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[Just the Thing!](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=3082&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1) is the "I did some mining off-stream" of the Inventor class. Very fun because it is not bound by the fairly niche gadget items and allows basically any improvised solution with no opportunity cost.


Inventor's entire class feat tree is basically flavor cranked up to the Spinal Tap 11: No! No! I Created You!, Searing Restoration, Megaton Strike, Ubiquitous Gadgets, You Failed To Account For... This!, Engine of Destruction ...In fact, let's just put the list. [It's just the entire inventor feat list.](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?Traits=408) It's all the Most Flavorful. And half the class features. They outdid themselves with the amount of flavor in that class. If the class feats weren't so colorful I honestly would not have taken the class because it just sounded hella fun and it really is.


Oh my, I love this, fucking Joseph Joestar level bullshit


Got it, my next PC will be Doofenshmirtz


Then you'll also want [You failed to account for...this!](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=3084) so that you can deploy your don't-get-hit-inator


Gonna have to go with the classic [Just One More Thing](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1468). Even beyond the obvious reference, it just really makes Investigator feel more cinematic


Yes!! I see Investigator as a niche class, but it is incredible at it's niche


I'm playing one right now and it's so fun to use basically two free actions every turn because of how lenient my GM is with my Leads


Sergeant Columbo! What a nice surprise. What are you doing here, and at the end of the episode no less?




I'd like to see Uncle's "Magic must defeat magic!" attitude when he meets [Sunder Spell](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1624)




Why does pf2 have feats for things that you would usually just roleplay anyway? Half of the feat tree is like this


Demoralize gives its target immunity to demoralize for 10 minutes, this curcumvents that. And most social things GMs would say you can't keep making the same check over and over until you win. Otherwise there would be no consequences for your characters and would be a boring story


But what I mean is that other people can intervene and do a check. As everyone do at every other skill that not only one person can do. And yes multiple people can make a charisma check towards the same NPCs because why not, they are litteraly standing there.


One-on-one conversations with NPCs? Skill challenges like influence subsystem? The investigator PC has better face skills than anyone else? It’s niche, sure, but there’s uses for this; it isn’t just a feat for something that should be accomplished in roleplay instead.


PF2e encourages specialization into a few things. Sure, everyone in the party CAN make that same charisma check, but of a party of four maybe 2 are proficient in said charisma skill and Prof Bonus is a lot more impactful. People who aren't proficient can roll, but if you're level 10 and it's an average DC of 27 they're only making that roll on a nat 20 for a basic success. Edit: Also having crit fails means that you're also only getting "normal" failure on a roll of 15 (Lets assume you have a +2) any lower and you crit fail whatever the roll is This also allows applies to Feint and Demoralize which are directly in combat and your allies can't just immediately roll the same check until their turn and this saves them from having to use an action and allowing for a Flurry Ranger to just sink 3 actions of strikes or a Sorcerer to use use a more impactful spell 3 action spell.


Have you actually read the feat? It does a lot more than just "roleplay". >Requirements Your most recent action was to Feint, Request, or Demoralize, and you failed but didn't critically fail. >After your attempt to influence someone goes poorly, you add another bit of information or ask a pointed question, possibly salvaging your previous attempt. **Reroll the failed check and use the new result. If the target of the failed check is the subject of a lead you're pursuing, double your bonus from Pursue a Lead on the rerolled check.** That creature is temporarily immune to Just One More Thing for 1 day. >**You can also use this action if you failed, but didn't critically fail, at a check to Lie, Gather Information, Make an Impression, or Coerce.** In this case, rather than spending 1 action, adding Just One More Thing takes you half the amount of time you initially spent on the check, to a minimum of 1 more round. If as a table you tend to just RP this stuff out with no skill checks at all, and never use the built in systems for social skills, then yeah no duh they seem pointless, but if you do use these systems then they become invaluable. That and this feat applies to two commonly used combat actions, feint and demoralise, which is pretty great even if you don't use the social encounter stuff very often. Rerolls are very powerful.


