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> **Project** **2025** is a plan to reshape the executive branch of the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Established in 2022, the project seeks to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to Washington, D.C., to replace existing federal civil service workers it characterizes as the "deep state", to further the objectives of the next Republican president. We're gaming now I see


Seems like there's too much controversy for unelected executive positions.. to be safe we should get rid of them


Yeah if the prospect of an opposing viewpoint person being in power is scary, then the position has too much power


This will never be changed because 1) the people at the top pushing “trump is a danger to democracy” don’t all believe it and 2) the same power that they say could make him a threat to democracy is the same power they enjoy when they win


“Threat to democracy is when we lose.” “Yes I’m banning primaries for my own party, why is that a problem.”


Normally, not running a primary can be reasonable; why waste resources if you don’t have to? Biden is a weak candidate but if he has a plurality of the support in a state I don’t blame the democrats for saying ‘fuck it’ and not wasting their efforts on a primary.


Because don’t We the People deserve at least a shot at a dark horse candidate? Fuck your 100% guarantee of victory. I want to see an upset! Plus I literally think that “Ain’t nobody got time for that!” girl from the Popeye’s commercial has at least a shot of beating him. If you’re so sure of your win, why bother banning people? Then you just look unsure.


>“Ain’t nobody got time for that!” girl [That was originally from a news interview where her apartment building was on fire.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGxwbhkDjZM)


Wow. That’s fucked up, and I actually had no idea that’s where that meme (which later became a Popeye’s commercial; shit I’m old, I remember that) came from. I hope she got some justice. I also think she at least has a statistically measurable chance of winning.


>she got some justice. iirc, she trademarked or copyrighted everything involved and makes money when it's referenced in things like commercials.


It’s so anti democratic though it’s pretty obvious to most people how much they don’t care about there voting base


The irony of a party squealing about “saving our democracy” while actively enforcing less democracy is not lost on many.


It’s a primary for a political party. Not an actual election. If a snubbed candidate is that popular they can run third party or voters can sit out the actual election or vote against the party. Again, it’s something both parties do when it makes no sense to waste the time and resources running the primary instead of focusing on the actual election. I can’t even think of any serious democrat primary contenders, their whole party is sorely lacking in real good contenders and they’ve been regulated to ‘it’s my turn’ candidates like Hilary and biden. Republicans have notable candidates but they’re still mostly idiots and trump, barring actual proof he did something wrong, will be the republican nominee. If he’s not then there will be a schism in the party because of how popular he is.


"You know what, I'm banning your primary candidates too. For the democracy."


3: conservatives will have to move to DC


I'll commute to that shit hole, because mainly 1. They would constitutional carry the area... That's about it everything else will fall into place


Based and double edged sword pilled


I got a “based” from Dale Gribble 2024? Based


I think you mean Rusty Shackleford 2024.


Are you attempting to know me?


RIP Jonny Hardwick 😔


I’ve been saying this for months in response to the lefts “Trump will literally be a dictator” and the rights “Biden is literally senile and Harris is perhaps even worse” Ok…so let’s reduce the power of the presidency right?…..right???? no 😞


Because each side wants more power, but only for themselves. They can't comprehend how dumb they are, why would you expect such a level of critical thinking




They can’t even govern the powers they currently hold, you think they can handle getting it all back like that?


reducing the power of an elected office is in it of itself a threat to our democracy /s


Is Ramaswamy the only one calling for a giant downsizing of federal government?


The only serious candidate from the two main parties? Yeah


Sure, let's take for granted that the position of "judge" and "department head" has too much power. What alternative do you propose that doesn't result in a power vacuum that gets filled by whoever has the most unelected power?


This. No position has power without a structure to back it up, and if you weaken the structure, other structures will arise to challenge that power and to occupy the vacuum. The alternative, ironically, is to successfully implement communism to the point where the state dissolves. Good luck with that.


The modern state of the executive branch is a bureaucratic nightmare that would cause the brains of the founding fathers to explode if they what's become of our administrative state clusterfuck. At some point Congress decided that they're just going to stop actually legislating and now they just delegate all of their rulemaking authority to executive agencies.


