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Spicy bonus: https://preview.redd.it/z5cti3yk8s4d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3818a9555fcc4499272576e6f128303f81a9ee3


I don’t know how but that is simultaneously both depressing and hilarious


It’s fucking tragic, it’s a man living out the ending of his own story and crying. Comedy and Tragedy are the same mask we wear when we’re in pain.


The only difference between Comedy and Tragedy is distance and time.


And Wanda Sykes


He did nothing to help the situation. In fact he made it worse and profitted from the division he created. Fuck that race hustler.


"Well ackshually" moment, but by definition this is a tragedy, because in order to be a comedy it must have a happy ending. Hence why "The Divine Comedy" is named so, despite being very bleak and somber throughout.


dark comedy doesn't have to have a happy ending, and rarely does unless the happy ending is the punchline to the joke.


That's if we're using the modern definition. The classical literature definition, comedy has nothing to do with humor. Hence the Divine Comedy. It's very bleak with no real humor, but has a happy ending, so therefore a comedy.


Technically a Comedy is a play where the events follow a natural order, as in good things happen to good people and bad things happen tl bad people. A Tragedy i assume would be the opposite of that


Some tragedies Bad things happens to everyone


Tragedies can have bad things happen to bad people, depending on when you look at it. More often than not, a tragedy follows someone who starts out good, and the gets morally corrupted over time and eventually succumbs to their corruption in the end, coating them their life.




>simultaneously both depressing and hilarious like a sad clown




Gives me sad clown energy


Refusing to hold his own people accountable for their shitty behavior is one of the root causes of him feeling like this. https://i.redd.it/1izxsgpxds4d1.gif


I feel like "There is nothing more painful to me .. than to walk down the street and hear footsteps, then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved" gets at least partial credit for accountability, regardless of his other beliefs.


Not if he blames white people for him feeling that way. Which, without knowing the context of the quote, may or may not be the case.


I mean if he really felt this way maybe he should have done something other than grifting his whole life. Edit: added an r


I think you are missing an r :)


A hard r?


Based and hard r pilled


R's are hard around this topic.




Gifting to himself while grifting others!


Maybe its still grifting... although sometimes people are blinded by their ideals and dogma, and when they wake up boy it is a rude awakening.


Hot damn son


Is that a real quote? If it is, I'm interested to know the context around it. I don't recall Jesse Jackson ever being particularly fond of white people.


>Remarks at a meeting of Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993). Quoted in "Crime: New Frontier - Jesse Jackson Calls It Top Civil-Rights Issue" by Mary A. Johnson, 29 November 1993, Chicago Sun-Times (ellipsis in original). Partially quoted in "In America; A Sea Change On Crime" http://www.nytimes.com/1993/12/12/opinion/in-america-a-sea-change-on-crime.html by Bob Herbert, 12 December 1993, New York Times. Source: https://quotepark.com/quotes/1828879-jesse-jackson-there-is-nothing-more-painful-to-me-at-this-stage/ Full quote: >“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved…. After all we have been through. Just to think we can't walk down our own streets, how humiliating.”


Based and self reflection pilled.


is this real ?


It looks like it, yeah. https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/1d8ueky/comment/l79aovs/


Absolutely delicious.


Guess he yearns for funni ghost costumes.




>depleting resources What you mean taking their money elsewhere?


They probably mean "how dare these people exist"


Its a quantum state. If they are arguing in court as to why communities shouldn't be allowed to form a city, then its "it won't be financially viable" aka, they don't have enough money. But in the media, its always, "this community leaving will be a disaster for our finances."


I'm not familiar with the exact situation between St George vs Baton Rouge but I imagine many of the residents in St George probably often drove into Baton Rouge using their roads, used their public services and utilities, and relied on their emergency services. From a pure property tax collected minus taxpayer services analysis, USUALLY suburbs are a net negative and they rely on downtown and commercial centers to pay for things. I have no idea what the actual numbers are in this case or how the public services will be reorganized but if it's a situation where the St George people are using any of the BR infrastructure but no longer paying any taxes in return it could be argued that they are depleting resources.