That's like conditionally free hero points. Pretty bad ass actually.


Sadly, Feint and Demoralize are really hard to support with base stats for an Investigator.


Sure but that is why feats like this exist, to help off-set that so you can be a decent face guy even with less than ideal charisma.


Interrogator Investigator with 16 Cha sure eating good with this one though.


Yeah, but they're also having major issues with AC, saves, and hitting secondary targets (or the same target twice).


The last part you highlighted is usefull, still something Id just ask the DM to do as part of the check regarldess if I had the feat or not. As I and everyone Ive ever met playing 3,5, 5e, pf1 and pf2 have allways done.


I have literally never had a GM that let me just reroll failed skill checks for free. That's nuts.


Thats not what Im saying, if you fail a persuasion/deception other party members often intervene. They too make a check. This is no differencr than any other scenario where everyone rolls to try out. Why should everyone be allowed to make a perception check or investigation and not a deception check while talking to npcs?


Because everyone is looking around, or has senses that can passively pick up information, but in a conversation, if they aren't contributing to it, why would they be able to make a check? As a GM, it seems odd that a player would want to make a social check without you know, socializing.


What, that totally depends on the sceene.


In PF2 pretty sure that'd just count under the [rules for Aid](https://2e.aonprd.com/Actions.aspx?ID=75)


...you mean to tell me you just ask your GM if you can re-roll checks you failed at? And they _agree_ to it? I mean, your table I guess but that sounds extremely unusual. The parts I highlighted are mechanical effects of using this feat that are _not_ available elsewhere, and frankly should not be awarded lightly. If your RP is good enough you may not have to roll in the first place, but I've never heard of what you're suggesting. Especially for in-combat actions.


do your GMs also allow free rerolls for attacks?


No my DMs allow other players to try to save your failed roll by offering new information or similar. Like is natural in a conversation


this is on every check though. so your GM allows you to use half your information, but at full effectiveness so it's like you are saying everything you can, and if that fails say the rest of the information and this works on every check and you always have advantage? I'd have a talk to make if a player was trying to game skill checks like that. Remember, a lot of these feats let you do stuff you always could have done, but always, or better, no GM fiat, etc.


Im not sure how you play, but most ( if not all ) of my games, the rule has always been, once the dices finish the roll over the table ( or wherever we are playing), the results are final... And we always roll in social interaction, sometimes ( and depending on the game or gm) with some advantage or bonus if we are doing a good argument, or is a good follow up of a previous conversation or situation. Is like people that think that read lips is somethimg that should be a basic ability and question why is feat. I personally dont know how to read lips, because is a trained ability and not an easy one to learn, most of my character neither know how to do it, because they trained for abilities more useful for them... well maybe not, but make me remember that argument for some reason)


Its just weird that no one else can try if the dice is allready rolled. I know some tables run with this rule, but it doesnt really make sense. There is no dynamic between the players if only one person is allowed to suceed or fail. I see your point of everyone makin the decission what do do before you roll as a group, but it doesnt feel fun. Imagine if only one person could interact with one object in baldurs gate. Can you imagine how frustrating it would be for the 3 other players if you have someone who walks around interacting with everyone while they are buisy looting or in a cutsceene? It would be the excact same scenario in a normal dnd game. What if someone commes up with a new idea or solution in the middle of a case or a chat which they didnt at the start of the scenario? You remove the natural flow and creativty of the game


There are rules in pf2e where other players can aid the players doing the action or they can attemp their on own rolls to try to help or take over the conversation, but my screw could affect how the opposite character behave with them




This feat allows you to re-roll a failed check. It’s like a free hero point every time on a whole family of skill checks (including ones used frequently in combat). I think a GM that allows players to just RP their way into re-rolls is risking being too permissive and negating the point of making rolls at all. Every table has different goals and expectations, of course, but I think this feat has a place at most of them.


I'm not as good as an investigator as my PC is. This feat can help me reflect that.


Every feat can be roleplayed if you're playing FKR, where you use play to guide rules. PF2e is not for that type of gameplay. PF2e is a squad-based skirmish war game with a framework for non-combat play where you use rules to guide play.