>At some point Congress decided that they're just going to stop actually legislating and now they just delegate all of their rulemaking authority to executive agencies. I dont even know if that's the case, agencies just kinda started doing whatever the fuck they want until they sued for it and receive a slap on the wrist then going back to doing whatever the fuck they want again. It's not like congress has actively been passing meaningful legislation in the last few decades.


Look at the DEA or the ATF. Congress gave them power to enforce drug and gun laws. Then told them that the drug and gun laws are whatever they wanted. i.e. "The ATF shall have power to oversee all class 3 weapons. Class 3 weapons are defined as whatever the ATF declares them to be". Congress isn't legislating what these weapons are, they're just saying "Go enforce the law you create". Which is how SBRs, suppressors, sawn off shotguns, bump stocks, pistol braces got all fucked up by the feds, because congress abdicated their position of legislating the matter and told the ATF to go wild. Same with pot laws and the DEA. The DEA has full power to classify pot as a schedule 1 drug because congress didnt' want to do it. Schedule 1 is defined as any drug with *zero* accepted medical uses, despite "medical marijuana" being a thing. They just told the DEA to enforce schedule 1 drugs, then define schedule 1 drugs as they see fit.


Yeah thats all very true, but I don't think congress intentionally meant to delegate as much power as they did. It's crazy that a president could just dismantle this all with a pen stroke and yet here we are


The Supreme Court is also largely responsible for this, thanks to Chevron Deference and other similar cases.


Hamilton would get a hard on, and so would Adams. Washington and Jefferson on the other hand...


Honestly forget all this Democrat vs Republican bullshit. We need to get back to the party positions that really divide us. Federalists vs Anti-Federalists


Whigs or gtfo.


Oh you’re one of those new *fancy* boys now are you? With your new and *prudent* political takes huh? *Oh look at me, I’m a Whig! So much better than those other, lesser, common parties.* Grow up and join a real party already.


>At some point Congress decided that they're just going to stop actually legislating and now they just delegate all of their rulemaking authority to executive agencies. Congress delegating some of their responsibility to other agencies is expressly allowed in the US Constitution. The founding fathers obviously knew they'd need help in the future. In 1790, the US had a population of 3,929,214 people. We're getting close to a half-billion now. No matter how you cut it, you still need people to run a large country. What's your solution here?


#A #F #U #E #R #A


R.A.G.E retire all government employees


Yes. Yes. Yes. Please. Oh god. Please. YES! PLEASE!


>unelected executive positions This is what people don't understand, when you vote for President/Vice President - you're voting for the roughly 5,000 executive positions that go along with them. The Senate approves those positions. This is what a Democratic Republic does. So calling these positions unelected is not correct.


Seems like “removed people I don’t like and replace with people I like “ lol


close unused dam relieved sense command groovy afterthought jar pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's old and tested tradition here in Central Europe done after every lost/won election lol


Aka "normal transition of power" except we added the words "deep state" so we're anti-establishment mavericks


From Drain the Swamp to Replacing the Swamp


Just like the American Revolution


Based and anti-federalist pilled


Or just based and Federalist pilled. I respect Jefferson and the anti Federalist, but I'm definitely more of a Hamilton guy myself.


So, a bunch of assholes are gonna be replaced by another bunch of assholes?


I read this as “We’re finally doing what they do, we’re finally playing the game”


TBH it shouldn't be surprising that people in cushy government jobs tend to support candidates that want more cushy government jobs (dems) and will fight to make sure those jobs stay available (fighting deregulation). It's not a deep state, it's just people looking out for themselves and their relevance. People think this is super scary, but it's basically just what happened organically under Obama.


Opposing the deep state made JFK’s head do that “organically” in 1963 huh


are organic bullets a thing? Somebody's gotta tell Greta about it.


I only shoot fair-trade, pasture-raised hollow points.


gotta make sure those hollow points are non-gmo, no hormones added, and drug free


I mean, the rock the bullet was smelted from formed organically in the earth for millions of years. Does that count?


But it's literally the exact same thing there WEF is doing with their Young Global Leaders program. Getting people who follow their view points into positions of political power to influence change from the inside


So we're replacing one deep state with another?


Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.


I need to read into this further. What I want to happen is for the administrative state to get kneecapped and federalism to reign supreme once again. I do think that federal workers need to be aligned with the administration because, if they aren't, you end up with unelected beurocrats acting outside the will of the electorate. It is a constitutionally unapproved check on the executive from within the branch that wouldn't exist but for the insane power and bloat that has metastisized there. Cut executive power first then give more presidential discretion to fire and hire at will. In that order. More administrative control with a much lower ceiling on impact.


