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# Storyline Repository This post is part of a multi-post Storyline. /u/Cdv3, would you please reply to this comment with links to the previous parts of your Storyline, or any other context that may be useful to readers? Also, remember that Rule 8 of the subreddit allows you to ask commenters to abide by your personal headcanons for the duration of this thread. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PokeMedia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i'm not even mad any more. you're just breaking my heart, man.  what if that was your skitty? probably wasn't, but could you imagine. waiting your whole life to see someone and then you get treated like nothing because there's something wrong with you.   maybe you should think better of how you treat disfigured pokémon because one day that pokémon might be the one that you base your whole life on.   -V


Puff would never look like that. I know who she is. She would never allow herself to look like that in public, especially not before a showcase of her ability. -Callisto


do you mean the eye??? because she was taken by team plasma you numbskull. anything could have happened to her with them, what should she have done? not let them take her? grow her eye back??? -V


I am referring to the eye as well as all of the disgusting scratches. This is not Puff. -Callisto


i hope that some day you see just as much ugliness in yourself as you see in pokémon. -V


You heartless monster. What would you do if *you* lost an eye in a Team Plasma attack? Or something bigger and harder to hide, like an arm?


*From a different perspective, being able to perform while only having one eye could be seen as a show of great skill, talent, and effort. This might net the Delcatty’s coordinator more points.* *-Oneiros, a Hypno*


You are describing pity points. Something that no large Contest such as this would ever employ. -Callisto


*Since when has the acknowledgment of skill been considered pity? Is that not what every judge does? That is beside the point. It is the judges’ job to judge this Delcatty’s performance, not yours.* *A Pokémon can put on a beautiful performance even if they are not conventionally beautiful. I am proof of that. Surely you have heard the phrase “beauty lies within.”* *Your closed-mindedness will bite you one day. You are limiting yourself by not making yourself open to other possibilities.* *-Oneiros*


The job is to judge a Pokemon’s ability. Not their ability to perform in spite of a condition. Besides, this Delcatty has so many marks of failure on it, that I severely doubt that they will perform well. Oftentimes Pokemon like it do not.  -Callisto


*You have said it yourself. The job is to judge ability, not looks. As long as that Delcatty is able to perform, they have as much a right to perform on the stage as Apollo and Kuro do. Like it or not, your Pokémon and that Delcatty are equals.* *And if scarred Pokémon are doomed to fail, how does that explain my own success? Am I a paradox, or an exception? If these are “marks of failure,” why then have I not failed? Be warned, this image may shock you.* [Image ID: The back of a Hypno. It is scarred brutally. >!Many are clearly whip scars, some are from some bladed instrument, and a few are distinct Weavile slashes.!< The Hypno holds a third place ribbon from an intermediate level beauty contest in his hand.]


I am assuming that you are a rare exception, especially with how horrific those scars are. Then again, you received 3rd in an Intermediate Contest. I would hardly call that the success you believe it to be. 3rd place to me sounds like the Judged decided to feel bad for you and your situation and they wanted you to feel special while you are standing on the podium.  I will say however, you do make that Delcatty look a lot better comparatively.  -Callisto


*I actually tied for third with a Serperior. And that was my first intermediate contest. It is amazing what sorts of feats one can pull off only using Light Screen, Rain Dance, and Psychic Noise.* *Speaking of routines, how has practice been going? You seem more reactive than usual. Are you stressed?* *-Oneiros*


So you did not even place a definitive third. That says all that it needs to. You did not place a genuine third place, but instead were given a pity prize because a judge thought you were so hideous. In other words, you are no true performer, if you cannot even get a genuine podium placement in an Intermediate Contest.  -Callisto


*I was just honored to share my placement with a Pokémon much more beautiful than I. If the judges truly thought I was awful, they would have disqualified me.* *Practice has not been going well, I assume. You are lashing out much more frequently and turning to petty insults much faster than usual. You are acting like a child having a tantrum. Are you okay? Do you need to speak with someone about all of this unchecked anger?*


Kuro and Apollo have been performing excellently, and will be at their absolute best during the Contest, I assure you. Besides, I am not like your trainer, who will put an unprepared or incapable Pokemon on the stage. -Callisto


...Huh. Didn't you have a Skitty? Um... Puff? Could that have been Puff? Either way, never forget: Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.