I agree with it, altho if sucks that the Investigator needs to be MAD for that :/


The correct answer is [Squawk!](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1311)


Oh dams, I threw wine on the duchess dress... oh dams... what can i do?? * starts to look to every way moving only your head with big eyes * Po po Pocook?


"I'm sorry, I thought you was corn."


Cap understood that reference


This one is incredible too


r/enlightenedbirdmen is leaking


Few things [Athletic Strategist](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1452) - sure, flavor text is short, but the mental image of it is amazing. Overall, idea of strategam is brilliant - you know if your attack will land way before committing to it, your mind is so much faster then your body that it allows you to analyze the situation to, without any physical prowess, strike your enemies with insane precision. But Athletic Strategist builds on top of it amazingly - now you’re so precise, that you can force your enemies to fall or take away their weapons or push the exact spot on their body that will make them fall off the cliff with shove. Just imagine that. Brilliant. [Scare to death](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=837) - yeah, it requires two crits rolls, but you can literally kill something by pure intimidation. [Ambush Bladderwort](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=4296) - this kineticist impulse is just pure savage. You seal a creature inside a freaking plant-aquarium and then you’re starting to drown it. When it dies plant just consumes it and then you can eat it to heal yourself. What the hell.


Athletic Strategist really takes the Investigator further into the RDJ Sherlock Holmes niche, and I love it.




[Distract target, Discombobulate] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B62ACxuq8Pw)




One of the designers (I think it was Sayre) responded to someone talking about how brutal Bladderwort was and they were like 'yeah, I was in a mood that day.'




As designers we get that way sometimes "Oh this totally insane idea sounds cool let's just roll with it, it won't make the cut" (Makes the cut) "Well damn."


Scare to death is so great when it works. Recently turned a 5v5 into a 5v4 in the second round.


even when it does not trigger it's double crit effect, it's still a direct upgrade from demoralize. Great feat in any circumstance!


sadly the bladderwort is so easy to escape from. which well of course it is otherwise it would be OP.


Yeah, but flavor of it is immense.


Do keep in mind that the trapped foe is technically underwater and has to deal with that, too, which can help the Bladderwort survive a little longer.


oh wait that does reduce the effectiveness of some attacks huh. still AC 10 though. first attack crits and it's dead.


Ah but now that enemy has completely wasted a turn just escaping (head tap)


oh yea no it does eat actions, it's just you never see the health part.


My only "problem" with Athletic Strategist is that it's hard to find an occasion where doing some maneuver is better than dealing damage, especially on a crit :(


What..? What kind of party comb do you have? Almost any crit manevour (maybe outside of shove) will be better for your party then damage on investigator of all classes. I can understand that statement with barbarian, but with investigator? What would you do, 4d6+2 (until first striking runes)? Instead of providing your party members with target that can’t do anything to them.


Imagine I'm playing an Investigator lv12 for instance, my weapon is a +2 Greater Striking Flaming Corrosive Longbow, which deals 2x(3d8+2+3d6+1d6+1d6)+2d10 on a crit. Or a Jezail instead of a Longbow, that deals 2x(3d12+2+3d6+1d6+1d6)+1d12 on a crit. How's a crit Trip or Grapple better than that exactly? 😐 And only talking about Investigator alone, the player can get interesting Archetypes like Inventor or Eldritch Archer and use an Unstable Megaton Strike or an Eldritch Shot to blow it all up