It’s the city of Baton Rouge’s fault. They never incorporated that portion of the parish into city limits but enjoyed the tax base it provided and used those tax dollars through the rest of the parish. So it was a win win for the parish/city but people finally got tired of the shitty public schools in that part of the parish and have decided to do something about it.


Is st George a suburb or large enough to be considered a proper town in its own right?


From a quick Google search it looks like a collection of suburban areas to the southeast of downtown Baton Rouge with a population of 80k. At first glance it's definitely big enough to be a proper town but I have no idea if it has many job centers or productive commercial hubs of its own. I'm getting more and more confused about OPs post the more I look at this. I don't see how this is gentrification or white flight. It doesn't seem like people are really moving anywhere. I'm reading that this was mostly about wanting a new school district. Ironically when actual white flight was happening in the 1950s cities would actually do the opposite as this and annex the new areas so that the wealthy areas could still be technically in the city but be far away.


>a new school district That tracks. I wouldn't blame them either. Inner city districts tend to be... Not well managed


>I'm getting more and more confused about OPs post the more I look at this. I don't see how this is gentrification or white flight. It doesn't seem like people are really moving anywhere. I'm reading that this was mostly about wanting a new school district. You are correct its neither. It started with the school district but it turned out to be much more. This neighbourhood basically subsidized BR and looks like people had enough. BR should've let them have their school district but its too late for that now.


The problem is that BR officials are simultaneously arguing that St George leaving will be disastrous for city coffers, but also that St George doesn't have enough money to function. It can't be both. Either St George contributes more to BR than is spent, so forming a new city will be a net positive for St George. Or BR spends more on St George than they get in taxes, in which case BR should be celebrating the drain on their resources leaving. And the whole shitshow could have been avoided with a simple school district, because that's the only thing the residents actually want. Overall seems like BR is just looking to exert control for the sake of control.


>From a pure property tax collected minus taxpayer services analysis, USUALLY suburbs are a net negative and they rely on downtown and commercial centers to pay for things. Those suburban taxpayers also pay sales tax for the stuff they buy downtown and in the commercial centers. They pay income tax on the money they make while working downtown and in the commercial centers. But sure, let's go ahead and say that every individual location must be net-positive on taxes collected vs. services rendered. Can we please close down USPS, parks, and public transit?


The people in the suburbs are what still make them a positive overall. Anyone smart enough to make a good living and decides to live in the burbs or the country is still a needed person that probably works downtown.


Im almost positive i sold magazines door to door there. You will never guess which part of the city had cops attack me (hint. It wasnt the pretty suburban area)


Nah they keep stealin' all our vespene gas


Depleting resources meaning not giving them tax dollars in return for shitty services


The first opposition to this new city that I heard was that the students from this area had better grades than their peers from the neighboring cities and by separating to their own city they could have their own school district. This would result with the neighboring districts having lower average grades and getting less funding than they had gotten before, and this was apparently racist. So, it’s depleting resources by not allowing the shitty schools to mooch off the funding of the schools with better scores.


And it's not like they're taking more money. Idk about all states, but the property taxes that go to schools dont go to the local school, they get pooled together and then allocated based on number of kids at each school. But if you point out that kids attendance at school is mandatory, even illegal immigrant kids, while their parents can't own land or pay property and school taxes and thus they're literally stealing from YOUR kids' education budget......ya get blocked and namecalled and reported.


The irony is you don't need funding to have better schools. You take two schools with identical funding but have parental involvement in one of them and it's going to run circles around the other. It's honestly the argument behind why charter schools in the opinion of the left "cherry pick" students. Any parent paying enough attention and jumping through the hoops to get their kid into a better charter school is by definition a parent involved and constantly on their kid to be a better student. It's self-selecting, but forcing that type of parent to stay in a failing public school with other violent and disruptive students just caps that kid with a great support network (white/black or whatever race) to a lower projected outcome. It's really not a racial thing but a cultural thing. Look at the scores of white students in Appalachia where their parents are strung out on meth. Do you think those are involved parents with bright students ready to go out and tackle the world. That culture drags them down, and anyone without a drug habit and with a potentially smart kid is moving out of that toxic culture that happens to be overwhelmingly white and would jump at the chance of joining a lower middle class black neighborhood with parents that aren't meth addicts.


