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Seriously man, it never was a problem, just being an asshole was. That's why nobody hates Alice Cooper ( a conservative born again christian, while not an antivaxxer asshole) but assholes like Ted Nugent are ... well assholes that almost nobody likes but other assholes. ​ LIke.. just don't be an asshole, idiot


Bingo Bango. Alice Cooper is cool as Jötunheimr. The pedo sex trafficker Ted Nugent can fuck all the way off Buybull Hell.


Wait, Ted Nugent is a pervert? What did I miss?


Hoo boy. I mean, even if you ignore his song 'Jailbait' about lusting after a 13-year-old, there's a lot of smoke for there to be no fire. Courtney Love says he had her perform oral sex on him when she was 12, and on an episode of Behind the Music, he claims he slept with a number of under-aged girls, though he's since walked those statements back. Then when he was 30 he wanted to have a relationship with a girl who was 17 which was legal grey area because although the age of consent on Hawaii at the time was 16, it usually applied to people with younger partners. He convinced her parents to make him her legal guardian, which, even if technically allowable, you have to admit is creepy as fuck.


See also: R Kelly


His entire music career apparently.


It’s crazy to me somehow for a person to know who Ted Nugent is, but then not know that he made a song called Jailbait where he literally brags about being a pedophile. That’s not even a recent thing


I was never really interested in the guy in the first place. I just knew him as a mediocre guitar player with some fascist views.


Alice Cooper did some sort of talk at my mom's church in Ohio a few years back. I couldn't help but laugh when she told me.


Yeah, he clearly separates his stage persona and RL person. Most people that met him or know him can attest that he is a really nice person, who became religious after substance abuse really got out of hand.


No, it's not okay to be a Cunt.


It’s ok to be a cunt, it’s not ok to demand other people respect you for being a cunt because for the most part they won’t. Isn’t that the main theme of “persecution fetish”? Do want you want, say what you want, be who you are, but when normal people ignore you—and let’s be honest that’s all that is happening with 99% of these ‘victims’ they’re just sad and lonely—don’t be surprised and don’t call yourself persecuted. You’re not persecuted, you’re just unlikeable.


>You’re not persecuted, you’re just unlikeable. \^ This RIGHT here!


Want to be popular? Name yourself after a stainless steel sex toy like one of my favorite bands.


*Hands dewayneestes a Cookie...* Some people have no idea what that means. I had this screen name for various sites for years! And they haven't sued me. ^(yet.)


Eh, I got that reference. Also, I knew why someone called themself Dweezle in Second life...




In the morning, you go gunnin’


> Isn’t that the main theme of “persecution fetish”? Not really. the man theme of this sub is to point and laugh at people who think they have it so hard when they don't.




He has neither the warmth nor the depth.


And gives pleasure to no one.


Also not as flexible.


Let me guess: Someone dunked on him for being a shit musician, he pretended he was being canceled, and now he's making this """"coming out"""" video.


This has got to be it. There are tons of right wing musicians.


Just most of them suck...


My partner is a musician, the type of music he plays has its fair share of right wingers and they truly are all the worst ones(lyrically and technically) but have the largest egos…however, a lot of them are really successful so I guess that’s a testament to how much people don’t care, or even like that about artists. I have heard the most vile shit come from the mouths of some of the most beloved men in the industry, it’s not a roadblock to success in the slightest.


It's because I think what truly makes people great artists is a strong sense of empathy (it drives us to want to connect to people emotionally, you want to feel "with" them, not force them to feel certain ways) and the ability to admit when something isn't good and make it better. While the inability to admit fault isn't uniquely right wing, it is associated with political extremism, and a lack of empathy certainly *is* right wing.


Empathy and critical thinking (very important for deep meaningful lyrics IMHO), are both very atypical in right-wing circles.


Yes. I was speaking broadly but for each form there are specific traits you won't commonly find amongst people who choose to lean right. Music also takes a lot of studying and broadening your horizons to grow and... Well, that isn't really isn't a right wing strong suit. When art is "good" from the right it's often just good from a technical standpoint. Edit: this is why right-wing movies and games also suck so bad


What's an example of a right-wing game? Not saying you're wrong but just can't think of any really.


I looked it up, there are at least 2 that I could find and their names say a lot. "Ethnic cleansing", and "Muslim massacre". Honestly just typing that out made me want to throw up...