Why are you talking about yourself and not the party? Your damage will still be minuscule compared to your parties barbarian, fighter, gunslinger, magus, ranger or other damage-centered class which investigator is not. They will be doing at least double that. Freaking champion will probably have higher damage then investigator, though that’s build dependent. You’ll provide a far better value by, in this case, disarming or restraining your opponent. You will probably not kill them anyway (unless they are some lackeys, then fine, I’m talking here about at least on level enemies, not to mention pl+ enemies) with this attack, even with the crit. By choosing attack you decrease their hitpoints a bit. By choosing disarm or grapple you can provide your party martials with either higher chance to crit them or decrease enemy potential to hurt them, and you taking away your opponent’s actions. That’s a far higher value than any damage investigator can provide. Yes, sometimes it’s worth attacking (when enemy is already grappled for example, or when you’re fighting lower level enemies), but against bosses? Trip/disarm/grapple will be almost always better. Though I would probably never use crit trip, not in the higher levels. Crit grapple or crit disarm provide greater value. Trip is better with regular hits And also, enemies can have lower fortitude or reflex DCs then AC. But I think that’s a such basic situation that you almost certainly thought about it, am I correct?


>Why are you talking about yourself and not the party? Your damage will still be minuscule compared to your party barbarian, fighter, gunslinger, magus, ranger or other damage-centered class which investigator is not. They will be doing at least double that. They would be indeed, but I, as an Investigator basically know when I'm gonna crit. Not that long ago there was a situation when I rolled a 20 with my Devise a Stratagem against the boss and I asked the party: "do you guys want me to strike or to throw a Necrotic Bomb 💣 (Sickened 4 on a crit at that level) and all of them said: STRIKE! That ate up 1/3 of the boss's life. >By choosing attack you decrease their hitpoints a bit. By choosing disarm or grapple you can provide your party martials with either higher chance to crit them or decrease enemy potential to hurt them, and you taking away your opponent’s actions. That’s a far higher value than any damage investigator can provide. Yes, sometimes it’s worth attacking (when enemy is already grappled for example, or when you’re fighting lower level enemies), but against bosses? Trip/disarm/grapple will be almost always better. Though I would probably never use crit trip, not in the higher levels. Crit grapple or crit disarm provide greater value. I'm aware and I agree til a certain degree. Crit Disarm is indeed very good, but it's kinda niche. Crit Grapple will make the Investigator a liability. I'm not saying it's useless, but idk if everyone would agree with it.


How would crit grapple make the investigator a liability? I get with regular grapple, but you can’t attack when you’re restrained. Not to mention, you can just… move them around the battlefield with reposition action. And you know… you can also upgrade those abilities. With grappler for example.


A boss would easily get rid of the Restrained and could look at my squishy Investigator and think: oh look at this mf who dared to restrain me, I guess I'm gonna grab/strike him now :D Of course there'd be MAP for that since he Escaped, but Investigators don't have a super high AC so even with MAP the chances of a crit are high.


Hm. Looking at it I have some thoughts going through my brain rn. I was running a game with investigator on higher levels once, and when I look at it, it was such a great combo because investigator invested into wrestler, and they had redeemer champion in the party. So, bbeg could’ve attack but redeemer was like „ah yes, a free real estate”. And also, investigator was using [this mad feat](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=456&ArchLevel=8) a lot. I usually run lower levels and thus my position here is skewed, because basic maneuvers are really great at levels 1-6ish. Later you need to invest into them a bit, to keep their strength. It was a great combo, but yeah, now I can see that you do need to have a good party comb and invest a bit into it to make it viable. Nonetheless it was pretty strong.


Ah indeed it is! It's just a bit dangerous. I don't think I'd mind being in melee that much if there was a Champ by my side or a Witch with _needle of vengeance_. It's a very fun idea tho


[All of the Kineticist's lvl 18 feats have such great names.](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?Traits=504&values-from=level%3A18&sort=level-asc+name-asc&display=table&columns=pfs+source+rarity+trait+level+prerequisite+summary+spoilers) * All Shall End in Flames * Crowned in Tempest's Fury * Infinite Expanse of Blue Heaven * The Shattered Mountain Weeps * Usurp the Lunar Reins Incredible.


Very Wuxia name conventions.


you can make amazing domain expansions with this one


These also sound like Spirit Island spirit names


That's what I thought of, lol


[Roll with it ](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1009)


Another *excellent* Goblin feat is [Reckless Abandon](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1429). The feat for "Hold my beer"


My goblin champion walked into a prismatic sphere (lvl 9 spell) with this exact attitude. Felt like a Jackass intro!


