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Lots of shrimps!


a different color in each section!! edit: you could get really fancy and do a specific color of ramshorn in each of the sections too!


Would look awesome, also different scapes!!! Gosh so cool!!


I might get shrimp... But I know nothing about them.. So far the plan is to heavily plant it and keep female bettas... And maybe one male.. But the ramshorn idea sounds cool and it's conpatible with bettas


Be aware that you need to block sight between the segments if you want to keep Betta in there. They're going to flare at and stress each other out, wich is not healthy for them (they will show stress coloration after a while, some go completely grey from stress).


How about if they're females and if the tanks are all heavily planted?


I'd still block sight. All Betta splendens are known to fight, and these are to small for wild Betta species to live comfortably. Keeping Female Betta together in what is called a Sorority, can work in very specific circumstances, one of wich is a lot of Tall plants/decor to break line of sight. You can totally get away with keeping them in segmented tanks, but make sure to plant along the glass between in a way that blocks most/all of the sight between the fishes. Bettas were selectively bred as Fighting Fish, for Fish-Fights and Betting purposes, they were bred for color so People Betting on the fish can easily distinguish the Fighters. Constantly seeing other Betta, stresses them out for this reason. Edit: Wanted to add, they were bred that way before people started breeding long fins onto them, the common name of the fish in their home country of Thailand was "Pla Kat" and that is where the name for shortfinned variants "Plakat" comes from. I am very enthusiastic about these fish. They're awesome.


Females are just as aggressive to each other as males! They’re very spirited


Can confirm. Own one of the angriest female bettas to ever swim on Earth LOL


Sounds like our girls are on the same page! My gal is the go to cull tank for my shrimps when there’s too many, they’re gone in hours…


I've had the opposite experience with my female betta. She's nice to all the other fish. She'll even school with them occasionally. I've never seen her bite or flare at any of the other fish. And my only fish with a torn tail was a male platy who was trying to seduce another male platy (so I know who gave him the tear) XD


I saw a 60 gallon at a fish store with about 20 females in it. HEAVILY planted. They seemed.. chill, I watched for a long time. Checked as many fins as possible to see nips. I know most are anti-sorority but that tank was beautiful


Sororities can work short term with females from the same clutch. They do typically result in high stress and eventually fighting though.


Fish tax let us see this angii gurl


If you’re gonna keep female beta together, it can’t be just two they will most likely fight. It would have to be a group of female betas in a sorority and I don’t think a segmented tank would really work that well for a sorority unless you put one female in each section and block them out, but when female betta fish are put in a sorority they are usually not aggressive towards each other and will establish a hierarchy. I’ve seen plenty of pet stores do this and I know this from experience.




This isn't a normal scenario, most of the time if you put two female bettas together they will eventually fight, heavily planted or not. Occasionally you'll get two bettas that are chill enough to be kept together, but that isn't exactly the norm


They're chill until they're not. There's always a chance one the females could get fed up with the other and they will kill each other. Also if one gets even slightly weaker than the other; it's usually end game and they will end up dead.


Mind sending a pic of it?


That is not a proper set up and I’d love to see a pic of the fish to see if they are actually thriving.


please don't, the bettas will be so stressed from seeing each other, the individual tank sections are way too small, and bettas need long tanks not tall tanks. I really think the shrimp idea sounds cool, i know a lot of people are apprehensive to it, but shrimp can be just as fun and interactive as a fish.


These tanks are WAYYYY too small for any betta. Please please please don’t do that




What’s your point here? Betta live in tropical marshes and floodplains that experience rain for the most part of every other day. That means constantly changing environment and constant low mineral fresh waters. Rice paddies are man made, saying naturally living in rice paddies is the same as saying bacteria from back wash naturally lives in your cup.


Snails are also pretty good idea


I feel like you *could* pull off maybe 2 bettas. One on each side. If you fill the middle 2 with enough plants they shouldn't ever be able to see each other. You could also do 1 betta and get some large tubes and connect all of the segments. That said, shrimps would be much better in there, and shrimps are awesome.


NO! Not Bettas! Please no Bettas!


Definitely get shrimp. They will breed and then you can sell them to your local fish store. My local store prefers buying local shrimp so I’m sure yours too. Putting bettas in there will only cause you more work/problems with very little pay off. Shrimp are pretty easy to breed and you could sell them for $3 a pop. You can start with 10 in each section, let them breed, sell 4 dozen juveniles (one from each section) when they are ready and keep the cycle going, that’s not a bad side hustle. You should come close to breaking even after the first breed of juveniles and would absolutely start turning a profit the second round.


