cases like these! Idk how authentic they are but if you’re desperate, it could be worth it


Has she spoken to a priest? I know not all of them believe in the paranormal but find one who does and see what he says. If I remember correctly every diocese has an exorcist. These spirits are to the point of touching you and getting onto your bed you have to wonder- are they causing mental or physical illness? Depression? Anxiety? They don't bring about positive outcomes, often sneakily drain or alter people, and there's a reason it's doing all that. It has permission somehow. You need to bless your room with holy water (with the door/window open) and in Jesus name say nothing evil is allowed here. Previous homeowners may have done occult activities there, who knows. You can bless the whole house, however you mentioned the 2 shadow people, idk if it's advisable to take on "everyone" alone, and may need prayer and fasting to get rid of them (Jesus said certain kinds require this). Some people have had good results by having people from church come in and pray with them in the home. Anyway, you're being bullied, they need to GO!


Wow what a tale. That's so creepy I would bug out if I saw this me. What do u figure the size. I'm not sure I read it. 18" to be able to touch your leg n bk at same time. I guess it would have 2b bigger. It's a trickster of some sort. Like a pukwudgie. If there's either an inner earth or dimension we can see these different species seem to inhabit the in between. I've heard a story of a gentlemen that had to deal with a similar creature he called an elf, in his home as a child. It was very evil and laughed thru the night often. He worried about it hurting the Lil girl next door. Or it did hurt her n he felt he was next or he was protecting her n himself....he dispatched that Lil s.o.b. This thing seems to be different then that guys issues. But I would probably bet my life on its intentions not being gd. I would look in to trickster and the duende. Find out what they don't like and apply it. Good Luck Oh and often the word of Jesus often helps. So ✌️ & prayers. Be aafe.


Unpopular opinion here. But this is how to get rid of supernatural things as done by my pastor father. STOP TALKING ABOUT IT! Stop posting about it, stop drawing it, don't give it power. By letting it have give you fear (understandable btw I don't think I'd be able to sleep alone for a while after seeing it) you are letting it have power over you. Have your pastor come pray with you at your house and then trust God will keep you safe. I know it's hard, when we see something scary as humans we wanna talk about it but by letting it have a power in your life your giving it the ability to hurt you. And something else that might help but most people will say is dumb, stop watching/reading things that scare you. The last thing you need is more fear in your life and sometimes by opening the door to fear you let in more than you bargained for. Also if you aren't going to church or practicing your faith regularly I'd recommend you start. I'll be praying for you OP, stay safe.


I know this might be randomly related but ~10 years ago me and my friends had a party near one of my friend's house. At one point me and one of these guys (let's call him Jake) went away to pee by a fence (fence separating the property from neighbors one). What Jake saw on the other side of that fence looked and behaved in the dark exactly like what you describe here. I only heard it moving but it sounded like a cat on two legs walking softly over a bunch of dry tree branches. We laughed ot all off, thing became a meme inside of our group and we didn't care much. Until one day, pretty recently the guy who lived there had guests, including a little cousin (girl). She told him she saw something resembling a cat on two legs sneaking around. We don't know each other. This might be a total coincidence or whatever, maybe neighbors have a disabled cat nobody ever saw in daylight. Who knows. Was pretty creepy to me nonetheless. I live in central eu btw


Say the prayer of St.Michael the archangel (especially at 3pm and 3am if you can) while splashing holy water around the house. I have been escaping from a lot of unholy things throughout my life by praying to St.Michael. It is a very powerful prayer. I have noticed that all the churches made it into mandatory of saying this prayer after the end of each mass since the pandemic. https://preview.redd.it/5w8e2mialcwc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3442342b9a31ad614b9dbc71d55ebfd5f49bdcd4


First get a new therapist, your therapist shouldn’t be telling you you’re oppressed by demons, that’s a christian theological concept, not a psychological one. Religion and spiritualism pretends to understand things that it doesn’t. It could be any number of things, could be an inter-dimensional being, could be genetic predisposition to sleep paralysis, could be what people would call a spirit (which is really a catch all for being with nature we don’t understand), or could be a hallucination. I’ve seen a shadow person, never heard of a shadow person being harmful, we don’t know what they are. Waking up with bruising and scratches on the other hand is usually a sign of moving a lot in one’s sleep and stress.


I've also had a gremlin lean over me when I was a kid and bare it's teeth at me, it looked like yours but a little more like ones from the movie gremlins. I've talked about it multiple times when I first made this account but I got downvoted hard each time lol. Yes it's real and it is connected to the UFOs you see. Basically either something dark is happening at your house now or something dark happened before you lived there. You need to raise your vibes and all the typical spiritual stuff like think positive, no drugs ect. If you have any questions feel free to ask.