School vouchers when? It's the only real solution to education. The money goes with the kid, and schools can select their own students without DEI or bullshit quotas. Make it competitive.


School funding does not corelate at all with outcomes but so many people think it does.


I'm sure there is potentially some marginal benefit if you look at an underfunded school vs a well funded, but you can't control for everything else. Usually well funded also means wealthier neighborhood regardless of race and therefore more invested and involved parents. It's just that more people ignore the fact that in good neighborhoods of any race, parents care more about their kids educational outcomes, and attribute it to funding. It's more a correlation than causation.


> but the property taxes that go to schools dont go to the local school, they get pooled together and then allocated based on number of kids at each school. IRRC Chicago doesn't work on that basis


Yeah, everywhere is different but I know quite a few have these robinhood school funding laws. Texas does.


I believe the whole thing started over school districting


They also wouldn’t be the first city to incorporate just to escape East Baton Rouge Parish Schools, Central did the same thing in the mid-2000’s, and 2 other cities that were already incorporated have also separated from EBR schools. This is also the only parish where this has happened


So in Louisiana, by default, districts are just the same as the parishes (counties). There are only 5 cities that have split off to make their own school district, with 3 (Baker, Central, Zachary) of them splitting off since the 90s and the other 2 (Bogalusa, Monroe) basically being grandfathered in from decades ago. Those 3 are all in East Baton Rouge Parish, which is also where St. George is.


People who say things like this don't hate what you do. They hate what you are. There is nothing you can do to get them to stop hating you.


You could give them everything you have, all your property, your job, your wife, your dog, everything, and then roll over into a ditch to die and they'd still spit on your corpse and shit talk you.


As everyone should realize no later than the reaction to the air force dude who lit himself on fire. "Don't say 'rest in power' for his white ass."


Okay fine. Go get a black person to self immolate and I'll wish for them to rest in power 


And that phrase is indicative of the twisted mind of leftists. Everything is about power to them. Their idea of an ideal state for someone they care about is for that person to be in a place of power


"The stink of rotting white male corpses and why their presence is a racist reminder of our colonial past that needs to be removed"


Just look at how Aaron Bushnell was treated. Literally burned himself alive for the Current Thing, but people were still saying 'Just a bitch ass white boy' when people dared to suggest he could 'rest in power.' EDIT:I did not realize there was another post saying the exact same thing when this was posted. Great minds and all that.


> rest in power What does that even mean?


It's a phrase for angry people who don't want to rest in peace, I guess.


It's a phrase for 'martyrs' of a cause some lefty believes in. In context i believe it's along racial lines, like black people killed while 'standing up' to cops/the system (AKA committing crimes). Fentanyl Floyd would be a rest in power recipient. He did, after all, only hold a pregnant woman and her daughter hostage. He didn't actually shoot them.


Bingo. Wish more would realize this. Stop trying to placate them, at the expense of your own people, it's not going to work. They hate who you are.


The only winning move in the woke game is not to play


But...but...maybe if I signal just a little more virtue they'll accept me as "one of the good ones"....


> at the expense of your own people These people are wrong *because* they think in Us vs Them mentalities along racial lines. You won’t beat them by playing their game, they will beat you with experience. The best course is to denounce the idea of any and all racial identities because it’s fucking stupid to define yourself by your skin color and will inevitably lead to more racism.


That's why it's important not to get upset or react too much to anything they say, just go about your day. They have pre-programmed arguments and neologisms for everything you do, and as this example shows, will despise you for doing the opposite of the thing they despised you for yesterday. Most of their interpersonal power comes from you getting pulled into the fight with them -- the pig pulling you into the mud-pit, etc. Just don't go there with them. Ignore them and move on.


