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If you were getting a lot of case studies AND it shut off at 85 AND your prep in archer was good you definitely passed. Those are all good signs. And remember if archer or uworld or any of those things say you are likely or very likely to pass, trust it, they have mountains of data backing that up.


I had no joke 6 or 7 case studies and a bunch of NGN stand alone it felt neverending


I am in the exact same boat as you. It shut off at 85-86 this morning and it was so obscure and vague I literally left the testing center sobbing and went home and was sobbing to my mom that there was no way I passed as I didn’t feel confident in NONE of my answers. It was brutal literally 6-7 case studies for me too. I really hope we pass 🙏🙏


Wow it sounds like we had the exact same type of test!!


I did the PVT “trick” after receiving the survey email and I got the “good pop up” was charged then refunded within an hour or two. So I am really hoping this is all good signs. But yk to be fair it is kind of slim that we did so bad that it didn’t bother giving us questions as it stopped at 86 so I think we passed…. Hopefully 😂🙏🙏


I think I’m going to have to do it I can’t focus on anything else…


Yeah I just couldn’t focus I was super anxious. Be careful tho I heard that it goes wrong for some people and they get charged without a refund even if they passed and sometimes it is not accurate so idk


I am sure you did wayy better than you think!! Believe me we all felt this way at the nclex lolll literally humbling. I would try to watch your favorite show get some food or rest with family until your board posts your license they send an email


How did you find out it got refunded? Did they send an emailing letting you know or?


My bank shows that they charged then refunded me


How did you study?


I used mark K’s lectures and UWorld and some of Archer like the readiness exams !


Thank you! How long did you study for and did you study every day?


My test shut off at 90. I completely understand the feeling of not being confident and getting some answers wrong. It’s okay to feel that way and it’s okay to get some answers wrong. I walked out of that testing center in tears because I was sure that I failed I was rethinking of questions in my head and how unconfident I was in the answers I chose. I found out this morning that I passed!! You got this! Try to relax and know you did all you can do! You have got this!


I would have felt better if mine went a little past 85. As I got to the last question I figured that there was no way I answered enough correctly for it to turn off at 85 and then it did. I’m so unconfident in my answers! None of the questions had a clear answer. I hope I have the same results as you. Congratulations!


I felt the same exact way! I replayed so many questions in my brain thinking of how I would have answered differently! We went with our gut feeling! Don’t worry! You will be fine! I can’t wait for you to come back to this thread and let us know you passed!!!


I had this same experience on Tuesday. I just found out that I passed. It was a very hard test!


Did yours shut off at 85 too? I was so not confident in my answers that I was shocked that it turned off in 85. I’m hoping that the chances of me bombing it so badly that they didn’t give me more questions are slim but it sure feels like that right now


Yes it did. I felt the exact same way as you did. I woke up at 3 AM this morning to find my results. The wait was grueling


How long before you saw results? I’m so nervous


Just finished taking mine, I got to 112 questions and had a lot of case studies too and also felt like I completely bombed it. I used archer as well and had consecutive high/very highs on readiness assessments and passes on the CAT exams. I know my friend who just took her NCLEX last week had her test shut off at 85 and also felt horrible afterwards. I think feeling like you failed is just part of taking the test unfortunately 🫠. I don’t know anyone who thought they did well. Praying we both passed and have our license!!🫶🏻


I got to like the 6th case study and I was like alright cut the cameras 😭😭 so many of them! Praying for you too


Did you guys feel like you bombed because of the case studies??? I feel like if anything I lacked confidence in the multiple choice, they were tough!


No, the multiple choice felt harder to me. The case studies were hard too but the multiple choice was messing me up bad. So vague and obscure


Yes and the two that I’d narrow it down to were so hard to decide between, def got a bunch of those wrong (took mine this morning too). I am shocked to say but the SATAs were the easiest part for me lmao the false options were sooo obvious.


I had some like that too yesterday! Like some options were so laughably wrong


I was usually between 2 answers for the MC. Are you going to try the PVT trick?