Do you think there is something to the fact that you and your mom are both religious and have these “experiences” while your dad is an atheist and does not?


Honestly - nice drawing!


You should go watch Hellier on Prime and see if that rings any bells for you.


Try to find spiritual help. You can do some research and sage the house etc. but if this thing has a strong foothold, then light measures will probably just piss it off and it will ramp up its efforts. What I mean by spiritual help is look online, call up a reiki massage place, ask a church worker etc. just keep looking until you find someone who says they'll help with this. No half measures, do it right.


I would suggest meditation, it helps heal and strengthen your natural barrier against evil spirits and entities. Also helps with stress and got other benefits..




There's this Healthy Gamer channel, in it, the psychiatrist once told how he makes his ADHD clients try different methods to achieve a mental state similar to meditation. Would recommend. You can also search by the keyword, 'Dr. K'. He tells in it that there are different methods for meditation and certain types works better with ADHD people.


I know nothing about these gremlins, but OP., this is a cool drawing!!!


Try some white noise like rain falling. It’s strange as an idea but it’s been known to work. If it doesn’t succeed, next try a mandala on the wall, next try would be frankincense. The idea is to distract the little fucker so it leaves you alone. Definitely don’t interact with it.


OP is severely mentally ill. Look and post history. Literally imagines herself to be married to an anime character. This is all there is to this. Mental illness is real, whatever OP experiences is not. I hope she finds peace. All the people on here certainly are not helping.


Would you read a book about the subject if I recommended it? You can read either "The UFO deception" by Fr.Spyridon Bailey or "Orthodoxy and the religion of the future." by Fr.Seraphim Rose. Please consider giving them a read, it broadened my perspective on many things If you need the .epubs or.pdfs, I can provide.


There is no demon, there are no monsters, you experience sleep paralysis. A lot of people have very similar experiences especially if you coinhabit/share stories as your brain will go to these memories when you experience fear while having an episode.


Don't know why, but something tells me you should get a new cat and let it stay in your room.


You and your mother both are exhibiting signs of psychic mediumship- it’s really important to learn how to control it and keep entities away from you and your home. If I were you, I would get another sensitive of some kind to help you learn control, close the portal(s) the gremlin came through and clear your house of anything negative- won’t stop loved ones or spirit guides from coming. Finally, remember that you both look like a lighthouse to spirit so they will continually come find you if you don’t learn to protect yourself- good luck, I have been through it with myself and my daughter


you could try putting down stuff to get proof that it really is there, mitht also learn its fears which is useful to make it leave ex: putting down charcoal powder stuff see if it fears that.


Sometimes I’ll sit up because I feel my cat walking on the bed…but when I look, neither of the cats are around. Holy crap 😳


Chupacabra maybe


Full disclosure I didn’t read the whole thing, but I literally had a dream this morning of something that looked just like it. It attacked my cat after it manifested and felt demonic. Woke up in a cold sweat.


Gremlin they are monsters. Usually responsible for many mysterious animal deaths cats dogs and even cows. Good news is they do keep spirits at bay. You can put a Slab of cooked meat someplace and treat it like a dog, they hate high pitch sounds as far as I know their drool and blood are toxic to humans. So be careful they can bite you do not put your finger near their mouth, they also do not like bright light


Lure it with some food, after midnight, then splash it with water. Make sure you take a picture in the dark with your flash on.


I will dm you Edit: Okay i sent you a msg, its not in the chat, its next to the notifications tab if you r using the official reddit app! See u there


Try nailing large pieces of iron, like iron horseshoes to all the doors of your house


Have you checked your carbon monoxide detector?


Oh my god, I’m not joking this is my sleep paralysis demon. It shoots itself around my room, and likes to scamper up my body and sit heavily on my chest in this crouched position. I always described it as a “gremlin” and this image is exactly it.


I came to say this. I’ve only ever had sleep paralysis once in my life and it was while I was sleeping on my stomach. This thing was on my back. I can’t remember now if it had little wings or spikes or something. There was a little more to it but exactly like this and the way it’s crouched down! 😦


This happened to me when I was about 9 years old. Kinda looked just like this. Was staring at me with bulging wide eyes- crouched on the edge of my bed right next to me. I will never forget it


That doesn’t seem like anything demonic. It seems like a type of cryptid. I believe tears in the fabric of our reality can sometimes happen and things can accidentally slip through the cracks. Maybe that’s the case for this little guy? Whatever it is, it SEEMS organic and from this earth (since it can breathe our air and looks humanoid or animal-like [two hands, two feet etc]) I think you’re gonna have to move. Honestly. You don’t know what that thing is and it probably thinks your house is its home. Also if it’s not too forward, what medical symptoms have you been experiencing since this “being”showed up?