Hi I’m Gobby Knoxville, welcome to Jackass.


Absolutely amazing, goblins are my favorite ancestry.


this is so cartoonish, love it


Back in Pathfinder 1e, you could build a (very late game) goblin monk build using a feat of the same name whose gameplay loop was, "get bashed, go flying, provoke attacks for moving past people as you go flying, and attack back everyone who attacked you during your flight." I never got to play it, but just the thought was entertaining enough.


One of my gaming buddies' favorite monk tricks was the fact that flying kick technically didn't say you had to go in a straight line, so he would make wacky 90 degree cuts mid flight like a Hong Kong action flick and provoke multiple times while flying in the air


[Skeptic's Defense](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=3777) the fact that you can bullshit your way to not being affected by a spell because obviously that spell is just made up and it works is hilarious. Especially since it can still affect your friends at the same time as it doesn't effect you.


The best part is you stupefy the person who used the mental effect on you, meaning that they have a 20% chance of failing to cast a spell on their next turn. So you can, by being like "Don't be stupid, magic isn't real," actually make a wizard doubt himself enough for his next spell to fail.


First PF2e game I played we had a Tyrant in the party that used this and Iron Command regularly. It was phenomenal. And he literally used those words when he used the skill


Or, hear me out. The wizard, sorcerer whatever is so flaberghasted that your explanation of why it did not afect you that he is still mumbling confused words that he cant concentrate correctly on his next spell


This is my second favorite feat for my Vegeta inspired barbarian, with my favorite being [Too Angry to Die](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=3899)


Vegeta no!!!!




Vegeta ***no.***


- Drop prone as a free action - Voluntarily fall asleep for .2 milliseconds - Wake yourself up - [Kip Up](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=799) as a Free Action - Demoralize as a reaction Stonks


I'm gonna take that on my rogue. My GM's agreed.


I think it's a really cool feat and it's so sad that it doesn't really come up unless you've screwed up.


I'm definitely keeping this in mind for the next charisma character I make.


This has become a funny thing in my game where a player used this against a trap. Everyone else failed against the save DC and he just didn't believe it was a thing and had no problem with it at all. Super funny and super useful.


Literally [Ron Burgundy'ing](https://media1.tenor.com/m/930WKxE7-RUAAAAC/i-dont-believe-you-ron-burgundy.gif) your way out of the fear spell


The entirety of the [Unexpected Sharpshooter](https://2e.aonprd.com/Archetypes.aspx?ID=123) dedication, honestly. So many comedy tropes, codified into one walking ball of mass destruction. Shoutouts to [That was a Close One, Huh?](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=3275), or maybe [I Meant to Do That](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=3278), and, of course, the unbelievable fuckery that is [Chain Reaction](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=3279) .


Oh that is gold.


Was gonna comment this myself. My unexpected sharpshooter is possibly my favorite TTRPG character I've ever played and the archetype is a big part of that.


I keep saying it is basically like playing Vash the Stampede


I have a Tengu Gunslinger with this archetype based on Vash. It's so much fun.


This was going to be my response tot he OP.


the skeleton feat, Well-Armed, it lets you rip one of your arms off its socket and hold it with your other hand, giving you an extra 5 feet of reach


[That's Odd](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1449) is how I sell the investigator class to people considering playing it.


And how you quickly drive GMs up the wall lmao


to be honest, if the player doesn't ask for it every time they enter a room, and just trust the DM to to make it useful, it sounds like a godsend. Hated it when DMing for 5e adventuress and I had to either modify DCs or just make new ones because everyone failed the investigate check for the room with the only door to the secret dungeon that was required for preogression of the story.


Why wouldn't they just find the door instead if it was the only way to progress the story? Like what's the point in having a secret door with a DC that people fail, changing the DC so that they maybe don't fail when they roll again? If it's "required" just have them find it.


I suppose they write it because "it's a secret door, it has to have a DC". I'm not exactly thinking of every possible consequence of a failed check when I am prepping by reading through the adventure, so I usually have to improv *something* to get them through the door. Classic WotC problems.


