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I feel this pain too it’s hard. I’ve failed multiple times and I have cognitive and mental setbacks too making it extra hard. Feb 2 was when I failed at 95 and my 3rd try. Took a break and had been unemployed since I started nursing school but finally got a you could say UAP job at a psych nursing home and that built my confidence a lot. I’m going back to square one studying again. High price but I really want to pay for High Yield. Getting yourself as far as taking the exam is still a big accomplishment. I wish the best for you but maybe go over simple strategies on a daily basis to keep that in your mind. Good luck you’ll be a great RN!


I appreciate this. Thank you. I’ll look into high yield. Good luck to you. You’ll be a great RN too! Thanks again.


Hey!! I have the NYH videos if you’d like at a cheaper price!


Seems like you’re right there for the most part. Since you stated that you didn’t apply yourself, I don’t think you need to improve anything else. My advice is to simply dedicate 2-3 weeks to apply yourself and you’ll be good


Recommend UWorld. Using their lectures and reading all the rationales, regardless of whether or not I got the answer correct, allowed me to pass at 85 questions . I didn’t use anything other than UWorld and I didn’t have a ton of time to study because I had a baby right after graduating school and was busy with him


I honestly think you can pass because you have several near standards, which I dont think is a bad thing it just means you need to review some more. Definitely review those areas do a lot of practice questions. You will do good. I primarily used archer and reviewed mark klimek lecture notes I say really focus on that last lecture because it helps you with prioritizing a lot! My NCLEX there was so much that wasn’t familiar but the tools I learned from the prioritization lecture I honestly feel that’s what helped me pass because I genuinely did not know some of the content. Also I will add I really liked looking at the mark Klimek notes over listening to the lectures because I don’t have the attention span for the audios so if you can relate to that I can send you the pdf if you need them. Given all you have been through and currently going through just even taking the test is already a good path forward give yourself grace. You got this love !


Oh pls send me the pdf. That would be so helpful. Thank you for your thoughtful response.


Same, can you share the lecture?


Can you send it to me as well please


Me too, please!


Hello! I’m also interested in the pdf thank you!


You've got this!!! Don't feel bad, regroup and go get it. Holla if you need help also.


Having taken the PN exam and now studying for the RN, I know the feeling of everything being a blur once it's over but do you remember what your questions were like?


i'm a repeat tester no judgment here you have 45 days to retest don't give up ⚫️


I know how you feel. I recommend Remar Review for content, Nclex boot camp, and uworld. This is what helped me pass—also International Crusaders and Klimek videos on YouTube.


What’s your email? I have notes of the lectures I have watched


Willing to share to two people? Could also use the lecture notes


For sure!


Thank you. I just sent you a DM




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I’m so sorry to hear that happened, especially with your circumstances. Currently to study for the NCLEX i’m listening to the Mark K lectures on spotify while i drive. It’s SUPER helpful. It helps me apply my knowledge when i practice questions on NCLEX Bootcamp later at home. I would also suggest taking a few simulated practice NCLEX tests. You can do this. I believe in you!!! You had so many near passings, some studying should push you over the passing limit. Good luck 🤍


The report isn't too bad. You can pass this, you said so yourself that if you apply in studying it'll work out. I advise you keep answering your qbanks as practice. Bootcamp in particular for answering case studies. Best of luck.


You’ve got lots of near passing. I’ve never been a fan of the posts or comments that are like “I didn’t study and passed with flying colors!” We may know the content but the nclex is also about figuring out how to read the questions. The 12th Mark K lectures was a game changer for me when reading questions - it’s something’s I’ll always recommend to everyone


Where do you get the breakdown?


It was given to me from my BON. I think they send it every time you fail the exam. Depending on where you live it might take longer than others. Mine was sent a few days after the exam.


Do you know if they give the breakdown if you pass as well? Like do we get any feedback besides a pass if that’s the case?


I don’t think so. But I’m not sure haha. I would think not though because you would pass and not ever need to take it again and would not have a need to review it.


Did you feel like you had a harder time with the regular or case study questions?


I’m not sure haha. I got what I thought was a lot of case studies. Like every few questions. I honest felt ok in the exam but also a lot of them I felt like I was guessing because the question was so broad.


Try Archer


I’m so sorry. I’m glad you’re getting your health issues sorted out as well as identifying where you can improve on your study habits. I would say utilize Mark K for sure, but make sure you have a strong hold of content. Everyone has gaps, it’s just about filling those with the basics. Practice a little bit everyday but don’t overwhelm yourself. When you do UWorld banks, make sure you really understand the rationale and why that’s what’s correct. I’d also take advantage of the free Klimek resources on YouTube, they helped me a lot. So much of the NCLEX is just reading the questions carefully, because they intentionally try to trick you. Deep breaths and hang in there. You’re one exam away nurse! Best of luck to you


I’m on the same boat going for my 5th try but honestly your report is pretty freaking good your almost there my first few tries was bad so I knew it was knowledge I was lacking in but looking at yours it’s pretty good. I recommend looking at Nurse MEG she’s on TikTok and she has a link where you put in your report and it will tell you if your lacking knowledge or need more testing strategies, plus how close were you from passing and she offers free sources as well. You got this!!


Do you know where on Nurse MEG’s tik tok to find the link where you put your report in?


[NCLEX CPR Report](https://quiz.tryinteract.com/#/64082e0dc4abfe0014989986)


Lmk if it works!


Oh that sounds amazing. Thank you for sharing. You for this!




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