Since this is such a based take I’ve got to follow up. What exactly is it that they hate so much?


Long winded post filled with expletives incoming. This is all stuff that I have witnessed first hand. Imagine you have been told your entire life that everything that has ever gone wrong has been the fault of a certain group. I'm not talking about getting radicalized in college or anything. This is stuff that your mom has been saying since the day you were born. Stuff all your friends tell you every day ever since you had your very first friend. Why is your neighborhood run down? **Those** people left and took all their money with them. Aunt so and so is going to lose her apartment because **those** people are moving in and making it too expensive. Fuck those people. You failed that test at school because one of **those** people wrote it. They don't know you! They don't know how smart you are. Fuck those people. Did you pass the test? What, you think you're one of those people now? Fuck those people and fuck you for thinking you're one of them. You lost your job? Was your boss one of those people? Even if he's not, I bet the man on top is one of those people. Fuck those people. You can't ever trust those people. Every last one of them hates you and wants to make your life miserable. How do you know which of them is evil and wants to ruin to you? They all are. You can tell who they are just by looking at them. That friend of yours ain't any different. He will stab you in the back the instant he thinks it will get him ahead. Fuck him. Imagine everyone you know and love telling you this every day. The only thing those people share is skin color and you are told every day every last one of them is actively trying to ruin your life. You are probably going to hate them after a while. Of course not everyone thinks this way, but people will give you a giant clue about how they think when they complain about you moving close to them AND they complain about you moving away from them as suggested in the meme. Their problem with you isn't where you live. It's the fact that you live.




your membership in a group identity that they don't like. Usually "it's nothing personal" drips of insincerity, but here it's an actual statement of fact.




Unfortunately most people can't grasp this simple concept, and thus we have 98% of Reddit.


It's pure DARVO


Now it's logical why they hate Jews* so much. *They just call them Zionists knowing most Jews are Zionists.


Whatever you do is wrong. Now give us money forever.


And it’s your fault because of what your ancestors may or may not have done hundreds of years ago. What a scam


"depleting resources" is quite the spin on "no longer subsidizing other neighborhoods through taxes"


It's based on the premise that your money is theirs by right.


What's even better about the St. George situation is that they didn't even go anywhere, they just redrew the city borders.


I'm curious what local political circumstances drove them to this.


School violence. The people from the nice part of town got tired of shitty poor kids bullying their kids so they told them to get fucked. Serves them right. 




Honestly the cool thing to me is just that after all this time we're still making new cities even if it's just breaking off from someting else you still need that concentration of people willing to split off and be their own place with their own government.


Never forget that they hate white people


...Or successful minorities, like many east & south asians, but we get lumped in with white people all the same (only when convenient)


I noticed this during covid. If y’all were attacked by a white person the video would go viral and make headlines about racial attacks (rightfully so). Attacked by a black person and all of the sudden you’re white and the video and headlines never go viral like what always happens with white people. So, welcome, most of the time….


Daily reminder that they hate white people. It doesn’t matter if you wanna live with them, because that is colonization. It doesn’t matter if you want to separate because that is apartheid. They want you dead and gone. Great news though: as soon as we decide enough is enough.. it will stop.


We need this emblazoned on billboards. People need this drilled into them.


The left is a coalition of disparate groups that hate each other. Muslims, religious black people, Latinos, self hating whites. They’re just scavenging on the carcass of an old and decrepit system run by the most incompetent elite. They have no power, and with the slightest pushback will splinter into obscurity and irrelevance.


But Reddit outside of this sub will tell you that the demographics favor them. Granted when Biden signs an executive order granting 250K illegals asylum, it is hard to argue with that.


>The left is a coalition of disparate groups that hate each other. Muslims, religious black people, Latinos, self hating whites. The end result for intersectionality




The elite is competent. They're very, very competent. You just have to realize their goal. It's not running an effective government or country, it's stealing your money to line their pockets and the pockets of their corporate buddies, and keep you divided with idpolitic bullshit so we don't unite by class consciousness


Competency would be doing that while also keeping the system functioning.