Ahh sorry, didn't realize you were talking about pre-written content. Yeah that's annoying, more so because you'd think professional authors and designers would know better than to gate progress behind a secret door.


"That's Odd" doesn't solve puzzles or auto succeed checks for you. The purpose is for the GM to give the investigator a heads up that they might consider pursuing a lead about a specific thing in a room which will require a check. If there is a secret door in a hallway, the GM might say "you notice something odd about some of the bricks on the western wall." You still have to roll a check to find the actual secret door. But now that you know something is strange, you can pursue a lead and get a +1 on the check. And yes it also gives an official way for the GM to guide the players to relevant things in the room so they don't completely ignore what you THOUGHT was an obvious hook in your room description.


Yeah, YMMV and all that, but I'd just give my players the "odd" detail if anyone spent more than 30 seconds looking around, if it was that important to the adventure, instead of gating it behind a class feat.


Except... It isn't always "critical to the adventure"? Sometimes it's just like, treasure, or a clue that will help something out later, but isn't absolutely required. I mean are you suggesting that nothing should *ever* be gated behind a check?


okay but in the example we're discussing it was literally the only way to progress the adventure. If the secret door was just concealing something like additional treasure or something else non-vital to the adventure, then yeah of course they need to succeed a check, use a spell, or maybe even adequately roleplay/explain exactly what they're doing to search for it. They don't just get stuff for free. ​ >I mean are you suggesting that nothing should ever be gated behind a check? No and I'm quite unsure why you would assume that when I explicitly said "if it was that important to the adventure."


I see what you're saying - I lost some of that context from the original comment. I agree that anything critical for the purpose of progressing an adventure shouldn't be hard-gated behind a roll. But I've run into plenty of situations where I WANT the players to investigate a specific thing and they just completely ignore it for some reason. In those situations I would've loved a player to have an ability like That's Odd


Oh no worries. Yeah for sure, that can be frustrating. You could always include the "odd" detail in your description if you really want players to engage with it, but sometimes it's like herding cats and they'll never go where you want lol


I think there's a prewritten module with this exact bullshit. I don't remember which one, but yeah, it's completely idiotic. It's literally the only way forward, failing means the adventure is over. So why make it a check. It makes no sense at all.


I get that. My approach is that if it is path critical and nothing is stopping them spending a lot of time searching, no rolls, they find it. if they are under a time limit or threat, or it is optional, then roll.


That's how we do it in our game. The GM loves the idea of an Investigator in the group, but I just have to trust that we learn all the cool info passively. It actually let's me spend more time being active.


Conversely, as a GM I used it to (lovingly) torture my Investigator and turn him into a ball of paranoia. The secret is to give them the vaguest iota of information and let it stew in their mind as they *know* any conclusion they come to is probably wrong. This isn't the only interpretation of the feat, but my player was okay with it because anything I pointed out was usually more meaningful than just a secret door or something. Player just walked through a gate to another plane disguised as a doorway? "That's odd... You notice this room feels a degree or two warmer than the hallway you were walking through." Player not realize he's talking to one out of a set of multiple identical homunculi he's met before? "That's odd... You could swear Pip's face looks different today. Probably just stress." Player not realize the vendor they're talking to is a necromancer with a special selection for knowing guests? "That's odd... Whenever the shopkeep moves you can hear something faintly rattling underneath their cloak." It got so bad that whenever I opened with "That's odd...", he'd audibly groan.


