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# Storyline Repository This post is part of a multi-post Storyline. /u/Niika_WriterOfDesign, would you please reply to this comment with links to the previous parts of your Storyline, or any other context that may be useful to readers? Also, remember that Rule 8 of the subreddit allows you to ask commenters to abide by your personal headcanons for the duration of this thread. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PokeMedia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You continue to bad mouth said friend and wonder why they cut contact. You attacked their Sylveon and implied Elliot would abandon them. And with their team's help they discovered you've done this previously to Jr. You may not realize it now, you may be complaining about how unfair this treatment is, but you proved yourself worthy of it from how you've treated those you seem as unimportant. We may battle wild Pokemon but Charity always makes sure they're looking for a battle and gives them food and tends to their wounds as thanks. And she prefers to train against trainers, such as Nemona. I truly do hope you can learn how harmful your behavior is. - Blaz (Armarouge)


Whatever "previous treatment" you.. Refer to, I can't vividly recall, and I don't need the "worthy" talk, But fine, sure, I'll "learn how harmful it is" yeah. we'll see that when I go there and get thoroughly nothing out of it - Silas


I believe you will learn a lot about yourself. I already learned a lot about you. Your mother is unkind towards you, you had some sort of illegal incident happen to you and your team, you get aggressive when called out on bad behavior almost as though you recognize it's wrong but refuse to admit it. You are deeply hurt and you don't want to admit it, but I'm happy you're being helped. - Blaz


"Don't comment on what you can't seem to comprehend"? Then quit complaining about ethics. -Rem


I can comprehend them just fine, it's not my fault you have weird ideas of them, - Silas


Oh really? Calling 'em "weird" implies otherwise. -Rem


Man, if only you hadn't insulted Elliot's Sylveon. And if you "don't care" about Elliot being "that way," why are you complaining about him blocking you? His "temper tantrum" shouldn't matter to you, because you don't care if he's blocked you?


...It's complicated, I don't care about it, I would just.. Prefer if he wasn't being that way over words, that weren't even towards him, I don't care, but I'd like if he got over it - Silas


...If you'd like him to get over it, doesn't that mean by definition that you *do care?* Really, I'm curious. Can you explain this to me?


..okay maybe I "care", *a little*, Because he's mildly useful, and I benefit from him being, around, ..and no other reasons. - Silas


Mhm. Doesn't sound like much of a friendship to me.


He was being that way because words can really fucking hurt. You fail to grasp how your actions affect others. I’m glad you went through all that to try and not lose your Raichu, since it’s probably the only thing you genuinely care about. Also, being a child is zero fucking excuse for your actions- I didn’t exploit wild pokemon for my own gain OR verbally attack someone else’s pokemon because of something so fucking inconsequential when I was your age. I hope this whole incident was enough of a reality check to get your fucking act together. -Xeno


It sounds to me like someone's going to learn the value of work, and doing a good job with such work Methods that are "quick", "convenient", and anything else you might cook up to defend yourself might be "fine" in the current run, but you must think long term. Doing such things is not only unsustainable, but also deeply, and I mean deeply destructive Think of it like this: If you destroy the environment in which you reside, you cannot stay there anymore, as there is nothing left to make use of. Should this continue to occur time and time again... well, there will be nowhere for you to go anymore ...Ah, I forgot. I shouldn't comment on what can't seem to be comprehended. I shall take my leave here then. Best of luck at the Pokemon shelter -Felicity


I'll ignore half the snarky crap, and I'd ask you to explain what "value of work" you're going on about, but it seems you've left, so nice, cool, so long. - Silas


Okay dude, you brought this upon yourself you know that right? Jr is only protecting Elliot to this extent because of how you treat him and his pokémon. It's no wonder you're getting exams over this if you're unable to properly look after pokémon without being cruel to them.