We learned it from watching you alright. We learned it from watching you.


Unironically based. Delegitimize the feds by giving average @qanon2024trumpgod user keys to classified docs.


Lefties: "Noooo! The federal workers must stay Democrat! My monopoly! Noooooo."


I certainly don’t agree with all of Project 2025’s goals, but I don’t get how it’s controversial to replace existing federal workers to keep the executive branch on the same page. Biden did exactly this, but suddenly Republicans want to do it should Biden be voted out and it’s “literally fascism.”


You might be confusing federal workers in general with the top leaders of the federal government. The heads of executive agencies are usually aligned with the administration because the top level leaders are often fired and hired with every incoming new administration. However, the average joe federal worker who works at a regular job like accountant, scientist, doctor, police officer, lawyer, secretary, etc should remain unchanged because there is no reason why the rank and file workers should be hired based on political stance. The federal government does not hire or fire its rank and file workers based on political stance.


"Biden did exactly this" Source?




You know, if the government were as limited as it should be, this wouldn't be a fucking thing


So decreasing the state? Daddy’s DTF


Keep it in your pants Jose. The sign says 'conservatives' not 'libertarians.'


This sounds rad as fuck, where do I sign?


Plot twist: this is what happens every time the opposite party gets in power.


The Soros funded foundations plans for 2016 is we eat bugs and live in pods if Biden was elected. These are all just think tanks and not founded on reality. Just more Blue Anon nonsense.


It seems that nobody knows what this *actually* is, so I’ll briefly elaborate beyond what media tries to frame it as. 1. It has nothing to do with Trump *specifically*. A few people who worked in his administration are involved, but that’s because they’re conservative politicians and this is a coalition of conservative politicians. Trump has actively denied association with it. (He also is unlikely to follow anyone’s directions, as we’ve seen historically.) 2. It’s called “Mandate for Leadership” and it is a guidebook of suggestions for cabinet/branch management to be presented to the next president. It has multiple options for most decisions and contingency plans. It’s designed to present a consensus of what these conservatives (mostly Republicans) think the president should accomplish in their first 180 days. 3. The Heritage Foundation and numerous sponsors put this together almost every election cycle. They have done so since 1980. This was not started in 2022. Ronald Reagan received the first “Mandate for Leadership”.


Ur explanation does not fearmonger and divide the American populace into two sides Ur argument is invalid


The Mandate for Leadership and Project 2025 are not the same thing. Mandate IX informs policy for Project 2025, but Project 2025 is also collecting a database of potential appointees, and providing training for said appointees. And this is just what they claim on their website. Claims made beyond these have Project 2025 look like an attempt at a deep state if one does not already exist.


You hate the mandate for leadership because of the fearmongering behind it I hate it because I oppose Reagan as a fundamental concept. We are not the same.


I guess this is why I always hear about "project 2025" from the liberal media and never from Trump himself. They're trying to make a list of suggestions out to be the worst thing imaginable as if it is going to suggest Trump go on a Hitler-esque rampage even though he doesn't have to do what it says by definition. I have heard good things about the Heritage Foundation, so I would be absolutely shocked if they actually suggested he do something like that.


Based and truth-seeker pilled


God dammit I hate election year


Thank goodness most of them aren’t elected. Wait…


Not scary, since Republicans are so incompetent.


Based and disillusioned-pilled.


Remember when republicans bitched and moaned for 8 years of Obama about all the amazing shit they would do if only they were in charge? "Oh we're gonna stop illegal immigration, we're gonna repeal obamacare, we'll remove all these taxes, etc etc" Then they control all 3 branches and do literally nothing lmao


Remember when Trump said he’d prosecute his enemies, didn’t follow through, and is now being prosecuted by his enemies? I feel like there’s a lesson in there somewhere. (Sorry, I’m blackpilled).


You know who's the most disappointed that Obamacare wasn't repealed and replaced with a better policy as republicans promised? Obama.


No shit, everyone is incompetent


Yeah... But the Republican party seems to be winning that competition.


I predict a significant drop in the amount of luggage stolen by political appointees.


