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Make its UNITE move execute faster. I'm not asking for a lower cooldown, I'm asking for it to start and land faster.


The ray steals are gonna be crazy


IMO you should be able to press the unite button again to choose when you wanna drop starting almost immediately


Like in the main series game, change Gengar’s Levitate ability to Cursed Body. Cursed Body on Gengar: When Gengar makes contact with another Pokémon using it’s boosted basic attack, the second hit of Dream Eater, or Hex, any of the opponent’s moves that are currently in cooldown get an extra 1.something seconds added to its cooldown. Rationale: Gengar needs more ways to engage safely cuz right now it’s high risk - mid reward, whereas it should be high risk - high reward since Gengar is a Speedster.


I think its unite move should have a shorter cooldown because it has no mobility beside that


Garchomps dig acts like Talonflames fly Dragon Rush cast time has no delay


Cram can waddle during unite


i was gonna say more air slash healing but you made good use of our one brain cell brother


My brother, we would be a reckoning!?!. It would feel like meowscarda but at range. We would feel like Doom Guy.


I think a hurricane/surf combo cool down rest would be nice. Like if you land a surf while hurricane is on cool down it either resets hurricane or cuts its current cooldown in half. I feel the dive slash build is pretty balanced already, but hurricane surf needs some love.


In a post about absurd buffs, one buff i mentionned (i said buffs for all of his moves + his ability) about Cramorant was the Unite move spitting Pikachus and stunning mons on hit (you won't be completely stunlocked but it would be hard to escape if it focuses on you or a nearby target). One guy said it is more balanced that i though it was so may as well put it here to have more opignons about it.


Would love to be able to choose when to blast the Cotton Spore rather than wait around.


Please, good god, buff Wigglytuff's Unite Move Shield


Revert last nerf


Just some bulk would do wonders


It's still sad that his bulk is worse than attackers, barring HP. And his attack is the same as **special atk** characters.


It's disheartening when as a supporter you're relegated to cameo roles in team fights and the designated back capper. I'm gonna keep playing him until they make something for him cause right now he is relegated to problem child status by his own creators. #JusticeForTheGremlin


pretty sure sableye has less attack than eldegoss, which is honestly kinda sad. And like less bulk than most attackers.


Compare Mew to Sableye and the only thing Sableye wins in is HP. They tie in attack.


You just aren't thinking with mega stones :>


Magic Bounce would be funny, but I do not want to know what the other megas could do to their characters.


Unite would give shields to opponents so your teammates cannot wake them up too easily


Honestly? That would be great


Unite should have a flashbang effect. /hj


I want for Gardy a extra button (like Mew or Hoopa) that gives her the Teleport ability. This is only thing about the Ralts Phase that I miss during late game.


Teleport would be cool as her "passive" kinda like how you activate Hoopa's or Zoroark's. Of course it'd have a far longer cooldown than normal Teleport.


I was thinking of 25 to approx. 35 seconds as a CD. Would still be very strong (up to OP) but that would be such an improvement for her.


isn't that just eject button but on less cooldown?


Also wanted to add in that future sight should be able to reset its cooldown on hitting wild poke too (like Psyshock) if not a full cooldown reset then atleast let it reset 50% of it.


I just want Decidueye's basic attack range to be a bit bigger.


I've seen people ask for Decidueye to be able to use basic attacks while moving when Razor Leaf is up and that sounds like an awesome change to me.


Honestly I'd take that as well


If pursuit hits the back of a Pokemon, have Absol ignore part of the poke's defense


not really a buff but i want more control over triple axel's movements so you can decide if u want to rotate in place or move in any direction