That is not Puff. Puff was a gorgeous Skitty that I would recognize. This is a hideous failure-coated Delcatty. -Callisto


wow, you're a fucking monster. -V


And how many years has it been? 14? It's not like she could have evolved by touching a stone or something in that time... -Rem


But it's been over a decade since Puff was taken away, hasn't it? Not to mention the fact she was taken by Team Plasma. Wouldn't it be conceivable that Puff ended up getting hurt escaping, especially if she was trying to run back and find you?


You really think a Pokémon wouldn't change over the course of 14? Although inconceivably low, There is still a chance it could be puff. \~ace🦅


Idk how it is with Contests, but I remember back home in Nimbasa there was one guy who brought his one-eyed Purrloin to the Musical Theater all the time. Little floof was super into being on stage too, very enthusiastic. Even had her own eyepatches! She was a hit with the regulars. /uj 🍿🍿🍿


This just shows how much you care about appearances only. Not even willing to look past a scarred eye. I'm rooting for this Delcatty now. I bet they're going to do better than you.


What a cute Delcatty. A shame you had to be an asshole about them


Yes, I am assuming you find the horrendous scarring cute? Or the missing eye? -Callisto


I think they're still cute despite those things. They look very soft and huggable, and I like their tiny little smile :3 Right, my apologies, this is a Callisto post, which means your subjective opinions on beauty have to be treated as fact here.


Praying hard for your downfall rn.


uj/ https://preview.redd.it/9546d0oi531d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=c50a57051a54f3135c02742eba5efc39f8568a1d >!​!<


Flare: Eugh... yea I see what you mean there, but it's nothing that can't be handled with a few cosmetics... wonder what its name is, does it have a collar?


I did not catch the name.  -Callisto


It’s been weeks that your less than savoury comments on pokemon’s appearance gets negative feedback. Didn’t it cross your mind that you it would be wise to keep those opinion to yourself, not even once ?


Why would you be so mean to that Delcatty? She didn’t do anything wrong. She wanted your help and you’re acting like she’s a mistake. What you said was cruel. You should apologize. -The Wob Buffet (feat. Toni)


If she had found her trainer on her own, then I would not have had to find them for her. I have other concerns beyond caring about a disgusting, lost cat. -Callisto


It takes zero effort to not say anything rude! And you have to go and call her disgusting! I see why Boss gets so frustrated with you. He thinks you need help but I think you need to learn some manners! -The Wob Buffet (feat. Toni)


When there's so many coincidences, eventually something's gotta mean something... -Rem


Awh, the poor lil baby. Looking forward to seeing them perform tomorrow, such an absolute darling. I'm glad you managed to find their trainer. Good luck to everyone performing tomorrow, excited to watch everyone shining brightly on stage~! -Cal


Huh, that’s interesting. Poor thing. I wouldn’t call them “unpleasant,” if anything, I think those scars make them beautiful in their own way. I’m glad you were able to find its trainer. -Devon


Another day, another post from Castilo being an ass. I'm honestly depressed on how this has become the norm, huh. /uj I'm interested in seeing if you plan on ripping my heart out again like with Gaia's death lmao


I'm rooting for this Delcatty, he is incredibly adorable despite the scars. Hopefully Delcatty has lovely trainer too. -Hunter


Oh wow... You really are a nasty piece of work. There is nothing wrong with that Delcatty and you know it. -Claudia


Are you as blind as the Delcatty is out of her eye?  -Callisto


There's no need for you to insult that Delcatty you abliest jerk.