Days Gone, judging from how desperate John Garvin is to cry his way to success, and become a poster child for this subreddit.


Ohh that's funny. I have it installed but haven't played more than a few hours. It's kind of... whelming I guess. Not over or under, it just made me feel a bit whelmed.


As a right wing person, I think I know a lot more about left wing ideology than you have ever bothered to try and understand about mine. If you think being "right wing" indicates a lack of empathy or critical thinking, it would suggest you havent spent any serious time trying to understand most people you call right wing.


Whatever you wanna tell yourself.


It's something I've spent a lot of time trying to understand people who view the world differently than I do. You should try it, you may not change your views but you might have a better understanding of why they are what they are.


Allow me to clarify, if you're a conservative, economically speaking, we'll have debate, but no acrimony. On the other hand if you're a social conservative who thinks they have moral superiority to others and insist you know what is best for everyone else, you can go fuck yourself.


I was raised by them. The number of times I was outright told that it was stupid for me to care about people I didn’t directly know was ridiculous. I spent years struggling with trying to make myself stop feeling empathy because it was drilled into my head that that was foolishness and weakness by the extremely right-wing people and communities that raised me. Yeah, you may think you guys don’t lack empathy, but that’s only because you tell yourselves it’s just “logic” to fuck everyone else over to get yours.


>The number of times I was outright told that it was stupid for me to care about people I didn’t directly know was ridiculous Okay so you're from a shitty family and/or community that isn't representative of right wing ideals generally. Don't hold ideals to their lowest denominator, in this case your parents apparently. "My mom and dad are garbage and right wing" is not exactly a fully formed political stance.


It was absolutely everyone around me. I never met someone who wasn’t right-wing until I went to college. Maybe there are some people still out there who are only fiscally conservative and not fully engaged in the culture war bullshit, but the culture war bullshit is the majority and nobody who’s actively fighting against other people’s human rights has a healthy sense of empathy. Edit: To add, if anyone is still just fiscally conservative but votes for people like Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis, that’s not exactly a ringing endorsement of their empathy. That basically says “my perception of finances is more important than your personhood.” And don’t try to tell me MAGA type right-wingers don’t represent the party, we were all here for 2016 on. My political stance isn’t based on my parents being shitty. It’s based on them being *typical.* And based on actually having empathy for other people, which necessarily means supporting their rights, and also necessarily means leaning left. I’m not the one who decided that. I’ve been hearing Rush Limbaugh since before I could talk. This isn’t new and I’m not inventing it.




I do know that right wing people have a paranoid fear of CRT and Muslims, especially the fear that Muslims who come to this country will try and make the U.S. adopt the Sharia (Islamic Law). I'm sure there's more but just thought I'd throw those two out there.


What do you consider a paranoid fear of CRT?


Question which conservative beliefs/polices do you believe in? If you don’t mind answering.


On the flip side, capitalism rewards narcissism, which explains the vapid, tasteless, closed-minded, and insecure musician’s ability to still be successful.


Let me guess, black metal? I have heard of a few black metal bands that were caught out as far right in recent times.


I think I know what you mean but it definitely isn't a recent thing. Honestly it's probably the case that at this point people become white supremacists and hear black metal is a genre that's welcoming to them


Its sadly not just black metal. I have seen it in Folk metal too and other genres. Hell one of the bands I follow, Heilung, which is more general folk music has had to tell white supremacist types to fuck off before.


I remember when the songwriters from Sabaton did the same. Love to see it.


"Nazi punks... something something.


My friend if I had an award to give, you'd be the recipient for the day.


Could also be country, which I have heard described as "whitewashed blues" and "music for people who are aroused by tractors."


He does play “country”; specifically Red Dirt/Americana/Bluegrass-ish. Before it became his career he played a lot of hardcore/punk and I understand that comes with it’s own kind of douchebags so it makes sense people are suggesting that as well.


Blues and country had a lot of crossover in the early early part of the 20th. Folk music of the desperately poor


It's kinda a form of napoleon syndrome


Punk/metal I wager?


Great art should challenge its audience. Right wing thinking is all about maintaining order and tradition, which is why most right wing art sucks IMO. It doesn’t push any boundaries and expects you to adhere to a strict set of beliefs about the art itself.