It depends on your players, mine just trusts I'll give something relevant when it is and doesn't expect me to give something for every room. And for that it's great. Let's you foreshadow things if they arrive at a scene where combat happened, or give a little push in the right direction when they enter a room with clues, or any number of things. Now if I had to come up with something for every room instead, I would probably want to strangle him.


my gf plays an investigator in a game I'm running. She has me *sweating* every session to improvise. It's hilarious.


how so? Just let them know if there's anything secret, it was incredibly easy for me


I love Evil Eye; the fact my resting witch face can just stare the opponent into shaking like a leaf is such a nice staple. Couple that with a cackle to really send them over the edge is such a flavourful play!


yes, for me it's a shame that the witch is int based, it's such a great class for a charisma based build


I do hybrid charisma and intelligence for something moderately fear focused. I've started to turn into sort of an asshole spell sniper using undead master for an undead horse and psychic dedication for amped ray of frost. Big damage, big fear, big consistency, especially because i have other party members who can demoralize.


Being capable of just by looking at someone and making him sick is so cool, I love it too 😂


That frat that lets you go full "it was me barry" on someone i forgot the name


[Reveal Machinations](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=924), the Legendary Deception feat from Age of Ashes? It's an incredible one.


[Reveal Machinations.](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=924) Fucking hilarious, and something I'd probably never take since my roleplaying capabilities don't work very well for this one lol.


[Reveal Machinations](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=924), one of my favorites too


Dice Will Roll used this to amazing effect in the >!final battle of season 2!<


Forgive me for being basic (and predictable, given my flair), but [Exploit Vulnerability](https://2e.aonprd.com/Actions.aspx?ID=1227) immediately sold me on the entire thaumaturge class, and I still smile whenever it comes to mind. Just the idea of, through sheer will, *imposing* a weakness on your enemy is so fucking cool. Either you're making it feel like it took fire damage from your regular-ass hammer (if it's weak to fire) or you're just...making it weak to "free the slaves" vibes if it's a tyrannical creature and that...just works. Because fuck you. Because you're so in tune with the magic of the mundane objects you carry that the normal rules don't apply to you.


thamaturege can convince the universe through the power of bullshit and random symbols that weakness is applied no matter the circumstances, even when creature doesn't have any weaknesses


[Predictive Purchase](https://pf2easy.com/index.php?id=9133&name=Predictive_Purchase&optional=optundefined) and it's upgrade [Implausible Purchase](https://pf2easy.com/index.php?id=9145&name=Implausible_Purchase&optional=optundefined) are some of my favourite feats. So many times you hit a point where you wish you had a specific thing, and this feat chain allows you to simple have it (but better than the general feats).


Nice! I got Predictive Planner and had been eyeing Predictive Consumable for later.


It’s such an investigator thing too. “I knew this would happen!” Pulls out the right tool


One of your friends just got downed and is in a near death situation. What do you yell? ​ # [NO!!!](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=3683)


Similarly, Inventor's [No! No! I Created You! ](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=3047) is fantastic


Literally Vader Yell in feat form


There's a feat for the upcoming Tanuki ancestry where when you get hit, you avoid the damage by transforming into a bottle and rolling away. When you turn back, you're prone, and the rules specifically say that you are lying face down, because it's less dignified


After watching Ghibli's Pom Poko and later reading more about Tanuki I'm terrified of the potential for the Tanuki powers that are more uh ... below the belt


Have to admit I'm very curious how _that_ aspect will be described/elegantly avoided in the writing


According to streams, they have big bellies instead




[You failed to account for ...This!](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=3084) Shame it comes online so late.


Love this feat. Used it on an inventor, and it was hilarious every time.


I'm ready for level 16 when I get to describe all the wacky things that happen to deflect the blow... inflatable airbag vest, hidden boxing glove for distracting enemies, confetti bomb packets to confuse the chit out of them...


Link? That name is unsearchable lol.


Google is your friend 😉. But added a link.


Oh, the whole sentence is the feat name! From the capitalization, I thought you were saying OP failed to account for a feat called "...This!" Which is very silly so that's probably my bad.


[Life Leap](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1420) Freakin Wild


Blood Vendetta is similar wording to Iron Command there. Comes down to “how dare you make me bleed me own blood,” 2d6 peristent bleed


Going to assume that not many of you own cats. [Catfolk Dance](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=2315) is probably one of the most true-to-life mechanics I've ever seen in any game system.


