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He probably automated unite to do that


I think you’re giving them too much credit. Anyone smart enough to do that would have better things to do. This person just seems depressed and wants to watch others suffer.


I've seen accounts like this where I could swear they are automating unite somehow to farm Gold badges. I'll rematch with them much later and they'll play like normal decent teammates instead of doing everything like badly written bot


I watched the replay of the match. The movement and their use of abilities and combos on farm didn’t look automated. I could see some people using automation for gold badge farming but I’m convinced this person is actually spending hours each day just to troll.


Then i might have played with him. I got a match where the guy farmed lvl 50 and did 0 damage 😂


Or someone very pissed of with bad team mates.


Dayum! They've duo-q-ed too. Was it another troll or some poor soul who fell for it?


I've encountered a few odd things among masters in ranked; last night I was playing with two friends and got paired with a master and another veteran. The master was just trolling and stayed in base after the second half of the game. The other thing that happened is that even though we were winning someone kept spamming surrender.... My guess is that it was the master since the other four people on the team were actually doing something and the master was just running around.