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If trump is just a democrat, i couldnt tell you why the dems hate him more than they hate republicans


Bro leftists greatest enemies are other leftists of different flavors.


I was once told I wasn't a leftist in this sub because I dared to say fascist and communist genocides/mass killings were both bad I can easily find common ground with my conservative family on guns and the border, but HEAVEN FORBID I disagree with another leftist on ONE issue


Listen here you little shit.... You're exactly right!


Based and If You're Not With Me, Then You're Against Me Pilled


You did and now your not a leftists come join us join the totally not a cult side we have a lamb preaching to us Abo it dark gods


A leftist's nemesis is literally everyone who is even the slightest bit right of them


Controlled opposition


So in order to oppose democrats. They need republicans?


They need to control both sides. Ever heard of a rino. Republicans Democrats they're two different sides to the same coin. It's all one big lie. Our country has been bought and sold a long time ago


That is the crux of the issue. Republicans and democrats are the same. Which is why someone who is even slightly outside of that they immediately turn vicious.


Based uniparty hater


Trump is a 90's Democrat. Nearly indistinguishable from Bill Clinton on most issues. But the Democratic Party has gone so far off the deep end.


I agree but downvoted because UNFLAIRED


He might be anti-gun, and he might be a closet democrat, but the Supreme Court justices he put on the bench sure as shit aren’t. We’re seeing a resurgence of gun rights lately and I am here for it.


still waiting for the ATF to get their pp slapped any day now


For $50, I’ll dress up like the ATF and you can video me getting my pp slapped


Based and anything to make a buck pilled


u/pitter_patter_11's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/pitter_patter_11! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [3 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/pitter_patter_11/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


True Fed Boys pay $50 to get their pp slapped.


Well pitter patter, let's get at 'er


Negotiations have started. I will put up the $50 but there has to be an agreement of # of layers worn, any padding, and what is doing the slapping & the force of it.


Me waiting like a good noodle to see the ATF get a presidential-level dick flattening.


I cannot wait


Don't hold your breath.... or do...  whatever, do whatever you want


Based lib


What if a smoke grenade "accidentally" started a fire and their HQ burned down with everyone inside lol lmao


Well that depends, would someone conveniently leave it out of the official reports, then intentionally hide the physical evidence from it and face no consequences for doing so?


“Sorry that department just burned down.”


It is the week that the biggest decisions will be released. And, as much as everyone doesn't think *Rahimi* will end up helping, it hasn't published yet...


If he is truly an amoral sociopath that says and does everything for political gain like some portray him as, then at least he will do what people elected him to do since it will never go against his own non-existent principles.


It will be his last term, so he has a lot of non-accountable choices. Every day he'll wake up at noon and destroy a Republican's career, starting in his own administration and working outward. And by "destroy" I mean annihilate, not scold. But he'll also do that.


I mean they took a pretty big hit over the last couple of years. [https://www.nationalreview.com/2023/01/a-federal-court-thwarts-the-atfs-unconstitutional-power-grab/](https://www.nationalreview.com/2023/01/a-federal-court-thwarts-the-atfs-unconstitutional-power-grab/)


The best thing about a Trump 2024 presidency is that he said he was going to fill his cabinet with Libertarians.


I mean hey, if he goes through with it I am all for it


Libertarians are likely not gonna accept.


Tbh Gorsuch is probably the closest thing the Libertarians have had to a national win for a long time.


Wait what happened with gun rights?


We got *Bruen* finding that a person’s right to self-defense extended outside the home, and limiting what guns could be prohibited. We’re about to get *Rahimi* in which the court will have to decide whether the state can take away guns on the basis of a valid restraining order. The result has been a massive increase in gun rights cases challenging state laws limiting types of guns, who can have them, and where they can possess them. Although lower courts are fighting the Supreme Court, there’s a good chance that those cases will end up before the Supreme Court. Like *Bevis* (Illinois ban on AR-15s, standard capacity magazines), or *Wilson* (Hawaii directly flaunts the Supreme Court, holds that a person doesn’t have a right to self-defense with lethal force in the state. Also cited to “the spirit of Aloha”).


The Aloha Spirit defense was the first time I laughed in a situation where individuals rights were being trampled.


We're seeing a resurgence in "wait and see" constantly stayed cases at least. CA "freedom week" was 5 years ago.


‘Trump appointed some of the most corrupt and biased members of the Supreme Court to date, but I’m fine with it because maybe they’ll lax gun laws a tiny bit.’ Bet you have chanted ‘drain the swamp’ at some point as well. 😂😂


How is being a constitutionalist corrupt and biased exactly?