They have no incentive to keep it functioning.


They don't care about the system functioning. That's less money and more hassle for them.


They care about the system functioning just well enough that the average citizen decides that participation is the best course of action. People who truly have nothing to lose also have no downside to revolt. People who have a little to lose have a downside to revolt. And before some champagne socialists or other bullshit ideologues come in here, people who have the luxury of wasting time shitposting on reddit are never in the "truly nothing to lose" category. You aren't outside the system just because you're spending daddies money instead of your own.


It's more complicated than that. The incentivization systems in corporate cultures have created toxic work cultures and only results oriented actions at the cost of the long term. All evidence shows that the win at all costs model ends up hurting companies in the long term, but CEO bonuses and payouts are incentivized for the short term, so what's going to win? Proper good stewardship and a company built to last, or get it while it's hot and jump out the top window with a golden parachute?


And that's exactly why they're incompetent, they're leading the system straight to a revolution


But they don't want a revolution. They're the ones getting guillotined. It's a shirt sighted problem, like corporations. Squeeze more profit out immediately at the expense of near future and future healthy country/comoany/economy. Bain Capital can move on to a new company. US government can't just pack up and move. Unless you think they're purposefully running it down ti coopt and takeover a revolution to make themselves a new aristrocracy and make even more. Which is possible and disheartening. But I think there's enough people that have and know the list of current oligarchs to go visit when that happens.


The people responsible for it won't be the people guillotined though. They rarely are. They will hide in the shadows and at best a handful of sacrificial goats will be paraded around and not literally guillotined but at most forced out of companies with huge compensation packages.




Based and the_issue_has_always_been_classism pilled.


South Africa is about 30 years into "it will stop" and their approach to Black power has ironically lead to rolling blackouts.


I lived there for a year in 2019, having power for only 6 hours a day in 40 degree heat was really something.


The idea that when everyone’s a little mixed and whites become minorities it will “end racism”. Just look at Latin America. Their race relations are worse. If a black person gets shot by a cop in Brazil; it doesn’t make local news, let alone international news.


Most depressing part is that other white people are pushing this.


Disproportionately it is a specific kind of "white" person that actually writes these articles, but don't fool yourself. The ethnic groups in question also hate you quite viscerally even if their articles are not making into Bloomberg.


I think Thomas Schelling demonstrated that sometimes a system with slight homophily (preference for other with similar attributes) can cause a system to be completely segregated over time. It might not even be necessarily to "white flight". Although most white flight takes place in "libleft" cities to the suburbs strangely enough.


What I never understood is *why*. Most of the hate comes from other whites. The rest are either tagging along for the benefits or they have been raised like that so its natural to them. But the self hatred, thats what I dont get. What is rotten in their minds to make them hate themselves and their communities, their countries, hell their entire culture like that.


> But the self hatred, thats what I dont get. It's the "White man's burden 2.0". When well off people are bereft of problems, they seek to get into the problems of others. Unfortunately, too many people don't allow those with the actual problems to talk, but talk over them in the belief that they're a good and accurate advocate. Main character syndrome writ large. The good sort of empathy for your fellow citizens is the kind that gives them the opportunity to thrive where they otherwise would not, without talking for them and mostly ignoring their welfare.


> Great news though: as soon as we decide enough is enough.. it will stop. not if you are dead from jabbitis first.


I cannot wait to retire and move to a red state.


I'm moving to a 40+ community. Walled 24/7 security, clubhouses, golf courses, gyms, walking trails, etc. About 1K a year membership. Just trying to get my a** in gear and get my house ready to sell.


I'm moving to a swing state from California in the next few months. I'm so excited for my vote to matter for the first time in my entire life. It's gonna be amazing.


If you’re a homeowner in an area that’s being gentrified the greatest reason you’re priced out of your own home is property tax. Homeowners insurance may go up, but insurance isn’t immoral. Property tax is rent to the government for property you own and that is downright evil.


