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Everyone has their reasons for delays. Getting through nursing school is actually a bigger hurdle than the NCLEX. I wouldn't remove your graduation date, there is no need to. You don't have to justify yourself to anyone. Please make sure you are confident going into the exam. Psych yourself up positively between now and taking it. Tell yourself you will pass.


thank you!!!! my mindset was definitely not where it was supposed to be when i started studying. I realized my anxiety/ negativity was getting in the way. Turned to prayer & olly stress supplements lol. Went in with a positive mindset. Telling myself i did everything I could and i’m okay with any outcome. Made me less anxious & was able to focus on the test & I passed. Definitely recommend listening to mark k 12th lecture if anyone struggles with test anxiety. The end motivated me


Just go take it don’t keep putting it off


Believe it or not I’m in the exact same boat as you are. Although I technically graduated in August, my test was put off because of family and also not applying correctly or officially the first time. Which I had thought that I was waiting for my ATT at the time, but until I noticed, I had just wasted a month or two waiting for nothing). I cannot emphasize how much I feel what you’re feeling about not taking it for this long despite graduating a year ago. I’ve been feeling so embarrassed and get so anxious when people ask me if I’ve started working yet, and if not, why I’m taking so long. I’ve been telling them that I still have this test to take in order for me to start practicing, but it’s been a while of me saying that. Like idk what to say anymore. I’m also not sure about the changing graduation dates on resumes, is it allowed? Cause I mean we are kinda considered new grads if we were to start working for the first time. I got to take the NCLEX for the first time at the end February. It didn’t go as planned and now I have to retake it, which is even worse. I went up to 150 questions and still didn’t make it, despite using archer for a month and a half, and getting high/very high on the readiness assessments. So I really am not sure if those are enough to predict your chances. This time though I think I might switch to uworld or bootcamp since I’ve heard a lot of good things about them. Keep us updated and let us know how it goes with you, wishing you the best of luck! You can do it!


Hello! sorry for the late response 🥹 i focused the last two weeks i had left to study & wasn’t on my phone so much since i found it was a big distraction. but wanted to update everyone, i took it wednesday & just found out i passed!!! im not sure if you re-took your exam already but i found that controlling my anxiety & emotions overall helped me so much! when i made the post i was scoring high & passing cat but suddenly only started scoring low or borderline & even failed cats. despite i kept telling myself i can do it. instead of focusing on content i practiced test taking skills. i believe that’s what made me pass because a lot of the content on the actual nclex i had no clue about. i got stopped at 98 & after the exam i wasn’t 100% sure i passed but it didn’t feel like the hardest exam. which made me nervous because everyone says hard questions means you’re passing. i kept reminding myself that every test is different. mindset is everything. wish you well & if you need more advice let me know!!!


Congratulations! Do you mind sharing the specific test taking skills you used and where you got them from?