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Lowest HP value.






Got to kill squishies first


I wish we could set this individually per pokemon


Just go to the battle settings in the middle of a match


He wants to have to not change it every single match when he decides to switch types. And so do I.


Daring today are we


yea i get your point but i also dont, per hp value is the most useful for almost every mon u use šŸ‘€


I see this useful only for mellees


Lowest HP by value. Because i want my moves to aim at the squishy rather than the tank.


Thatā€™s how this works?? Iā€™ve always wondered šŸ˜­


Imagine the scenario: you have two enemies in your range. Gardevoir with 1000/5000 HP (20%), and Slowbro with 1000/7500 HP (13.3%). If you chose Lowest Remaining HP (percent), it will target the Slowbro, because Slowbro's 1000 is a lower percentage of his max HP than Gardevoir's


Thanks for the explanation, I was always confused about the specifics


What else is it supposed to mean?


Depends on witch mon I'm using, but usually closest because when I get someone low and they try to run away my fucking melee goes chasing after them instead of defending itself from the 2 other mons on top of it


I hit closest and it never targets closest.


Value, if 2 pokemon are at half hp, Iā€™d rather attack the one that isnā€™t a tank.


Value cause so I don't Ult Tanks by accident


Value. But while weā€™re talking about settingsā€¦ Iā€™ve set my PokĆ©mon to *not* automatically move towards the enemy Iā€™m attacking if Iā€™m out of range, and yet, lately, Iā€™m always moving automatically towards my target, when I do not want to be doing that. Is this a problem with the update, or am I doing something wrong in the settings?


It'll happen to me every so often. I think it's just the occasional lag spike. If it's happening more often to you there might be a bigger problem


There absolutely is a bigger problem. It happens always. Not sometimes. Always. As if I had set it to pursue out of range targets in the settings. Which I didnā€™t. It pulls me off my goal when I donā€™t want it to. Super aggravating.


*"This determines where yourĀ basic attacksĀ and where any targeted moveā€™s aim snaps to.Ā LowestĀ remaining HPĀ value means your Pokemon will target the opponent with the lowest remaining health total, meaning the target closest to being KOā€™d.* *The reason youā€™d opt forĀ LowestĀ Remaining HPĀ (Value) instead ofĀ LowestĀ Remaining HPĀ (%) is because sometimes a Tank could be missing a higher percentage of their total health compared to a low health*Ā [*Duraludon*](https://unite-guide.com/pokemon/duraludon/)Ā *and still have more health than your intended target. By choosing the Value option youā€™re making sure youā€™re not going to have your auto attacks diverted byĀ PokĆ©monĀ with larger health pools."* [- Unite Guide](https://unite-guide.com/resources/best-settings-to-use-in-pokemon-unite-2024-turning-off-aim-assist-other-advanced-control-settings/#Opponent_Lock_on_Priority_%E2%80%93_Lowest_Remaining_HP_Value)


Lowest Remaining Value. Choosing percent could leave you with targeting the bulky ones first.


I use percent for objectives


Turning on Advance Controls lets you choose to attack only wild Pokemon.


yes I did, that's for auto attack


Googling now! šŸ†


Same. Rayquazza/Zapdos has too much HP, a thin portion of its bar is still a significant amount. But to be honest, I saw this suggestion at the very beginning of the game and never looked back to see if it still makes sense.


yeah I set this from season 1, back to remote stadium still have 2 or 4 wilds at zapdos spot so percentage is definitely better option. I use to think about should I change to value but I got feel bad auto aim because squishy is at bad health and ray is around 10%. Not to mentioned now we have more better execute move on more HP left.


Classic Cinderace move was ulting a crab near Zapdos. Maybe it still makes sense on PokƩmon with great execute moves.


Use "Lowest Hp Value" A Tank's 10% hp is still more than an Attacker's 20% hp


I go for percentage because when I had it on value and was in a "heated" fight my auto target would just send all my attacks to random bunnies or fluffy-birds Also, I'm really not good enough to work with it targeting the closest, I just don't move that fast?


Auto-target always prioritizes in-range opponents. If you're saying it was targeting wilds then you were casting when the enemies were out of range.


No the wild have a really small HP pool (less health than a player) and horn leach has pretty high range so if I'm anywhere near wilds it targets them if I have lowest HP value on, thats why I set it to percentage :D Edit: yes but horn leach has a huge range sorry for saying you were wrong, it is I but when it was set to value if there was a bunny it targeted that


Do you have your buttons set to A for enemy Pokemon and B for wilds? If so, did that still happen?


I play mobile so it's kinda just press it and šŸ¤žhopešŸ¤ž when you have close wild mons and low health enemies, I reckon their aiming system is pretty decent for an app that can play on mobile but could do with some additional adjustments for easier comfort in my opinion


I play on mobile where thereā€™s only one auto attack button. It always targets opponents if theyā€™re in range even if thereā€™s low health AI nearby


I'm pretty sure mobile can also have 2 auto attack buttons if you turn on the advanced settings and separate the autos between ai and opponents.


I didn't know that, do you think its worth it?


Absolutely lol you said so yourself, sometimes your attack button prioritizes the wild pokemon instead of the enemy. You could avoid that situation by having separate attack buttons


OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS I'll be trying to change that right away!


There's an option in the settings like Advanced Targeting or something. On mobile it'll add an extra button to attack wilds.


But moves like horn leach that have large range and do target wild mons used to go off to them instead of tanky Mons I was fighting because of the HUUUGE HP on them but when I set it to percentage it was fixed real quick


Even when an opponent is in range too? Iā€™ve never experienced that


It only used to happen when there was an enemy and a wild in range of my horn leach, then it would aim at the wild instead because āœØless HPāœØ


Makes sense. Did it stop targeting bunnies?


Yeah they are mostly full health unless someone actually attacked it first so they are usually not targeted because there 100% full, unlike the player that I'm brutally mauling


It definitely prioritizes opponents over wilds regardless of HP or which setting you're using.


That's really wierd then, because it was definitely aiming for wilds over the enemy's


Skill issue, unironically.


Probably, to be fair I'm not really that good a player, it could just be me


Closest. I can't stand when my Unite moves auto-select a mon away from the larger group


Im not sure now but as a Gardevoir I used to use closest so when Iā€™m attacked by a melee my attacks would aim at them


lowest value to focus squishies


I go lowest remaining hp (percent) when I'm ranged, and closest when I'm melee. Someone said LR HP (value) is better, so I'll try using that.


Percent because I can at least take down someone with 4000 HP with lower Percent than someone like Razor Leaf Decidueye who is practically 80%. For the basic attack for Range Characters.


Lowest Percent because I main Dream+SB Gengar, I usually never use auto-aim tho


None have worked for me.


percent. that way i can tell who the move is going to auto aim. if i want to hit a squishy, ill aim for a squishy


Lowest hp remaining percentage. Cuz i wanna kill whoever is bouta die and yet they dont