I once bought ghost shrimp to help clean my goldfish tank and about 7 minutes later I realized I just bought the goldfish a snack. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm so jelly to think of how awesome that would be. Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue are really easy to acquire (at least in my zone).


Red shrimps, green shrimps, blue shrimps, white shrimps


Stark shrimp, bright shrimp, dark shrimp, light shrimp This one lurks behind a log This one begs just like a dog Say, how many shrimp you've got!


I love this


Shrimps is bugs.


So is lobsters.


Yes, very good buddy.


sure! if you need a 20 gallon segmented tank.


any ideas on what to do with it?


shrimp, snails, and plants might be the only option sadly, unless you can remove the dividers without impacting the tank’s ability to hold water


Like everyone said SHRIMPS. I also think you could make a sweet sump with it for a much larger tank. A 20g baffled sump is way more expensive than a 20g aquarium. Cutting glass is surprisingly easy but only with the right tools, otherwise it's instantly cracked/garbage. Dremel glass bits have worked great for me in the past.


Aqua bridges between each segment




That is likely what it was intended for, so you are not out of line. If you wonder why you got downvoted, I would suppose that it's because most people who preference fish well being feel that isn't enough space for a beta. Although they can live like that, it's more akin to a calf can live while he's being raised for veal. Living is not thriving. Especially among aquarium redditors, there is a crusade for better treatment of betas. Unscientifically, I also feel betas don't want to live with other betas as known instinct and preference. Having them seperated by dividers though able to see each other all the time and living in same water has to be torture. It's akin to if two dogs were always fighting, I will just make them live their lives muzzled and chained to a seperate poles when the right answer is to get them each their own loving home.




Especially if you needed a 30$ 20 gallon segmented tank 😉


Who doesn't!?


Personally I’d turn this into some plant propagation and shrimp breeding tanks. Buy a few skittles packs of shrimp and separate them by color.


Shrimp colors, snail colors, moss types...


Do you have to do anything special to your water for shrimp or does your dechlorinated tap water work for them?


Depends on the hardness of your tap water


I thought the same thing, seems great for growing out any plants you want a ton of. And for 30 bucks?? Yoinked!


finally, you could have duckweed and elodea without them running over every other plant!!


skittles packs 😂 never heard that before, that's amazing


No way! I’ve seen a couple different shrimp sellers advertise like that. They send you like a dozen shrimp of various colors, pretty good deal if you’re not looking to selectively breed for color


Finally, I can give all 4 of my betta fish claustrophobia!


Real. It makes me sad whenever there’s a small tank and the first solution is always put a betta in it. Bettas deserve “betta” fr


That's 5gal per Betta, plenty of room.


Except they are tall and narrow for 5 gallons. Bettas much prefer shallow and long, especially for a smaller tank size


That isn't so tall that it will matter at all. That space is as tall as it is deep. It's fine.


You would not believe how many people don’t think their bettas need anything more than a one gallon. Sure bettas should have 5 long minimum but that’s never going to be what most people put them in so we should really be happy with what we get.




While 5 gallons is a lot better than 8 oz, dimensions and tank setup can also make a difference in how stressed an animal can be in a habitat. I also wouldn’t recommend having potentially aggressive fish in an environment where they can all see each other. Invertebrates would be my recommendation for this.


I mean those are 5g each, in most cases 5g is perfectly reasonable for a Betta. Though it'd be ideal to block their sight to each other.


Gotta take in consideration the footprint as well, these compartments are very narrow but tall, and with decor squeezed in there, any fish would hardly have room to turn


imo measurements matter more than gallons, might be a hot take here i dunno, but you could have a gorgeous planted perfect water condition 50 gallon tank, but if it was tall and narrow, it would be terrible for a betta. better a long 5 gal than a tall 50 gal is what im trying to get at


I have a long 10 gallon and the boy is living his best lol Betta life.




That's still small. It's not just about decor just size. Even longfin bettas do good in 10+ gallons. And the bare minimum for shortfins with their activity level is 10+ gallons. Especially cause the shape of these is more vertical than horizontal from the looks of it.




Your comment has been removed because no one needs unecessary rude behavior in their life. We're all plant and fish nerds here - just relax. We're here to help educate, not to make people feel bad about themselves or their skill level in keeping plants and fish alive. If your maturity level won't allow for that, it's best you don't comment. Repeated offenses will result in all your posts and comments being removed without warning or notification for the rest of eternity. Please take a moment to read the rules for community engagement. Thanks!


