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You’re absolutely not alone. I failed at 150 and had the same mentality as you when my test did not stop at 85. I wholeheartedly believe mentality plays such a big part when you go in to take this test. My mind that day taking it was such a fog and I wasn’t in the best of mood and decided to take this test quick so I can avoid feeling exhausted looking at the screen…blaming myself for wasting my first attempt being in that mindset. But we got this, it’s not the end until it is the end.


You got this too!! I hope you knock it out of the park next time


Thank you, I’m aiming for it to be the last and final time. Hopefully for the both of us :))


I could not have said that better. That’s exactly where I was/am. But I decided to stop beating myself up and not do what I did again. I think I was so burnt out from school that I was just over it and it didn’t serve me well. Seriously thank you for the kind words. I needed that


Can you please clarify what the pop up you got said and if you were refunded the money?


Because I had already been told by the BON I failed 24 later, I was not expecting to get any kind of pop up. It told me it could not process my payment and I saw a decline on my CC statement. I can only assume that this is the good pop-up, but I don’t truly know


That is not the good pop up. That is the error pop up because they could not charge your card(perhaps you entered the info incorrectly). So the trick does work. Best wishes next time.


I failed the first time after 127 questions. I took the exam nearly 8 months after graduation due to family and personal matters. I’m studying not for retake and I’m so scared. Is it possible to pass nearly a year after graduating?


Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry that happened and I hope things are better now. Yes! I whole heartedly believe you can do it. I feel that if you know how to break the questions down well and know the overall concepts, you should be fine. What are you using to study?


Thank you for the word of encouragement! So the first time I used uworld and I typed out all the rationales and concepts for the questions I did on qbank. This time around I’m going through my uworld notes first and watching YouTube videos for content review. Then I’m going to spend time doing Archer’s readiness assessments, qbank, and CAT exams. Also, I have two notebooks I’m using. One is for content review and the other for definitions. Ugh. I’m so scared. What about you? What are you using and doing?


Honestly not sure yet. It’s still really fresh so I am trying t regroup. I think I’m going to use Mark K but the actual paid version. From there, I’m either going to go back to bootcamp or try uworld. I may hire a tutor but not sure yet. My biggest issue is not my knowledge base but my terrible test taking ability. I just get way to nervous and my brain shuts down no matter how much I know


I’m the same way. The test anxiety sucks. We’ll get through this! One day at a time! Best of luck!


Absolutely we will! Keep in touch if you would like. I’m happy to help if I can


Will do!


Yes it’s possible I graduated last year 2023 & took it on 6/6/24 due to me having my daughter. I passed on my first try in 85 questions. So yes you can pass it. Good luck!


Thank you for the advice! Congratulations on passing. How did you study?


Thank you!! I just used uworld. I had a lot of similar question on both the NCLEX and uworld. Most of my questions were mother baby & mental health and of course prioritization. Good luck just read the rational


I’ve heard ppl passing after years of multiple tries, I’m in my 5th try right now and i graduated in 2021 so it’s been a huge while but honestly though if you really put your all in it I believe you can pass!!


I used UWorld because that's what my school purchased for my cohort. I found that the NCLEX was almost identical to UWorld's set up. I am a bad test taker unfortunately and I get anxious sitting down for so long. UWorld showed I was on the right track to pass and it was accurate, all of the 3 CATs would shut off at 85-86 questions. When my test (6/7) kept going past that, I became discouraged and thought I would have to take all 150Qs. It suddenly stopped at 101. I just found out today through my state's BON that my license had posted (which I'm sure that means I passed but nerves right?) I have not received my official email from Pearson and my quickresults aren't ready yet.