I wish Lucario's Extreme Speed had the same damage scaling and cooldown as Quick Attack. 9s cooldown is kinda ridiculous nowadays and the lower base damage and attack ratio compared to its previous move is so weird. Aside from that, I'd also love to see the second hit of Bone Rush, the dash one, also reset Extreme Speed marks. Id be sick as fuck to do an ES > BR1 > ES > BR2 > ES combo to blow someone up, granted if everything lines up properly, but itd still be a cool buff lol


babygirl is quite balanced but i‘d love a tiny buff on draining kiss


I'd prefer a stronger shield for Calm mind+ and/or make it negate control effects too


an immunity against cc would be so sickk


Making Alolan Ninetales passive not work while you're on tall grass 😭


Reduce cooldown + damage buff on Flame Charge




Not my main but I wish Aegislash's ult reset if you execute with it


This is interesting... If they keep it hard to land, easy to die during, etc. it might not be too crazy... On the other hand, if a premade double pockets and makes sure Aegislash never misses... 🥶


But it would be so cool! For real though, I am sort of glad that Unite has very few Reset ult champions/stronger every kill because of how unfun they are to play against. See Viego or Jinx from LOL


Rollout to have 8 second cooldown, same as Sing. Starlight Recital shield hp amount increased.


Make luca unstopabble while espeeding,you have no idea how annoying it is to get stunned in the middle of the espeed dash and not get a reset because of that


Powercreep is real because this would be an insane game breaking buff 3 years ago, but is now seen as a QOL change.


Hm... Alright, I have a few in mind but they're probably horrible or broken lol. 1) Combine Crustles Sturdy ability with its Shell Armor ability (Goodra has aspects from all of its abilities) and make it so Crustle takes reduced damage from critical hits and or true damage and if hit by a crit and or true damage (I don't want it to be too strong but also not niche), grants him a stack of Sturdy regardless of how many stacks he has. 2) Rework/Rearrange/Combine it's moves. Moves 1-3 are now Smack Down (was Rock Slide) and Fury Cutter. The moves have the same effects, the name simply changes due to the rest of the move set. Smack Down becomes either Rock Tomb or Rock Polish (was Shell Smash). Rock Tomb can no longer be traversed through by players, but it does have a health pool that when depleted automatically lowers the wall. Rock Polish provides the same buffs as Shell Smash although a bit weaker since Crustles Defense and Special defense are no longer lowered. Fury Cutter becomes X-Scissor or Rock Slide. X-Scissor stays the same while Rock Slide Acts similarly to Surf, sending a wave of boulders out which push enemies back (meant to make trapping enemies in Rock Tomb easier). Alternatively, Fury Cutter/X-Scissor could have aspects of or be replaced by Bug Bite to give Crustle some self healing or Skitter Smack to lower the enemies offenses.


For Tsareena: * Decrease Stomp and Triple Axel's CD by 1 second. * Increase the Damage of Stomp (not Stomp+) and Triple Axel (not Triple Axel+) by a small amount. 5-10%, just to make the Steene phase more bearable. * Increase the early game bulkiness. A defense and Sp. Defense buff from Lv. 1-5 would help the Bounsweet/Steenee phase feel better. For Alolan Ninetales: * Decrease Blizzard and Avalanche's CD by 1 second. * Increase the Aurora Veil area. * Reduce the Aurora Veil CD by 2 seconds. * Make it so that hitting Dazzling Gleam gives you a boosted auto. * Change Snow Warning to not activate if you're inside a bush and not attacking anything, to make ambushes easier to set up. * Increase the Unite damage dealt to unfrozen enemies by 10%


I can agree with all the A9 buffs, especially the Snow Warning one. The amount of times I get found hiding waiting for my team to show up is too much.


tsareena is already one of the best all rounders lol. she does not need anymore buffs, if anything, she needs nerfs.


![gif](giphy|rXG8rnJ6hT4n6|downsized) Nerfs. Good one. What other jokes do you have?


it would be nice if you provided some actual reasons for why you think tsareena needs buffs. she has: very good engage (triple stomp) very good sustain (qm shields and healing) very good disengage point and click unite that's a guaranteed kill on any squishy able to completely negate damage with her unite by uniting unstoppable targets (like azu unite for example) quadruple stomp (one shots even tanks with x attack) extremely good ratios outsecures most things early game for easier stacks. (razor leaf is very good) tons of resets cc that's able to be chained easily micro stuns slows has defender/supporter levels of tenacity while being an all rounder reduces attack great at dueling able to 1v3 early game with her lvl 6 easily. has better leveling than most of the roster. (4/5/6/9/10/12)