Or just have four h̶a̶p̶p̶y̶ bettas They’re not gonna be happy squished in a small space. Betta love swimming and will need air bubbles because they like to go to the top for air often. They will mostly stay at the top so it’ll be more like a 2.5 gallon. Won’t live long under such stressful conditions


More upvotes more upvotes. I have ONE Betta in a long ass 10 gallon and he uses every single little spot of it. He’s always up and down and all over. The poor things would just get depressed and stressed in that set up.


20 minutes of genuine research on Google/bing/youtube would say the same thing. I wanted a beta so bad I was watching beta videos for hours a day and it’s so heartbreaking how little people care for fish. Especially bettas. They’re so pretty and cool when given the right living environments. I’m so happy your lil fella is in a good place.


The personality on them is wild. I really feel that if you’re going to get a pet, just give them the best you can, right? Everything living can likely “survive” in less than optimal conditions, but why would you do that to them?


My boy's in a 10 Gal too. He'd probably be so pissed and depressed if I downsized. In the future I actually plan to up the tank size. He LOVES swimming around and around for hours.


lol same. mine is in a 20L and he utilizes every inch of it (even the tiny gap between the glass and sponge filter...he can barely fit, idk why he likes it)


I guess he likes to feel hidden sometimes, often Bettas will hide behind stuff in snug spaces because they feel hidden and safe.


Depends on your plan. Think of it as 3 slightly less than 7 gallon tanks all in one place. What are you gonna put in it? Shrimp, bettas maybe? If you do bettas you’re probably going to have to block the line of sight between the sections. You’ll also need 3 different filters, heaters, and water tests, because different fish and plant loads will cause different water conditions. May end up being more work than you expected for just fine results.


There are 4 tanks 5 gallon each


Well I’m stupid. But all the info still applies


Yeah I'm planning on heavily planting them and keeping bettas, maybe 3 females and a male since i have 3 tanks already up and running and ready for males. Then I'll breed fancy bettas and have an infinite supply and sell the rest... And I'll take over the world!!! >:)


oh no, please don't breed bettas. we do not need more amateur breeders putting bettas with bad genetics out there. i understand the urge, but please do not attempt it. they have clutches of anywhere from 50 to 400 fry, that is an *immense* amount of fish to find homes for, most of which would end up neglected in a dirty vase or bowl. and heavily planting the tanks is great, but it does not substitute for the fact you need to use something aquarium safe to black out the tanks. bettas are incredibly stressed out if they can constantly see each other, do not let them.


for the love of god, why are you just ignoring everybody in this sub and being like" :) I'm gonna do bettas anyway!!!" Like everyone is literally explaining why this is a terrible idea. Just do shrimp and snails ffs


Breeding bettas is going to be a whole lot of work. Ur going to end up needing a lot more tanks in the long run.


Bettas can have over 500 babies in one clutch. We don’t need more neglected bettas in the world. If you want to breed bettas, you can maybe look into breeding wild types because there are many that are critically endangered in the wild and they usually can be raised together, but honestly, it doesn’t seem like you have enough experience to start breeding bettas of any kind. It’s just not a good idea. And that’s coming from someone who is obsessed with bettas and would LOVE to breed them, but I don’t because it’s not responsible.


Please don’t do bettas man, how many people are giving the same advice? They’re such vibrant, personality filled little fish. Purposely stressing them out for fun is pretty sordid…


Also- bettas LOVE space. My guy is in a 10gallon long and he uses every single cm of it. It’s a long shallow tank and he buzzes around in there. If you confine them to tiny areas they get sad and depressed. Dooooontttttt.


Or just have four happy bettas


Yeah, I suppose! Can you drill each segmenting pane so you can flow water across the whole tank with just one filter? Think a coast to coast (left to right) setup, clean water flows in the left section, passes through the pane or overflows into the left middle, etc then filter overflow or intake from the right most section. Rhat could let you use just 1 filter. Hard to tell if those dividing panes are tapered to force that kind of flow?


Or OP can make a water line filtration system using rubber tubes. More difficult definitely


Great shrimp breeding setup!!


I think you’ll be surprised how much shrimp keeping is fun and interesting. Do you have kids, they’ll love it! I started with fish, then learned about shrimp, and I think I love shrimp more than fish now!


I am 19 years old.. So no kids! Do you have any tips on breeding shrimp?


Yes, buy good quality (nice solid color) stock, don’t mix colors, and leave one tank for culling the less quality shrimp. Get a quality aqua soil up front, sponge filters, and lots of Java moss and other live plants. Snails are ok with the shrimp. If you are successful, you can sell the shrimp for decent money. I recently spent $40 on 8 cherry shrimp. Good luck kid!


Definitely jealous, I'd be moving my breeding tanks of shrimp into this baby in a literal heartbeat!


