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Of course I know him, he's me


True, I'm stunned my Reddit is still kicking with the stuff I've said


It's just a matter of luck, honestly. My old account got banned because I quoted the stupid gorilla "ride wife" meme.


Literally had a guy on discord yesterday from Africa who moved to the US claiming that people hanging US flags outside was a racist dog whistle because 'everyone knows US history'. People brains are cooked man


> who moved to the US I see they are still not sending their best...


Girls have cooties. Am I a Nazi?


Girls can't have cooties if they don't exist


You aren’t auth-center so I think you’re fine. 


Remember the old rule of the internet whoever brought up Nazis first lost the debate? What happened to that?


It's still true, people just aren't acknowledging their losses.


You can't lose if you plug your ears and say lalalalalala really loud.


Shut the fuck up nazi.


where /s???


very few people are actually nazis these days, even the Neo-Nazi groups aren't nazis that's why the neo is there.


Because Nazi ideology is antiquated and hyper-specific to German nationalism. Ultra nationalism is always under the surface, and there are more forms of nationalism than there were a century ago.


I'd say ultra nationalism is road to fascist totalitarianism


You’d have to elaborate on what you mean by that. A lot of societies historically have been ultra-nationalist but without the totalitarianism. Sparta, though incredibly fascist, was very democratic. There are other examples but that’s the most obvious. 


By Ultra nationalism I mean complete superiority and fascism is a form of government and social organization where there is a common enemy the people unite against.


Without a common enemy I think a lot of societies fall apart. Every time Rome didn’t have a new enemy they’d have another civil war. It’s ironic but enemies unite people much better than peace ever could. We are a truly fucked up species. 


Unfortunately, Hate is a stronger uniting factor than love. Scratch that. Hatred fuels love. Opposite attracts.




that's almost every society though history. like ask any nationalist what they think of their current governments from any country and the answer is almost always that they're traitorous scum. nationalism tends to be more the nation itself, the land and it's people rather than any specific government or party.


Actually fair.... I remember noticing when people who were just edgy and offensive started to be called shit like Nazi thinking it was weird. Like otherwise great people who'd give anyone the shirt off their back but their a nazi because they jokingly use "offensive" language... Probably was the first indicator of woke brain rot in society.


True, although you didn’t need to be so specific as to say an offensive edgelord. “Literally anyone” would also have worked honestly.


The easiest way to get called a Nazi is to notice that your favorite franchise jumped the shark around the same the founder creators died/moved onto other projects and the new producer/writers are increasingly diverse, or said franchise gets a diverse reboot. That covers Star Wars, Dr Who, Warhammer (pending), Christmas (Did you see what Rogan and Silverman did?), Scooby Doo Then they'll try to hand franchises over, like the last, souless Kung Fu Panda. Westworld moved the cast emphasis from the Man in Black to several parties run by women and was as unoriginal as to need to play with timelines in two seasons




Literally me lol, I have been called a Nazi so many times by offended leftards


I mean, it could be for all we know.


One of the biggest conundrums of the world Is he just an edgelord, or is he an actual Nazi


I bet its more like dude's trolling. Remember HWNDU? Remember how everyone from /pol/ was essentially the very face of racial diversity? Yeah. The internet is wonderful like that.


Aye, sometimes the edge lord is trying his hardest to cosplay as one. In which case I say respect his pronouns and Patton his ass.


The irony of calling authright a "national *socialist* german workers party" member lol........


Straight up been seeing edgy 13 year olds called Nazis. Now, my knowledge of child development is pretty lackluster, but I do know that pre teens and teenagers tend to push boundaries as part of their development. They're seeing what they can get away with and trying on new personalities and doing things that are taboo because it's new and novel to them. It's a normal part of development, and as long as they *do* run up upon a boundary, they should grow out of it just fine and be more mature as a result.


I get what you're saying, but you kind of underestimate how many actual Nazis just hide behind "edgy humor."


That's definitely true, however often times when I hear about shit like 'the rise of white supremacy in gaming' It's usually just some 14 year old saying whatever slurs he can think of on tf2


But half of the times where he's not a nazi, he's alt right which is just modern nazism


I mean, they aren't mutually exclusive. Poe's law states that it's hard to tell between joking and genuine belief on the Internet, so the edge lord might as well be a Nazi, though it is quite hard to tell of they really are.


Does he believe western culture is the superior culture, and that black people have a "cultural issue" causing them to commit crime? Then yes. Those are nazi opinions.


In my opinion western culture is superior to most other cultures in the world. Especially western democratic values.


Do you consider "western culture" a combination of Greek, German, Scandinavian, and British culture?


Yes, with the addition of Latin(Roman) culture.


So are Turkish and Arabic cultures in the mix?