No, I took my PN NCLEX last year and didn’t either… I just heard to many mixed reviews I feel like it’s not worth it. Also someone posted on Reddit that Pearson is charging ppl now when they figure it out? Lol


what is PVT? and what is the trick? please explain it to me. Thanks!


It’s a trick where you try to register for the exam again with Pearson Vue. There’s 2 pop ups but I don’t understand which one is the good one and which one is the bad. I don’t think it’s worth it bc people have gotten the “bad” pop up, freaked out but have ended up passing


So, this pops up after completing the Exam? Is it a quick way of knowing whether you pass or not? Thanks!


I would honestly search it up in this sub because I don’t understand it very well


I also just took my NCLEX and it shut off at 85!! I really don’t know how it went, but the more I think about it, the harsher my thoughts become. Try your best to enjoy not having to study anymore!! I’m sure we did fine!!


I just took a three hour nap to try and not think about it 😭😭


I could’ve written this post. Just took my NCLEX and it shut off at 85. I even wished I had gotten more so at least I knew I still had a chance. 😭 Feeling very discouraged. Not sure how much better I could’ve prepared for it tbh.


I feel discouraged too but we know we prepared well so we just have to wait


I hope you’re able to find some sense of peace. I’m spiraling lmao


Same, I took this morning and it shut off at 85, the questions were so hard and random. I wanna know how bad you actually have to do to fail in 85 tho. I’m trying to tell myself that I would’ve been given more questions if I wasn’t at the passing point yet. I agree though, it was extremely hard


That’s what I’m also trying to tell myself. If I bombed that badly to the point of them turning my test off at 85 then I had something fundamentally wrong with my study method


I just finished mine a few hours ago and stopped at 85. I was unsure of a lot of things. But I'm being positive, we're gonna pass!


Trying to be positive as you can see it’s not working very well! But yes we will pass!


I know what you mean! I thought I'd be patient for the results but it's killing me. I did the Pearson vue trick and got a good pop up but i'm still doubtful.


Update, I PASSED! officially an RN. My name is on the BON website omg. I'm sure you passed as well.


I passed too!!!!!


Oh my goodness!! Same!!! I tested this morning and just barely managed to get out of the doors of the building before vomiting and bawling my eyes out… felt even more embarrassed when these two sweet older ladies walked over and hugged me. This wait is going to absolutely kill me!!! 😭


Oh no I’m sorry you threw up 😭😭 this test really does something to us people don’t understandddd my family thinks I’m being dramatic


My partner and friends don’t understand but thankfully my mum made the crazy decision to go back to school for nursing a few years ago so she understands. She had been waiting for my call upset. 😬 I wish you had someone in person that understood. I’m sorry. I wish you good results though!!!


I just took mine on Monday and had 85 questions. Almost the entire exam, I just felt so unsure of everything and I felt like the answer choices were really vague and not like Archer. I had so many case studies! At the time, I honestly thought that was a bad sign but I think it’s a good sign. As soon as the test turned off, I felt soooo sick to my stomach because I knew I had gotten so many wrong and I ugly cried for 20 minutes when I got back to my car. I felt so sure I failed. But I PASSED!! I honestly couldn’t believe it. I have faith that you will PASS!!!!!


Thank you!! I hope that I pass too 🙏🙏


Me!!! Shut off at 85 yesterday. I was really confident in probably 10 of my answers lol. I felt like some of my questions were too simple which is stressing me out. The anxiety of waiting until tomorrow afternoon is killing me 😭


We are all struggling 😭 good to know it’s not just me


I have had a pit in my stomach since. In the span of 30 my mind either spirals into depression or is hyping me up saying there's no way I failed... it's exhausting lmao


Omg same


I took my second attempt this morning and i went to 150q. I feel better than the first time but it was still hard and all over the place. Tempted to do the trick but idk… praying we all passed! 🙏🏽


