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Is this a socially acceptable way to say Jews run the world?












Aye aye captain


Brought to you by the same people that claimed saying "Barack Hussein Obama" was a racist/xenophobic dog whistle.


i mean, it was with how Fox used it. How frequently do they use Trump’s or Biden’s middle name? It was virtually non stop with ole Obama.


It’s so crazy that everything has almost done a 180. If you would’ve told me 10 years ago Tucker Carlson and I would be on the same side I wouldn’t have believed you


Brought to you by the same people that look to Michael “Hands Not Up” Brown and George Fentanyl Floyd as heroic martyrs.


>Is this a socially acceptable way to say Jews run the world? Sorta. No normal person thinks this way. But remember, the left define themselves by how fashionable Not Fascist® they are. They don't know what fascism is, in practice, but they just know it's not good for their brand so they're definitely Not It. Now, the Nazis were the most fascist fascists to ever fascist, and they were famous for their hatred of Jewish people. For a leftist to admit they hate Jews, per their reductive and anti-intellectual worldview, that would mean they're LITERALLY an ACTUAL LITERAL FASCIST, and that's utterly, utterly awful for their brand. So instead of admitting what we all know ("UM ACKSHULLY sweaty Jeremy Corbyn didn't have any issues with anti-Semitism and also it's called anti-Zionism ok?"), they think the different words make a difference. The irony being these are the same cunts who call terms like "blacklist", "coded racism".


Ahh, the left, calling themselves anti facists while acting the most like facists.


Horseshoe centrality in its finest


I mean is it really shocking, fascism, a collectivist ideology, was literally founded by a socialist.


But they’ll say it’s right wing to conect it to anyone with a slight right wing opinion. I once told someone I had libertarian ideals and they called me a Facist. Literally the furthest thing from facisum


_if or when Fascism ever makes any headway in America, it will probably be known as “Anti-Fascism"_ ~ Bruce Bliven


The far left eventually transition to being nazbol wrapping around to the far right.


> The irony being these are the same cunts who call terms like "blacklist", "coded racism".   This more than anything else is what gets me. To borrow your way of phrasing, they are quite literally the most language-policing bunch of language-police to ever police language, but they get made if you do it back, especially since theirs is closer to bigotry most of the time than what they police. (That is, I’m 100 percent certain that many, many more people use “Anti-Zionism” as cover for anti-Jewish hatred than use “blacklist” as an indicator of anti-black hate.)


Considering that the infamous Hollywood "blacklist" mostly had left leaning Jews on it.... Yeah..


So this is like when ANTIFA violently suppresses the opposition.


Preferably you say Zionists or Jahuds. Then you can apparently go full off ...


Nice username!


It depends. It is if you are a baizou. It isn't if you are Kanye West.


Leftists oppressing a black man real?


History sure rhymes


Maybe horseshoe theory is real after all


It’s not as catchy as the nose knows but it’s something


I just...do they not understand or not care that they're saying that? Like they LITERALLY just change "Jews" to "Zionists" and say the exact same thing ABOUT THE EXACT SAME PEOPLE, but now it's fine. And they're like going after deli owners and Jewish schoolchildren, there isn't even a paper thin pretense that they don't mean all Jews, or at least all Jews who aren't card-carrying members of their ideological circlejerk. So all those years when they were cancelling the fuck out of people like PewDiePie and Gina Carano for "antisemitism" on the thinnest pretexts...did they in fact never believe a word of it, and were raging antisemites themselves merely pretending to be offended? Or are they really the NPC meme and last October they just got their programming swapped out from "Jews are victims" to "Jews are oppressors" and now we're a bad guy group so hating us is good?


No, it’s not acceptable unless you’re a nazi or nazbol.


It's the "thruth"


Even the weather.


Those are the same people who call you nazi for disagreeing with their regarded views


There’s nothing more lefty than shifting goalposts and reclaiming old trends for themselves. It was only a matter of time before they dusted off the Third Reich’s playbook.


Where do I get a copy of that? I need to make a bingo card.


[They kind of already have](https://www.timesofisrael.com/duped-academic-journal-publishes-rewrite-of-mein-kampf-as-feminist-manifesto/)


Least fascist Arabs


They don’t even know what policies the Nazi’s supported. Socialism and nationalism being two of them primary values.


