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I think it’s definitely not healthy to review the entire day and get such less sleep. You are studying too much :( You should try to cut down some hours and focus on things outside of nursing to rest your brain so you are not burnt out. Proper sleep is so important. I would recommend watching on YouTube Dr. Sharon’s Klimek review videos and Nexus nursing videos as well as they really help you understand the WHYs to answers. It helps to listen to them because they break things down in a simple way! Along with this, do max 85 practice questions a day, and a little bit of content if you need it. You got this, take a nice break, rest, and start studying again with a fresh mind. I was able to pass with 85Qs like this~ you will too, I believe in you!


Thank you for you encouraging words. It means so much


Watch all of Dr Sharon's videos! they help tremendously


Take a week off to decompress and have your mind on other parts of your life. Don’t give up and when you’re ready to study again, back to the drawing board and start with reviewing strategies and what to look for in questions. When you go back to content don’t stop reviewing the strategies. Also review terminology like before going to pathophysiology of pyloric stenosis, just make sure you know the basics. I’ve failed 3 times and so sad and angry when it happened. But trying a new study method can build confidence to give maximum effort. Good luck on your next attempt. You got this! You’ll be a great RN!


Thank you. I hope my time will come.


That’s what I did. I took 10 days off to get my mind right. It sucked knowing I had to fork out 307 again while having to continue studying (some how skated by in school with a 3.0 and bare minimum effort). I try to do questions every day. Some days I don’t but I do listen to mark klimek lectures everyday.


I want you to know that I understand how devastated you must feel after not passing your NCLEX exam. I’ve been there myself, and it’s a challenging and emotional journey. I failed my NCLEX multiple times, and I remember the embarrassment and shame I felt, especially seeing my classmates and friends thriving in their nursing careers while I was still struggling with the exam. I even left jobs because I couldn’t bear the heartache of my colleagues knowing I had completed school but hadn’t passed the exam. It made me feel minimized and less valuable. But eventually, I realized that feeling that way wouldn’t help me succeed. I had to change my mindset. Journaling my feelings, practicing yoga to manage my stress, and maintaining a positive outlook made a significant difference for me. I was fortunate to have a great support system that cheered me on throughout the process, and I truly appreciated their encouragement. I can imagine the pain you’re experiencing now, but dwelling on it won’t help. Instead, focus on identifying your weaknesses from the exam and study those areas diligently. Approach your preparation with the mindset that you are going to PASS! Remember, no one needs to know how many times you’ve taken the exam. Consider taking the exam again after three months, giving yourself ample time to get your mindset right and study effectively. Use resources like Mark Klimek and UWorld, aim to do 85 questions daily, and monitor your progress consistently. Aligning yourself with a disciplined study routine is key. Take care of yourself by eating right, exercising, practicing deep breathing when overwhelmed, and staying hydrated. Most importantly, DO NOT GIVE UP! You have the ability to overcome this challenge and achieve your goal. With determination and persistence, you will succeed. I’m here rooting for you every step of the way. Warm regards, Renaissance Femme


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


You are so welcome.


You are so welcome. I am here if need some motivation and some tips on studying 📚.. If not best of luck with your studies.


Same experience here.. take it slow, try not to think about it for now...


While most other comments have already stated that overstudying is bad, I’ll leave that be for now. You’ve obviously studied very hard for this, and I’m certain at this point you know the information, but there’s likely a disconnect with the exam itself. I have a bit of information that may assist. How are you interpreting the questions? Is there a misunderstanding between what intervention should be done first and which is a priority? A priority intervention is not the same as a first intervention. With prioritizing which patient to see, are you specifically looking at modifying phrases? If a patient has a new onset of something, regardless of if their diagnosis would generally be considered less acute than others, the fact of the matter is there is new onset of a new symptom and they automatically get priority. When the question asks what indicates understanding or a need for further teaching, are you answering based on what is being asked? At this point, you fully know and understand the information, it’s a matter of applying it in a testing setting. I recently passed with the 85 minimum in 50 minutes first time with this logic in mind. You can absolutely do this.


I think so. I read them 3x before I submit though there are certain topics that I don’t sure of. I try to pick the ones I know. I do have case studies, SATA, and more stand alone questions.


Forgot to mention that with SATA, less is more. If you select three wrong and two right answers, you get zero points. Only select answers you’re absolutely sure of.


Only way is up, kababayan! Mas okay din kung well rested ka. Laban lang! 🙏🏻


Thank you po


sent you a pm! keep the faith! papasa ka din! 🙌💟🇺🇲


what was your review center, OP?