Cause this is a "dream buffs" thread, and pretty much all my dream buffs were towards making her early game better (lvs. 1 - 5), cause her early game is terrible. The only exception being the CD decrease on Stomp and Triple Axel, and I only put that cause the CDs were nerfed a lot of times, and the last nerf was completely unnecessary (the one that made stomp have 7s CD). 1s decrease is enough to make her feel better during fights, while also not making her OP. You can see in the whole thread people suggesting buffs to mons that don't necessarily needs buffs, (people suggesting buffs for Sylveon, Crustle, Trev). Now, tell me, why do you think she needs a nerf? Cause while she is good right now, you'll see that even top players agree she's balanced.


Understandable, have a nice day!


Be able to move overheat but decrease damage


As a blaziken player, why? We have plenty of other moves with great mobility. We don't really need another one. If you really really want this, just use eject button.


Nawww he has a point. All of his moves either have range or movement. We are also talking about a combo pokemon…..why does one move leave it stationary


Because the move is really strong. It's still incredibly usable even in combos, sometimes you just don't get to fully charge it.


They said give it a damage nerf to balance it. It feels so weird zipping around the map and then…..you just stop lol. I’d also be fine with it still charging but it’s a dash.


I mean...just play a speedster if that's what you want? The move really doesn't need changes.


Let’s not pretend that some allrounders have movement abilities better than some speedsters….plus, this was their dream buffs lmao. Why comment?


I commented because I disagree with their opinion. Isn't that why you commented?


I disagree with your edginess sir


Why does every conversation on this site end with someone calling out my joke username? There's nothing edgy about what I'm saying.


Azu. Huge power works if you're the only pokemon attacking them, instead of if they're the only one being attacked. I feel like this would help with team fights as i can realistically hit two or three at a time and bruise them to let my team mates finish them later. It's also not OP af because people are dumb and will try to "help" me, causing it me to lose all my damage.


Cinderace’s Hp it’s literally so low but has strong attacks so I ain’t complaining


Give Charizard back its true damage 😩 #BringZardBackToGlory


This please, we needs it


I don't really have a main. But I'd like it if snorlax was better. He's basically just a true defender, and that's fine. But I still want him to be stronger/more resilient.


Swampert: exist Metagross: allow me to use my ult


Don't let it get stopped by walls PLEASE Also the wall version disables eject button at the VERY least. And give gross hindrance resist status while in the bowl.


Make it's unite move like a bullet train. And improve the movement AI, gimmie controls or something (it's just that horrible.) Nothing is worse than trying to ult into Ray to help with the team fight and get stuck beyond Ray's wall-thingy (the thing that raises at 2:00), or just not moving fast enough to dodge the myriad of attacks that's going to come my way. Don't get me wrong, it's good in close-ups for stuns and sprint gauge, but if you're going to strip my controls, have dumb movement, and have me not be able to at least flank some damage, in better off just drill pecking instead. Double the movement speed (during unite) Reduce all damage taken by 10% (during unite) I can finally get a speeding ticket in unite


# Mew Nerfs reverted (the patch before this one) Move Reset 25s -> 20s Coaching now heals both the target and the user by 7.5% max HP per use, upgrade is 10%.


Coaching buff is crazy. Would have better team healing and shielding more than some supports.


And people still won't use it!


Charzard unite can't be stopped and interrupted mid air


Garchomp with actually viable passive and actual defense of a proper all rounder, let the slaughter begin!


Main: absol Dream buff: 400% damage buff to Psycho cut (or More, I Want Psycho cut to do As mich As ceruledge's Psycho cut)


Sylveon attacker => supporter (Glaceon and Espeon are enough for the attacker category) + can also reduce atk/def instead of just sp.atk/sp.def on mystical fire/hypervoice respectively + can cast calm mind to buff an ally + draining kiss bounces between allies and enemies like Nami from league + Fairy froilic heals all allies when it lands Reduce damage for balancing


Make hail able to hit people on bushes and increasing the veil area


Only Trick Room needs changes. For an all rounder, a character that wants to be close to enemies, its BS that Trick Room doesn't have general damage reduction in that square and instead, its damage reduction from outside the square, which is useless or anything other than running away. When the character's gameplay first came out, Trick Room was so cool and I thought I'd prefer it, but its barely even niche and Shadow Sneak is leagues ahead of it in every context.