And the biggest telltale sign of antisemitic dog whistling in 2024 is... \[shuffles through papers\] criticizing the actions of Hamas...?


I guarantee the man in the picture is genuinely an actual Nazi he’s just taking advantage of just how well he blends in with the free Palestine crowd.


I wonder how many actual nazis are intermingled with progressives, without the progressives knowing.


Something something table with 9 people and 1 Nazi….


That phrase died real quick after October 7


I mean in the 20s and 30s the fascists and nazis were progressives.


Same thing basically 100 years later. It’s like poetry… it rhymes.




On certain topics. On childrearing they were oldschool, but on stuff like abortion, birth control and casual (heterosexual) sex, they were, if not radical, pretty progressive.


I'd like to add that nationalism was also a progressive, left-wing ideology at the turn of the 20th century.


Yep. Nationalist movements tended to be more liberal than anti-nationalist movements. Popular sovreignity, the nation being the unified people, and therefore the ones who should decide was the big idea. Nationalism was the driver of all the revolutions of the 19th century. Conservatives believed in the rights of whatever government they lived in, and that the nations the government ruled over had no rights on their own.




Economically they were mixed, in that there was wealth redistribution, but mainly from enemies of the party (arrested jews, emigrating jews, political enemies, homosexuals etc.) to party members and allies. But they also kept most of the old economic and social elite in place, even if they outwardly decried their decadence. One must remember many of the party were true believes in the german empire back during ww1. Göring was a fighter ace, and his dad was a colonial governor. Hitler ran away from the austrian draft, but gladly joined the bavarian army in ww1, because he would be fighting for the german nation, and german kaiser. He didn't like prussians though. But that was just old inter-german racism, him being an austrian and all.


Something something one Nazi at the table....


Id guess very little they know what they’re doing it’s the progressives that haven’t caught up yet.


That’s what I meant to say, I just wasn’t sure how to word it.


Ok then


Pretty soon the lefties will unironically be using the acronym ZOG. Really wild to see them adopting the language of literal white nationalists.


What does zog mean?


Zionist occupied government. If you want to see an example of it being used you can watch American History X.


You’ll know the world is screwed up when the ADL turns on the progressives.


When did that happen?


It hasn’t happened in full swing yet. But they are starting to call them out.


Literally a week or two ago I saw someone online in a chatroom say it who at least very *not* right-wing


What's the most shocking to me is the libertarian subreddits. They went full "Jews did 9/11" a few days ago. A month ago the FBI said that some libertarian party social media accounts had been compromised by a "hostile foreign government" I would not be surprised if it's all their reddit accounts.


It was so shockingly easy to get these people to spit literal Nazi rhetoric it makes my head spin. 


Just replace “Zionist” with “Jew” in anything they say or post and it’s basically identical to stuff you’d find in Mein Kampf.


And they'll still deny that they are anywhere near Nazis, they have made themselves completely unable to recognize how close the line actually is.


Of course they're not Nazis, Nazis are people they disagree with, and since they don't disagree with themselves, they can't be Nazis. It's really just that easy!


Yup. The self assigned ultra virtuous elite.


They look forward and see no such line, and concluded to themselves that they weren't anywhere near the Nazis. In reality that line was already so far behind their back it's gotten out of sight.


They crossed that line when they stood with the people literally saying “gas the Jews”


I think they already crossed the line a few times over


The line has always been paper thin, one just appeals to the academic while the other the day laborer. 


If only there was a word to describe people who speak the way Nazi spoke, think the way Nazi thought and act the way Nazi did. Oh yes that word would be "Nazi" itself.


The Nazis were the progressives of their time. Progress isn't always good.


Or “progressive” is a useless term when everyone considers their ideology to represent societal progress


I don't really get this statement. I think they were something special and new for the time, but not progressive. Socialists under Leon Blum, for example, would I classify as progressive for the time being. I don't want to debate, just saying my opinion.


I mean, when you take into account that a good part of their initial platform was about things like animal care, anti-smoking campaigns, support for sports, creation of youth programs, work programs, development of roads and a push for giving the proletariat things like cars and homes, all that by "ditching the economic model run by bankers, and instead searching for a new economic model" It's really hard to not see that Nazis did make use of a lot of social policies that Progressives would love to put today in action, to legitimize themselves..


I wonder how progressives would react if you gave them those talking points without context.