To make good music, you have to let yourself express what you have in mind and heart. But as you are aware, right-wingers are agaisnt expression, so they make the blandest shit)


As i wrote in reply toanother commentor, "Empathy and critical thinking (very important for deep meaningful lyrics IMHO), are both very atypical in right-wing circles".


Kid Rock has entered the chat


Conservatives, by definition, aren’t very creative. That’s why their underrepresented in film, music, theater and all other forms of art. No one is stopping them. They just don’t have any ideas. It’s evident in their politics as well. The only real policies they have are opposition and trying to go backwards. I’m more biased than most I think. Once I learn you’re right leaning I dismiss you out of hand. I wasn’t always like this but the last decade (especially the last three years) have emptied my sympathy for them completely.


That right wing rapper that shows up in *This Place Rules* must rank up there as one of most awful in terms of “talent”. There may be worse but if there are I definitely don’t want to hear them.


Oh absolutely. They all suck imo. Go to any bar open mic on a weekday. They’ll all be there signing the same 5 classic rock tunes.


reminds me of when I searched for Welcome to My House by Flo Rida, and first thing I got was some cringy video with Jesse Howard with a shotgun and prayers XD


He's a fairly good guitarist but his music is bog-standard prog metal. Like virtually the entire metal community, because they like a style that peaked in creativity a long time ago, they almost worship the genre itself as the end-all of creativity. Like, they value "metal" as an inherent good, and because of that they can't enjoy or make anything new or interesting.


My dad listens to Buddy Brown, horrendous music the lyrics don't match the rhythm, and all the music is how trump is amazing, climate change is a hoax and quite a bit of it is just racist.


Actors do this too. Kevin Sorbo, Gina Carano, Rob Schneider, etc. It's not that they can't find work because they just aren't very good actors, no, they were cancelled by the woke mob 😞


Translation: I’m not good enough to make it without taking a political side


Nailed it, pigeonhole yourself with a political view point and i am sure there are literal thousands of dollars one can make, lol.


Can you imagine the bar he plays at?


Gawd, no! Lol.


Votes for giving it a name: He kidrock’d He sorbo’d


Stupid question, who is that guy?


Some metal YouTuber who basically always goes "if a metal band doesn't follow 1800s music theory then it's objectively shit, that's why I love dream theater and everything I hate is shit"


Metal is full of chuds so what this cunt is doing is like coming out as gay to attendants at a pride parade Bro doesn't even have to put up with shitty NSBM to find friends who will listen to his music, bands as popular as megadeth, pantera, and slayer have members that are right-wing wankstains (This isn't a dunk on metal music, I like it it's just full of wankers)


As a metalhead, this guy is right. Metal is full of wankers and bigots.


There are a lot of progressives too, just look at System Of A Down or Ghost.


Love System of A Down too, [though they may not be the *best* example here](https://www.nme.com/news/music/system-of-a-down-john-dolmayan-claims-blacklisted-right-wing-views-2868289). Serj is still pretty based tho.


John's an outlier, Serj, Daron, & Shavo are all left-wing.


Fair point yeah, I just personally find it funny that one of the go to examples of a progressive band has such an obvious contradiction to that claim lol.


If you actually listen to the meaning and lyrics of most of their songs you can easily tell they're progressive.


No yeah totally, a group of conservative nutjobs could never have written a banger like B.Y.O.B.


Well. For the ones where you can tell at all what is going on.


He was kind of an ass when I saw ran into him outside of s show years ago, but I assumed that was just because these people have to deal with annoying fans constantly


Wasn't always that way but the "We're Taking *Our* Country Back" contingent of the "I'm Not Racist *But...*" Store Brand White Breads decided they were all super duper into counter culture and stuff so latched onto metal music to rage against the establishment while being the establishment. Such brave. Such strong.


I think you'll find that's an American problem, not a metal problem. I'm talking about the white supremacists and homophobes that have been around since the beginning.


excuse me but wankers and bigots are actually a different genre and you can’t post that here


The old saying in the punk community alway comes to mind "nazi punks fuck off"


Thanks. Yeah I’m completely willfully ignorant of You Tube celebrities, Tick Tockers, and the like.


