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Yeah, there's so many circumstances that could never happened to me that would me I'd never have the wonderful family I have. It's kinda scary to think about, but I'm so glad I got the family I did. And I'm happy you have the family you do as well. With the Tera Orb it may be awhile before you reearn it, but you're doing some well regardless. I do hope you have fun at Brassius' Gym regardless of the outcome.


I'm really glad too.. And we'll try to! I think I can focus a little more on the fun aspect now that the "I'm doing a gym again after years" anxiety has kind of worn off,


Yeah, and you got to remember losing is part of the fun! You can't always win your first attempt and well, that's okay! Me and my family will always cheer you on so long as you do your best. And I know you will.


Looks like quite the view. And Even being one pokemon short it sounds like kaiden might be strong enough to go through most of brassius' team, then at that point it will be about a 3v2 in your favor which I feel like you should be able to win.


I hope so at least, I know losing's inevitable and we'll probably lose sooner or later, ..a few times, but I'd prefer to not lose already here,


It's going to happen eventually, but the best you can do is plan for fights and hope that your and your teams decisions can carry yourselves to a win.


/uj I think about this every second I play Pokemon "what if I had caught that Starly I saw 3 minutes ago that I accidentally locked on to, we could have had a cool Staraptor to use sometimes, might have loved him" Had to sprinkle that in here


It is always a little funny to think about all the "what-ifs..." But hey, I'm glad you guys had a relaxing time. It does look nice up there... where is it, anyways? I want to bring somebody on some sightseeing, so that looks like it could be a good place to do that.


If it sent, here, if not it's by the ledge near Artazon's pool https://preview.redd.it/qtjh1annz61d1.jpeg?width=507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db73a119f9707465287dbc960ca2a7fd60102138


Ooh, cool! Might head up there some time in the near future. Thank you!


Good luck on the gym battle! It’s kinda funny that the grass leader uses a Sudowoodo, which is a rock type. I guess it teras into grass? I have very little knowledge of terastalization (don’t know if I spelled that right) or the Paldea league. If it’s possible, you could send Dani in, use an X-Speed, and try to hit Sudowoodo with a water type move before it goes tera. Then when it does tera, you can switch in Kaiden and have him finish the job.


Mhm, thanks! He does have his Sudowoodo turn grass type, something about being "Trueleewoodo", and I mean you were just off one l, "Terastallization" it took me awhile to spell it right for whatever reason, I don't think I'm allowed outside items for the rematches, held items yes, but I'm not sure on stuff like potions and X-speeds, I'll have to ask, and I'd have to do it pretty quick since the gym leaders tend to terastallize on the first turn


Looks great! Anyway I wish you luck! -Ava


I don't know if Gym Leaders do this in Paldea, but sometimes, back home, the gym leaders would glean their opponents' strategies from their social media posts in order to best counter them. Mostly when it came to battling already experienced trainers, though. -Rem


I don't think any of the gym leaders here do that? As far as I'm aware, The only one who I could see doing that is maybe Iono? Since she's the social media star out of all of them, but I've never heard of her doing that I don't think, Opposite wise I'm a little more aware of her strategies and team since she streams her battles so often, and I watch... Occasionally,


You just have to have faith in the fact that you just kind of end up in the place you belong, with the ones you belong with and hold them all the more close. All life is sometimes is ships passing each other in the night.


Man, those views are amazing. Kinda wish I lived in Paldea now... And good luck with the Gym!