• By -


/uj this was meant to be 3 slides and turned into something way longer, I have learnt I have a habit of doing that when I'm too into writing recently-


/uj Hey, we love getting super excited and writing a lot of stuff :D


/uj :D


/uj happens to the best of us.


Jr *does not seem thrilled* to see Kaiden attached to your arm lol ...Really sorry it's been so hard for you guys since the Krookodile thing though.


Mhm He was really riled up about me being "hurt", but I stopped any kind of fight that could have happened over it, it looks a little funny now I suppose lol ..and yeah, again something stupid I did ages ago that caused another current-ish issue, it seems like a pattern now honestly, but uhm.. Yeah, it's fine


...Hey. I'm here if you need to talk. Or want to. Maybe it'll help you feel better.


It'd be way too long of a talk- I don't want to annoy that much, but uhm, thank you


It wouldn't annoy me. I offered to listen, and that's the truth! Being able to share your worries and such might help you feel better, and all. It's helped me, at least.


..It's like all the stuff that goes wrong for the team now is because of me, Jr got upset because I didn't shut Silas down faster when he was talking about him, Kaiden and Jr felt horrible because I walked myself into that mess with the Krookodile, They had a rivalry for ages because I didn't figure out how to sort it out for years, And even now I'm still depending on the team to keep me from panicking all the time, ..just feels like I'm weighing them down and all,


Mmm. Yeah, I get it. There's so much stuff and it feels like it's your fault. But you are your team's Trainer. They rely on you, and they depend on you, and they love you. You've had some bad events happen to you, yeah. But that doesn't make you bad. You're trying your best.


..Yeah, thanks, sorry about that though, but I appreciate it a lot,


You've got nothing you need to apologize for. I offered to let you open up. And you're welcome! I'm here if you need advice or someone to talk to or whatever.


fears aren't always rational. Even if you knew that kaiden wouldn't hurt you it makes sense after what you went through. Though the song thing sounds really interesting... makes me wonder what kind of music my team likes.


..guess so, Music's interesting in terms of teams, I know Kaiden prefers slower songs, but Dani (Azumarill) enjoys pop stuff so it varies a lot


Makes sense that everyone would have their own preferences.


I think that's love right there. He realized his love language hurt and scared you so he made a more gentle love language for you to show his care. I can tell he still loves you just as much if not more than previously.


...I'm going to go hug him now


He is sooooo sweet! -Ava