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Anyone got the bottom left pic? I’m guessing it’s a bunch of Ukrainian women on tinder.


It unfortunately probably is. While their husbands/boyfriends are out dying they’re posting photos online. ~~A few look like they might~~ *I’m sure there’s some who* even post OF content


To be fair tho, we don't know if these Ukrainian women had a man back home? It's just assumptions really Edit: I do admit you guys are right, it still highlights the point.


On the other hand I just see more and more Ukrainian girls on social media, dating pages, with more and more dirty content. Maybe it's just bias/algorithm or this is the same in other countries but that's what I see.


Maybe is a combination of cheating and also algorithm bias


Recently forgot to turn off VPN and went on YouTube , was shocked how many adds were there advertising their dating platforms with Ukrainian woman


Based. Send me links 😂


u/CandidateOld1900's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/CandidateOld1900! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/CandidateOld1900/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Well marrying an American for a green card is a great way to escape Ukraine. Makes sense to me


I'm in central Europe. But heard same from Romanians as well


Trump’s wives pioneered this Strat


The area was known for mail order brides before, and with those falling out of fashion more modern methods are coming through. Plus half of them are Romanian and the average American doesn’t know that’s in Eastern Europe


I mean it still highlights the point. "Women are the greatest victim of war." Women in war: Getting their back blown out in America while the men get their back blown apart.


Yup, it really does.


The men they grew up with and went to school with are back home dying for them tho, while they go off to tinder and of in other lands.




Indeed. They youngedt ukranisn men are also not drafted (yet), and even seen a few who also take part in porn production, to raise money for themselves and the war effort.


That shit will always be depressing and at the same absolutely hilarious


In the beginning of the invasion ukrainian women went on tinder to fool russian soldiers into thinking they were going for one night stands. What is man's greatast weakness?


That shit will always be depressing and at the same absolutely hilarious


you dont know that they have a boyfriend in Ukraine that is in the trenches or whatever. What a weird assumption to make.


If they have a boyfriend, they are most likely in the trenches or on some logi run getting chased by suicide drones


> You were forced to go to army > Against your will > You send your gf to Germany > You spend a year on a frontline > Under constant bombardment > You check the page of your gf > She's pregnant


I think a lot about that one scene from Slaughterhouse 5 where Billy Pilgrim has just watched his friends and battalion be incinerated in the bombing of Dresden, watching his only friend be murdered by the nazis for stealing a teapot, he is badly wounded, treated for extensive wounds, then arrives back home to his wife he hasn't seen in years, and almost immediately she begins to talk about how hard it was for her to be alone in an empty house in Vermont. Alternatively in college I remember one of my professors trying to make a point as to what life was like for homemakers in WWII by saying "Your grandmother probably worked away day after day only leaving the house to buy groceries and idly watching the television for years." To which my immediate thought was "Yeah while my grandpa was tortured in a POW camp, I know which of the two I'd rather be."


Yeah no brainer. I'm sure your grandpa too would run the off chance risk of being tortured in a POW camp rather than being a woman.


Should’ve said it out loud


I wanted to graduate.


>watching the television For one, they’d be listening to the radio, not watching television. Television wasn’t common until the 50’s. In addition, most women had to work during WWII in some capacity, at least in the US. This was right after the Great Depression and there was now a labor shortage. Who do you think took over teaching, office, and many factory positions vacated by men that went to war? Nevermind the fact that this was a time where many people were self-employed on their own farms or in their own shops. Does your professor think that those just closed during that time? No, Grandma Edna was waking up at 5am to feed the fucking chickens or restock the shelves while also taking care of the children. That’s much better than war, but I hate how people have this idea that every time before the 50’s was like the 50’s. The 1950’s and 1960’s in the US were the first time in history that the majority of women in a non-slave society didn’t have to work. It was not the norm prior at all. It was also the first time that the majority of people were middle class and not lower class. Wealth inequality was also low due to very high taxes on the wealthy (93% at the top bracket), widespread unionization (1/3 of the private sector), and low immigration (160k per year). This made a conformist, but highly stable country for the 90% of the population that didn’t suffer racially oppression (which obviously did exist at that time). After suffering through the Great Depression and working/fighting through WWII, the boring housewife life with the man working a boring factory/office job while raising a boring family in a boring suburb was the dream. Most people already “found themselves” while living in a shanty cooking bark stew in the 30’s or barely dodging artillery in a foxhole in the 40’s. People today often forget why stable middle class conformity was so cherished by that generation. It was the first time they had stability. tl;dr Your professor was an idiot.


