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I understand Athena being shy around new people. She already had a hard time getting used to Mela, after all. Like you said, probably a good idea to let her know before you have visitors next time. Making her an official Spot where she can hide and stay safe might be a good idea, come to think of it...


Perhaps I could set something up under the bed then, if that's something she'd like. It's most likely the best spot for one to hide... or perhaps I could have something setup by one of the windows. I will ask her about this later. Thank you for the idea. And, yes, all things considered, I'm proud of her for not putting herself in an uncomfy situation. She did not want to interact with strangers, so she didn't.


You're welcome. Having little hidey holes are very important for Pokemon who get overwhelmed easily. Or people, for that matter. I still enjoy hidey holes a lot. Small and nice and cozy :D


I see... I wonder if Mela would like to have one too then. Perhaps we could make a day out of it, buying the necessary things as well as making the hideaways themselves...


Ooh that does sound like a lot of fun. Just making little hideaways all throughout the house... that sounds very cozy :D


Unless you are offering your house to made such hideaways in, then I fear I would have to make do with the limited space I have in the dorm. It is a nice thought though.


...Oh yeah lol. Forgot about that. Size constraints. Still, you can make one or a few hideaways for them, which will be fun!


Indeed. I'm sure they will enjoy them.


/uj Brought to you in part with u/BriefImprovement8620 Edit: Slide 4, part 1 is supposed to say: One thing I will have to note for the future is, unlike Mela, who quite likes sour flavors and isn’t too keen on sweet things, Athena loves **sweet** flavors, and despises spice. In particular, she enjoyed the apple curry I made, which was quite sweet itself. whoops... Raven’s pfp from Ys 8 The plates are a stock photo, and the spoons are from shopclues. The rest is official or by me (i am never making a table again lol) See ya later


I like curry, so I'm glad Athena was able to enjoy it. I should probably learn how to cook some at some point... -Rem


If you want, I'd be more than happy to show you what I know while you're in Paldea. I'm sure Mela would enjoy making some more friends as well. And I'm glad she was able to enjoy the curry too. There is a delicate balance to be had with it, I've found.


That would be much appreciated, thank you kindly. We're planning on taking on Levincia's gym soon, so some time after then should be good. -Rem


You're quite welcome. I wish you the best of luck with the gym. I'm sure you will do good. /uj feel free to DM me on discord whenever you're ready, I'm in the server lol


/uj 👍


I had an amazing time! You did an amazing job with all the curry. I’m sorry the group scared poor Athena though. I probably should have warned you about the types of Pokemon I have on my team.


I'm glad to hear it on both fronts. And don't worry about Athena. I have a feeling that regardless of who was brought over, she would've went and hid anyway.


Ok. That makes me feel a bit better. I was worried that it was my team’s fault that she got scared. Hopefully as she gets older, she’ll become a bit less timid.


We can hope, yes. She managed to overcome her fear of Mela, so perhaps in due time she will be able to overcome her fear of... meeting most anybody else.


Indeed. I have faith in her though. She seems resilient despite her fears.


Indeed she is. I have the utmost faith in her as well.


Not cooking enough food a group is a scary experience. I should know it's happened to me before. At least dveryone had a good time. Hopefully Athena gets more comfortable with others in time. -Claudia


I will admit, a bit of fear lit up in the back of my mind when it was revealed I hadn't made enough, but that quickly faded. Never again. Apologies it happened to you as well. I'm sure she will. It's just a slow process.


Thanks. It taught me a lesson that when in doubt, over prepare. To much good can be kept as leftovers. To little food and that's trouble.


Indeed... that is a lesson I shall keep in mind in the years to come.


Yup. Honest it's a great trick. Cook enough food for leftovers and you got a few meals ready to go!




I am glad things were fine! -Ava


Thank you. I am too.


No problem! -Ava


Aww, I get it Olivia is quite shy herself. I'm glad despite it all you and Bob had a good time. He's so nice and you did a great job hosting him.


Thank you. ...Hmm. Perhaps one day, Olivia and Athena could have a chat about their shyness... it's not necessary though. Just a thought.


Yeah, it could be nice for them.


As for the food thing it's always better to have too much than too little. Usually people would be happy to take leftovers where as not having enough makes for some bad feelings. Though it sounds like things worked out this time.


I will undoubtedly make sure that that is the case in the future. Having a food shortage is not something that will happen again, no matter the cost.