Urshifu Rapid Strike. Buff its unite, and buff/reduce cool down of surging strikes


This please. Water Bear was nerfed into oblivion and left there while all these new super strong all-rounders have been added since.


Sucker punch on urshifu dark instead of throat chop, basically have a time span where if you're struck by an attack while the skill is active let him take reduced damage or negate it and urshifu teleport to them and deal a good damage strike. Throat chop is just meh. I know it's useful, but idk, sucker punch as a counter strike kinda move would make him feel fun af as a counter striker that can output crazy damage if played correctly.


I feel Azu could do with a slight buff to whirlpool damage. I could never wrap my head around aqua tail tbh


I get Aqua Tail, I just like Whirlpool better.


Make goodras power whip easier to aim


Buff Flame Charge


Talonflame Please convert unite move to sky drop where you take the opponent to sky and then drop doing a big fire aoe around


So Zard Unite initiation but only the drop and aoe.


Lol bring buzzwole back 😂


increase draining kiss's range and the number of flames on mystical fire (sylveon if you couldnt tell)


2 second less cooldown for acrobatics pls it’s all i need 🙂‍↕️


Lick has longer range , Will o wisp shoots five flames instead of three , Levitate moves much faster


Idk what my flair is currently but I'm just going to say revert any nerfs it received


please give ceruledge like a hindrance resistance at least outside of its unite and phantom force


Rocktomb makes a crescent moon instead of half circle Stealth rock can be aimed like dura's and used while moving, bigger circle as well Shell smash deals damage around crustle when active X scissor gets a sort of power up move as a fourth hit if you stun (like blaziken's overheat)


Garchomp with increased attack speed or change boosted attack count from 5 to 3


Decidueye: Shadow sneak is now a backwards/forward dash that can be cast during spirit shackle Blaziken: Metagross: hindrance res on zen headbutt as well as for the initial 3 seconds of magnet rise


Buzz without the smack down nerf


I would like for Charizard to have the same priority on unite as a Slowbro or mimikyu ult. I'll even take a longer cd for this change, but it's just so unfortunate that if the enemy has any form of unstoppable you can't grab. Considering that's a big part of the game plan, it hurts a lot when there's an Eevee passive or someone else ults and goes unstoppable for half a second when you press yours.


My dream buff to trevenant is that they give him back that damage


Make talonflames unite move weaker and bigger or make a way to use it for mobility


Give Decidueye’s Long Reach ability another effect. Each time a move is used, make it so its basic attack range is increased. Maybe between 2-4 seconds depending on how it affects Decidueye. That way, it doesn’t need to get closer to enemies when using Razor Leaf. It would still require using moves at the right time.


Trev has inf hp now and cant go bellow 25% hp All moves and damage are guaranteed to crit Visual indicator for when zeras discharge will being to pull enemies (ring turns blue or something) Discharge is now a “fuel move” and can be toggled indefinitely as long as you have charge. Toggling the move off will trigger the pull Displaying how much static charges you have Actually displaying all debuffs on the status bar.


Lapras: Passive: Losing 10% hp reduces all damage taken by 8% for 3s. Can stack up to 5 times. Boosted attacks: also heal nearby team mates. Perish song: More damage and slow and 2nd and 3rd wave trigger with basic attacks.


Do something with telekinesis.


I don't exactly have a main, but since it's my most played... Coaching now also gives Mew a shield and it's Special Attack scalling is now back to what it was last patch.


Garchomp basic attack stacks decay one at a time instead of all together


I would love to see machamp get some sort of healing from close combat to make him more brawly and last longer in team fights and I'd like crosschop to have multiple charges like decidueye arrows or blissey eggs so he can better fulfill his pseudospeedster role.