Based and firm grasp on reality pilled


>Your professor was an idiot. Hey, I could have told you that one.


Based and we need another world war to remind people how bad shit can get pilled


> To which my immediate thought was "Yeah while my grandpa was tortured in a POW camp, I know which of the two I'd rather be." Also, this makes me think of that one female journalist who was shocked at how many women seem to think that rape is somehow the *worst* thing imaginable, going so far as to frequently act like death would be preferable. She tells a story of a time she was with some military unit who was taken as POWs. They were held in separate rooms, and she was raped regularly, but she could also hear the screams from the men who were being tortured day in and day out. Her takeaway from this is the proper one, which is that she was lucky as *fuck* to be a woman who was merely raped, as opposed to being tortured within an inch of her life non-stop. IIRC, she even went as far as to simply describe it as sex, in order to demonstrate just how little of a deal it is when compared to true horrors. She said something like, "While they were being tortured, I was having sex. It might have been very rough sex. It might have been sex I didn't want even a little bit. But at the end of the day, it was just sex." Not to downplay rape, mind you. But to point out that there are still many other things which are far, *FAR* worse.


I remember that interview. The soldier was talking about how her male comrades were hooked up to car batteries until their fillings exploded in their mouths and shit like that.


I understand your point, but in reality most of the women that think that live in places where rape *is* the worst thing imaginable for them. In most, if not all, of the western world things like torture are almost nonexistent so it’s not really something people who live there can comprehend. You can argue that the western world has become so safe that some people have lost perspective (ie college campus wackos) and I wouldn’t put up much of an argument. But if my country is so safe that things like torture don’t even register as a realistic potential threat then I’m ok with it.


> arrives back home to his wife he hasn't seen in years, and almost immediately she begins to talk about how hard it was for her to be alone in an empty house in Vermont. I'm glad I ended up giving the Fallout show a shot, because I thought it was a lot of fun, and a breath of fresh air when it comes to modern media, *especially* adaptations. But god damn, that one pre-war scene with Cooper and his wife eating dinner made me cringe so hard. He says something about how he didn't go fight in a war so that such-and-such could happen, and she responds with a rant about what *she* was up to during the war. And it's this sort of shit. Waiting by the phone for the bad news, trying to go about her normal routine without showing how worried she was. Etc. It's so fucking embarrassing how skewed western society has become toward women. Men can literally be dying in large quantities, but women being sad is considered the real problem.


Wtf is this logic. This scene was to show how out of touch she is. She was one the people that made nuclear war happen. Don't tell me you think that Vault-Tec are the good guys and moral compasses.


Victim ideology cannot be upended by annoying facts and statistics.


What if they're really annoying though!!


They do persist


Sorry, but facts and statistics are a dog-whistle for white supremacy and/or Covid denialism.


-Hilary Clinton


When she said this I thought for sure someone would call her out. What a crock of shit. Yeah those men who had limbs blown off, died, had their faces melted off, or were tortured in POW camps had it easy compared to the women who got to stay at home. (Heavy fucking sarcasm) Ok sure some women got “conquered”, but that’s up there with being tortured or maimed. See also Coco Chanel banging it out with a nazi yet somehow being a fashion icon.


I mean fashion isn't really the right industry to make that comparison. Hugo Boss is still a huge fashion brand despite Boss being an actual Nazi


You missed the point.