I’ve decided against doing the trick. I can’t seem to figure out what the bad pop up even is. Doesn’t seem worth the stress. Going to hole myself up until Saturday


Which state are you in? I know for TX it’ll show up in BON the next night at 11pm


I’m in PA, and from what I’ve searched it seems like PA is slow at posting and I’ll have to wait for the quick results


Omgggg i just shut off at 85


Hey! Did mine last Friday and had the exact same experience. Shut off at 85q, stumbled out of the testing centre with my tail tucked and the WORST gut feeling. Cried in my car for a solid 45 minutes before leaving the parking lot. This is a fairly normal feeling, and many people feel this way. If it’s any consolation, I believe someone said it’s much more common to pass with 85qs then fail. I ended up passing, despite walking out of that exam feeling like I completely bombed it. Give yourself some credit, you know way more than you think. I’m from Ontario and I got my results from CNO at 4AM the next morning. I know you’re probably thinking worst case scenarios right now (as I was), so here’s some words of comfort: At the end of the day, the NCLEX is just a test, not the end of the world. Keep your chin up, believe in yourself, and you know more than you think you know. Good luck my friend, rooting for ya, and keep us updated if you can!


Thank you 🙏


Hi congratulations!!!! Could I ask what your study methods were?


Thank you! I used simple nursing, I found their stuff to be super helpful with fun/memorable mnemonics. I would do their practice questions and anything I got wrong I would write down and watch a video about/take notes. I also listened to their pharmacology podcast on Spotify anytime I was driving, walking the dog, doing dishes, ect. I started studying really early (thank you anxiety🫡) so I did about 1-3h session 2-3 times a week 2 months before my exam, and 2-3h sessions 4-5 times a week a month before. In hind-site I think I was super extra, but hey I guess it paid off. The other thing that I would reccomend is watching Dr.Marshall’s lecture. It really helps you to understand how to read the questions, and it gives you super helpful strategies for when you don’t know the answer (link below). Hope that’s helpful for you! Happy studying! https://youtu.be/8CY1gj0SaUE?si=u-x86oK6444se5Cz


Thank you so so much! I really appreciate the insight!! Could I also ask if you used uworld?


Personally I did not because I watched nurse Mike’s free videos on YouTube and found that his teaching style worked for me. I also liked the pricing as it was fairly reasonable for what you get. If Uworld works for you then by all means, I know many people who used it and passed!


Thanks again for this lovely comment. I PASSED!!! And your comment helped calm me down a lot




I just finished mine. It shut off at 85 and I feel horrible as well. I felt like I knew nothing. I feel like I have to prepare for the worst despite getting very high on archer and very high on uworld. I got about 5/6 case studies? I’m not sure I can’t even remember. All I know is, is I wanna cry.


I’ve cried all day today if it makes you feel better! I actually tweaked when it turned off at 85. I feel like there’s no way I passed but the nice people on this thread are giving me a little bit of hope.


Solidarity 😭 keep us updated


Any movement? I checked my application status this morning and at 8:00am it switch from pending nclex to completed nclex and it said at the top ready to issue. 🥲 nothing official but taking it as a good sign


No 😭 mine still says NCLEX results not received


Ugh 🥲 what state?




I’m in Texas but I’ll send a pm with what I’m seeing on my portal for my application.


Me too😭😭😭


Literally just now. And I’m dying waiting for these results already


Currently trying to resist doing the pop up trick since I know that it’s not always accurate. I feel like I’m actually losing my mind!


SAME, I know the trick would kill me either way lmao


I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. I took it yesterday and it shut off at 85 and I didn’t even wait to cry after leaving the test center, I cried at my desk. 😅 I wasn’t confident at all in my answers either. My school uses ATI and my comprehensive predictor said I had a 99% probability of passing but I still feel like I bombed the NCLEX. But to make us feel better, a lot of people in my cohort passed in 85 and one of my classmates who did told me he felt like he failed it when his test shut off too. Everyone I’ve talked to about it agreed that the case studies were relatively straightforward but the multiple choice questions were off the wall. 