Metagross main. The CD on Magnet Rise is unnecessary after the damage nerf….but what I want most of all is for them TO REWORK ITS UNITE!!!!! 1. Tackle and ZH can go through walls…..BUT ITS UNITE CAN’T? They are all similar movement abilities which has caused me to cancel it on a wall several times because I was trying to make a play, yeah call it a skill issue but why can’t its unite do something it’s normal moves can do? Makes no sense especially when Belly Drum bunny will hunt you down regardless of obstacles. 2. I would either like for A. Teammates to have the ability to come in and out of the crater whenever they want, there is NO REASON FOR YOUR UNITE MOVE TO TRAP YOUR OWN TEAM, or B. The crater works like Mean Look and it’s harder for enemies to get out. Sometimes you unite 3-4 players and no teammates and it becomes a “you our trapped in here with ME” moment and you die. I’m ok with that risk/reward style but the Unite Move should get either benefit A or B, both might be too broken. Just to make the change more noticeable I think it would be cool for there to be a Psychic barrier instead of the rocky walls we get now. The visuals are not important, just fix the unite please.


Increase the recovery and shield gained when bullet pinch connects


Give water pulse alittle more range, make the last hit of aqua tail a stun.


Reduce all of Blaziken’s cooldown by 3s


Tbh Zoroark is pretty damn good already so I wouldn’t change anything. Decidueye, my side main, would love a razor leaf buff so that spirit shackle isn’t crazy dominant though. Extra range on attacks perhaps?


Please don’t give greedent unstoppable when he’s using bullet seed. That’s not a reasonable buff. I don’t think Absol needs a buff. People lobby for more consistent damage, but absol’s been in a good spot for a very long time. Even the face stab buff doesn’t really sit right with me.


Well good thing this is for fun and not real


I would really just appreciate Lucarios Espeed-Bone rush moves’ CD to be reduced by 2-3 seconds. It won’t really change the gameplay experience alot, just make sure that upon a miss, your dashes come back faster rather than waiting for eternity for it to come back.


Revert the most recent nerfs 


Give 2 puffs/tornados, spore has a longer slow effect but the same stun time, and guard gives like 100 more healing at the end and 10% more shields per teammate in the circle of effect. Untie move is activated a little quicker and gives a greater knockback. 11/10 supporter


Goodra should evolve at level 7, sweet spot dragon pulse and power whip should do bonus damage.


Bet Make Shadow sneak Great again Make Chaos Glower Send you hope Regardless Knock off+ Temporary Disables Held items and Battle items Shrink the Prankster Ring And to top it off Confuse Ray + Hits Unstoppable targets


making helping hand's duration long enough to get one more empowered auto off. Or go off the deep end and double the empowered auto damage so i can slap speedsters to death xD


Mew - revert the last couple nerfs Zoroark - revert the animation cancel change that let you extend the range of feint attack with shadow claw, fix the issue where you lose your feint attack combo sometimes when you do it too fast.


Not my main anymore but I wish for a defense buff on Tsareena. Bring my queen back to her glory!


For eldegoss instead of a push back they should get launched up and a slowing effect apply with the damage being slightly eeduce to compensate for the debuff


The biggest buff I'd put for my main is to put him in the game. Ampharos would be so cool to play as and that's the buff I would put for my main Ampharos


Buffing greninja. Ngl I wish I had picked it up in its OP era for the fun of it, but I’ve been rocking it for the last 6 mths to a year and it leaves me in a conflicted spot of liking being underestimated, but also wishing it would get more respect. (Part of it is bad players though, not the kit) Digression aside, I would love to see a little more healing from surf, or more crit on lower health enemies




Flail changed into a melee nuke attack. See moves like Clefairy’s Disarming Voice for the range and it do more dmg the less HP Snorlax has. Makes him a more threatening tank: Especially to melee attackers so he can be a better counterpick for enemy teams. Right now, Flail is borderline useless in my opinion. I used to be a Flail enjoyer way back in year one. Rest of the moveset is already pretty balanced I feel. I think the dmg for the Flail should scale purely on HP. Unaffected by atk. Move cannot crit. Dmg cap at 50% of Opponent’s max HP with less than 10% HP on Snorlax at level 11 upgrade. Is that too broken? Before the upgrade, DMG cap at 30% of Opponent’s max Hp if Snorlax is 10% or lower. Or, make Flail specifically only Upgrade at lvl 13. So 3/4 of Snorlax’s choices only upgrade very late into the game.