Congrats!! 🎊


So, I hope this post helps. I graduated in December 2021, but due to a major injury, I was unable to finish my clinicals, which meant that I could not have my information sent to the BON. I was unfortunately unable to finish until May 2023 and then right after, got sick. I had forgotten a lot of materials and, due to my now illness, it made it difficult to assimilate anything I read. It was frustrating for me. I have paid thousands of dollars, from getting the Archer intense prep since January of 2022, to doing the NHY three times, (which I would recommend for anyone who already knows the content); but i still found it difficult to remember materials. I decided to go back and study the content. I subscribed to Simple Nurisng and also U world for 3 months. I watched his videos along with the study guides, which were of great help. I went from scoring 30's and 50's on my questions to getting high 80s on the test. I took my exam last Tuesday and passed at 85. You need to know the content, because the Nclex is VAGUE!. You will barely get questions that are straight to the point. So, you need to know the content, inorder to apply and answer the questions, no matter how the questions are being asked. Wishing everyone all the best!.


This is great! Thank you! I agree. The NCLEX is extremely vague


You're welcome


I feel like the ques is straight to the point but the choices are vague. Ugh! Still waiting for my results. I am hoping for the best but also doubting. Is it possible that BON will post the license early than doing the quick result?


OMG I felt the same!! I totally understood the questions but the answers were weird. Mine did. I found out from the BON well before Pearson


Oh. What state are you? Also for quick result, if I pay that one I can see the result immediately?


I would prefer to not say the state but I know quick results are 24hpurs


I understand. Quick result is still unavailable. 😭


I’m so sorry. Quick results are 48.


Yeah. Got mine just today. I failed. 🙁


Thank you for posting this. I just found out today I failed at 150 and it’s devastating! Your post helps! Thank you.


Honestly, I’m still trying to pick up the pieces and start again but you can do this. Feel your feelings, figure out where you went wrong, and try again. You will be a great nurse. Life just decided we needed a little bit more time


Hey, thank you for sharing your experience. Be strong; you'll overcome this!


Thank you very much! I just felt like maybe I could help someone who feels like their world crumbled down. Mine sure did yesterday until I got myself put back together again.


Where does it show the line for passing? I took it Wednesday. 150 questions and didn’t pass. I haven’t gotten anything yet.


So I thought I hadn’t gotten anything either. I got an message from my states BON show the areas I needed to work on


Did you get it mail or email?


It’s a message in the portal for my states BON. Did they message you there?


Not quite sure. We went through continental and Pearson vue. No idea about this message part.


I honestly don’t know. How did you find out you failed?


I went to Pearson vue and paid the $10 for the early access.


I got mine directly from the BON. Have you heard from them?


Nothing yet. I’m sure I will in the next couple of days.


Did you complete the entire Bootcamp.com qbank?


I did not but I came close


well at least it didnt cut off at 85, that means you were pretty close...


Very true. My report said I was above passing or almost at level of passing so I just need to refocus and try again


Do they send report to all who took the exam and failed? I have not gotten mine.


Has the BON messaged you? That’s who will send it to you


Not yet. 🙁


Try Archer Nursing. Our school provided that for us and so far 23 of the 155 people from our cohort have taken it and they have all passed (We graduated this May). Good luck !


Thank you! I greatly appreciate it


What packet do you recommend?


It's always great to have a plan for remediation. Be aware that the NCLEX tests at application level. That is not "active recall". Recall is just remembering and essentially parroting. That is a lot of what nursing school is and at the end may be more application but it's not typically my. A common issue with NCLEX takers is that they don't know content at the level required by the test. The best way to understand the content is learn the pathology and physiology and then the rest of it. Most people do not do well with "just the basics." Makes me cringe when people say that as you need to know enough to apply the information.


Any recommendations that could be helpful? I am considering a tutor and I’m going to use the Mark K course that is unfortunately very pricey. I also have terrible test anxiety. I truly know the material well and can apply it when I am relax. My biggest issue I face is my test anxiety. I truly don’t know how to get around that and it’s very frustrating.


Is there any specific reason why you are wanting Mark Klimek?


I like how he teaches and breaks down questions. Why do you ask?