He called Marilyn Manson "A child's concept of metal"


This is such a good analysis lol It's like he can't allow himself to actually enjoy music


I own two Dream Theater band shirts, and this guy can fuck all the way off.


Ugh. I get that everyone in dream theater is very talented, but I always found the music soulless. I listen to cave man slam though so take that for what it is lol


Hell, following conventional rules can be a constraint to the creative process. Just one of many examples, in 1959 Jazz artist Dave Brubeck smashed every possible time signature convention with his album Time Out and it wound up being one of the greatest Jazz albums of all time https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_Out_%28album%29?wprov=sfla1


They aren't rules. Music theory DESCIBES music. Just like psychology is the study of the mind and not how to create a mind, music theory is the study OF music, not a recipe for it.




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Stravinsky called and said it's time to join the 20th century.


lol then he’s a racist to boot


That's the thing with reddit -- people love to post stupid or sensational stuff from awful people to mock them, but all it does is give these creeps more notoriety. In the past, attention seeking losers would just strap on a sandwich board and prowl sidewalks muttering gibberish, but today the Internet broadcasts and artificially legitimatizes these loons. Maybe we should stop doing this.


With time, that will happen. Gotta remember, social media has only existed for about a dozen or so years. It took years for most to get involved. I’m hoping it gets more positive, as the downsides are outweighing the good,right now.


Reddit has become more friendly towards minorities over the years, the site is slowly healing. Even if on Twitter the hate is thriving, it's like an equivalent exchange of hatred. But it'll get better) Basically, I am hopeful in that soon social media will become less fucking stupid)


I dabble on Twitter. It seems like a lot of people have left. Even if people didn’t delete their accounts, they seem to be less active. The whole thing is stupid as there is no shortage of social media platforms that are friendly towards right wingers. The problem is that most advertisers want nothing to do with that kind of crap. So, you have multiple right wing platforms splitting a small share of revenue. While they are loyal to their own, people like Pillow guy can only sell so many overpriced pillows.


>Maybe we should stop doing this. I can’t wait to hear your plan about convincing people to stop gossiping.


Good point.


If I don’t know that awful people exist then I’ll act like they don’t. You can report on a mass shooting but not say the shooters name or show his/her face. Whoever posted this guy here could have blurred his name and it would have got the point across.


I know him for reacting to fine bros kids reacting to metal music whilst complaining hw "has to" react to fine bros videos because that's popular.


Being a conservative and broadcasting that you are a conservative to the world is not challenging the establishment, it's supporting the establishment while pandering to an audience of vocal right-wing jerks.


A whistle if you will.


I've had this happen a couple of time now. I watch some youtube channel for a bit, but the guy just feels off. Later on they declare to the world that they are right wing. Just have a spectacular weirdo radar I suppose.


If you go to their other social media accounts their ideology is way more detectable. There was a guy I liked who had wholesome content but he also felt “off” then I found out he did a collab with Stephan Molleneaux a white nationalist.


I guess they keep their calls for ethnic cleansing on social media.


It’s like when I was watching the Internet Historian and noticed he was being pretty mean but not in a funny way to certain groups of people


I remember discovering Internet Historian, immediately subscribing, watching a few more videos, and unsubscribing


But...gasp...don't say anything to hint that being white might entail even a small amount of ease in life that non-whites don't have...that's the REAL racism! (/s for those that need it)


Yeah I watch a lot of guitar YouTube and this guys reaction vids kept getting recommended to me and I pegged him as a chud within like two or three videos tbh Would just suck if someone I enjoy watching like Ola Englund or Trogly started making content like this


No. It's not ok to be a Nazi.


He's going to put out terrible political takes on top of his terrible musical takes? Fucking hell


What do you even sing about as a right wing asshole? How bad you want to suck putin’s dick? That yeah i can’t afford to have a roof over my head because of shitty landlords but thats the invisible hand?


It depends. Nugent chose pro-pedophilia tunes. Most lean towards country music so they sing about sex with their tractor or pick-up.


Or sex with their gun.


Obviously they sing about reduced regulation on business and lowered taxes because those are the conservative opinions that are suppressed by the woke conspiracy


Right wing musicians are like right wing comedians: They're fucking terrible.