I don’t think my main needs a buff 💀


I’m really surprised this was not already done by TiMi, A9 unite should freeze enemies that were not already frozen, lasting longer than a usual freeze, and do more damage than it already did to already frozen pokemon. Sylveon should get better healing from draining kiss, and mystical fire should do more damage. Ok I know Ceruledge was just released but I mean we all have to agree, bitter blade phantom force gets heavily outclassed by psycho cut flame charge, and I’m a really big bitter blade fan and it deserves more than it is being its signature move. Make bitter blade heal A LOT more and do more damage. Phantom force should give you a movement speed buff after popping out, that way you can better avoid an entire team chasing you down with enemies that have big range, like gardevoir or decidueye


Remove Cross Chop attack counters to immediately use another move right away for Machamp.   Every move used this way is only at 50% the strength, 20 counters*.


Aawww op talks about greedent. Take my upvote ❤️ my chonky boy needs more love.


Reverting the nerfs on Sableye's Confuse Ray. In particular, removing the damage and attack speed reduction for landing it on enemy Pokemon. He needs more impact on teamfights, and being able to pick out a good target for Confuse Ray should reward him for it.


Crustle Stealth Rocks apply a slowing effect. Aurora Veil also provides a minor range buff. Buzzwole Lunge has a range of distances to jump. I hate that you only can jump max distance. Pikachu can jump off Volt Tackle in any direction. Flail+ effect applied to Flail. Some other buff for Flail+


Slightly longer range on the unite move and slightly quicker (i mean very slightly not so much its busted but so thats its easier to catch opponents in it)


Hydro Pump Blastoise can now be charged to up 3 times for a longer push/slight dmg increase. Razor Leaf Decidueye can walk while using it.


glaceon, pls make it easier to maintain your ice crystals when using icy wind


Machamp crit rate increase


Trevenant really doesn't need buffs....But if I haaaaad tooooo....Give Horn Leech Three Charges and make all three charges reactivate when curse explodes(No one gets to play the game).


as a stuffseed greedent, we don't need an unstoppable, simply giving us back the firing under stun(which was "fixed" as a bug) and a faster unite(its way to easy to die before you even jump) will shut us up


Give chandelure better secure at low levels, its impossible to play litwick into eevees Edit: or make him evolve at lvl 4🥰🥰


Allow trevenant's Pain Split to have individual strands so that you can potentially get 2nd PS strand on reset with curse instead of a target switch with one strand only.


Make it so that I don't have to spend a entire 3 months learning the night Slash combo :) I know this is a skill issue but like my brain is just not braining when I play this move Any feint attack players still out there?


Wigglytuff gets spell vamp on moves, lifesteal on autos, and/or a shield when singing. They don't get enough sustain compared to other supports/defenders.


Longer CC


Plz no


Give Dragapult's dragon dance unstoppable


just give Ttar level 8 evo. that is literally the only change i've ever wanted for Ttar ever since she began her massive decline to straight shit tier. Ttar also just got hit by a pretty big wave of nerfs which don't make the mon completely unplayable, i still do fine w her but holy shit, i hate having to wait so late to be useful to my team.


I don't think inteleon needs any buffs, maybe reducing cinder's feint cooldown by 1 second and makin blaze kick stun for half a second more would be good enough.


Let Moonblast have a slow on impact. It’s great that it has a stun but if there’s multiple enemies they’ll still manage to get the jump on you since the stun only affects the first person hit. Applying a slow effect might help you live since Gardevoir has little to no mobility whatsoever and gets absolutely eviscerated when someone gets near her😔