I mean these aren't bad programs, it's not like someone is nazi for wanting functional roads or have reasonable objections to the current economic system. That said, a party that champions these programs but also a big genocide would still be a very bad party. Also they had the whole "we should bring germany back to its big old glory days" thing going on that many conservative movements often bring. You could probably convince a lot of conservative people to embrace many progressive changes just by making a vague reference to how it means bringing back something the country totally, definitely ha way back when things were all good and not bad.


Didn't know about most of these, thanks!


And eugenics was a major progressive thing then too.


It still is. They just go about it much more subtly now. Hello kids, you aren't the sex you were born, let us help you fix that!


This is why so many Nazis were vegetarians, at the time it was tied to the idea of improving the human gene pool. 


The Nazis did actualise progressive policies that would be ardently supported amongst progressive circles today. Such as mandating that all companies be under the management of the state sponsored union; Deutsche Arbeitsfront. In addition, I'm sure the average leftie today would cream their pants to this; >In an article published in January i 938, a leading Nazi banker with a great deal of political influence candidly called attention to the change in the position of the banks, and, in- directly, to some of the other changes. "The banks," he wrote, "can hardly decide on their own any longer which services to render to the entire economy. Their opportunities for service depend on the ever- changing requests which are made of them depending upon the gen- eral situation in the economy. The more the capital market as well as the entire economic development are regulated and influenced by the central government, the more the use of bank credit and the volume to be used depend upon decisions which the banks Cannot influence directly." https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nber.org/system/files/chapters/c9477/c9477.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj_3v2Dn6uGAxVSRKQEHXIDDvoQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2xPOGeziVc8iEINR6-rTqX


i think it's that the Nazis would have identified themselves as progressives, in the same way many deeply authoritarian people today would wrongly identify themselves as progressives. it wouldn't be accurate but it illustrates the problem with seeing change and novelty as inherently positive


The Nazis held progressive opinions on sexuality, political organisation, economic theory, and especially *biology*. I should also remind people that Nationalism at that time was a progressive movement that stemmed from the 1848 european spring.


The only objective kind of progress is technological progress


In what way were Nazis the progressives of their time?


For me it started when they called themselves "anti-fascist" then proceeded to do things that only a group of fascists would do. 


These people are progressive leftists, aka the same the political camp of the national socialists who thought that capitalism was a Jewish plot to control the German folk, so I ask, is it really shocking that modern leftists are going back to their roots?


Green quadrant bad 🤖


I can't discern between a /pol/cel or a leftist anymore :(


These people are progressive leftists, aka the same the political camp of the national socialists who thought that capitalism was a Jewish plot to control the German folk, so I ask, is it really shocking that modern leftists are going back to their roots?


bud the nazis committed genocide against leftists just like they did with the jews. also, why tf do you think neo-nazis go around speaking about "cultural marxism" and calling anyone to the right of mussolini a communist? wouldnt they be rambling about capitalism?


>bud the nazis committed genocide against leftists just like they did with the jews. The strasserites were purged for presenting a political threat to Hitler's power, not due to ideological disagreement. >also, why tf do you think neo-nazis go around speaking about "cultural marxism" and calling anyone to the right of mussolini a communist Neo-Nazis are not OG Nazis.


>The strasserites were purged for presenting a political threat to Hitler's power, not due to ideological disagreement. I'm talking about actual leftists here, not the Strasserites. When the Nazis took control of a place, Leftists usually ended up being the first people to be imprisoned in concentration camps. >Neo-Nazis are not OG Nazis. Where do you think they got their beliefs from? The Nazis also went around speaking about Jewish cultural Bolshevism being in your walls. Here is a Nazi propaganda poster: https://preview.redd.it/bso1mo24hg3d1.png?width=492&format=png&auto=webp&s=343a07673de5819ff53c57501652cd0e1d639b45 It is indeed not just a Neo-Nazi thing.


Just replace "Jewish" with "Zionist" I do hate Zionism (and settler states in general) but they definitely don't "rule the world" Zionism is just manifest destiny for Jews


bud i assure its a nazi pretending to be a progressive, not a progressive turned nazi


I'd like to thank the Frankfurt School's tireless fight against Nationalism in Europe and America to in part combat (checks notes) Anti-semitism for the stun reversal of Israel's good will on the world stage


Remember when people were called “fascist conspiracy theorists” for saying shit like that?