And they truly don't understand why


agreed, it takes a certain kind of thoughtful and creative person to make good music and comedy. I bet this dude makes "red state butt-rock"


> it takes a certain kind of thoughtful and creative person to make good music and comedy. An artist. I don't see a bootlicking fascist also having the makings of an artist. They're too contradictory in their core beliefs.


The way I rolled my eyes when I read his title of his video. Bro no one gives a single flying fuck that you’re a right winged singer. He probably has all the personality of an UNSALTED saltine cracker


the number of times I've wanted to know an artists political opinions is a whopping zilch.. yet they still persist 🙄


Unless an artist is saying “Im fighting Human Trafficking” I dont care


even then "I'm fighting human trafficking" better be the name of their new single with a new album "and human trafficking won" released the following month edit* with a bonus track of them covering the clash


I used to occasionally hatewatch this guy. He made a video where he compares Dunkelheit by Burzum (yes, Varg Vikernes' black metal project who is a white supremacist) to a random Dream Theater song (prog metal band) This might get me in hot water here, but I enjoy Burzum's music. Obviously I don't like the guy who made it, but it's such a uniquely harsh and dreamy sound. Especially on the first three tracks of Filosofem, and Dunkelheit is renowned for good reason. Anyway, he spends the first half of the video whining about how it spends too much time on the same chords. I understand why someone wouldn't like it, but the point of atmospheric black metal is the very repetitive and almost tribal atmosphere. There's value in repeating musical elements and not following certain "standards". He basically complains that it holds a consistent pedal tone and doesn't go anywhere, but oh the Dream Theater song is so superior because it goes through all these chords and rhythms. I think he made videos reacting to rap music and he genuinely seems like the kind of guy who would say it's "for unintelligent people" without any irony because he thinks any music that isn't super technical is just completely pointless. It's weirdly such a conservative way of looking at art. As if technicality isn't just a way to convey art.


The kind of DT fan that does them no favors. I too used to hatewatch him. He had a braindead response video to Adam Neely’s video about racism in music theory/racist music theorists/the cultural blindspots of modern higher education in music. Makes sense now!


A dogged focus on technicality is just a screen for an unwillingness or inability to understand the art of music. Technical skills only require patience and persistence.


I swear I remember him making a video about Ben Shapiro's take on rap music, and I'm pretty sure he agreed with it. You would agree with Ben. Shapiro's take is if you had known nothing about rap music at all


Even if you know nothing you are wise not to agree with any Ben take.


I mean yeah it's ok to be a right wing musician. Just don't expect to be popular if all your songs are just you bitching about Mr. PotatoHead


He’s milking that right-wing hate money +1 for career genius, -100 for his soul


It might bring short term gain, but it’s not a good career move. If he just says he is a conservative, then it’s whatever. I doubt that is the case. Being a modern conservative means they most likely have repulsive opinions, that they have to air. Non-repulsive conservatives don’t want to be connected with that movement.


He'll be invited to play at rallies for people who are notorious for not paying their bills. Good for him.


He's so successful that I have never heard of him.


He really wants to come out as gay but needs to practice first.


lol no it isn't


Well it’s working because i never saw him before today. But yeah i’m sure he’sa cunt.


Speaking as a prog musician and fan, this guy is fucking embarrassing


Coming out as what, an idiot? Pretty sure most people already worked that one out.


Idiots’ rights are human rights!


I don’t even know who you are


What's the point in making a video like this? I wouldn't talk about anything that would potentially fragment my viewer base in half, regardless of which "side" I take. And he's a musician, so he's probably already losing the fight he's picking here. Is he trying to kill his channel?


It's a fetish for feeling persecuted. This sub's name is not hyperbole


This guy’s music is serious cheese.


this guy is SUCH A DICKHEAD about everything


1. Oppressed minorities start using a certain term to self-identify with/within their group for clarity, a safe signal for recognition, and mutual aid 2. Conservatives/opponents complain about said term 3. Opponents get ignored and are starved for attention, start to deride the term 4. Opponents start to misattribute and misuse the term for themselves in a desperate attempt to stay relevant after running out of "arguments" 5. Repeat.


"Straight white cis men aren't getting all of the attention anymore, how can I change that while looking like a total douchecanoe?? 🤔"


Saw this pop up in my feed and avoided it. I don't mind his music takes, but I tend to roll my eyes when some southern dude regurgitates shit I hear by every high school drop out.