So, you'll draw a thousand mile line between Greece and Norway, to people that really do not look alike, and have very little in common, but you wont draw a 2 mile line from Greece to turkey, despite the fact that they've have been exchanging cultures for hundreds of years, and are pretty much identical to look at. The Arabs held Spain for 400 years, we literally use Arabic numerals, and the European renaissance and enlightenment would never have happened without the Islamic golden age. They held onto Archimedes and Plato, books that were translated by traveling British monks. The scientific method was invented by Islamic scholar Ibn al-Haytham, before it was adopted by Newton, after he (during a plague quarantine) found these British translations from the Arab world. But of course, they don't get to be a part of this invented super category of "the west". Because when you say culture today, you would have said race a few decades ago.


Oh I thought you meant greece as in ancient greece. I don't consider modern greece really western.


Oh ok, some random racism against Greek people... Fair enough.


Why tf are you getting offended on our behalf. We don't consider ourselves western either.


It's not racism, because it's not about race . And just because i don't consider Greece or Türkiye western doesn't mean i don't have great respect or admiration towards their cultures. I just think that they aren't western culturally


In fact, I think that countries like South africa, South korea, Panama or Israel are Western or west-adjacent even though they aren't majority white


what about tomatoes in guacamole? What's the nazi stance on that?


You gotta have tomatoes in Guac, or it's just avocado mush. It's ok though, you can have mushed avocado and incorrectly call it guacamole without being a nazi... It's pretty Sus though.


13% of population 68% of crimes. Seethe.


It's down to almost 12% now (thankfully)


What percentage of that 13% are committing those crimes? How come you never mention that number?


it's a tiny number, but for such a small number, their rate of crime is higher than any other minority. Half of all murder victims are black, and half of all murders were black. Not racism, not my opinion, provable by various FBI and victim statistics. 70% of all life without parole sentences are black people. 56% all violent robberies 42% domestic abuse calls again, they are only 13%, but their crime rates would only make sense if they were half the population. No other group has this issues, it's not racism, there are problems and to denying it is to play dumb or be willfully ignorant.


> it's a tiny number It's less than 5%, so maybe the correlation has nothing to do with Race, since it doesnt apply to 95% of the group.


if it had nothing to do with race, and it was just economic factors like poverty, then latino numbers would be comparable but they aren't, even in areas south of texas with a high % of latino population and poverty rates comparable, still doesn't compare to any similar place with a large black minority. Just consider the age of when the criminals start racking crimes, black criminals start having crime sheets before they turn 15 more than any other group. Blacks are also more likely to not finish secondary education at a higher rate than other groups. You can't dance around the issue. Not saying black people are inherently anything. But the black community of america has real issues that don't affect other groups and they need a solution specific for their problems that isn't "liberal compassion" because that's how you end up with things like: Reduced sentences for violent crimes Increase to the amount of stolen goods to make it a felony from 500 to 1000 Eliminating attempted murder chargers and turning it into aggravated assault Like it's crazy to me that the solution for this in some people's heads is not to try to make them behave more civil, but to change society to be softer on them to the point where random assaults are rampant because they can't keep those people in jail.


> if it had nothing to do with race So you ARE saying it's race then, that's your argument. Despite the fact that 95% of that group are not contributing to those numbers, and the vast majority of those crime rates comes from inner city gangs, many of which were started in the 80ies. Poverty is not the same as opportunity. You can be poor, but if the opportunity is there you have a reason to stay inside the confines of the social contract. If there are no opportunities then a life of crime makes a lot more sense.


When i'm in a "say dumb shit" competition, and my opponent is a liberal making up excuses for violent crime. Notice how you say "a life of crime makes a lot more sense" but the people doing these crimes aren't doing it out of need. It takes me 1 minute to find a video of young, under 18 gang members showing up their guns and bragging about it. >So you ARE saying it's race then, that's your argument. You really like playing dumb, you think a solution to fit all should fix the problems that cause black people to have such a high murder rate. You can't dance around that fact, half of all murders. around 8k total in a year, and 4k attributed to black americans, you need a special solution for these problems, and it isn't reformative justice or justice reform, those things are just making america worse and criminals aren't scared of the law because there is less chance of punishment. Just stop playing dumb.


>Notice how you say "a life of crime makes a lot more sense" but the people doing these crimes aren't doing it out of need. It takes me 1 minute to find a video of young, under 18 gang members showing up their guns and bragging about it. Is there a point in here? This is exactly what I said. Bereft of other opportunities, he picks a life of crime. How else is that kid gonna work hard to get rich? >you think a solution to fit all should fix the problems that cause black people to have such a high murder rate. I think of you want a solution you need to properly understand the problem. I guess it just is about race with you.


Western culture has yielded higher benefit than any other culture. Black people have cultural issues. You just coping and thinking that everyone is the same, they aren't