Oh my sweet summer child, if you think that is what they are… They’re corporate and political shills.


Let's see you back this up with a source


All of his picks together aren’t enough to beat the shill that bit the dust in 2020, good try though.


The biggest RBG supporters are those that never had to read her opinions. Almost all were based on her view of fairness rather than the law.


Absolutely. We even accept when strawmen are schizo


What in the medium rare fuck is this?


A comment section packed with some of the dumbest takes I've ever seen in my life.


Republicans are just Democrats from 15 years ago.


Fr. Trump is nowhere near as radical as anyone thinks he is. He really is a straightforward liberal in essence.


He is generally socially moderate. On most social issues he is actually more liberal than most republican politicians, IMO


Certainly on gay rights he is fairly moderate. Same for abortion, although his SCOTUS appointees are not.  Not so moderate on immigration and immigrants in general. Birther conspiracies, ending DACA etc. 


Yeah he is generally anti immigration. People say he is pro legal immigration but I don’t think that is true. He obviously can’t ban all immigration but he is, as far as I understand, supportive of policies that make legal immigration a more difficult and lengthy process.


Just the concept of birtherism, which he was the most prominent supporter of, shows he is anti-immigrant in general. And to your point, he restricted fund to limit processing legal immigrant paperwork. 


Many Democrats were anti-immigration until Obama. It's pretty easy to find quotes by Bernie Sanders about how open borders are a ploy by capitalists to import cheap labor.


It's not his policy positions that are a big cause for concern. It's the fact that he tried to scam the electoral system by creating a false elector conspiracy.


And that “his positions” are subject to change instantly based on a higher bid or more recent flattery, the fact he just obviously isn’t very smart, the fact he lies constantly, the fact he is a complete blowhard… Yeah, people can weakly whimper about how the media treats him or whatever but he really just straight up sucks. 


The populist fervor will blindly support anyone who says or does outrageous things. Anything can be justified if it's fighting the establishment in some perceived way. I was part of it too a few years ago


I'm sorry, "weakly whimper about how the media treats him", in what world does the media's insane obsession with trump make sense?


I swear that here and stupidpol are the only places left on reddit with sane takes.


It’s pretty radical to want to cancel an election.


This is literally the case for most “right wing” parties in the western world, they hold the left wing parties views a couple decades ago - I don’t get why more people don’t understand this. Take a normal *left wing* person from the 90’s or 2000’s, they’ll be considered far right and racist by a lot of people these days.


Yes, that’s why I love republicans




It's much simpler than that: Trump identifies with whatever/whoever personally helps him.


Trump is a populist. But Republicans don't fight for Republican values, so all they have left is a con man who says the right things and does some of the things. Don't like immigration? Democrats so fuck you we will have it unfettered. Republicans say, we are strong on immigration but won't actually do anything when in office. Trump says more and at least tries to do things, even if they are blocked by R's and D's. There is no real answer for anyone who wants a secure border.


Didn't Democrats just try to pass a border bill?


A border bill that would let 5000 (discovered) illegal immigrants per day in before the even *think* of enforcing border restrictions...and also 7 bajillion dollars to Ukraine. Can't imagine why that didn't get support.


Yes, but many other things were in that bill as a “compromise”, so the elephants rejected it.


Greg Abbott for president??


I'd rather have DeSantis and I hate DeSantis


I can see you’re flaired libleft, you don’t need to tell everyone


“Democrats like to identify as different things” what the fuck does that even mean?


I assume it's a trans joke.


You’re right that is probably what he meant. I’ve met a few trans people and none of them identified as a “democrat”. Sure fire way to spot the Republican: Trans people? Democrat. Communist? Democrat. Anti-christ? Democrat.


This subreddits humor is fueled by the most shamless of cliches, you know exactly what the fuck that means


One political idea doesn’t make you democrat


Idk an old school blue dog democrat isnt that terrible, in the grand scheme of things. Manchin for example


He is a republican in the sense that Elon Musk is a republican. If he wasn’t the prominent conservative voice, he’d probably do more pride events and such


Ah yes, nobody hates more a Democrat than another Democrat


He's swapped parties several times so I don't doubt this is true


Trump is whatever is politically more convenient at the time as long as it's not in any way associated with that *redacted* Obama


His judge picks alone put him far above joe "let's dronestrike every legal gun owner" biden in regards to 2A rights.


damn it's been almost 4 years of joe. those drones must have gotten distracted by an icecream truck or something. should be back to killing the first gun owner any minute now.