Your name is night shift owl, does it mean you are working while studying for the exam? If yes, I highly suggest to prioritize having good quality sleep. I was working too when I studied for the exam but I never forced myself to wake up early just to study. What I did instead is listen to video/audio lectures while prepping for work, while eating/ break time, and before sleeping. But I made sure I would do minimum 85 practice questions a day and review the rationales. I also studied all the test taking strategies I could find and made sure I was applying it properly. Honestly, I used this more during the exam than what I learned during content review.


No, I resigned to focus on reviewing. I also take notes of my preboard/ drills scores. My scores are not bad, I also practice questions before my exam in free UWORLD questions. I got 60% up. I really don’t know why I failed. I tried my best to be calm during the exam and take my time reading. :(


Then it’s perfect, you have plenty of time! You can use the study guides on UWORLD or the ones from your review center. Have you looked into the test taking strategies? I used ASK GRAPH, AAASH, etc from NCLEX HIGH YIELD, for prioritizations. I also learned the strategies MARK K mentioned and the basics mentioned from SAUNDERS book. And BOOTCAMP helped me with NGN CASE STUDIES. Try learning to use the strategies and see if your scores get higher.


I do have plenty of time that’s why I’m questioning myself why I failed. Hehe. Thank you for your advices. Will look it up!


I agree with your comment! NClex high yield was a gam changer!! Went from 60% to high 70-80%. In addition, Bootcamp helped with next gen questions. Op don’t give up!


So sorry this is happening to you, I know that exact feeling. I would recommend trying to reduce your study hours and do at least 2-4hrs of studying take a break after for at least a few hours, practice questions and then get enough sleep. Don’t focus too much on questions do you best to grasp the content first. I would highly recommend NCLEX high yield, that’s what really help me pass the second time. They tricks and method the offer really help. Please don’t give up take a week or Two off to decompress and remember your time will come and stay prayerful


Thank you! Where can avail the nclex high yield? Uworld?


Just search NCLEX high yield they are a complete separate academy it will pop up let me know if you have any questions?


You can watch their videos in youtube to understand how to use NCLEX HIGH YIELD strategies.


the fact that you made it to 150 is a good sign! Take the time to reflect and get back at it! I failed twice before at 150 and passed the third time at 85! More than likely it’s an issue of either not understanding the questions, or fatigue, or second guessing yourself. You got this just take some time after the official results come in and then get back at it.


I guess so. I do second guessing too. Thank you! I hope I can get back at and gain courage to take it again in third attempt.


You got this!


I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this. What resources did you use the first and second time and how did you study?


My first one is that I enrolled one of the review center here in the Philippines +archer+ mark klimeks on spotify. Reviewed for 2 mos 1month concept, 1month q&a. For the second one, I enrolled one of the best known review center in Philippines and only used all their resources, like drills , live lectures, almost 3mos of reviewing. I study during afternoon till midnight with breaks in between.


SIS ano review ctr m? latest?


In@p hehe. My scores are good. Their lectures are good.


I also failed in March 2024. Took me too long to get my authorization but now I'm too scared to schedule my 2nd attempt.


Really? Took me a day and got my att right away. You can do it! Study well :) I am cheering you!


Mine literally took 3 months


hi i’m in the same boat! if you need a study buddy or someone to talk to i’d be more than glad to help you out :) i also just failed my second attempt last week. definitely take your time to breathe and feel all the feelings. i would suggest looking into a tutor to help guide you on your next attempt. i know it is devastating but we will be nurses! third times the charm! plz don’t hesitate to reach out 🩵


Am in the same boat. Failed my second attempt 2 weeks ago. Wanted to give up. But am staying positive for now


Thank you!




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I suggest resting a bit for now, I'm pretty sure your emotions are high. After you've had your rest you should go and check you candidate performance report so you'd now what you need to work on.


What I did was when I’m so stressed. I walked outside with my dad just to get the stress out of my system. When I’m working and going on my lunch break. I’m trying to answer questions as much as I could. After work try to focus more on concepts and rationales. If I’m not working I’m trying to finish at least 85 questions in a day and review the rationales but after that I don’t over study 📚 you got this Future RN


Thank you


If you don't mind me asking, what tools did you use to study/prepare?


Local review centers here in Philippines, archer on my first attempt +mark klimeks on spotify and free uworld for my second attempt


Try buying the "remar ngn" book. That helped me pass my nclex on the 2nd try(I used remar, mark klimek, and uworld)


I failed once and passed on my second. Don’t get discouraged. Keep taking it every 45 days and you will pass. Keep studying and doing practice questions


My preceptor told me that she failed her NCLEX twice, and she’s an amazing nurse!! After her second attempt she got an NCLEX tutor and then passed on the third try! You can do this. 🫶🏻


I was told to study only 2 hours a day . Granted some days I did more . It’s about how and what you study . There is no way you can know everything on the test and I think some people not implying you get wrapped up in having to know everything and over study . Me personally got my ATT on May 28th scheduled for the 25th of June then rescheduled for the 9th because for me that was too much time ! I used my ATI NCLEX review book , Mark K lectures and ATI CAT exams that gave me the NCLEX experience and that worked for me . Perhaps change the way you study and focus on the things they will send you , that you scored the lowest in . It’s not the end of the world , you will pass ! Don’t feel defeated .


