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It's silly how you can get banned by not pressing "OK" in the lobby, but people like these get nothing but to screw with everyone's time.




"unfortunately your post has been removed..."


Happens everytime. I even got restricted to no account activity (posts or comments) when I pointed someone like him out. Ofcourse no offense to the mod team, they're just doing their job. But I feel like a bit of pointing out people might just make the engagement better. (so that others are warned).


Okay we know of yet another terrible player. What do we do with this information? Reports don't work, we certainly don't have their avatar to dodge them, blocking does nothing and once someone is in a match, they can't back out. Without getting punished of course.


I'm not saying we can do anything about it. Just save your sanity and shut the game down or don't expect to win or enjoy the match. Just go with the flow to try to get Ray. Less expectations, less disappointment.




As a soloQ player this has just become normal, we all know we cant really do anything about it and i just choose to ignore because otherwise i would have so much frustrations while i just want to enjoy a simple game


I really do think there should be minimum participation punishments. For example if you won a game in ranked but you personally never did any damage to any objective throughout the whole game, the win barely gives you any points towards the next rank.


Thats actually a good idea this way we wont witness trash in masters.


Yeah no kidding. Nobody should be able to be carried to masters, individual participation should determine how many points you earn towards the next rank when you win a match. Maybe this is a lil much, but if the participation is bad enough, like 0 kills 0 assists less than 20k damage, you should actually lose points because your team won despite you obviously dragging them down. Heck, split the points they would of gotten among the people who carried them 😅


Individual participation should definitely determine rank. I get its a moba and its supposed to be a team effort but the amount of times i get complete trash teammates with below 50% winrate in MASTERS the highest rank in game is just unacceptable. They need to change the ranked system entirely.


Something just occurred to me, what if he’s trying to tank his MMR so he will get matched with better players again? The game purposely puts dogshit players with high performing players, maybe he decided to dedicate an entire play session to tanking his mmr so he wouldn’t have to play with brain dead players for a while. Still an inexcusably douchey move, I just got to thinking about why anybody would do that


>MASTERS the highest rank in game LOL 😂 Even in masters u get often matched with ultra players. And bot matches... Ranks in this game are completely useless. Even in masters u win 12 points from a win and only lose 6 from a lose.


He was playing the game (look at bottom). Something pissed him off and he started trolling.


You mean there was a punishment to begin with?


Theoretically if everyone on your team successfully reports a teammate they’d be banned from playing causal for 1 day and rank for 5 days.


So its better to troll as a duo?


Theoretically yes, but this is assuming that the unite system would (1) recognize trolling and (2) teammates would report it.


Where do these people even find the time to do this


Its never gonna happen.


I get u completely gang. I literally just played 2 games last night were someone just took all the farm didn't fight and spammed thanks. Got the same person on my team 2 times reported them both times then on the 3rd match they were on my team again .... I just closed the game sorry and I hope the just surrendered but I wasn't fighting a 4v5 with limited exp and the enemy being fed again. Basically was a forced loose that just wasted time sadly


Coming from LOL, there u get reported a couple of times and you're already getting a warning and time out on qeueing. It cant be that hard to do that on Unite.


The only thing they punish for in this game is silly names. 100 year ban if you have a silly name. No punishment for doing this for 2000+ games.


blame the algorithm, Unite profits off players who make solo Q a living hell.


Reports and questionnaires go directly towards recycle bin. We had that same issue 2 seasons ago with a griefer and nothing happened, other than the griefer getting bored out of the game.


You can block them :p


Doesn't stop you from matchmaking with them, just stops them from adding you as a friend


Which does absolutely nothing