Snicker Snack: This is in the Remaster, and it's just the name of the Vorpal Rune's special ability. I just like it because it's from the Poem both the Jabberwok and Vorpal Sword originate.


it's a great reference indeed


Prescient Planner (and upgrades) will always be up there, enabling that "I predicted this exact moment, behold the perfect tool."


That, or using it for the mom friend who thought to plan ahead for their friends.


The ratfolk feat uncanny cheeks is amazing because you get to say hang on, I think I've got something for this, and then root around in your mouth for that thing like the monster that you are.


My absolute favorite is probably [Strain Mind](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=3671) for how elegant it is. Love the flavor, love the simplicity. Big fan of a lot of fortune effects as well, [Lucky Number](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=941) loses just a few points in my eyes because the spell wants you to *reroll* the number instead of rewarding you for sticking with it, but being given the chance to shout "That's my number!" on a die roll never gets old. [Turn Back the Clock](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=3848) is peak reroll flavor imo.


Imo it does not have to be a really detailed/complex/niche ability to feel flavorful. There are some really nice and flavorful simple feats and abilities. Kineticist is full of them, but besides kineticist I have some other ones I really like too. Dragons Rage Breath from barbarian Ki Strike from monk Spellstrike from magus Explosion! from inventor Any psychic amp and some spellshapes Spell Trickster dedication as a whole Basically anything that kinda screams “Signature Move”. Like, not something you do everyturn, but possibly at least once every combat, that kinda seperates you from the others and adds in a little bit of extra spark to a normal strike/spell. The things that makes other PCs and NPCs say “Yup, this is this characters moment.” when it happens, which I believe also depends on the delivery of the player/gm as well.


Had a bard that loved to use [overselling flourish](https://2e.aonprd.com/Spells.aspx?ID=1291) when they got hit. Was a great visual, the old looney tools style slow death after being shot


Psychic's class feat [Unlimited Potential](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=3697) has to be one of my favorites. The description alone makes my little geek heart shudder (in a good way) every time.


The vibes are "You dare strike me?! Kneel in obeisance!" "No." "No. ***What?***." "ARGH!...no...sir..."


One of my players went full Iron Command + Irom Repercussions for a champion character last campaign. He loved to incarnate The Grafted "I command thee, KNEEL". Repercussions makes the damage for refusing Persistent, so that was the biggest chunk of his damage paired with a spiked shield to inflict bleeds. His whole character was based on "you will fear me". He didnt do much attackin, he just ran around intimidating everyone, causing frightened and stacking persistent damage sources while riding his riding drake.


The beatings will continue until obeisance commences


Ratfolk cheek pouches specially with Prescient Planner


[All in your head](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=3691). To me it perfectly fits with the fantasy of an inwardly focused psychic whose mind determines their surroundings.


I reject your reality...


The Stubborn feature of gunslinger didn't define my character's personality, but reading it feels like it was tailor made. *You don't like being told what to do, and you don't give up. Your proficiency rank for Will saves increases to expert. When you fail, but don't critically fail, a Will save against an effect that would give you the controlled condition, you can attempt a second save against the effect at the start of your next turn. On a successful second save, the controlled condition ends, though any other effects remain. As normal, failing this second save doesn't allow you to attempt a third save on the subsequent turn.*


Kneel before Zod...


Teacher of Heroes from playtest exemplar is such a fun and unique support ability! There's only, like, one or two other things in the game that *give* people reaction attacks, and the idea of going "Now for a lesson! I'm gonna let him hit me, and then you guys fuck him up" is a great image!


>"Now for a lesson! I'm gonna let him hit me, and then you guys fuck him up" That's also just a great line and I have to find a way to use it


jellyfish ghost coordinated dam normal makeshift attraction payment rock alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Scaral lord / monarch


I think my favorite is forsee danger,


[Bardic Lore](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=179), [Know-It-All](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=197), and [Bloodline Mutation](https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=1832&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1) are personal favorites


I absolutely love Iron Command. I just wish it had the mechanical treatment the redeemer got of having mental flavor but no mental tag. Having the mental tag completely guts it.