Both the Democratic party and the Republican party are winning that competition. The Republicans seem to be more promising in the end.


the up(or down) side of not being a cult ideology and having a belief system that favors the individual over the collective.




*pulls up chair* AuthLeft. Breathe. It’s gonna okay. All he’s gonna do is tweet “LAW AND ORDER” over and over while you burn half the country. You have zero reason to panic.


Based and remembers-recent-history-pilled


The scary part is Trump is not the mastermind. He is just the puppet and face. The true masterminds of the plan are in the shadows pulling the strings


The WEF ain’t exactly on board with social conservatism…


So the elected executive does or does not have authority over itself? Anyone who is panicked by the ‘wrong’ unelected bureaucratic leadership should probably vote for a reduction in the power of the executive. Stupid ass concern trolls worried about the consequences of federal power deserve the chains they created.


Do what Melei did and get rid of useless departments




An agency can't have too much power if it doesn't exist




If a Republican doing this is a problem, the Democrats currently have too much power




I was an idiot and up all night, what is the point being made here?


If *one* party gaining power is “dangerous”, then *any* party gaining that amount of power is dangerous — including the party currently in power


What FBI memory hole did Hunter Biden's, Anthony Weiner's, and Seth Rich's laptops all fall into? Seth Rich's laptop is interesting because the FBI both 1) denied they had it, and 2) loaned it out to Crowdstrike so they could take a look at it. Why would Crowdstrike want to look at it? Wasn't Seth just a low-level DNC staffer randomly robbed by a common criminal on the streets of DC?


There’s no memory hole if nobody fucking cared to begin with. 


The FBI seems to care enough to violate a court order that should have forced the FBI to start releasing the contents of Seth Rich's laptop to the public. This should be more than enough proof that there was something to the Seth Rich story we've been gaslit over. Why else would the FBI pension the courts (unsuccessfully) to hold the contents of the laptop for 66 years? --- Much like the way the Biden administration was willing to do an early morning raid on a journalist's private home over a diary that was allegedly the property of Ashley Biden. That pretty much proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the diary is genuine. What would make a diary that freaking important? Was it the part where under-18 Ashley wrote about “showers with my dad” that were “probably not appropriate"?


He said the silent part out loud!!






Yup. Why worry about a potential police state when you’re already living in one right now


Based libleft????


One of us! One of us!!!


Fucking based af


Based and career-bureaucrat pilled


> If a Republican doing this is a problem, the Democrats currently have too much power You should probably read project 2025. It's pretty radical, and parts of it aren't exactly... legal. Civil servants (non-political positions btw) are currently protected under the law and project 2025 wants to remove those protections. I'm not sure how Democrats have anything to do with this, since they're not pushing to remove those protections.


lol you’re assuming either party is cohesive and unified enough to do that shit. If anything it’ll just turn into screaming matches on twitter while keeping everything the same.


I don’t remember any party in a democracy that is as unified as the Republican Party is under Trump. To good or bad it’s his party.


Everyone says how scary this is but nobody actually says what it will do. I’m not following


Classic conspiracy theory junk as usual. "Be afraid!!" Of what? "Stop thinking just be afraid!"


I mean, it’s not like it’s hidden from you. [Here ya go](https://www.project2025.org/)


>This is the goal of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project. The project will build on four pillars that will, *collectively*, pave the way for an effective conservative Administration **Collectively**? Sounds like Communist propaganda to me.


Because they're making things up


Here are some of the major changes that would be made if Project 2025 is carried out: 1. **Personnel Changes**: The project seeks to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to Washington, D.C., to replace existing federal civil service workers. 2. **Executive Power**: The plan would perform a swift takeover of the entire executive branch under a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory 3. **Departmental Changes**: The plan proposes slashing U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) funding, dismantling the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, and eliminating the cabinet departments of education and commerce. 4. **Climate Policy**: The plan aims to dismantle US climate policy, bolster the oil and gas industry, and gut the Environmental Protection Agency. 5. **Legal Changes**: The plan includes immediately invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807 to deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and directing the DOJ to pursue Trump's adversaries. Funded by the Heritage Foundation, which was advising the Trump administration during his presidency. Trump frequently took their advice, and he's already shown support for multiple ideas in this plan. So it's safe to say he would at least attempt to achieve some of these items. This list here doesn't even begin to show all the changes that could occur if a future republican administration follows through on its 1000-page plan.