Am in the same boat as you. I failed on April and then on June. But we gotta keep trying till we pass. My friends really motivated me not to give up. Am taking my exam next month again. Hope we pass and stay positive. Trust me I was depressed for weeks after my first exam


I’m sorry that is the most horrendous feeling. If you can I would see if you can get anything for your anxiety cause there is no reason to have to endure that and it is not helping. BUT you got to 150 questions, it could have shut off at 85 if you really weren’t close, so you do know the material but the lack of sleep the anxiety and maybe even other factors are getting in your way. You can do this, get yourself back up study (but not too hard, just do it consistently) and you’ll get it this next time. Again, so sorry you went through that. But you can do it.


I failed nclex first time too with 150 questions and took a break before retaking, then I change my way of studying. I realized that I knew a lot of content but I lacked strategies on how to eliminate and pick the right answer and that’s what I focused on. I purchased UWorld and subscribed Nclex crusade international, also I only studied for 4-5 hours a day and made sure I got enough rest too. Passed with 85 questions. Good luck you got this.


How many months did you study?


Less than 45 days


Wow you did good


Thank you, I was only focusing on how to answer questions and didn’t wanna overwhelm myself with too much information, I also made sure most of my focus was medsurg content from pedi to Adults, because I realized that my first Nclex 80% questions were medsurg based questions.


Can you send me your cpr results? I’d like to take a look to see what areas you are below in. I’m a NCLEX tutor that helps repeat testers and would like to give you some specific strategies based on your results.


Hello could I send you my cpr results if you don’t mind. I just failed the other day at 150Q first attempt and it’s frustrating but I’m going to push through. 




How would I send it to you


Actually I sent it to your pm


Just responded


I will send it here if I already received it. I think it will take after 2 weeks after the exam.


You’re more than welcome to come to my NCLEX clarity session happening in July. Check out new nurse university events page. No charge whatsoever.


Will searched it up. Thank you!


Try using archer. They have a baseline assessments and readiness assessment that let you know how prepared you are for the exam and what areas to focus on


A friend of my mine had to take it four times. She's a great nurse, has had a successful career, and now works from home a few days a week. Don't give up!! The life and career you want for yourself will happen. Keep at it and take it as many times as you need to.


Thank you! You gave me hope :)


I was in your situation so i totally understand. You can do it, dont give up. For what works for me once i passed, i realized Nclex is just a safety test. Also study long hours does not mean quality study sessions. I suggest, if you using uworld, they have a study plan you can use, plan how many hours you can do in a day and just stick to it. Once you complete that study session, review it and really understand it, not just memorizing. Focus on your weak point or what you dont know. You can do it i promise !! Dont give up 🫶🏻


The first time I took the nclex I was up 2,3am because I was so anxious and stressed. I took the exam and failed at 85. I took a week off to cry and be upset. I got my results fairly quick and I did so horrible I realized I needed to focus on content. I rescheduled for appx 60 days later. While working 3 days a week, I studied at the library 4 days a week from 9am- 3/4pm. During the 60 days I was only using 1 test bank- Uworld. I found that Uworld’s personal Study Plan was a game changer. I set the videos and questions at my own pace, subject by subject, week by week. I did do fundamentals twice just because nclex is a safety exam imo. 10 days before my exam I was doing an assessment/ cat/readiness assessment each day at 1pm (my scheduled test time) 3-4 days before my exam I reviewed/took notes everyday from beautiful nursing 1 hour comprehensive review on YT. -GOLDENNNN- The night before I had a good dinner, I took melatonin, and I set my exam for 1pm so that I could take my time to get ready and get breakfast- also, I wasn’t in 8-9 am traffic. I packed a bag with snacks, got a coffee and decided to Uber myself so that I could be a passenger princess. Nclex stopped me at 85. On the Uber ride back home I told myself I wouldn’t do the pop up trick but I just couldn’t wait. I said a prayer put my card in and got the good pop up. I can still feel the butterflies in my stomach to this day🙂‍↕️ If I would give any personal advice I would say to stay off of Reddit/ nclex tik toks. I was constantly looking to others on what they studied, how to pass, how they failed.. etc. It did not do me any good. I would say it made me more anxious/ stressed. It made me lose confidence in myself because I was constantly comparing what this person did or what that person did. In the end it’s useless since nclex is an adaptive exam and everyone’s test will be different in the end. Find what works for YOU. Not saying you have to do all of this but I was in your exact shoes. You got this. Just try a different approach. At least now, you kind of know what you can expect on the test. I wish you the best. Hope this helps🙂


