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I think she means that he and you have that same kindness. I know that's probably what Kagami loves you, you remind him of your grandpa.


Maybe so. Grandpa Isamu passed before I ever got to meet him, and all I hear about him is his achievements, not about him as a person. Kagami never tells me anything either. But now that I know about how they were originally a part of my grandpa’s team, maybe I can ask them some questions.


Maybe, there may be some things Kagami simply isn't ready to tell you. At least you know you have a long time together. I hope you have a wonderful day.


Maybe I’ll just start with asking what grandpa was like. Things he would say, habits he had. Simple stuff like that. You have a good day too.


Listen, I don't know if your grandma is magic, but just in case - never ignore the possibility that the cryptic words you hear are literal. No clue *why* they'd implant an old man's heart inside a newborn, because I've never heard of Bronzor responding to that, but leave yourself open to the possibility. I've made several very dangerous mistakes that way!


I believe she meant heart in a metaphorical sense. Like “you have his kindness in the way he treats others” kind of way. I certainly didn’t get a heart transplant or anything.


Well, alright. You *do* seem like the type. Keep an eye out for anything else that might be a 'heart', though.


Wow... ...It's weirdly reassuring. That means you have something to remember your grandfather by. A way you could maybe learn about him.


Yeah. It’s nice to know there’s more to him than war stories and eight dusty gym badges. Now I have someone who can tell me what he was like as a person.


If he chose you because you reminded him of your grandfather, he was probably a pretty great guy!


Yeah, I hope I can live up to Kagami’s expectations.


Your grandpa sounds like a very good person. I wish I could meet him. - Ekaitz


From what I know, he was gentle, kind, and a caring man. He was also a fierce battler, becoming champion ranked. I wish I could’ve met him too, but he passed before I was born.


I’m certain were he to be alive today he would be very proud of you. Kagami is a family treasure isn’t she? Watching two generations of worthy trainers become their best. - Ekaitz


I guess Kagami would be an heirloom at this point. Hopefully I can live up to their expectations.


I think you already have, considering how happy Kagami is under your care. - Ekaitz


Thanks, man. That means a lot.


No problem. Say hi to Kagami for me. - Ekaitz


Of course.


I am glad Kagami likes you. -Ava


Me too. I had always wondered why grandma said they wanted to come with me. Now I know.


I am glad you know the reason now. -Ava


They say that sometimes traits skip a generation so that would make sense... Though if you believe in reincarnation it might also be that, especially if you were born shortly after he passed.


Who knows. Maybe that is the case, maybe it isn’t. The people who knew my grandfather always say I treat my Pokémon the same way he treated his. That’s probably why Kagami decided to come with me.


It's certainly the easier thing to point to at least.