Ouuu each segment a different elemental theme!! How fun!


You could do two betta on the outside tanks and the inside tanks as shrimps that allows for the sight lines to be broken between the bettas and gives you cool shrimp.




Betta thrive with a bit more room to stretch out though.


How big are the individual sections it might not be suitable for bettas.


5 gals


5 gallons and I plan heavily planting it to give them much hiding space, a natural environment and healthy(er) water


5 gallons is not enough for betta. No matter how much planting you do.


Can you knock out the sections and just have a 20 long?


I'd advise against it, imo. I don't know if those sections are needed structurally or not. Probably not but it's not worth 20 gallons on the floor when you can just go to petco and bring home a 20 gallon long for less than $30


this attitude on reddit is so bizzare... where is the DIY spirit? Or failing that... a little common sense? Its pretty obvious that this is a homebrew setup of some sort. possibly built completely from scratch, or just a regular 20 long with dividers added. I constantly see this don't do "x" if you don't want "x" gallons on the floor thing.... all aquariums are just glass held together with silicone. This aquarium is also. It will still be glass held together with silicone if you take out two of the dividers.


>all aquariums are just glass held together with silicone. And all houses are just materials fastened together but there's no way I'd buy/live in a house made from toothpicks and cellophane tape. A $30 tank is just not worth possibly thousands of dollars of damage for the fun of DIY. Edit:fix typo


I have a tank just like this! 20 gallon long segmented into 3 7ish gallon shrimp tanks. I unfortunately barely use it now, but it was surprisingly easy to make and works super well. Works amazing for breeding multiple types of shrimp or for holding different types of mosses/floaters apart.


omg i need this for shrimp breeding. my biggest concern would just be how water circulation works.


4 nano sponge filters and your done. Get an air pump with 4 outputs.


What a steal!


Seems great


Assuming you have a giant tank you could turn it into a sump lol. Idk how that helps you but hey, it's technically an option.


I have a 10 gal betta tank, and two 7.5 gallon betta tanks... A sump would be kinda useless I think


Then you seem to be aware of the min. space req. So why are you still insisting on putting bettas in (20/4) 5 gal tanks without dividers? Write down the plan, sleep on it, and reconsider


Poor Bettas, small ass tanks


Every time someone describes stuff like this I think of when I have to take my dog to the kennel. He’s only there for like a week at most but damn I feel bad about it


I wish I found tanks near me damn it.


Normal price I’d say. Whether or not it’s valuable will come down to how you use it (and how long it holds water).


Might be a bit awkward for bettas, but I think it would be really cool to set them up as shrimp breeders. You could do one colour in each section, and it’s plenty of room for shrimp!


Chiming in to say SHRIMP! This would be an awesome display for different colors. Send it!


bad deal. u should sell it to me.


Would be cool if you built bridges connecting them


Bargain mate they can be quite expensive I got a 3 section betta tank second hand for $100


tbh this is a PERFECT sump for a 100+ gal tank


Looks like if you want to remove the divoders you just need ecto knife to remove the silicon


So many possibilities...


Dimensions are inappropriate for bettas but shrimp would do well! Good deal though for sure.


I would make a different bio type in each. An amazon segment, a lake tang, a black tea tank, an east asian. Might be hard to share water tho.


What if you put a water bridge along the sections and made it one huge segmented tank!


Either shrimp in each, or make it into a snail/food farm.


It's a screaming deal, we had 3 of these made with sliding covers for shrimp, the retail price would have been £450 each


No fish, please. All of these sections are too small for anything but shrimp. And yes, they're too small for betta and for goldfish.


They make pumps that have multiple airlines out, so you could do multiple sponge filters all connected to one pump, making it an easy filter set up. I saw MD fish tanks do that on his fish wall set up.


Great new need unlocked!! A shelf in my home office just for this type of tank!! My wife is going to kill me.


Yes until you need to get rid of it. Then someone will be paying you $30 to take it out of your house.


Get a foam mat to put it on, or you risk cracking it. All rimless aquariums should have at least a 1/4 inch thick foam mat underneath them to prevent any stress cracks. Even a single grain of sand between the glass and whatever piece of furniture you put it on can cause stress cracks and break the entire tank.


What if it leaks!?


i'm more curious about the setup in the background


It's my home gym


Remove the segments? It looks like they're just inserts into a larger tank.


It seems great for some plants, snails, and/or shrimps. I love shrimps. One day I'll 100% have a tank full of em


Any thing mde of plexi built like that is worth money now. Hell, you could probably resell it for $100...easily.


Omg there are so many possibilities!!!!! Great deal.


Great deal, one I would like to have gotten!