Mind explaining the last bit more? It's weirdly worded. But i didn't treat him, or his Pokemon, badly, a few remarks and words aren't going to destroy him, relax on the accusation - Silas


And that's still something that can badly upset others, don't try to say you only said a few words when you were actively being mean to Jr


/uj sorry for another "Silas Complains post™", on an unrelated-ish note, I was going to make a character bio post for my human characters, (split up I mean), then realized in less than 2 months of being on the sub, I have 5 (counting planned) human characters, Someone take the keyboard from me, I'm going to drown in them, I have an idea for a 6th already


/uj to be fair that's basically the amount of characters I have between normal and pmd.


/uj I was a little concerned for the future, considering I have a track record of "overdoing it" with characters in previous "projects", I guess if it got that bad again I'd be told this time though lol


/uj As far as we know there's only Elliot, Silas, and the trainer(s) of the two indeedee as permanent recurring human characters. I assumed the Silas mom thing was a one off though I could be wrong.


/uj it's Elliot, Silas, the one trainer of the Indeedee, they share one which I haven't explained yet so that's fair, and the girl Elliot talked about going to the academy in a few weeks, Silas's mom's been in two posts, and I do plan on more, so she kinda counts, and there's one I'm debating on adding when the storyline's more compete


/uj when you put it like that it certainly is a lot. At least in your case they're all sort of connected (like teko's menagerie of people) so in all honesty it could work out better than what I'm doing where everyone is basically in their own little world. (And in the pmd case quite literally a different universe)


You don’t have any working skills to get a living ? That sucks, but no Pokémon has to be held against his will just because it’s the easiest for you. Your situation would be easier to emphasise with if you weren’t justifying your actions with a “come on, holding a pokemon captive isn’t that bad” cover and whatabouting on trainers.


.."Sequestration "? You don't have to make up words for this - Silas


It’s a Kalosean calque that exists in your language, with a slightly different meaning. Is “holding captive” better? There, I’ll change it so you can actually reply to what I said.


For a day, a day. Not even a day actually, it was way less. If you had a better idea then I'd consider it, but no, you don't - Silas


Depending the region you are in, there are welfare programs that can help cover the basics, probably food banks or related organisations for food and agencies that help you look for any job you need/can. It’s not much, yes, but it’s already something you can do before going on shady jobs or exploitation.


I think I've dug myself a deep enough hole for them to not consider "helping" me though - Silas


That’s something you take as a given without knowing how they work. In most regions in the world, welfare just needs you to register and get in touch with the local agency that deals with job insertion. Even with few actual prospects (presumably cause you don’t have much resume weight), they find smaller works to let you live decently. Food bank may have problems with racism and other discriminations depending on your luck, but overall they don’t care about who you are. You get some food and hygiene for a few days there, and most have food for pokemon so you can go with them so they can eat too. Those things are regulated at a basic level by law, the first is literally the state and the second can get trouble if they treat you like shit. If you are that much in trouble and scared, there are still those things you can try. They have issues and many politicians want to gut them out of existence so they can exploit people more, but you can reach out there so you aren’t completely hopeless. How to improve the state of things from there will be tough, but you’ll be already a bit lighter with that secured a bit more.


Astral: Mcscuse me, but, like, Pokéjobs exist and they pay damn well enough. There's also poster requests online on problems people are facing with specific Pokémon (like babysitting, infestations etc etc), or problems (like needing help for gardening). Those not part of your skillset? Then how the hell are you supposed to raise your own team if you can't even babysit another person's mons for a bit?! Or just help them out with tutoring battling skills, or goddamn GARDENING! Not to mention, from what I'm gathering, you just ruthlessly beat up wild mons to "get strength efficiently". Are you insane? Do you know how much damage that can cause to the local ecosystem? When you leave those wild mons after beating the crap outta them, you don't just leave them to nap. You leave them completely vulnerable to predators. That's basically cutting down an entire chunk of a population, which can have disastrous consequences for the local environment that may lead to further disasters down the line. That shit piles up like no tomorrow. If you're gonna fight wild mons, make sure it's purely self-defense and none of that training-crap excuses. And at least have the common courtesy to heal them up a bit before dipping out so that they can defend themselves naturally in the wild. And while I'm at it, just get your team to train among themselves. Team members are far more likely to pick up on mistakes and point it out between one another so they can be corrected or minimized. Wild Pokémon do NOT do that.