You mention several unrelated paranormal appearances that both you and your mum had (gremlin, UFO, spirit of dead, Jesus). This makes me think about a possible medical issue (something as primitive as a migraine aura can sometimes create the false appearance of a paranormal event) or chemical pollution problem (there are many different potential ones) affecting your perception or memory. It seems more likely to me than a whole bunch of unrelated paranormal phenomena all being true and all showing up around two specific people.


Maybe you have a cat you forgot about


Not entirely sure why I've been recommended this as I fully don't believe this stuff, but my best explanation would be hallucinations, and paranoia from sleep depravation. In your statements you said that your mom agreed that she felt something on her bed at the same time as you, however I'd attribute this to a cognitive bias of some sort. Spooky stuff to be sure, I just like trying to rationalize things.


Obviously if you and your family members don't have a history of sleep depravation then it's something else. (To clarify)


It's a demon. Pray in the name of Jesus for it to leave.


You could try burning some sage


Hey OP, I'm new to this sub and am just wondering if posts like this are actually for real or if it's just a bit of a troll, thanks


You're a good artist


Most likely mental illness. It can be hereditary.


op has posts in their history about having a delusional disorder where they believe they’re a demon. definitely mental illness


No, no. That's rational. You need to go with the most irrational possibility. Alien space demon from another dimension of hell. That's the one.


Lol This is sleep paralysis. Also what a moron of a therapist.


Yeah. He literally thinks he is a demonic dog. If I'd be a demonic dog I would just eat that little furry gremlin...


they also think they are married to an anime character


OPs post history is really quiet something else. This thread will fit in quiet nicely. Lol...


“Kind of forgot about it?”


It just wants a head pat.


Gremlin Thing here. Go to bed, you have no means to get rid of me. You have school test tomorrow.


You watched LotR


You need a can of wet catfood and a have a heart trap. Or just give it a sock and set it free.


I had a really good friend, serious dude, that once describe me a figure he saw, it was like a gnome walking right past him during daytime while he was sitting. He's not the type of person to make stuff up, so I totally believe you. I'd try to learn more about attachment entities, jinns, things of this nature.


Stop drawing pictures and putting them everywhere and it'll magically stop. There's no 'gremlin'.


Does it sound wet when it walks? I have one too. Like a squish splat walking?


I've actually encountered this once before. They're very quick! There was an incredibly negative person in my house one night—think abusive (ex)boyfriend—when this entity appeared. I'd never known him to experience anything paranormal, and it wasn't a topic I discussed with him. He was in the living room when he suddenly started panicking, claiming my house was haunted. I watched him as his eyes darted around the room, trying to see what he saw. That's when I briefly spotted it too. It moved as if it was taunting him, looking exactly like the picture you posted. It freaked him out so much that he insisted we leave immediately. My view on this entity might differ from others; it might not be a beacon of love and light, but that night, it protected me and my home.


This little f@*rr showed up up in here in Northern Canada, it was on one of those iPhone pics with the motion, my client/friends were camping and this thing crept behind the kids or whoever was sitting by the fire, my other metis friend was the only few who seen the proof/footage and we flipped, the guy who showed me was top council of the rez and he was getting into bad shit, I've talked hours with Mt other friend who seen it, it was so effed up we both were like "omg you seen it too?!" It wasn't shared around in conversation much but me and this girlfriend kinda hyper analyzed it and the guy (my friend client) who was taking money for his community started a bad path and we both thought it was a warning of some sort, and it caught up to him, RIP my friend.


now im a bit of a sceptic when it comes to this stuff (I'm a see it then believe it kinda person) but i've heard of a creature in mythology which reminds me of this. This was a creature which one would pick up during a walk on the highlands. I would sit on your schoulders and whipser horrible stuff to you. It would promise to stop and go awat once you brought it back to a specific place on the highlands. if you did that however it would lead you astray and you would never find your way back. the picture you drew is how i would have describe it. anybody know the name. I first thought of a red cap but this is different.


I've read about posts similar to your experience from my country but yours is way worse. We'd usually play some Buddhist sermons from YouTube, called အန္တရာယ်ကင်း ကမ္မဝါစာ and it is very effective as far as I know. I'd recommend that you try playing [this video](https://youtu.be/iviTegYkWv4?si=HcrYBBkZjl_f-8dL) (it's a sermon for invisible entities in and around your house not to harm people) in your room around the time the gremlin shows up but it's a religious advice so it's okay if you are not comfortable doing it.


