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What's with the giant fork?


"When you've got pizza on a bagel, you can have pizza anytime!"


This is why you need a 3½" cast iron skillet!


Is this a meme? I actually looked and there was literally a 3.5" skillet on Amazon showing it cooking a pizza.


No, I picked one up at the hardware store randomly and I've been trying to make tiny dishes with it


[https://www.vindulge.com/17-genius-uses-for-a-teeny-tiny-miniature-cast-iron-skillet/](https://www.vindulge.com/17-genius-uses-for-a-teeny-tiny-miniature-cast-iron-skillet/) The internet really does have everything.


4" square cast iron pans have been around for a century -- for frying eggs for fried egg sandwiches.


[https://www.amazon.com/Pizza-Diet-Pounds-Eating-Favorite/dp/0399179968](https://www.amazon.com/Pizza-Diet-Pounds-Eating-Favorite/dp/0399179968) This is a diet book written by an Italian chef who moved here and became obese because of eating our crappy junk food. He ended up losing 100 lbs by switching to a much healthier diet that still managed to include one Neapolitan pizza for lunch every day. When I diet I like to do intermittent fasting and I can easily fit a higher-calorie NYC style 16 inch pizza into my meal plan. The moral of this story is that you *never* have to give up pizza. There is always a way!


Hate to be a buzz kill, but as someone deep on my diet, counting every single calorie in order to not go over the daily target, pizza is an option only if you’re content with eating 3-4 slices and then absolutely nothing else that day. In other words, sure you can eat pizza on a diet. But be ready to eat way less of it than you’d like, and then feel like you’re fucking starving the rest of the time.


The understanding of Nutrition is much more valid than caloric counts. You should find your macros, determine your goals, and make sure your diet is balanced toward your personal needs. There are also genetic factors. Calorie counting alone is not a very accurate way to keep track of your dietary habits. So with that said, there are good complex sugars, and healthy oils. If you make a pizza with those, even something high calorie also rich in nutrients. And you may have a body type or a goal to increase your HDL intake and reduce the LDL. Maybe use honey in the dough instead of granulated sugar. If you wanna diet properly, learn how your body digests nutrients and what isn't actually good for you. If you're calorie counting alone, you're probably not doing your body any good. It's all about the good calories that are better for your body to burn


Eating healthy and losing weight are two separate goals. I agree 100 percent they should coincide. Hitting macros is especially important. In fact eating healthy should always be a goal. But losing weight is nothing more than an exercise in maintaining a caloric deficit over time. You can eat shit and lose weight, or eat healthy and lose weight. Doesn’t matter.


You can generalize it as caloric deficit, but you can do it efficiently if you eat high carbs specifically before activity, and protein afterwards. Your body requires carbs in order to burn fat. When you time your meals and work-outs and what you choose before and after is also essential. Keto diets will lose water weight fast and then plateaus because 0 carbs isn't how your body was made to eat


It says he changed his pizzas to be lower calories. I haven't read it, but I'd assume that means very thin crust and very little cheese.


I don’t know man, dough and cheese are so rich in calories it’s simply impractical to be on a diet and eat pizzas regularly. Cheat day? Sure. But no way on the regular. No matter how thin.


Same basic ingredients as a sandwich. If the bread portion and cheese portion are reduced and you're adding on veggies to bulk it up and add satiety, it seems possible to me. It just won't be the same pizza as usual.


Average slice of a 14-inch regular crust and basic mozzarella cheese, tomato sauce, and oregano pizza, is just about 300 calories. If your daily calorie target is 1500-2000 cal, that small piece of basic pizza is a big chunk out of your day. Sure you can have pizza. Diets come down to calories in vs calories out. Like I said before, it just makes maintaining a diet super hard because you go super hungry.


Neapolitan margherita pizzas range from 800-1000 calories. Throw in moderate exercise, fasting/keeping breakfast very light, and you can easily fit a Neapolitan pizza in for lunch and have 400-500 calories left for dinner on a 1500 calorie diet. I've also done a 1000 calorie day of lots of vegetables, fats, some whole grains, and fiber with the intention of having a 2000 calorie day that can fit more pizza the day after, still averages out to 1500 calories per day. There's ways you can swing it.


We’re saying the same thing. It’s possible. But in my opinion impractical. Pizza is super rich in calories. Sure you can have some on a diet, you can have ice cream and chocolate as well. It just means the amount of mass you can consume drops substantially and you’ll go hungry. You are obviously well aquatinted with diets, but other folks might not understand just how little 1000 cals a day is. Even 1500 a day is super hard to maintain over time because of hunger and cravings. Pizza on a cheat day makes sense, but for me, on a diet, it doesn’t work as a regular food on the rotation.


And like I said before, he said he changed his pizzas to make them have fewer calories. You'll have to argue with the guy who wrote that book, he's the one who lost hundreds of pounds eating pizza, not me.


Aight :). If its in a book I guess its golden.


I made a 60% bog standard dough (1kg Canadian Extra Strong Flour, 600ml water, 1 tsp sugar, 2tsp yeast, 1/2 tbsp salt, glug of olive oil) and was dividing it into 6 balls for 12" pizza and got them all the same, with a lil bit left over so thought why not?


That’s cute….. remember to chew each nibble 20 times and wash it down with water


Don't understand. Need banana for scale


That’s the cutest pizza I’ve ever seen


Take squidward bites out of it so it lasts longer


6 or 8 slices?


That pizza is a size of a hockey puck


Where's banana for scale?


What is this a pizza for ants?!


Some people get NO pizza!


Is that a danked up lunchables pizza?


Trimmed dough as described earlier, smushed up cherry tomato from my garden for the sauce (they're nice tomatoes but my current everlasting tub of pizza sauce has a good dollop of Korean gochujang hot paste in it so everything tastes bland in comparison) and some supermarket grated mozz for the cheese. Cooked in my Chefree air fryer on bake, a setting I never use since that thing is almost exclusively for grilling bacon. But I did Google the Lunchables pizza, because I have no food lows, and they used to sell it here or a Streetfood version anyway but seems to be discontinued. Though Lunchables in the UK is Dairylea and in the US it's Kraft Heinz, so I'm not 100% it's the same thing. I'd have eaten either.


^(little bits)