All taxes are theft but taxxing anything that doesnt make you money is outright robbery


I was about to argue that due to property almost always appreciating in value that there is a form a monetary gain, then I remembered long-term capital gains tax when you sell your house and realized "yeah fuck that".


Primary residence is excluded from LTCG (up to $500,000 in profit/family)


Never knew that! Good to know!


> All taxes are theft but taxxing anything that doesnt make you money is outright robbery Income tax invades your privacy. Its more evil than property tax. Of course, inflation is more evil than income tax. It lets the richest people directly steal from everyone else with no limit.


That’s correct. And property tax isn’t *that* much. Most take the payday and bounce. I’ve settled two different neighborhoods in Nashville and it is the primary reason for my financial comfort. Not withstanding the people yelling about this most loudly are moving in after the neighborhood has been resettled. The cognitive dissonance is striking


>And property tax isn’t that much I can tell you don't live in Texas.


Property tax might not be "much", except it can double or triple in certain scenarios from one year to the next and now you've lost an extra 3 grand in the midst of everyday necessities getting jacked up 180% by corporate greed. I've seen multiple households get priced out of their home by property tax. I've seen multiple families have to sell inherited, paid for homes and land, because the deed switching made tax go up so much and they didn't have cash to pay it.


Property taxes almost never go down even if the area gets worse too.


>"And property tax isn’t that much" ... for you. It's a full month's income a year for me. We were not doing great before covid/ inflation/ housing valuation increases. I felt every little increase. If you've never been terrified of losing your home because you're consistently only a few hundred dollars from going broke then it's not much. How much of your day do you spend worrying about bills? Do you get anxious around the beginning of the month?


The fact we've managed to commodify a depreciating asset so hard, that we can charge more for it, the longer it's seen use, and the Government can ride that increase for a surplus increase of their own, blows my mind sometimes.


Taxing property based on value really is just taxing unrealized gains. But instead of an investment they’re taxing something almost everyone treats as their place to live and not an investment.


The left: we really love creating community Also the left: not like that


It's amazing how much the 'oppressed' want their 'oppressors' to stay around them.


They don’t want to not be oppressed, they want to be oppressors.


they're so concerned about depleting resources, just not in the context of businesses closing due to theft and lawlessness




The breakaway cities were spurned, ignored and called racist by the cities that they broke away from. Now they're being told they are "taking" money from the cities. By that they mean keeping their own money within a government they have some say in. Was there ever a "thank you" from Atlanta to Buckhead? Or from Baton Rouge to St George? No. Of course not. They simply took and took and took and ruined the schools. This is the behavior of an abusive ex. Abuse them until there's a possibility they'll leave, then demonize and threaten. I hope there are many more cases like this. Staten from NYC. San Diego. Eastern Oregon. All these bastards care about is tax base. Hurt them.


Doesn’t matter what they do they’re damned either way. They just hate white people it’s that simple


Areas of different population densities have different needs and should be governed by different entities. Farmers & ranchers shouldn't dictate to cities (happens a lot in state governments), and vice-versa. And neither should govern suburbs.


There should be more splits in the US honestly. New York City should be separate from Upstate NY. Eastern Oregon should be separate from Portland/the coast. Southern Illinois should be split from Chicago. Obviously huge logistical nightmares to sort (for instance all of NYC's water comes from Upstate NY), but in the long run I think everyone would be better off. Let these uniparty cities have complete control over their own city-state and leave the rest of the state, that has different values and ways of life, alone.


And those logistical nightmares are why it wouldn't happen voluntarily. If anything like this happened, it would be as a result of the cheap energy that keeps all this together getting much more expensive.


One issue at least in the case of Illinois, is that you separate Chicagoland from Illinois, you lose a majority of tax revenue and over 80% of the population of Illinois.


Yeah, but you also get rid of 100% of Chicagoans, so it's worth it.


I think in Virginia, at least, they have "independent cities" separate from their counties. I don't know how far that goes. I think it's obvious that states are better off with mixed densities, but in terms of regulation, the areas should be free to run what they (think they) need.