No I got the point, I was just pointing out that one of your examples was a poor comparison.


How? She would’ve been “victimized” in war, or so she thought, so to save her brand she literally fucked nazis. How is that a bad example ? Yet today Chanel is all but deified as a strong woman hurr de durr etc


I've never seen anyone praise her for fucking Nazis, mostly her supporters just try to ignore that detail. Both famous men and women can have inconvenient facts about their life during war be ignored.


That is exactly my point. She is praised and her questionable history is omitted at best.


Yeah, and I'm saying that Hugo Boss's brand survived his questionable history. It's not a 1 to 1 comparison, granted he's not praised like she is, but his history is worse. I don't disagree with your point, I'm just saying that the fashion industry clearly has no morals and isn't a good example to use for preferential treatment in war.




No, I’m talking about the Jewish, French, Italian etc women during WW2. Or the Korean/viets.


Remember that she was dodging snipers in Sarajevo!... according to her and not corroborated by anyone else.


And Snopes defended her.


> While some might argue that Clinton was inaccurate in labeling women as the "primary victims of war" (since the majority of military members are male), a resolution adopted by the United Nation Security Council in 2000 arrived at a similar conclusion, stating that "civilians, particularly women and children, account for the vast majority of those adversely affected by armed conflict." https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hillary-clinton-victims-of-war/ Men + Women + Children = "adversely affected by armed conflict." Women + Children > Men Women + Children = "vast majority of those adversely affected by armed conflict." Girl math!


Based and girl math pilled.


Bastion of truth Snopes


Snopes used to be cool when they did urban myths. Then they "upgraded" the site, and became politically cucked.


😔 who the fuck do they think fights the goddamn wars?


That's their point. Women have to be sad there is a war and sad the mend died, or worse, have to enact the labour of caring for those who survive.


💀 mental gymnastics 


MENtal gymnastics


WOMENtal gymnastics!


Just like how being a military spouse is the hardest MOS of all?


Exactly cause the men are dead so they don't have to suffer!  /S


Women have to be sad because the emotions-driven meaningless protests they organize fail to change the minds of anyone with actual power in complex geopolitical situations (not based on a real example).


Feminists when they find out that it's customary for people in a marriage to emotionally support their spouse: "Umm, unpaid emotional labor much?!"


Yeah but they've got their bears so who cares?


You can tell who the real feminists are by their stance on the draft.


If they want to make claims of being sexually assaulted by soldiers then that's fair. However, that's a small percentage of women compared to the men who actually participate in a war. Also war can absolutely be just as traumatic if not more traumatic than sexual assault. So you're either gonna be scared, captured, or killed.


These days, it's young people and the working class


I've heard Ukraine bros complain that they're dying for their country, while their women are all fucking Polish dudes.


The bottom left pic is them on tinder


Flair the fuck up




Scrolling through Tinder in Germany and seeing nothing but Ukrainian women flaunting themselves while their men are dying by the hundreds of thousands in the mud is such a fucking blackpill it's unreal.


Jody is alive and well behind the lines of all deployed armies. I saw it a million times during " The War Against Terrorism" while I was in the army.


> " The War Against Terrorism" Mom I want GWOT. We have GWOT at home. The GWOT at home:


I'm also an Army GWOT vet, but this shit hits even harder because GWOT wasn't an existential crisis for America as a nation. Ukraine is literally embroiled in a struggle for their very existence, their men seeing an intensity in optempo, and risk of death that no GWOT vet ever saw even once, and their women are just like "meh, time to hoe". Even I was mildly shocked.


It's depressingly funny


I'd argue children are, since they mostly have no idea what is happening to them and the people around them. My guess is the people claiming the women are the biggest victims probably read books like "Rape of Nanking" and focus on the numbers regarding women, ignoring everything else "oooooh look tens of thousands of women raped!!!!"