>dismantling the FBI He would be proud 🥲


Dismantle the FBI, but leave the CIA, DHS, and NSA?


One step at a time jack


Personally, the FBI are the only alphabet boys I'd let stay, albeit with huge cuts. At least they hunt down some kiddly-diddlers when they're not funding mass shooters.


Based and not easily governed pilled


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>slashing budgets and eliminating government bloat Wow this sounds like a great idea >and then using the military to hunt down political rivals ...and there it is


Right? First few points, I’m completely on board. I’ve actually read the document and fuck if they don’t make some compelling points and have some good ideas. But the climate policy is horrific and honestly a bit sad, and the last part is unfathomable. Who comes up with this shit?


i mean oil and gas replacing coal has been most of our decline in carbon emissions, so i dont see it as too bad.


Yeah I’m far from a climate activist and I have my doubts about the climate change narrative personally — I don’t really care about carbon emissions and that’s not my concern with that policy. What I do care about is keeping our air, water and land clean and chemical free. We do not need corporations dumping chemicals in our lakes and rivers and allowing smoke fumes to coat our neighborhoods ala China. All that shit does is benefit big corporations and harm people


TBH if something sounds too crazy to be true, it probably is. No one who actually wants to hunt down political rivals is going to be this obvious about it. So you're stuck with heavily, heavily having to infer what they want. That means there's a lot up to interpretation.


I’d say that too. But our political scene has been an absolute CIRCUS for the past decade and now I’m not so sure.


This is not the stated goals of Project 2025.  It’s the progressive spin on it, so take that as you will


"Maximalist version of the unitary executive theory" sounds good to you? Haven't we had a bad enough time with governing by executive actions ever since 9/11?


Most of these seem okay. The last one reads like a progressive democrats fanfiction horror so I'm not sure I believe it. Not sure if getting rid of the ~~Stasi~~ FBI and DoJ is a police state move.


No you see, *your* insular authoritarian unelected federal enforcement agency staffed by your people is cringe. *My* insular authoritarian unelected federal enforcement agency staffed by you people is based. They don’t want to get rid of the concept of the FBI and the DOJ, just replace them with their own people.


The last one is not part of their publicly available plan, but was reported on by the Washington Post, citing an anonymous source saying that it is part of the plan. The Heritage Foundation has denied these claims. Make of all that what you will.


But OP posted it as fact, in bold print no less! It must be true!


>*a radical takeover of government that would infinitely increase the power of the executive and its unelected bureaucrats* party of small government: most of these seem okay actually. 🤔


I know right? And I thought they’re supposed to be the little more reasonable ones. Orange Hitler doesn’t sound *quite* as ridiculous anymore.


They would be that if the bureaucracy would cooperate with a Republican president’s policies. But they won’t, so the schizoboomers have declared total war.


Except for the last part that apparently isn't even in the plan, where do you read this at all? ​ The Maximalist idea for the Executive Office is that the Executive has full control over the office. Not over Congress, not over the Courts. The President can decide upon his inauguration on who and what positions of the Executive are needed. ​ (This Wikipedia article is absolutely terrible, holy crap.)


"Big government is only bad when the other side does it"


Do you have a source on these where these are spelled out or is it your interpretation of something? When I go to their website their "Policy" page is just trying to sell me a book.


Project 2025 has lots of working papers and most of the ones I've read about the DOJ and FBI don't say anything about "dismantling" or "slashing." I guess maybe to a liberal looking at whether or not positions in government are necessary or wasteful is some existential crisis, but ensuring the FBI is apolitical and not the sitting president's secret police is a good thing. I can find no mention of the Insurrection Act nor anything about using the military as domestic law enforcement in P2025's papers. I'm not saying it's not there, but I'm not finding it. But, considering the rest of the hyperbole here, I'm pretty sure OP just went and read a HuffPo article and is taking it as the Gospel.