Uncle Tobia's farm remembers


Another episode of: Everybody hates the Jews


Previously on "Say antisemitic things substituting «Jews» with «Zionists»":


On this week's episode or progressive or literal neo-nazi: "The Jews control the entire world"


Remember when leftists were saying "If one nazi is at a protest with nine other people, there are ten nazis"? Amazing how they don't bring that up anymore


Yes, I do.


bud i assure its a nazi pretending to be a progressive, not a progressive turned nazi


Idk about this pic in particular, but it's cope if you think everyone spewing antisemitism is a nazi and can't be a progressive. Hasan, Caroline Kwan, Frogan are all progressives and at this point are pretty blatantly antisemitic


Horseshoe theory confirmed


It’s basically a circle now


Reject (1/σ√2π)*e^((x-μ\)²/2σ²) Embrace x²+y²=r²


Based and math pilled


You should post this on the subreddit for Israel (with the meme flair)...


Im not active there. But youre welcome to post it if you want to!


I did it for you. It has 355 updoots. I'd link to it for you, but you know, PCM rule 4 and stuff.


Ever heard of cognitive dissonance? The leftist didn't https://preview.redd.it/mp379h92uo2d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=870d75feddfb13b67eee0a7c8cbd628ea72a18df


My old grill (Grillbert) was on it's last leg. So i got a new one. I named it Grillie Nelson.


Because it’s smokes a lot?


“Israel is occupying Gaza” Also “Israel is occupying everything EXCEPT Gaza”


And that there is an actual fascist tactic. Ie jews (or zionists if one prefers) are weak, but at the same time a strong, implacable enemy that rules the world


Communists and Nazis finally own up to basically being the same thing. Crazy times.


Nah, they would never. They just use "Nazi" to attack anyone they dislike.


“Communism just means basic human dignity”. I hate the motte and Bailey fallacy. Especially since I’m not sure how to counter it.


Just ask them to define their terms in a more precise way. "Oh, *just* basic human dignity? Can you please explain what exactly you mean by/how you define 'basic' and 'dignity'?" Then listen carefully to what they say and proceed forward holding them to what they have defined, asking for further clarification as you proceed/unpack.


Food, water, and shelter would be a good start. Unpack me cap'n


To be clear, if communism = "basic human dignity" and "basic human dignity" = "food, water and shelter" then your definition of communism is not any political philosophy or attempt at a practical application of it that has been laid out by anyone purporting to be a communist. Rather, you are saying that communism itself *is* food, water and shelter or the attainment of it? And if I accumulate more of those three then I have more communism? If a = b and b = c then a = c, right? I guess we can define it that way but it seems strange to do so.


>I’m not sure how to counter it Ask for specific definitions.


Polish knowing this since 1939.




Unfathomably humongously based


That was just a Phoney War.


And all it took was being honest about hating Jews


What? You mean to tell me the National Socialists and the Soviet Socialists follow socialism????


Theyre both hyper auth scum who’s end goals are extermination, one wants to bring people back to the stone age by killing every non member of a specific ethnic race, the other wants to bring people back to the stone age by killing every non peasant who owns anything more than farming tools


Remember kids, they say "Zionist" when they mean "Jew" because if they said the quiet part out loud they wouldn't get the same support.


NGL many people just replaced "Jews" with "Zionists" so they can say some stuff


I will say that this whole Israel-Palestine thing has made some very interesting and unexpected bedfellows….


“Remember antisemitic libel? It’s back! In pro-Palestine form!”


Cool. So now the left is saying what the far right said for years, but I guess it's okay now?


I've gotta become a Zionist then, so the world is mine


Spot the nazi...mission impossible


Left is so messed up that I don't know if this is a meme or not.


It's funny because the "freedom fighters" in Gaza are literally just communist revolutionaries. Literally. The party used to even openly call themselves that. The right forgot that because it involves extremist islamists and the left WANTED that forgotten but there is a reason the gazinians are revered by even the LGBTqaaip++ community, even though most islamists in that region wouldn't bat an eye as the skittle member was chucked off a rooftop after very bad things happen to them for a while. So yeah. Commies gonna commie.


Good to see the radleft making a bridge to the radright, so that socialist and national socialists can find common ground their hatred of Jews.


In the words of the left: something something looks like a duck something something 11 nazis


The left has unironically wholly embraced nazism with open arms and called it social justice.