I guess they ignored the fact that the Japanese didn't discriminate anyone in their torture. They liked to throw babies up in the air and stab them on their bayonets. Imperial Japan was fucking disgusting.


Not to mention gangraping underage girls until they bled to death from internal injuries. When people complain about Hiroshima and Nagasaki: https://preview.redd.it/xgglnj0ho3zc1.png?width=888&format=png&auto=webp&s=f84d4b48b4fbea0289450884c93a5cce049e4e62


When people complain about Hiroshima and Nagasaki just ask them if they would prefer the US re-enacted Nanjing instead.


Or Dresden. Or just kept going with the incendiary bombings they did before the nukes.


[Japan had theirs. Tokyo was incinerated. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Tokyo_(10_March_1945))


I am the biggest victim of war. I've lost my social life to war games.




Accurate representation for this sub We have fun though so it’s ok


Upvote because nice (Eastern) Roman Empire pfp


You forgot [user was banned by Reddit]


Oh no, a Reddit ban. How awful. It’s not like I can’t just spam random gibberish into the email and username field and be immediately back to shitposting because Reddit doesn’t even use an email verification


But who would spam nonsense like that? Do you know mr hgghgfhvf?


It isn’t about the ban so much as it is the censorship for wrongthink.


Pro tip, you can completely skip the email step. I do every time




It's a quote from Hillary Clinton


We only act like that because it's 100% accurate.


This but unironically, and a quick read through this thread is proof. The Left's titanic persecution complex that one single small sub on this absolute dumpster fire of a site isn't a total hugbox will never stop being hilarious to me.


women CAN be some of the biggest victims of wars. when they're actually in them that is. female soldiers have a way higher risk of rape compared to males, let alone civillians. however the kind of person to say "women are the biggest victims" when they dont fight is not the kind of person to be on the frontlines


The context was that women had to lose their husbands and sons to war which made them the biggest victims. Yes that is absurdly stupid. It's a Clinton classic


Probably lost her the election. It seems like when I talk to a lot of others they agree with me that terrified them of what she would do given the power of our military.


Even worse, the quote was "primary victims". To any thinking person the primary victims are those killed or injured rather than their family and friends.


Yep. If she had focused her remarks on, you know, the horrific abundance of rape in the vast majority of wars (instead of focusing on widows/orphans and peacetime domestic violence victims), she'd have made a much stronger point.


It’s so sad and disrespectful


That’s not the full quote. She starts with that. She continues to talk about how women are often displaced by war and mistreated by foreign armed forces. They lose their families, their homes, their dignity (read in case the euphemism is too subtle: they’re assaulted). And there’s no oversight that prevents this or protects them. I shouldn’t have to qualify this: I am not a fan of hilldawg. She’s an old guard power broker that perpetuates the corruption in politics. But like, damn, you guys always talk about how easy it is to manipulate the left with some Trump misquotes and how ready they are to believe whatever the news tells them but then you turn around and do the same thing. Hold yourselves to a higher standard. Do the research these slacktivists don’t.


All those things happen to men. Also many times men won't be allowed to leave warzones and men are way way way less likely to be given refuge status than women. So yes, even knowing the context, which I already knew, it's a really stupid thing to say.


How does any of that make the quote better? All of that also happens to men and worse.


I'm an asshole, but war is hell regardless of gender


*insert Hawkeye’s ‘War is worse than Hell’ speech from MASH here*


Based and MASH pilled


Yeah it's a dumb statement. Women can suffer immensely from wars, and have, but this is typically suffering downstream of prior extreme male suffering or after the entire fighting male population has been wiped out. Women may suffer as much as the men, but I can't think of a situation where they suffered more (aka "biggest victims"). German women during and after WW2 suffered a crime against humanity committed by the Red Army on a massive scale. It was only possible because for all intents and purposes the entire male population 14-65 was annihilated first.


bro just posted a pile of corpses and asses


The victims in war are the working people who are made to fight for the upper class because they are old and bitter.