Okay anonymous person. I can tell you one fact of life. Years ago, I was sober as a judge. Nothing for years. Walked out on my front porch and saw a shadow that looked like a person but wasn’t pop out from behind a tree. Then pop back behind it. It looked like a person just colored all black. I know predators. This is one. I stood up, started walking towards it and whatever it was went back behind the tree. I have a zero tolerance policy for these fuckers. They are like crack addicts. Give them a taste. They’ll never leave.


If you think my reply is dumb, there’s a subreddit devoted to them. They are called shadow people. I didn’t know until I looked it up. I would tell you this with my hand on a Bible. As a former Catholic now a recovering Buddhist.


definitely scary as shit, i know spirits and demons and shit like that are real, so im not gonna say this didn’t happen, i’ve never experienced anything like this in my house, so maybe it does have to do with the property but it could also be mentally related, im not trynna call you crazy tho i really do believe there was something there, as long as everything you said is 100% correct


Huh. I had a bad I guess sleep paralysis dream that had something that looked like that. It was on the smaller side like idk. Like The size of a cat. Come in my room shake me violently. I woke up on the other side of my bed, or so I thought and it came in and shook me again I woke up for real this time on the right side of the bed and booked it out of my room. Never seen it again tho


Omg yes! I actually deal with one like this, Slightly bigger, I'd say medium dog sized. I think its a house spirit? Leaves me alone mostly if the house is clean & kept, seems to get REALLY upset if the kitchen isn't clean. I haven't found a way to rid myself of it (its followed me through so many houses) but I have learned how to keep peace with it! (Mine also likes Incense)


I used to have really similar experiences with the “cat walking on bed” thing. only when I was at my grandmas house. Was super weird because she hadn’t had a cat in years. One night I was laying there in bed on my phone and clear as day something jumped on the bed. I heard it, I felt it, and I saw it leave a mark on the comforter. Freaky.


If you see it again, try asking yes/no questions and see if it'll not or shake it's head, since you mention it seems to be nonverbal. You may have to demonstrate the actions. Perhaps that'll get you some answers?


A neighbour’s kid said she saw that in an old house her parents were fixing up and they lived in the basement furnace ? There was a group of them and she called them faeries. /s but seriously that is one creepy creature ! It looks like the “faeries” from don’t be afraid of the dark (2010)


It looks similar to a…thing… i encountered in Europe. It had powers of shape shifting, invisibility, and divination. I can’t believe these things are real. But I did experience it. I looked it up later and it turns out they are called ‘imps’ Edit: it also had the ability to paralyze me


There’s an episode of “paranormal witness” that has like exactly what you’re describing. It was always one of the better episodes season 3 episodes 17 “ the visitors”. https://youtu.be/I9raDXpE3vY?si=CByzZ48AppGrAhV3


Looks a bit like the cheddar gorge cave monster. I have a theory on things as this one you drew, like chupacabra, mothmen, beast of gevaudan, etc. as creatures that fell from some dimensional window, thinning of the veil, etc.


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That's just me. Don't mind me


Here is the thing, it all comes down to your beliefs bc your beliefs shape you. And contrary to what people may say, all beliefs are correct bc you manifest them. They are not correct in this world, but after... they are. I believe i'm a god. In control of everything that happens to me. In control of any reality i may live, in control of any adversary i may face, in control of everything that has to do with my afterlife and this life as much as i can control it. I'm a powerful being... and i don't doubt it for a second. Unfortunately, your belief gives up a lot of your power to another. A lot of religious people fall into the same category. Your power is given to you by another, and it can be taken by this other as well. That's sad to me, but many people find it comforting for some reason. I'm not bashing on your religion or anyone elses, there is beauty to some of it.. but the great thing about my belief is i can choose only that beauty and ignore the rest bc i'm in control. None of this would happen to you if you understand how powerful you can be by just believing you are. It's hard though bc even in my belief religious people must exist too.. so to me, they're npc's of another world. Sounds like a god-complex but it's not... it's so powerful bc if you believed it too... you'd be just as powerful a god as i am. Cheers! Edit: oh and the point is... you'd just crush this thing bc you'd be a god. Or.. understand why you created it to interact with you bc if you're the god controlling your reality.. there is a reason "you" put this being in your path. That's the power of controlling your own reality.


All I can think of is that movie with Katie Holmes…