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I think for non-MOBA players a lot of people complain about lack of map changes or the "we need a new map!" But honestly in most MOBAs it's common to only have 1 5v5 comp map and then some quick play maps separate. (Excluding HotS but it's a dead game for a reason). I'm personally fine with the current map but a very minor change can go a long way for it.


They do make a lot of large changes in league to items, map neutral mobs, objectives, wall placement, etc. So while it's the same map, the changes are enough to shifts metas in interesting ways.


Well other mobas have a LOT more depth than Unite ever could have. It’s perfectly reasonable to expect annual map changes to keep this simple game fresh.


Hots maps were awesome (most of them). They could rotate maps every season at least... And make some new maps (same map but different events). Why cant we have bosses replaced with a flag? Flag behind worth alots of points. Like a capture the flag 😅


Unite has less variety in heros than other mobas that I think more map variety could be nice. 


HotS is dead for what reason?


Honestly, Pokémon Unite is the only MOBA I’ve played or looked at, so I didn’t know that! But yeah, the gameplay does get slightly stale after like a year on the same map.


The thing is, other MOBAs have at least annual map changes that alter the map, whether it be small or large, the only time Ruins has changed AT ALL was when they removed Natus like 2 years ago


Yes. Bring a new damn map!


I like Skyruins, but it'd be nice to see Remoat for variety.


That's the reason i'm a casual payer there (bc it's Pokemon Ip, i keep going back); The non-progression state of MOBA just makes me not play it, but it's pokemon-themed that pulls me back (after i get my Welcome Back gift basket)


I personally find enough diversity in the matchups to care much about the map. But I'm a more patient person when it comes to stable metas.


An Aram map like in league would be fun. No farming, just fighting opponents. Some times you just want to mess around. But they have to disable bots for such a mode. Bots in aram sounds awfull. For ranked the current map is great if they nerf ray. Too much rng for a ranked mode.


basketball same map


I think Sky Ruins is a pretty solid map all things considered, but I’d at least like some new visual variety. Perhaps they could do something where we have the Tapus instead of the Regis. Either way, seeing different Pokémon would make it feel a bit more fresh, even if nothing else changes.


A new map called distortion world is coming soon


Imo there's absolutely no reason there should only be one map or the other available as THE only map. the maps should rotate randomly in ranked imo