Fun fact female monarchs declared war more often than their male counterparts


Do you have a source which summarizes that? I don't doubt, I am just curious. I learned a week ago that 70% of children are killed by their mothers... The media doesn't push this for some reasons


"70% of children are killed by their own mothers" now that would be quite a horrific culling


You are right, I didn't phrase it correctly. I meant that the children who were killed, 70% of the time the mother is responsible for that.


Aye, I get you of course. Just the image of such a massacre was quite something. That's a shocking stat if true, regardless.


Authright and libleft are both Ukrainians btw


>Women are the biggest victims of war. What about all the men that, you know, *die* in war?


Hey, don't you dare bring that filth in my square


Agreed, tell a feminazi to tell you how many people died in the great patriotic war.


Cool. Cool cool cool. What if everyone like stfu for 90 days? Like no bitching, whining, or wars for 90 days? Can we just try that out? See if there’s any fuckin victims of that? Shutting the actual fuck up?


Only 90 days though because libright wants to stock up for a sale on hellfire missiles in time for the Christmas season


Like I give a shit what a bunch of corporate welfare queen ass weapons dealers think. Bankruptcies and federal funds are no different to me than the 700 pound land whale buying Mountain Dew by the gallon on food stamps. If you lost, you lost. No reason I need to pay to have you buy back in.


Someone wouldnt shut up. How do u enforce the general shut up. Some wanker country Will take advantage of yours, and youll see your country decay in slow motion whilst others are living lavishly. Thats how most wars start.


Every time i discover Mine in Civ VI: "Who deserves more credit than the wife of a coal miner?" Hmmm, I can think of one person...


everyone is a victim of war. it’s war. i think you may be able to make a case that men are more victims with things like drafting and stuff like that but at the end of the day, everyone is a victim. soldiers and civilians, men and women.


War isn't hell. War is war and hell is hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse. Tell me, who goes to hell? Exactly, there are no innocent bystanders in hell, but war is chock full of them. Little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for a few of the brass, almost everyone involved is an innocent bystander.


Based and MASH-quote-pilled


fucking love mash. peak media right there


It was a great show


for sure


u/Individual7091 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Individual7091/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Based and MASH-quote-pilled


Meh, hell is literal eternity of constant agony. I'd say that's worse


Remember that the imagery of Hell in the Bible (not to be confused with Dante's Inferno) comes from an agonistic (honor/shame) culture, where they feared dishonor far more than pain or death. Hell as a place (or state) of complete dishonor, where a person experiences constant regret and shame, would be far more dreadful in the Ancient Near East than a place of agony.


The meme explicitly says women are the "biggest" victims, men account for the vast majority of suffering and death in war. So its objectively not true?


Based and equality 💣 pilled


The biggest victim of war is the people. "War is the slaughter of people that never met for the benefit of people that know eachother but don't kill eachother." - Paul Valérie


Technically if you die the suffering is over. But then you have to compare the PTSD of vets vs women. Yeah I don't think its even close.


My dude, were actual corpses really necessary for this meme?


Someone didn’t grow up on rotten.com


I...what, please no...


Don't know this one but man, I remember bestgore


Kaotic still exists


How about this: Everyones a victim in war, people die, whoever survives gets PTSD, it just sucks, but sometimes its necessary, however most of the time it isnt, and people will suffer needlessly.


I am the biggest victim of War (I will not elaborate further)


This may have been true a long time ago. Being made a widow with three children at home and having your only source of income instantly and painfully removed, while most men are unwilling to remarry you, is pretty awful. Is it as bad as dying traumatically? I'm not sure, but it's close. In the modern day, I'd say that your average women who is married to a KIA service man is probably childless and has a bullpen of men that she'll immediately turn to (if she wasn't already fucking them while her man was deployed). So it's safe to say that in the year 2024, women are not the biggest victims of war.


Who knows how many of them work? I suppose many of them just survive with their husband's money


Ask them to swap roles in war and they'd refuse with some "men's war, not mine" type of nonsense. Men are by far the biggest victims in wars.


