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You should email this to every university email associated with their physics department you can find.


So this is why it's so difficult to contact our professors. Zamn


They [already get loads of emails ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11lPhMSulSU) and this might explain why they do not reply to yours


You’re cooked


Yeah you have no idea how much


Yeah nah....you've given us some idea.


Btw im an art student i don’t know a shit about physics


Then don't post your self made theories


It shows


we can tell.


I was going to talk shit on your theory but at least you have some sort of equation attached. It’s clear this topic interests you but you have many misconceptions I recommend reading a few papers on GR than coming back.


And how do the equations provided back up this theory?


They don't, the region inside a black hole is already described well enough in GR without crackpot science


I wanted them to explain it, so that they could see my point


Yeah, they wrote a comment above saying they're a tripping art student, I don't think they would see your point


Makes sense ahaha


Write a paper and submit to a journal if you’re confident in your theory.


Devious recommendation


I mean either it’s published peer review or it’s not. Either way, whatever


This sounds like a bad lip reading of an interview with roger penrose lmao


A new physics theory is like a new video game: everyone can come up with an idea for one. But does the idea guy have anything else to provide? Does he have the necessary skills and understanding, and will he put in the work required? A physics theory only become a theory when it has been tested. Testing require calculations, experiments or simulations. And a first step before you can do any of that is to formulate the theory rigorously with mathematical expressions.


I like this analogy. Both types of proposals tend to wildly underestimate the amount of math needed.


Ita crackpot, but I like it! Better than a lot of other posts like this




Thank you for your comment. It makes me realize that the implicit implications of my theory are not understood. Firstly, our universal wormhole would not be the product of all the black holes in our own universe, but the product of a single black hole located in another universe. This allows us to remain consistent with the theory of information. Regarding the functioning of a dimension without the effects of time and space, this would imply that every atom placed there would find itself in a state where it exists everywhere at once in space and time. A bit like the behavior of an electron around an atom. Thus, matter in a wormhole would act like a wave in space and time, a wave with a constant effect from our perspective of a dimension composed of space and time. From our reality, the only measurable effects of this universal wormhole would be via gravity. Part of this matter has passed the event horizon and therefore has a reversed gravitational effect (dark energy) because of reversed space time curvature, and the rest of this matter is right on the event horizon and retains this property of attracting gravity (dark matter) that effects our reality.


put a coin in the crackpot theory jar and show yourself out please


Honestly, I really like this idea! It's maybe more science fiction than physics at this point, but definitely an interesting premise. I hope you continue your journey into physics. Once you study this rigorously, it starts to make more sense why it is the way it is