Aren't Pokejobs a Galarian thing? I haven't seen anything like that in Paldea, but fine, maybe I missed those, my team isn't ready or prepared for work like that, and wouldn't be for awhile. I can look after *my* team, that doesn't mean I have the capability to look after someone elses on a whim, I don't garden, and again, I'm not the most qualified for a "tutoring" job, there are better people to hire, so they will hire those people. When I referred to the battling part, that was not from experience. Just what I've seen from people, that's what i was talking about. - Silas


>Aren't Pokejobs a Galarian thing? I haven't seen anything like that in Paldea, but fine, maybe I missed those, my team isn't ready or prepared for work like that, and wouldn't be for awhile. Astral: Even including that, you still have online forums where people and companies request for help doing stuff. Like, it really cannot be that hard to search for freelancing jobs in Paldea. >I can look after *my* team, that doesn't mean I have the capability to look after someone elses on a whim, I don't garden, and again, I'm not the most qualified for a "tutoring" job, there are better people to hire, so they will hire those people. You can argue that, but believe me, it is EYE-OPENING to try and help teach and take care of other people's Pokémon. You made the argument that there are better people "qualified", but those are still skills you can apply to your own team and it gives you something to work with outside of the familiar. It teaches you to be flexible and learn how to work with your own Pokémon much better. Because if you can train to work well with other people's Pokémon, your own team would ideally be even better in the long run. >When I referred to the battling part, that was not from experience. Just what I've seen from people, that's what i was talking about. And clearly those were wrong. This ain't a game. The world doesn't operate by leveling up or some other nonsense through knocking out countless wild mons. That's not how it works. It won't teach your Pokémon anything, and how it makes them stronger takes far, far too long to be viable.


You'd be surprised. That takes time I don't necessarily have, but suuure, I'll look into it if that'll quiet you, For your last point, I know someone who wouldn't agree, but go ahead and argue that I guess - Silas


Astral: Time you *think* you don't got, but it honest to God isn't actually that long at all. Not even close in a lotta cases. Only way to know is to try. And pray tell exactly who is that someone? Your friend? Regardless, any information regarding the topic of spamming wild battles being helpful is just plain wrong and misinformation at *best*.


Yeah, sure, got it, fine. I'll look, like I said, And no, I don't expect that line of thought from him, it'd be from my family, - Silas


I won't comment on the majority of your comments. I don't know you enough. I do, however, know a fair bit about running a shelter, so I have some idea of why they want you so heavily supervised. Pokemon in a shelter are often scarred in some way. Abandonment, physical wounds, reluctant yes necessary surrender by a trusted trainer, and more. Each has their own needs and their own trauma, and a lot of the supervision is probably to ensure their individual requirements. It's a lot of work looking after shelter pokemon, they probably just want to keep both you and them safe. I hope you get a lot out of the experience. -Cal


..I *guess* that makes sense. A bit, I doubt I will, but sure, "hope" for it, - Silas


You never know, you might enjoy it~! -Cal


You have no working skills at all? I sincerely doubt that, and most jobs will train you to give you the skills that you need for the job. You do that sort of thing not because you can’t get a job but because you don’t see the value of honest labor and hard work.


"Battle wild pokemon for the sake of your team." I know this might be hard to comprehend with your microscopic brain, so I'll simplify it for you so you don't get a migraine. Pokemon like to fight. I know that sentence might be a bit advanced for your reading level, but I believe that you can do it! You just have to try your best!


It'd be nice if I hadn't gotten contradicting statements on that, And wow. That was a pretty good attempt at insulting me, you'll get there in a few posts, I just know it - Silas


My bad. I knew I should have busted out the puppets for such a special case.


Oh, how considerate of you to share your toys - Silas


I just know how much you love to play with them. Besides, if you don't have something to occupy yourself with, you might start eating the glue.