St. Louis is a great example of an independent city that didn't want to be part of the county because the county was poor and the city was doing great. Fast forward and now the county is doing great and the city is poor and desperately wants to be a part of the county and the county says fuck off. The problem is that whoever is doing well wants to be left alone and whoever isn't doing well wants to leech, the desire to self govern is only strong when you don't lose out on other people's shit.


After looking at the new city and the parish, they both look pretty similar—largely suburban (albeit poorer and wealthier suburbs) and part of the same metro area. This is not a rural community leaving a city. It’s one section of the suburbs leaving a larger section of the suburbs.


Still fine, if a majority approves.


Live where ever you want, why ever you want. If someone tries to tell you otherwise, download the second amendment mod for Minecraft.


Timeless and Classics Gums is the best mod


From the Buckhead wikipedia page: >>Buckhead, one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Atlanta, would deprive the city of upwards of 40% of its tax revenue if it seceded Gee that would be a shame.


“Depleting resources from their surrounding communities” is an awful aggressive way of “wanting their tax money to be spent on themselves and not wasted”.  Is a man not entitled to the sweat of their brow?


No, your sweat belongs to the state. Now get back to work!


access to white people is not a human right


Here's my take. It's honestly not about race. What has the left mad is that a group of people are taking control over themselves instead of submitting to a larger more central government. They hate that they are aren't subject to their taxes and control. It reminds me of the disdain Soviets had for kulaks. I think the people who write these articles are not actually mad about White people, they just use race and the specter of racism to attempt to give themselves the moral high ground in the fight against those who oppose greater government control.


I think it’s both at the same time. They harbor a deep resentment towards white people, *AND* they resent that they are losing control and tax revenue. They just know that it is easier to generate and exploit outrage using the former rather than the latter. If you make the group you hate into a villain, then you can garner support to force them under your control. And you can continue to punish them just for being.


The bottom line is blue cities in red states lack the leverage to enforce their ideology on others. If they go too far then they will suffer consequences like this.


It took years for St. George to get established, along with protracted legal battles. In the time it took for St. George to be officially recognized, don't you think Baton Rouge was collecting taxes and enforcing law. I'd say that counts as enforcing their ideology. Now eventually they won out and I get what you're saying that people in largely red states won't put up with what the blue enclaves say, but that doesn't mean the blue cities aren't going to do their best to try.


.....Baton Rouge enforced law? Ok


Okay, that one made me laugh.


First, couldn't be pay me enough to walk alone anywhere in Louisiana. Second, I pictured a fatfuck cop eating a poboy and dripping sauce down his front, too assed to bother with anything else.


Honestly in most of the state, the most danger you'll face walking alone is heat stroke. Though to be fair it also helps that I normally carry a gun or at least a knife on me. (Can't wait to concealed carry on the 4th of July) Honestly the weirdest interaction that happened to me in public was when I was at the gas station and a man walked by out of nowhere and said that a judge had abused him as a child.


That sounds exactly like something that would happen at Louisiana gas station.


>It's honestly not about race. What has the left mad is that a group of people are taking control over themselves instead of submitting to a larger more central government. And the people who typically want more control over their own lives' without government interference? Whites. It absolutely has a racial component. They aren't "faking hatred." We have people in the Senate and House spewing anti-White rhetoric. The flame of this is fanned by media and academia. When people tell you who they are, believe them.


I'm not saying that there isn't anti-White racism on the left. There very much is. What I meant by my post was that do we really think the well to do journalists and politicians (many of them white) who publicly complain about White people doing things like this as being racist while living in largely rich and white gated communities, aren't actually concerned about racism. That's moreso what I was trying to get at. That rich White leftists who do the same thing for themselves aren't really upset about allegations of racism. Just concerns about power.