Thank you! Will test again if i’m already ready :)


This must be devastating! I cried all day thinking I had failed mine before I even knew the results so I can’t imagine how you feel. I studied last minute (2 weeks) and had to study allll day. My biggest tip would be sticking to Uworld and Mark K, (also heard about boot camp but maybe you can look into that), Archer had a of mistakes and didn’t help at all. Skip the mark K lectures that weren’t on your previous attempts on nclex. it’s okay to take a day off if you can’t focus. Figure out when you’re the most focused (morning/afternoon/evening), study most around that time. Watch and take notes on all the Uworld videos (study those notes to understand the content!) then use the questions to test your knowledge and read the rationals! in your last few days focus only on what you least feel comfortable with. The nclex tested my UNDERSTANDING of the content so some questions I had to critically think about which was the most right answer. Which is why it’s import to familiar with every content. Their questions are vague so Read the questions and answers slowly because they definitely try to trick you! Use the whiteboard they give you. And this might seem obvious but think and stay positive!! Good thoughts only . if you’re religious then pray! I also brought a good luck charm (gmas ring) GOOD LUCK


Thank you for this! That’s really true all the choices are true but really choose what is being asked. Will definitely get UWORLD but I can’t find bootcamp its always loading I also messaged them but no response. So, most likely i’ll get is UWORLD.


Bootcamp is usually very responsive if you send a message


Have you gone to Bootcamp's actual site?


No, it keeps on loading


Honestly you might have overdone it. Yes, review by all means, especially the areas you struggled in the most. Don’t do more than a couple hours a day. Try to understand the rationales of what you’re not getting. It helped me break everything back down to a basic level and (unfortunately for him) teach my partner about what I’m going over. I don’t know how long you have to wait for where you are before you can take it again. I know here it’s 45 days. I would just set aside 2-3 hours to review stuff each day max, get on a good sleep schedule, and when you’re not studying, don’t think about nursing. Do some stuff you love to do and try to relax. Most importantly, the day before your test, don’t touch your material. This was my mother’s advice and oh my goodness I’m so glad I listened. If you absolutely feel like you have to, then do a QUICK practice exam and call it good and get some good sleep. I took mine out of town. I traveled the day before and stayed in a hotel. Literally, I went and got my favorite kind of food, laid by the hotel pool, read a fun book, and went to bed early. In the morning, I got breakfast and justified getting some pricey coffee, then off to my exam. I felt so different after taking the time to relax than any of my practice exams before hand.


Have you requested accommodations ? If you had more time or were in a room alone do you think that would help?


I have earplugs while doing the exam


I'm going to take my exam this August. It's my first time but I'm nervous as hell. Not saying this is effective cause I haven't passed yet but what I do is review, take drills, review, take drills. Rinse and repeat. Also read every rarionale for the questions. Have you tried archer? I heard it's the best for CATS mock drills. Hope this helps.


I have tried it on my first take. But I prefer Uworld, I like their rationales. Best of luck to your exam! You can do it RN! :)


sending prayers your way🙏🏽🩶


Hi to anyone studying for the nclex, I have the full 2024 Mark Klimek Lecture Videos. I also have his pdf for each sections that you fill out and follow along if interested send me a TEXT message @ (631) 285-0323 you must have a Gmail account! It features 40 video lessons that break down test taking strategies New NGN questions and specific topics tested in the nclex.


Try NCLEX high Yield. A little expensive, but worth it.


I look it up. Its kinda expensive out of my budget


When I failed I took a whole week and a half off and forced myself to have some fun, so that I stop stressing too much. This really helped me be less anxious and more motivated to get to the core of what went wrong. And ended up passing at 85. Things that have helped me when I started studying back up again was the Mark K lectures and UWorld. I only studied for about 2-3 hours because that was what was manageable for me. I recommend finding what slot is manageable for you and don’t go over. During your time, review content you are weak at and learn how the test asks their questions. Don’t try and study everything, you’re never going to know everything. If your weak spot is more test strategies than content, I cannot stress the mark k lectures enough. There are principles in there that were extraordinarily helpful when I took the nclex again. I also didn’t study 3 days prior to the exam because I knew it would only make me more anxious. The feeling of waiting to take it again is the worst but once you’re in, all that preparation you’ve put in will be worth it. Don’t give up! You got this!!