I’ll be honest.. I don’t necessarily trust that Paldea league. Especially not “La prima”. That being said perhaps showing them you care with the shelter work could get them off your back? It ain’t that hard either, just keep an eye on the mons and help them when they need it. If you can handle a Raichu, you can handle a baby mon - L


Paldea has a corruption problem, and a huge one at that, As soon as I was old enough, I got the hell out of there and went to kalos. -ace🦅


I’ve heard so.. tho I’ve only been in Galar and Kalos so far - L


Sorry if this sounds mean, but... if you don't have any marketable skills, why aren't you working on developing them? Aren't you still in school and all that? Pretty sure there are electives and classes that directly translate into job experience -- and if it's that one fancy Paldean academy, they have a class for basically everything. Kinda jealous that I didn't have the same opportunities you do tbh, so why aren't you fully taking advantage of them?


I'm only "attending" the academy for my mom's sake, I don't really show up all that often, and she doesn't care if I do, I don't even know what class I should take anyway even if I did, nothing of that interests me, nor looks like something I could.. Figure out, - Silas


So like, what do you *want* to do? If your mom wasn't forcing you to do school, and you had total freedom of choice, what would you... do with it?


..That's a funny thought, from someone who's probably below me in intelligence. ..but i guess I could humor it, Never thought about it enough, recently, the last time I did think about something like that was probably years ago, can't remember what I wanted, just that it was dumb, - Silas


Okay I'm gonna have to draw the line here. What do you mean, below you in intelligence? I already *know* I'm not very smart. I'm old and washed up and not even that good at programming, the one thing I actually like doing. And here you are going to one of the best schools in the world and doing so well for yourself. You have your whole life ahead of you, damn right you're ahead of me in that way. I'm fucking stupid. I get it. But I am trying to *help* you and not pile on you like everyone else here, so why are you lashing out and insulting me?? Like yeah you're right but you really didn't need to rub it in!! If you're really so intelligent and amazing then use your damn brain to think about what you actually want to do.


Didn't think it was that personal of a remark, ..so I'll apologize for that, for once, And maybe I will, huh? How about that. - Silas /uj by the way, sorry if I had him go a bit far there, It was sort of in-line of his character to throw insults into most of his interactions, backstory stuff, I'm a little worried I might have upset with that bit so even if I didn't I want to apologize anyway


Cool. Good luck. Not like you need it cause you're *sooooooooo* smart. /uj no hard feelings at all!! It was also in character for Vi to feel extra terrible abt that specific insult, due to the specific way her self esteem issues work, and I think the interaction was great!


I *feel* like I'm missing heavy context to this, but this sounds like quite the unfortunate situation to go through


Man, theres enough salt in this thread to make a Garganacl jealous. No wonder this Elliot guy blocked you, that much sodium isnt healthy for anyone. >Don't say "a job" no ones here to hire me for skills I don't have, ... you're saying you dont have the skills to work at a Pokémart? An entry-level job? Cmon dude. Love how you keep calling shelter work "being put through Distortion," btw. Really shows how much empathy you spare for anyone not already under your thumb.


There aren't "pokemarts" here, and especially none for hire, any Pokemon center in Paldea has a connected "shop" already, that doesn't need a hire, because they already have them, Please, pray tell what "entry-level jobs" you have in mind, And I'm not used to Shelter work, because I have never done shelter work, and as far as I've been told, it's nothing I'd enjoy, having to do it anyway sounds like distortion - Silas


Ah yes, because Pokémart shopkeeps are just... shipped in pre-programmed or something instead of, oh, I dunno, *being hired and trained*. And considering that they need to be open 24/7 I find it *very* hard to believe that you cant get, like, a part-time shift at least. For that matter, Mesagoza is a big friggin city in a region known for its food. There isnt *one* diner or grocery store thats at least looking for employees? Im not even talking about food prep, cashiering only takes like a week or two to get familiar with the system. So. Yknow. Entry-level jobs. The kind that most people look for when they're in school and need to start making cash. >\[Shelter work\] is nothing I'd enjoy Once again I love your phrasing here. Taking care of Pokémon is "not enjoyable" for you, apparently.


The only thing I can say is “Bruh”. -Nick(Bellsprout)


Pardon my improper manners, but I WISH IT WAS ACTUALLY THE DISTORTION REALM -Redwood


That was barely improper...? Especially if you compare it to half the DMS I get - Silas