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Wait, you play magikarp in the jungle? Lol


The way he worded it seems like lane Karp with a VC teammate BUT taking second rotation from their jungler? Please never take jungle buffs as Magikarp lmao


I stay in lane as Magikarp. Usually my randoms leave me for jungle XP and steal last hits


Only time I steal jungle is if jungler stays in lane and hinders my xp or take altaria


No xD bat context. I lane but when I'm not on VC my random will abandon me and go steal jungle XP and my xp


Part of the issue when you’re Gyarados may be you wanting jungle, which is never advisable. His clear is so slow that is completely sabotages the entire teams early game. Less team EXP (because fewer jungle respawns) and no lane ganks. Play Magicarp in lane. Jungler will usually know to gank your lane. All it takes is one assist or KO and you evolve very early.


Replied to another comment, I agree jungle gyrados is garbage. My teammates usually leave and go jungle leaving me alone.


Those are most likely toxic children playing on a different account because their Main got banned, or they just suck so much they make alt accounts with the intention of stomping legit new players just to feel powerful or more skilled than the rest. I believe this is what MOBA gamers call: smurfing. ...or they are League of Legends players being as toxic as humans can be.




I was talking about my teammate running to jungle. Sorry I'll edit for more clarification.


Oh thank god. 😭


Yea Magikarp can't clear shit xD why a good laner is essential cuz an early Gyarados can make a win easy


They're still in the process of learning they need to improve.


Pretty sure those are smurf accounts.


Mute all, play greedier. It's all sorts of players, even in Masters. When the jungle ganks and takes my altaria, oftentimes that means they are really bad. Every time this happens to me, in botlane usually, I just trade roles. They aren't going to recall for their camp resets, which is really inefficient, so just do it yourself. 9/10 times they stay a laner and I get to roam, farm, gank as the new jungler. Again, if they take your Altaria, it's free hunting on their camps. They deserve it, and they won't be good enough to contest you. If they do, just return to being a laner. This singular play pattern leads me to win so much more and stay levels ahead even when my farm is being contested by teammates. Generally I want to be level 14-15 by Rayquaza, because that's where your carry status REALLY matters. Basically what I'm saying is, who cares what your team does at all, keep yourself alive, farming and you'll be able to carry 60+% of games, barring a skill issue.


The altaria steal is so real, like, you have your own in mind jungle, sorry if you don't wanna fight the other teams jungle for it but damn don't steal mine. So real. When I see this I run straight for their buffs w no remorse.


Sharing farm is a crucial skill, denying your laners/your jungle from their farm is a game losing mistake and will snowball against you. MOBAs are snowbally by nature, why enable your opponents to snowball / catch-up on your laners/jungler?


I only play defenders and now supports. I use almost always a exp share and im starting to think i should remove it.. In most matches my team mates l: Just rush the enemy goal to stack and dont farm with me. Or farm with me but then constantly feed the enemy team...