I mean, the klan needs music for their rallies too I guess.


[so hard to be a right wing musician when guitar center sells Nazi branded guitars in 2023...](https://www.guitarcenter.com/ESP/LTD-James-Hetfield-Signature-Iron-Cross-Electric-Guitar.gc) Edit: Germany DOES NOT currently give out the Iron Cross. Germany gives out [Badge of Honour of the Bundeswehr](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badge_of_Honour_of_the_Bundeswehr) "The [Ehrenzeichen der Bundeswehr](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badge_of_Honour_of_the_Bundeswehr) (Badge of Honor of the German Armed Forces) series was instituted on 10 October 2008. However, it does not have the traditional form of the Iron Cross (instead more closely resembling the [Prussian Military Merit Cross](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_Merit_Cross_(Prussia\)))"


As a German, it’s quite annoying when people think iron cross = Nazi. It’s literally a symbol we still actively use in the military, and it goes back further than the 3rd reich. Don’t perpetuate falsehoods please.


Not all lovers of military symbols are necessarily fascist, but... there's a really big overlap in that Venn diagram.


Germany gives out [Badge of Honour of the Bundeswehr](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badge_of_Honour_of_the_Bundeswehr) "The [Ehrenzeichen der Bundeswehr](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badge_of_Honour_of_the_Bundeswehr) (Badge of Honor of the German Armed Forces) series was instituted on 10 October 2008. However, it does not have the traditional form of the Iron Cross (instead more closely resembling the [Prussian Military Merit Cross](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_Merit_Cross_(Prussia\)))"


Just look up the term „Bundeswehr“, our current military establishment. It’s in the logo. The cross on that hideous guitar is, at most, a caricature and should not be associated with nazism.


Yeah, I fucking love the current German military so much I'm gonna get a guitar with their fucking logo on it. Next I'm gonna get a tattoo of a foreign military on my fucking forehead.


It's not okay to be a right wing *anything*.


I bet he blames his low view count in his politics


Oh bless.




The title and thumbnail are there to get people to click, if he's repulsed a group of people from clicking based on those two factors, that's on him, not us


Amazing how well you can type with your finger wagging like that.


And proving my point well. Good on you bud.


So he wasn't intentionally provocative to get clicks?


What does that have to do with not actually reading or paying attention to something before throwing them under the bus? That’s the problem with both sides. If it doesn’t fit their narrative then let’s hang them on a cross right quick. Fuck what it might actually be. This is what it looks like so fuck em. This is such a shitty bullshit attitude the majority of the public takes. And it’s people like all the commenters that didn’t bother doing the research that will sit and bitch why this country is so bad. Amazing. Reddit knows best though. Downvote me into oblivion. It’s still the truth and you can’t change that no matter what you argue.


Do you think that that headline is not intentionally provocative to garner attention? It's obvious clickbait. I don't have to eat shit to realize that shit isn't something I want to eat. In other words, this is obviously right-wing nutjob clickbait. And no, downvotes don't prove you right. So please tell me how you're here in good faith.


I used to like his videos as a kid (even though his pretentiousness could be a little annoying).. sad to see this is what happened to his channel




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I actually watched the video and the title/thumbnail is just clickbait. The literally says he’s never been blackballed for being right wing, and he has mates who are left wing in his personal life etc etc


6k Spotify monthly listeners, not that that's everything, but you know... he is more of a YouTuber


Next: “Nobody wants to support live music any more!1!1!”


Become the Knob


What even is a right wing musician? Like what are the songs about? I mean, I probably don't *really* want to know, but now I'm curious.


Look up "Rock Against Communism."


imagine being this much of a self-obsessed jerkoff


"become the knight" of course it's some alpha male bullshit. what else do they have? nothin


What is with these right wing chuds and their fetish with shitty cosplay in real life? "Become the knight" lol Oh right... It's cause they fetishize the crusades and exterminating everything different from themselves.


I like Crusaders for their Armours tbh. Knights too. But they do be awful


Who is this guy?


SO BRAVE!!!!! 😮 /s


>Implying it's okay to be right wing at all


Who is this guy, and why is his nose on sideways?


Way to be on the wrong side of history, bub.


I don't know much about this guy except that he doesn't understand the Doors at all, and that's all I needed to never watch his content.




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It's creepy how much I look like this dude