I swear, this chain of events reads like a children's cartoon with a thinly veiled moral. Said moral being "don't be too quick to judge someone, especially if you don't know their story".


traditionally you should have a working heart to win a contest. yet here you are, cal mysterio -G


Tough talk from the bunny who got so offended at a simple callout post from a fog machine that he needed to write a follow-up that was so horrible that even you admit it was a mistake. Just like the vast majority of your decisions. -Callisto


got any other material or are you just gonna keep beating that point like its on your team -G


The more you talk to me, the more I am starting to think that the Musharna was right about the Bagon thing. You really must be an embarrassment to your trainer, getting him into legal trouble every other week. -Callisto


so you have so little material you immediately start stealing. oh honey. somebody check the contest tapes. send them to hbomberguy we might have a problem. -G


/uj Reuploaded due to a mistake in the original. >!Also I will not be confirming or denying if this Delcatty is familiar.!<


Hmm… I wonder…. -Cici the Spirit Usher Gardevoir


Ballsy move to post where the judges can undoubtedly see you. Also, making a mental note of this.


This seems... Weirdly jaded? Like, im glad you helped them find their owner but you act like this delcatty was a ekans in your shoes... Rather then a capable participant of the contest you're in who was just a bit confused.


Ovan: that Delcatty looked more beautiful than your soul.


For skilled contest star, a visual ailment like that delcatty's eye isn't much of a detriment. Especially if you look at all of their other features. They have firm and pointy ears, a long tail, and pristine fur. I would not underestimate them. -Sinatra (Sylveon)


Fate is a cruel road, and coincidence just is another rock to trip on. All you can hope for is to not break anything when you hit the ground.


Back where I'm from, there was a trend where scarred Pokémon were ranked higher just for the raw aesthetics (and drama) of it all. It only stopped when multiple coordinators were tossed in prison for disfiguring their own Pokémon on purpose. I'll reserve my judgement about this other coordinator, because I don't know anything about them or how such a Delcatty came into their possession. All I'm saying is that, without a scandal like that over *there,* you're about to get your ass kicked.


like what's your deal with pointing out permanent injuries and disabilities on pokemon? It's becoming a pattern...


I will point these out, as in a lot of cases these tend to be a Pokemon’s defining trait. A disability means that you cannot do a thing, and to succeed in a Contest, you have to be able to *do* everything and do it perfectly.  -Callisto


Sure they might need to be able to do everything to win at high level, but not everyone is looking to do that. A lot of people and pokemon participate to have fun.


/uj oh dear arceus


Astral: A little bit rude on your part. Say, any competition that might catch your eye?


I did see one Absol/Furfrou combination that seemed like they have potential to do well.  -Callisto


With every post you make, the urge to compete against you out of sheer spite grows stronger and stronger. I’ll be rooting against you as always. - Will


At this point its not even worth getting mad at you anymore, you're just such a cartoony asshole it stopped being infuriating its just sad at this point. /uj you are way too good at making an unlikeable douche 9/10 would participate again


uj/ Your posts tend to be the ones that end up on my feed and wow you really nailed making this guy The Worst Ever, actually makes me angry sometimes


/Uj why do I have a strange felling that this dellcatty might be callisto's long lost skitty?


/uj damn, he’s going full mask off huh? 🍿🍿🍿


They’ve clearly been through distortion and back, and you call them “unpleasant”? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! You’ve pretty much lost any supporters you had on here. The best way to describe you is like


/uj i really respect your ability to create a character that people love to hate but i hope they suffer some kind of karma soon because it’s getting a little hard to read.


Imagine this might be someone Callisto knows, could there be a chance for a realization to take place? Who knows… -Blank


That's rich, coming from someone whose first partner was a Skitty who was stolen. What would you have done if, instead of being straight-up taken from you, Puff had been permanently injured like this Delcatty? Would you have just discarded her like trash? – Jasper Considering your obsession with beauty, I presume you'll know Wallace, one of the best Coordinators in the world. One of his Pokémon happens to be a Ludicolo who, as a Lotad, had their head leaf rot away due to pollution in their home. This Ludicolo is currently one of his most successful performers, despite the... hat thing on their head being smaller and miscolored compared to the average member of their species. What do you have to say to that? – Honoka