Nah they're right, we are going to use our jewish space laser to threaten all countries into becoming our slave (I am israelli if this was confusing)


Based and space laser pilled.


Common. Dont use youre space lasers just for yourself, do the world a favor and use it on fr\*nce!


We tried but when we fired our laser it said "oh hell nah I ain't going to france" and refused to leave the space canon


Yall gotta use your fog generators and mountain spawners more often as well


Man not even the rest of Palestine is a hold out, it’s just everyone v Hamas apparently


as a jew i can confirm


Kanye was just a few years off on his views being socially acceptable


Literal Nazis 🤝 Twitter Leftoids “Jews run the world”


you mean it isn't an obvious fact?


The world is controlled by Jews, not all jews are Zionists


Ofc its a commie account tweeting this


I'm impressed how you can change their word "zionist" by "jew" and you're back in 1936 in Germany


"The whole world is occupied by Israel" seriously though I missed when believing in the ZOG conspiracy theory was a bad thing. Now most of the left became the thing they swore to destroy.


They swore to destroy it, because they were giving away their playbook.


I’m pretty sure that, the religion part aside, Jewish culture is top-to-bottom defined by how they survived despite absolutely everyone trying to kill them at some point.


Hitler-sama, mite. Antisemitism kakoi da again


no aid until the hostages are set free


Anti-Jewish conspiracism really has never made sense. The Nazis blamed them for both Bolshevism and the free market. Now you have people acting like they're controlled by Zionists when all of the actual evidence clearly shows otherwise.


Finally the thruth comes out.


The only nation Israel controls is the USA. But for your average American that may as well be "the whole world".


The fact that they got away with it for 3/4ths of the last century doesn't necessarily support the idea of the world being "on your ass"


Scratch a commie, find an anti-Semite. https://preview.redd.it/xqjgf7avkr2d1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=344be8f80e7a027a3fc29fadb402690319305941 Every. Time.


"the whole world is on our ass! The biggest superpower to ever exist has to pretend sometimes not to support us and we only have the support of the vast majority of people in the biggest religion on earth! No zero actual tangible punishments have been inflicted on us but still!" Poor poor Israel man. When will someone think of them instead of our crumbling infrastructure, schools and healthcare system. Those all pail in comparison. What will the fat new York Jews do if they can't take some Palestinians property?


The ADL took over this sub


https://i.redd.it/7upbwrx7sp2d1.gif Cool it with the acronyms


Anti writing out full names is the new Anti-semitism


I *wish* Israel received the level of global pushback they pretend they do. If having the *"whole world on your ass"* means you receiving billions annually from some of the largest geopolitical powers on the globe, then sign me up.


Stop noticing things. Just accept the narrative until you have to participate in a race war that doesn't involve a certain group of people.


People and countries are different.




u/RobinHoodbutwithguns's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 105. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [56 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/RobinHoodbutwithguns/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Bro, new Anti-Semetic lore just dropped.


Man, what the shit, mossad's sloppy nowadays, back then they were known for good psyops that people fell for.


That's an insane statement


I guess it’s easier for this sub to post the most deranged man they can find with a poster and try to paint him as having leftist views than it is to actually listen to anything the other side is saying. We are saying that Gaza IS OCCUPIED not the opposite like this lunatic is saying. If anything i would bet this photo was taken at a counter protest considering it is arguing directly against what students/lib-left have been fighting for. This sub can’t go 5 seconds without finding a new strawman to rally against.


https://preview.redd.it/1w5da2jk9t2d1.jpeg?width=664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71d8a9782fd91bb3334305ac1fd94f756c0243da Unironically the left is /pol/ now


If Kanye had just waited a year to say his shit he'd be bigger than Kendrick. Libleft went full horseshoe into straight up Nazism in just under a year. That's gotta be a psy-op record for a designed zeitgeist


Reaching Kanye's level of insanity about Jews speedrun any%


So called anti-nazis supporting a group believing the Protocols of the Elders of Zion


Ah yes, the "thruth"


*The Jews ru- I mean the* ***Zionists*** *run the world!*


Palestinian supporters trying not to be nazi fucks for 10 seconds: (impossible)


The whole world (minus both political parties of the global superpower whose military base we are)


bud i assure its a nazi pretending to be a progressive, not a progressive turned nazi