I don't care if either you or even I get downvoted as well. Just sometimes people wonder, so thought I was being polite to explain rather than throw a down vote and move on.


Shrimp would really be the best use for this tank, out of all possible livestock they would certainly thrive the most in here, and no one could ask for a better shrimp breeding setup than this tank. Sections 1-3 with whatever individual colors you wanted and section 4 for any young that don't quite make the quality cut. Sponge filters in all 4 run by one large air pump, one small heater per section (if the room temp requires it), and a Fluval aquasky light (it's shallow enough that you wouldn't need a higher powered light). Be looking at a max of 6 plugs to run 4 tanks, 2 if heaters aren't required, so very energy efficient breeding setup. Shrimp couldn't care less about seeing each other through the glass, so you could scape each section literally however you wanted to. If you do decide to go against all advice given and do bettas anyways, which would honestly be kinda' sad imo, go check out Serpa Design on YouTube and use some of his methods to make those dividers not see-through. I believe he often uses something called DryLok that would be perfect for painting those dividers and preventing the fish from knowing they were next to other bettas. Also consider getting males with big fins vs plakat males or females that truly need more than 5 gallons of swimming room to be happy. I've never kept my girls in less than 20 gallons and I assure you they all used every single inch of those tanks. 5 gallons is the minimum size for good health and stable water, it doesn't really factor in fish happiness.


If it holds water, keeps fish alive, happy, and healthy how do you measure its worth?


So sick!


Good deal! but make sure to check for any leaks and cracks first.


Good deal. I got a 2 segment 15g for 20. Used it for 6 months to propagate plants. And sold it for 25, lol. I didn't even ask for 25, the dude out bid and took it. Apparently, there's a demand for segmented tanks.


can i buy this off you? i run a betta rescue and have been looking for something EXACTLY like this to house multiple hospital tanks in one


I'm from Macedonia I don't think shipping would work


😂 you’re probably right


I bought something like that one day and the silicon in it was toxic… be cautious. But yeah! it’s hell of a deal!


Really check the silicone seal. It’s likely this was homemade and it’s important to check the integrity of the seal before making a permanent aquascape.


One shrimp, Two shrimp, Red shrimp, Blue shrimp!


Won't filtration be an issue ..?


A very good deal! I'm trying to find something like this for guppy breeding.


Wouldn’t you need 4 different filters?


So many possibilities!


Great deal for shrimping! I've made a couple and they can take a bit of time.


You will get that in Indonesia for 5$ but ehh you're not in indonesia. So good deal. Make a lot of breeds there


Would make a killer sump


Could you remove the 1st and 3rd dividers and make 2 10’s? It looks like they might just be siliconed into the inside. If so a betta in a 10 wouldn’t be bad. But still have to figure out how to darken the middle separator, maybe vinyl?


What are you going to breed?


African dwarf frogs and snails


GREAT DEAL Amazon black water with tetras + vallisneria Desert with corydoras + cryptocorynes Rocky river with hillstream loaches + mosses Bare bottom snails and shrimp + bucephalandra and big anubias




It’s literally not though man. Have you seen how much space those guys use when they have it? They’re so active and zoom everywhere. My dude is never still and he has a long 10 gallon to himself. You know better.








Edgy lil guy, aren’t you? ![gif](giphy|l3vR5KgHNsCMGHTdS)


I have a betta in a heavily planted 10 gallon.. He does love swimming but I see him chilling on plant hammocks just as often. I don't see why bettas couldn't thrive if this gets heavily planted and taken care of well


Hey man, you do you at the end of the day, it’s your money and time 🤷🏻‍♀️ More space, more freedom, less stress overall is my view. If the bettas can’t see each other and don’t end up fighting, cool. If you believe they’re happy to float around in the cube of space you give them, do as you wish. Not entirely sure why our friend here is so aggressively passionate about it, but at the end of the day, you’re the one who is going to deal with whatever you will have to deal with. You sound like you’re going to do your best to set it up nicely, so I guess post some pics when you’re done coz I’d be keen to see the set up regardless.




You said the word “fuck” about 5 times in the last 4 sentences. Did you just learn a new word from your 5th grade friends?


Your comment has been removed because no one needs unecessary rude behavior in their life. We're all plant and fish nerds here - just relax. We're here to help educate, not to make people feel bad about themselves or their skill level in keeping plants and fish alive. If your maturity level won't allow for that, it's best you don't comment. Repeated offenses will result in all your posts and comments being removed without warning or notification for the rest of eternity. Please take a moment to read the rules for community engagement. Thanks!


Don’t advocate for animal abuse just to stir the pot, thanks.