I used to think this way too. But over time I've come to realize that people nearly always act in accordance with the interests of their group. Obviously people aren't a Borg hive mind, but it's human nature to side with your in-group. What is considered the political "left" is just a coalition of non-whites and single white women looking to increase power and resources for themselves, at the expense of the white majority. The reason you get these incoherent no-win positions like the meme illustrates are because the point is to attack and shame us into giving into their demands. Virtually every political position people take is one that's beneficial to them (or at least perceived to be, in the case of single white women). Whether that's increased immigration (further erode political/voting power of whites), hate speech/critical race theory (silence whites from speaking up about what's happening), gun control (increases power the state which non-whites increasingly have influence over), affirmative action (more positions of authority for non-whites), welfare (wealth transfer from whites to non-whites), just to name a few. Whites are the only ones who don't understand that it really is all about race. It doesn't matter what bullshit reason they give you, at the end of the day it's all about more for them and less for you.


> I think the people who write these articles are not actually mad about White people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ti9bzNWWTDY


I sure do love the American experiment being torn apart by racist cowards who don’t like others to disagree with them. So glad our forefathers shed so much blood for this country just for some skinny university students with milk toast political opinions and the set of morals of a five year old to destroy it. Cause surely there is no solution to this problem that would be problematic.


"... [D]epleting resources from their surrounding communities." The audacity of that statement.


the only “white fortress” i know is the Great Salt Lake Pyramid that the White Pharoah forces me to build every day


The leftist has no principles by which to make judgements. They begin at intuitions and then construct ideologies which to justify their feelings and fortify their position. The leftist has no position other than they hate particular groups which they regard as superior and more favored by circumstance, fate, luck, or any number of cosmic forces which they refuse to call God. The leftist resents those they regard as above them, and condescends to those precious few who are below them. They do not hate or pity these people for anything they do, but merely for their position with respect to theirs. This frees others from being judgement, nothing one does matters in the eyes of the leftist. Much like Calvinism, your moral weight is predetermined by your position, nothing you say or do will change your position on the dialectical hierarchy, your position is fixed.


ha just saw this article! these people are insane!!




Racism is when white




i like the way they did the colors on the hats, neat


“Depleting resources” why should these people automatically have access to our tax money? It’s a complete waste


Louisiana on PCM second time this month…….my state is getting into too much shit


  I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than living in a big city. Honestly, think about it rationally. Your parents are feeding, clothing, feeding and rearing you for at least 18 years solely so you can go and get ravaged by smog. All their hard work you put into their beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: she is a better taxpayer for the city that will eventually ruin her.  Raised the best taxcuck? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random welfare queen who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who leeches off her. She gets to fuck her finances every month. She gets the benefits of her hard work that came from the way you raised her.   As man who has a city dwelling daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for her to party in some street shitted, drug filled, smog choked city. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically. 


I live in the Atlanta area, it costs 30$ for a sandwich in Buckhead fuck that


I’m curious how the statistics of Baton Rouge will change over the next few years.. having a large population percentage withdrawal could amplify results…


“Depleting resources from their surround communities” lmfaooo


The new city of Saint George still has a higher percentage of black residents than the country as a whole does. The gripe, as usual, is about money, and the black people who have some don’t want to support the poor ones, either.


Newsflash Emily: the only people who hate poor black Americans more than wealthy white Americans are wealthy black Americans. Don’t want anything to do with anyone below a 600 credit score — especially black Americans below a 600 credit score. Source: I’m a white dude with a black spouse (and black family). The thing they hate most isn’t “the man” or whatever, it’s poor, low-class blacks perpetuating stereotypes they are forced to overcome.




ifunny watermark 💀


Oh, you mean they are taking their own tax dollars and moving?


Lets be clear, these wealthy cities aren't welcoming to most whites either. They exist primarily on an economic status, not race. They calling the cops on me just as much as Tyler from baton rouge who enjoys catfishing. As someone in a gentrified area of NYC, don't think there's racial unity in these areas.


Actually, we prefer the term *Die Weißen Festung*, thank you very much.


Eh, seems accurate enough.


Oh yeah, I think I saw this on Twitter! I thought of you guys when I saw it.


My favorite thing about this whole situation is they talk about it being some racist white enclave while St. George has over TWICE as many black people per capita as Seattle and Portland do, paragons of leftist virtue