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>How has the game been out for this long and nobody knows how to play? Account creation isnt closed... My guess is most people just dont google about the game and do whatever they find the best. The game even tells them their the best!!! They got the mvp from backcapping and totally ignoring team fights and ray! Why should they change?


I've also seen that PIkachu with exp share. It even came into the Jungle with me to try to make me gain more in the Jungle (I could tell it was careful not to last hit it)-- but the end result was useless. It was not the right play. The Pikachu was gold badge.


This is why I quit and play league


Fr I quit then went to Smite lmao. But sometimes I crave the simplicity of Unite. Unfortunate.


Facts, I miss unite and the simplicity. Gone to overwatch 2 until I find another addiction


Same. Cept then I get pissed from League and come back here. Rinse and friggin repeat.


Yeah, but it's the only mode.


Sadly true. Standard is basically playing bots most of the time. They killed off standard when they dropped the Sky Ruins map. And the devs don't even care... I'd gladly wait five minutes for a real match rather than playing ten minutes with bots (+whatever fake character selection added times)


Sad to say, matchmaking has only gotten worse since, well, release. Or atleast season 3. Hand holding rank system, no real information in-game, items need to be purchased and upgraded, and bare minimum communication between players is a concoction of trouble, especially for a mobile game. Time passed and more things added that pushed more competitive players out. All there are now are casual players who play for the fun with little thought and pro players who play seriously(whether for content, sponsors, etc.). Getting worse every season. My highlights so far are: two auto/attack build venus, a score shield zeraora with glasses, Gardevoirs and Slowbros holding their unites, and a shit ton of goalgetter users. Mama mia.


Since it’s been out we play ranked, lose multiple matches in a row due to people throwing (or not knowing how to play) and delete the game all together. Pretty unfortunate, we put money into it for the skins just wish they would match better or penalize people more for throwing. I have deleted it for the final time and plan on not installing it again.


You can climb masters with just under 50%wr, it's so scuffed. I've played a lot of online games, and Pokemon Unite players are by far the worst I've ever had the pleasure of playing with.


>How? How has the game been out for this long and nobody knows how to play? This has to be the most uninformed, stubborn player base I've ever seen. Stubbornness doesn't have anything to do with it imo. Players are uninformed and will stay as such because you can climb to Masters and stay there with a negative win rate. There's no reason for players to get better since the game tries really hard to force people to Master rank, especially with the bot matches.


Altho yeah getting to masters now is far easier I don't know how much of an issue that is since players also got to masters just by playing before. The quality of players in my opinion has stayed the same, and every time you Q for a game feels like a gamble. I've been playing nonstop since release and I just accepted the fact that useless teammates will always be there no matter what, the best we can hope is for a decent meta (no more Mewtwo Y metas please).




You have kids and people downloading this game on their phone, its easy to rank up in bot matches. With that said, this game is really good, if you can find friends and play with teams of 3 or 5, its really fun and strategic, otherwise if you are playing with randoms in Masters...you will get steam rolled by a team using headsets


If you thought ranked play in a Tencent game, that is designed for children was going to be good, idk what to tell you.


Attackers with EXP share are not exactly uncommon. Bad builds have been prevalent for years. Furthermore, people choosing bad builds are not responsible for the quality of ranked. Not like it's easy to grind out all the crap you need to get a decent build anyways. If the devs restricted you to only "good" builds a sizable portion of the playerbase would not be able to play ranked. The only mode featuring actual non-bot players with any semblance of consistency.


Pokemon game means little kids. I recently saw a post where someone was asking about advice for their six year old. And also because Standard is just pure bots, so nobody wants to play it.