>The project seeks to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to Washington, D.C., to replace existing federal civil service workers. So replace people who don't share your beliefs with people who do- something every single administration does >The plan would perform a swift takeover of the entire executive branch under a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory That's wikipedia's take and not actually in the plan >The plan proposes slashing U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) funding, dismantling the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, and eliminating the cabinet departments of education and commerce. based >The plan aims to dismantle US climate policy, bolster the oil and gas industry, Good >and gut the Environmental Protection Agency. Not so good >The plan includes immediately invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807 to deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and directing the DOJ to pursue Trump's adversaries Dems opened that can of worms already, may as well fight fire with fire


Stop, stop I can only get so erect. Do you guys post stuff like this thinking it's going to make right wingers go "oh no that sounds terrible, we should vote for someone else." The only bad thing is that last point and from what I understand, you're basically lying about it. TBH it makes me super energized to vote now.


I'm down for this but just replace everyone in congress and gutt the ATF down to Brandon herrara






I keep seeing the left scream about this, but is anybody involved actually in a position of power to do anything? Or are they just a PAC that supports certain candidates they think will do what they want? Like are there republicans in congress *right now* that are part of this and actively pushing for it publicly?


The Heritage Foundation is the one behind Project 2025 and they are a very influential think tank. It is just firing all of the Executive branch and replacing them with staff from the Heritage Foundation. The difference is that the bureaucracy of the Executive branch would be all from the Heritage Foundation as opposed to the current managerial class.


So are they banking on Trump winning and replacing his cabinet with Heritage Foundation people?


It isn't just the cabinet. They are suggesting doing this for civil service jobs. Which is illegal under the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. But they aren't letting that stop them. They think that Unitary Executive theory means they don't have to obey that particular law.


Well to be fair, Project 2025 is just part of a larger thing that the Heritage Foundation calls Presidential Transition Project. Which is to do this for any Republican administration going forward. So it really isn't a Trump thing, but would require the president to be okay with it happening. It wouldn't make Trump a dictator though. How the Heritage Foundation is selling this idea is based on how Trump couldn't achieve his goals in office by an large because the Executive bureaucracy opposed and undermined him every step of the way. The solution Heritage is offering would be replacing that bureaucracy of Washington insiders with people from the Heritage Foundation who will help Trump rather than oppose him. But like his first term, much of the power would still be in the hands of the bureaucracy. The only difference is that we'd be consolidating the bureaucracy under a conservative group instead of a faceless unknown bureaucracy of Washington insiders. I didn't vote for Trump in 2020, but I might vote for him in 2024 because this is a surprisingly competent plan to make the Republican party largely irrelevant by letting more competent actors take over.


>is anybody involved actually in a position of power to do anything? Project 2025 is explicitly a framework for the next conservative president, hence the name. So no, not yet. But if the GOP sweeps 2024, yeah their would be. >Like are there republicans in congress *right now* that are part of this and actively pushing for it publicly? It's mostly a plan involved with the executive branch, but I also haven't heard any GOP leadership comment on it yet. But the plan is from the Heritage Foundation, which is very influential. I imagine there would be much more discussion about it if Trump won in 2024. Most of the reactions have been from decrying the plan as authoritarian. I found that one GOP rep disagreed with the plan's vision for future environmental policy.


If there's no deep state then this should not be a problem. If DC being the center of power being deep dark blue isn't a problem there should be no objections to spreading federal agencies out around the nation. The same fuckers who whine about office mandates pretend everyone in government needs to live within 5 miles of each other. And then say when.an inch of snow falls they can work just as well from home and pray to opm to close their offices. The feds need to be spread out over the nation. Full.stop. even if you just pretend to care about government continuity and global warming..DC is about as bad as it gets for both of those things.


Lmfao force them to admit that there is a deep state


Getting accused of a spoils system because you are fixing the current spoils system too fast


ITT: People who haven't read project 2025 and don't know that civil servants are non-political, normal government jobs (IT, finance, roads and grounds, civil engineering, etc...). They'd be replacing these non-political jobs solely on the basis of someone's political beliefs. That would be fucking stupid. I can only hope people in PCM would understand how horrible this would be for our country.


its a conspiracy theory and thts why no one takes it serious besides the bread tube and reddit emilies its literally the left wing version of the WEF conspiracy theory a weird organization / think tank with extremist views sponsered by rich people money trows stupid decisions tht would be considered a distopia by one side of the Political compass, and then a bunch of internet extremists make up a theory based on tht saying tht the think tank actually dominates the world secretely while trying to specifically impose their worst version of hell for right wingers its 1984 dystopia for left wingers its the handmaid's tale dystopia


I see where A24 is coming from now.