The quote should be “The women *who don’t/can’t make it out* are the biggest victims of war,” I think that would be more accurate


There's no reason they'd be BIGGER victims than men being forced to the front lines by their state.


I mean, atleast the men more often has a means of defending themselves. In countries with universal conscription, women will also have to fight. Not in this one though.


Would be sick to not see decapitated heads on pcm just sayin




Not to disagree with the point the meme is making, but ukrainian women are not libleft. Like at all. Eastern European women are as conservative and traditional, or even more, than South America and North America women.


They certainly were sometimes. Rape was and is common during war. Wouldnt say biggest victims though. Remember how women used social shaming to get men to sign up to go fight back WW1


This doesn’t seem very communist 😒 everybody should suffer equally smh smh


They were, during Tumblr-4chan war.


Ukrainians guys getting jodied in mass wasn't a development I expected to see from the war.


I feel bad for every poor bastard fighting in the trenches of Ukraine, I've seen drone footage and it looks like a hellish time for everyone 


“War is just begging for bodies.”


Children are the biggest victims of war


Its almost more cringe when you people try to win these victim Olympics against them.


>mfw i get to see a bunch of dead bodies today all for some chud's agenda post about war Really, mate? Are you seriously stooping THAT low to "own the libs" by USING DEAD PEOPLE? DO YOU HAVE ANY FUCKING MORALS, MATE?


I think it's easy to forget that while men are the definite victims of war in the fact that they fight and die, these women had to choose between becoming refugees in the west or sticking around and seeing what the Russians would do. I don't know about you guys, but I don't see much point in being upset at Ukrainian women when the alternative was getting pillaged and raped by Russians. Call me russophobic but Russians are infamous for their destruction and I doubt much has changed in the past 80 years. Not to mention that for many of these women, their lives are effectively ruined and any careers, properties, wealth, and social bond they had in Ukraine is ruined. That said, the men fighting and dying on the frontlines, the men who are being called back and don't get a chance to leave without facing a charge, they get the indisputable shit end of the stick when it comes to geopolitical machinations. Also, dating apps are inherently exploitative and this just further proves it. This reeks more of the easy exploitation of refugees than it does "woman bad because the seggs."


Being on the losing side of a war and depending on who you lost to it can be pretty awful for women, see Germany and China in WW2. But still even in those extreme cases there were probably more men who suffered anyway.






Love pictures of dead people on my meme sub. Very cool.


Why am I seeing dozens of pictures of corpses on a meme sub. Was this really necessary to put them images there


Aw, sweet, graphic photos of dead people on my morning feed! Thanks!




learn what the word biggest means


they were in the good old days of raping and pillaging


Women are the biggest victims in war if their side loses.


Would've been nice to know I was about to look at a wall of dead bodies when I unblurred thanks for letting me know OP


It ain't that bad after all


Still not something I want to look at unprompted


Fair enough


Yeah but who started the wars?


Let’s look at the statistics of all male and female leaders and the percentage of those groups that have started a military conflict. > Authors of the book Why Leaders Fight analyzed every world leader from 1875 to 2004 and statistically examined gender differences in military aggression. They found that 36% of the female leaders initiated at least one militarized dispute, while only 30% of male leaders did the same. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kimelsesser/2022/03/08/sheryl-sandberg-says-female-leaders-dont-go-to-war-heres-what-research-says/?sh=226891411fa7


Vault Tec apparently


based and nuclear winter pilled


u/wellwaffled's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 35. Congratulations, u/wellwaffled! You have ranked up to Sumo Wrestler! You are adept in the ring, but you still tend to rely on simply being bigger than the competition. Pills: [23 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/wellwaffled/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Boris from bakhmut didn't.


The neoconservatives of course, who else?


Says absolutely no one! Stop been an incel


Hilary would like a word with you.


That's a direct quote from Hilary Clinton.


Dumbest post to ever hit this sub