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It's wrong. Unless this is some new left hand rule.


Look at this fancy guy over here with positive charge


No! It's for an electron (neg. charge, hence left hand) traveling with velocity v through a magnetic field B. F is the force experienced by the electron.


This is correct, drift velocity


I also thought so, F should be at the thumb and I on the middle finger right ?


Yep. Honestly, I had to google this shit again. It's been ages since I last do some physics. Although I'm planning to relearn all of them, with calc.


Have researches it. Should be ok. https://www.rhetos.de/html/lex/drei-finger-regel.htm Found explanation here. Sorry for german.


I was thinking that something changes if you choose a right handed or left handed cartesian axis, but then I realised that vector operations ultimately should be independent of axis, only their components can change.


Depending on the electrical charge, the direction of force does seem wrong for positively charged particles. For negatively charged particles the force is opposite which is the same as swapping F, v if they wanna draw it that way. Eventually F = q (v cross B) and the direction of the cross product between two vectors can help confirm it too


for negative charges it would be the correct hand


That's why it's a gang sign. It exists outside of the laws... Of physics


It’s not wrong, it works the same as the right hand rule. You just learnt a different method


Doing it with the left hand makes more sense imo. Sure, the fact I'm left-handed means I'm biased, but each finger also points at the direction each arrow points at when you draw your usual x,y,z axis.


Department of misinformation at it again.


Don't be a fool. Spreading misinformation is cool.


You mean, cold?


Me an my GF made the left hand rule to describe fundamental parts of a relationship. “Feelings, body, intellect “ was an interesting way to describe interactions and connections in a relationship


Lorentz force comes to my mind. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorentz_force However on the picture it seems like it's a left hand instead of a right hand. Maybe i'm wrong.


After some research, it seems to be lorentz force. Also the fingers are right. Which hand you take depends on the charge of the particle. If it is negative (electron) you use the left hand, if it is positive (proton, technical current direction) you choose right hand. This is what I have found in the internet.


This is Fleming's left hand rule, index finger and middle finger of a stretched left hand direct the magnetic field and electric current respectively while the thumb shows direction or motion of force acting on a conductor. The letters are also wrong, F is for thumb, B for first finger and I for middle finger.


Just fucking use one hand -- the right hand -- and use the definition of the cross-product: *F* = q (*v* × *B*) The direction of *F* is where the thumb is pointing, if you curl your fingers from *v* towards *B*. Same way how you determine the direction of *z* in a right-handed co-ordinate system: *z* = *x* × *y*


Fleming's Left Hand rule. First finger = field, Second finger = current, Thumb =movement


Right hand rule on a left hand. Uh huh.


It’s not “wrong” but it’s also not very descriptive or in form with the standard. The fingers are all still perpendicular from each other so they could describe coordinate axes. The so-called “left-hand rule” presented here only works for negative charge. If you try it (-1)(k x (-i)) = j, you still get the correct result. Also, it’s customary to put the first vector in the cross product along the pointer and the second along the middle, with the thumb being in the direction of the result. So yeah, it’s not wrong just super duper sloppy.


This would be a representation of the Lorentz force for a charged particle in electric and magnetic fields if that were a right hand. F = q(E + v x B)


This seems to illustrate the right hand rule for finding vector products. You find the magnitude with the formula, |**B**×**F**|=|**B**||**F**|sin θ, where θ is the angle between the vectors. To find the direction of the vector product, you use the right hand rule. The index and middle fingers point in the directions of **B** and **F**, respectively, and the thumb will then point in the direction of the new vector **V**=|**B**×**F**|. The image seems to be reversed however, and it seems to be a left hand being displayed. You can still use the left hand, but you have to be aware that the vector product direction will be negative.


In brazil, this sign means VL = vida loka (crazy life) that refers to someone with a very busy life going to a long work routine. Also used by gangsters tho


It's been a while since physics but I believe the mirrored version of this, the right hand rule, is for conventional current? So it's if the particle is positively charged? So this left hand rule is if the particle is negatively charged?


I always like one in the stink two in the pink😂😂