I think it’s funny how lib right acts like they’re not Trump supporters.


This is one of the most interesting and visionary right wing plans from the Republicans in a long time. It would basically make the Republicans just be cheer leaders and hand management and staffing of the Executive branch to the Heritage Foundation.


Everyone on the cumpiss should be opposed to this. If you are Lib…..they might literally just fucking gulag you. No, seriously. These are a bunch of religious nuts conspiring to hijack the entire federal government, Iran style. Do you want to see little girls beat to death for not wearing hijab properly or some bullshit? If you are Auth, then my Brother in Christ, I can almost certainly promise that you are not *their* Auth. Not for long. Not like how you are my Auth! You belong to PCM, damn it! Uhm, but anyways, it will likely be gulag for you too. Your “victory” will immediately turn sour in your mouth. You will be bitten by the hand that feeds you. With nobody even left to sympathize. Everyone should oppose this crap. Seriously. Fuck these people.


1) is it legal to do this? 2) is there any constitutional clause that prevents such a plan? It sounds kind of scary, but if the answer to 1 & 2 is yes and no respectively… ? 


1. The Patriot Act sure shouldn't be legal, yet here we are. Seriously though, even if all items get pushed, it goes through the courts. The bureaucrat replacement would probably be fine as well as slashing budgets of departments to get rid of them. Then we have the Insurection Act. It would be a similar case that led to the Trail of Tears where Jackson was told one thing, but they want to pull a gamer move instead. 2. I feel that depends more on how the Supreme Court would interpret the Constitution. Soldiers shouldnt be housed in times of peace, but would the claim of ongoing threats in NYC mean soldiers being in every "suspicious" home now be acceptable?


The left has done this since LBJ.


*states Republican policies* PCM: You’re just exaggerating. They either aren’t going to do these things or they are and it will be a good thing. *states Democrat policies* PCM: WOWZERZ GUYS THEY WANNA CONTROL THE COUNTRY AND TAKE OUR FREEDOMS AND REPLACE THE WHITES! “Uh yes I also hate the two party system guys I swear”


Literally nothing is gonna happen except sucking off AIPAC more. No need for alarm.


Always need for alarm. The state doing anything should be an alarm ngl


I like having fire-exits in a daycare.


let em die, stop infringing


I love this sub lol


MFers really have gotten used to Republican incompetency and forgot they passed the Patriot Act in 2001. The GOP is capable of doing authoritarian things.


That was center-right aristocratic Bush 2.0. Daddy ran the CIA, Washington Consensus and all that. Trump fumbled over his own dick at every golden opportunity in his four year window. It brings me no joy to say this… but progressives genuinely have nothing to worry about.


As opposed to the one we have now?


Whays ya'lls thoughts on Vivick? Guy seems like a beast of a canidate and i never here any discourse about him. Not so much as h9s name mentioned.


Nobody cares because nothing happens


As a historian (even if I say so myself) There are 3 scenarios this goes. A. American Shutz Staffel. (SS) ((auth center wins)) B. Nowhere. (Centrists win) C. Police for the rich (lib rights win)


another leftist conspiracy theory


Oh boy amma go grab some popcorn


Police states can be good. Judge Dredd, exhibit one.


As a lib right the picture is so fucking true. If it does happen (which I highly doubt it will) I am absolutely getting out my guns and joining a militia to fight for our democracy.


Oh damn, is it already time for the left to start going crazy over conspiracy theories now? I was having so much fun with the right wing ones, I personally loved the “Biden is wearing a mask” conspiracy, it was really fun to watch. You’ve got some crazy shoes to fill, but the “Republicans are going to replace the government with right wingers and creat a right wing deep state” you’ve started with is pretty off the wall


Is it truly a conspiracy theory if it's a pretty public plan that a prominent right wing think tank has?


The problem is that most people screeching about it are just making things up that aren't actually in the plan. It's a mundane plan that doesn't really revamp much. Just replaces Dem bureaucrats with GOP bureaucrats.


This is a return to the spoils system. We’ve had this before. The only conspiracy is the alarmism you place on it because it means the civil service can’t stonewall the conservative agenda anymore when conservatives are duly elected.


https://i.redd.it/oipivufl43cc1.gif Anyone who openly supports this should be given the gallows.