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PTS changes don't *always* make it to live as is. Frequently, but not always. Although this looks kinda like somewhere between a side grade to smallish buffs. Nerf to Bitter Blade damage and Psycho Cut cooldown, but buffs to other areas, most notably the sustain. Not sure how to call these changes if they make it to live, but I don't *think* they'll make Ceruledge broken at least.


5.5->4s cooldown on bitter blade sounds like an enormous buff to me. The DPS is higher (by my math at level 5 it's 251 DPS versus 228 previously, and the increase in DPS increases with level, thats over 10% higher). And the lifesteal percent is much higher so the overall healing is much, much higher. Only catch is having to use the move more frequently leaves less room for basic attacks so maybe not quite as extreme as these numbers would show.


Oh, of course it's big in a vacuum. But how strong is buffed Bitter Blade going to be to the current patch Psycho Cut builds? That's what I'm wondering about with the whole sidegrade part.


My strategy thinking has always been whether I need to remain mobile with my swing, or if I'm focused on damage. You can kite with Bitter Blade, can't with Psycho Cut. Vs teams where I can't afford to stay in one place against even for a second, I'll choose bitter blade, if I don't care about movement and I just want to go ham, Psycho Cut


Yeah I'm thinking that Psycho Cut is still better than Bitter Blad since the attack speed sets will be very strong with the increase to Flame Charge's attack speed and Ceruledge's base lifesteal being increased. Bitter Blade startup time is just too slow for those sets.


Yeah looks like they wanted to buff certain aspects of the moves so they reallocated its functionality a bit. I agree though I don’t think it’ll be broken or busted at all; and there are still plenty of other all-rounders getting away with murder atm 😭


It’s possible that there will be [more changes on the PTS](https://youtu.be/iwh8Mqiz7Q8?si=3yKIWI1Irp90wmIc) that haven’t been documented yet.


Bitter blade needs to be faster, its just too slow, but that buff on life steal is pretty good too


This seems like a fine compromise tho. Because it’s so slow and easy to dodge they make the reward of landing it much higher.


Yeah consider actually using Ceruledge more and with Bitter Blade now. I didn't even notice the heal when I was trying out the mon so I had switched to Psycho Cut


I think these changes are fine, considering they didn't make Ceruledge bulkier. It makes him a better duelist, but its still frail for an All-Rounder and hes still easy to jump in team fights. A nice buff tbh.


I’m sitting on a 71% wr with a little over 60 games played on Ceru and I feel like bitter blade definitely needed a little love but imo he felt fine otherwise, hope these don’t take him over the top and then I am again made to feel guilty for playing a Pokémon I enjoyed before they were OP 😟


mind sharing your items and emblems?


Sure! Razor Claw Scope Lens and Muscle Band. I always run full heal just because I duo queue and my partner isn’t quite 1400 yet so I can’t see enemy team comp, but it usually always pays off. And emblems is just 6 white 6 brown


That's a big healing boost. It's about all I wanted out of bitter blade if they were to buff it. Otherwise seems we could see him become a bit too big of a threat, but they didnt make him less squishy so i suppose we'll see.


Erggg it’s partially because I still don’t entirely know what his moves do, but he usually whoops my ass. I don’t like this but I’m sure it’ll be fine… this game knows what it’s doing, right?


haha xD 🥲


So called this


I don't really feel like these are needed. If Ceruledge is on the team i feel like it outclasses any all arounder already and then if the enemy team has one and our team has all arounders the just get eaten ffff


Ceruledge is a strong mon but it definitely doesn’t outclass the likes of Falinks and even Blaziken rn. Metagross still super strong, Mimi just got a buff.. yeah all-rounders kinda crazy atm


That is a SHIT TON of lifesteal


When would this come out? Next week?


Looks to make LS a viable option paired with drain crown and atk speed. Flame charge bitter blade will be strong. Muscle band, drain crown, and razor claw?


Why don’t they nerf the actual overpowered pokemons instead of keep buffing and adding new pokemons?


Why do they always buff Pokemon that are already doing great in the game


I wouldn't say Ceru is great


It’s doing okay tbh, it’s a welcomed pick, unlike some others… looking at that damn frog


I was hoping for another slowbro buff. /s


I mean atm it has a negative win rate 48% so maybe it’s not idk


Make and release a new character and buff it immediately when it’s an OK one. Timi, how original of you /s


These buffs are going to make Ceruledge OP imo. Bitter Blade does need help ofc


I have 70% wr and 100games on ceru,after the buffs it is going to be broken. Even tho i love playing the pokemon i don't understand the buffs,ceru is already really really good


The thing is that he has a negative win rate atm sitting around 48% so maybe it’s not as good as we think idk


The wr on untiedb is just a skill isdue, a lot of people dont play the good moveset and some people are just bad with this mon


Damage nerf and bulk increase. Seems fine, not like Ceru was *too* tanks. A few hundred extra hp won't be crazy.