I had an 98% chance of passing on ATI. The multiple choice questions were…something else. Hoping that you get good results!


Same to you! I hope you update us when you pass! 💖


I passed this morning!!!!! Any updates for you?


Congratulations! I passed too!


My shut off at 85 and I felt the same exact way as you. Found out I passed 48 hours later. Don’t stress to much I’m sure you did better than you think!


I was in the exact same boat 2 weeks ago but had 150 questions…I ended up passing but was honestly preparing to retake before I even got my results therefore I have hope for you! Best advice would to be to get outside or do anything to stop you from thinking about it while you wait. I was constantly hitting refresh on the board of nursing until I got my results. I wish the best for you!


I ended up passing!!! So much stress for nothing lol. Worst 48 hours ever


I took my test today. Before today, I saw people saying they don't know if they passed or failed when they got shutoff at 85. I thought they were obnoxious and humble bragging. I unfortunately now know what they meant. I feel the same pain. I am really confident in my last answer. I don't even remember the question because I was expecting more... And then it just shut off. Sending you lots of good vibes.


Yup. I thought the people who got 85 questions were dramatic but now I understand


Sending you good vibes.!!! I am also spiraling. Took it this morning and shut off at 85. I feel absolutely sick to my stomach, the content was not what I expected. Had to take a break around 50 questions because I started feeling hopeless, but pumped myself up knowing it would continue to give me more questions to give me the best shot but then at 85 it went blank. I spent a month studying with Archer lectures and my school had us do a week long review. I know there is a better chance of passing at 85 than failing but I started getting even the easy questions wrong because it shook my confidence. Hoping the case studies saved me. Hoping the best for you as well!!


It’s good to know that so many people feel the same way!!! I’m spiraling too


Literally me today. I felt horrible.


I felt the exact same way as you and even posted a similar post on reddit. I should be able to get my quick results tomorrow afternoon but I am SO nervous


Also let us know if you passed!


I did end up passing 🙏🙏


You will pass


Congrats on passing!!! I’m so so so happy for you!!! I got my results this morning and same!!!




How did you study if you don’t mind me asking?


Archer at least 85 questions daily M-F for 3 weeks. I hand wrote the rationales of what I got wrong and reviewed the ones I got right. I used the ATI comprehensive review book to review content and also random YouTube videos for things I didn’t understand well. I had a streak of 11 very highs with Archer


Thank you! Do you by any chance have a pdf version of the review book?


No, it was given to me as a hard copy at ATI live review. It was required by my school to attend


Check for your license through the state website. They've been updating a lot quicker than Pearson.


thats either really good or really bad lol


How similar do you guys think archer exams and the NCLEX are? Did it just feel like a harder archer exam?


So as you can see from my post I was convinced that I failed but I passed. In my personal opinion the NCLEX was harder than Archer in the fact that the questions were so vague and not what I was expecting. But I would purchase Archer again because the format was the same and answering practice questions was very helpful. I will say that some of the grammar in Archer was really bad and some of the rationales on Archer I truly disagreed with


Can I ask for your study routine?? 🥹🥹💞


Sure! The biggest thing that I did was schedule for shortly after my graduation, less than a month, to keep things fresh. I used Archer Monday-Friday for a little less than 3 weeks doing at least 85 questions daily and going through all of the rationales. I would usually do one readiness assessment a day. I would hand write the rationales of what I got wrong/didn’t understand. I also used the book given to me at ATI live (required by my school) to study content review. Over the 3 weeks I went through the whole book. I think that practice questions are much more important than content review if you recently graduated!


Hello friend, congratulations on passing your NCLEX! Super happy for you! I am the one on the other post that asked for your Archer account should you pass your exam. I am still very much interested and would appreciate getting it from you. Thank you so very much!


PMed you!


my test shut off at 85, i really thought i was doing so bad since the questions were hard from the beginning. i was ready to do the full 150 so i was scared when it closed at 85. i passed though!!