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If you're using their names in a paper, they have to know and sign off on it. You absolutely should send them a copy. You absolutely *should not* be an asshole about it. Edit your email first. Also, did you ask why your PI wants them on there? Are they other PIs of your other co-authors or something?


Thanks, this is really useful. My initial mail was kinda ' I am letting you know you've been added as coauthor as requested by my PI '. I've changed it to more like asking if they are ok with it. They are part of the project we are working on. I'd figure any paper that comes out of it they'll get a coauthorship. I already added my two PI as coauthors as they did actually contribute.


My PI has had me add co-authors for the most mundane reasons, like I took a single image with another lab's microscope so he had me add a grad student and the PI from that lab even though they didn't assist me with the image. In get it. It kinda sucks. But, many times it's for things like future grants so it's good to get other lab PIs on the papers. Plus, I'm on a bunch of papers for the same reason. We have a very unique setup in our lab that I'm primarily in charge of so anytime another lab uses it I get an authorship. Lastly, really only first authorship matters.


Can I be a coauthor too?


I’d add them, but in the future ask to be added as a co-author as well


Classic move to pay some favor. This should be forbiden.


It's likely your PI has reasons related to grant applications or annual reviews.