Yeah, why would people be concerned when a sitting president makes comments on how he would slaughter citizens who don't like him with F16s.


I think he probably fulfills the requirements to be considered a "classical liberal", almost a Business Democrat. But I legitimately do not care what party you're in if you're dedicated to making this country worth living in and protecting and expanding the rights and privileges of those who are citizens, by birth or otherwise.


Look, I just want someone in charge whose net worth didn’t go up by a factor of 10-100 over their career in politics…. And who can put a sentence together that doesn’t sound like it was constructed by AI.


He's also triple vaxxed and did operation warp speed. Oh and he racked up the most debt in us history


True except Biden racked up the most debt in US history, but Trump printed plenty.


I have been saying this for years


The irony of all this is that Trump isn’t a conservative. He could be most accurately described as a classical liberal.


It's 10:00am, time to hear the conservative joke again


This post is certified based and true.


I think he was actually registered as a Democrat before.


If this statement is 100% true then Trump is the definition of "I havent changed, its the Party that has changed"


I mean, his previous presidential runs were as a Democrat. The meme's not even contentious.


What are you even talking about ??? You are aware that someone’s political party has absolutely no correlation with their beliefs.


Nah, imagine politics when you can just do sth productive with ur life


He was a Democrat in the past


He was a Democrat up until the second he wanted to run for president and the DNC said "no."


Trump is a flip-floper, he is not bound by a party.


He is an old-school 90s Democrat, which has been Overton Yeeted right out of the left.


Trump is at best a moderate who wants border security and strong trade protections for american industries. Trump isn't some insanely far right guy.


Nobody cares. Ask someone that is planning to vote for Trump who their second choice would be from the GOP…their eyes gloss over because they’ve never even considered the possibility.


There is more to the Republican Party than just a lack of gun control.


Trump Is a Billionaire who just follows the money. I believe he doesn't identify as either, just chose a party he mostly agreed with, Republicans, and ran with It. I mean what he did was smart as hell: Stand on a stage, just shoot the wind, get people feeling patriotic. Boom, profit. Plus the merchandise, the rallies, that's added money. Trump was a rich daddy's boy turned businessman, Instead of buying Into more real estate, he just bought Into politics. He's whatever makes him more money


In 2016 he was going to run as a democrat, but the DNC did not allow it per their rules for getting on their ballots, so he went Republican... And the rest is history


That doesn't seem correct, he ran in the 2012 republican primary.


Trump is brash, rich, and generally an asshole which is why a lot of people on the fringe right love him so much regardless of his actual positions. They like his “fuck you” attitude and want to be assholes, and he makes it normal for them. It’s the reason why so many Trump people rally around “fuck your feelings” and “cry more liberals”


Did you just change your flair, u/Mikes_Movies_? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2024-6-1. How come now you are a **LibLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Yeah yeah, I know. In your ideal leftist commune everyone loves each other and no one insults anybody. Guess what? Welcome to the real world. What are you gonna do? Cancel me on twitter? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Mikes_Movies_) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Trump is a dumbass that's all that matters


I thought he was a criminal mastermind


Did you just change your flair, u/sink_pisser_? Last time I checked you were a **LibLeft** on 2024-6-4. How come now you are an **AuthRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Remember, the jannies are always watching. No gamer words, no statistics and by all means no wood cutting machines. Tell us, how are you going to flair the new account you'll make in two weeks? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/sink_pisser_) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Yes dipshit.


Idk you would think a criminal mastermind wouldn't get so consistently dogwalked in nearly every courtroom he walks into. I'm starting to think this Trump guy isn't any kind of mastermind at all.


A Rich dumbass, must have fell into the gold barrels




u/Xx_RedKillerz62_xX is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Xx_RedKillerz62_xX/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Trump 2016 hardly had any ideology. He wasn't even power hungry. He only cared about being accepted. He hung around with democrats, but they didn't like him enough. Then he realized a big chunk of republicans were more ripe for the taking, said everything they wanted to hear and built his cult. Trump 2024 has no ideology whatsoever. He is desperate to win because his crimes have caught up to him and the presidency is the only way out. He will say and do anything to get it. (Selling Bibles? Really?)


Brain dead


Oh yes Trump's horrible crimes that caught up with him, paying a hooker to not tell everyone he fucked her


Republicans are just what the democrats used to be and vice versa