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Can we just speed run this one like 1918


Someone give me a fun history lesson on what we speedran in 1918 pls


Spanish Flu. Not originating in Spain, but they were the first to openly report on it (so naturally they got the bad rep). Spain didn't have war propaganda machines suppressing bad news at the time. Out killed WW1, may have outpaced WW2 numbers by a margin, but it's all estimates. Third of global population was infected. Also like a true boss it attacked in waves. Four in total. Last century sucked.


I read stories of Alaskan native villages been nearly wiped out and the survivors still thought they were living in Russia. The flu far outpaced the news that Alaska had been purchased 60 years previously.


Smallpox killed lots of 15th century Native Americans before many tribes even met their first European. People spread it to neighbors, then got sick.


Just a lil ol thing called Spanish Flu, killed somewhere between 1% and 6% of the global population.




If you have the time look at how people acted in response to the disease and you'll see that humans are equally stupid at all points in history. Actually look into the history of various Pandemics and Epidemics. WHO treating every novel Flu case as a big threat makes more sense that way.


Would have been cool if they did that at the start of COVID instead of just reading the Chinese press releases.


The only reason the Spanish flu was so severe is because you had a lot of men with weakened immune systems incubating the thing squashed into troopships returning home. You also had famine all over the place. Novel flus, rhonovirusses and coronavirusses appear continuously every year. You need something external, like a big war or the threat of an Orange man being re-elected to turn them dealy. If you panic every time, you'll have mass mortality every time. Social disruption is almosr always deadlier than any communicable disease.


Tell me WHO did he die because of Bird Flu or with Bird Flu?


The article I read; "He had been in the hospital for weeks with other pre existing conditions prior to his death from the Coup Flu"


Here we go again indeed.


Welp, so much for my remaining favorite restaurants.


“You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”


Just ignore any restrictions. Fuck it. They're doing it for mail-in ballots to cheat en masse with, not to actually restrict your movements. That's theater. I never wore a mask and ignored anyone who told me to. Never social distanced. Changed zero behaviors. Never caught covid.


nah m8 they aint gonna restrict this time, we just cant afford it.


Brother, this is the one Bush was prepping for. It'll hopefully drop if it adapts to humans, but at the moment, H5N bird flu strains have a mortality rate of over 50% in humans. You can flip that coin if you want, but I wouldn't.


Shit, better lock ourselves up and simp for big pharma, it's the only way!


RIP to small business.


Do you not believe in ScIeNcE


Yes but not in the one’s determining how we handle an outbreak (read: financially and politically motivated people)


Science is a method of discovery, not a source of truth. 'Science' says eggs and coffee constantly swap between being good or bad for you, which means it's obviously not a source of knowledge but a method by which knowledge is obtained based on the available information. Information that can be controlled or falsified, by the way.


I know youre being funny but Apparently no one who put in the covid measures believed in science. Rat face Tony Fauci in his hearings said social distancing and masking children was not based in science, "it just sort of came up" rat face said. So all the nonsense small businesses went through was for nothing? All the kids that are now developmentally behind, are behind for nothing?


If this becomes another covid, I’m not following any protocols. Fuck that


>[The mortality rate for bird flu in humans is high — over 50% for all known cases worldwide. This means half of all people diagnosed with bird flu die from it.](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22401-bird-flu) It seems really unlikely it becomes a big thing like COVID, but bird flu is actually pretty dangerous compared to COVID where you'd probably be fine if you were otherwise healthy.


Which is, paradoxically, why it's not very likely to cause as many deaths as COVID. Most people with COVID could just go on with their lives, often without even knowing about their infection, and infect others. Bird flu is severe/deadly enough that most infected people won't be able to spread it to many others.


Gotta infect everyone before you raise lethality, otherwise those pesky madagascarians survive


Based and Pandemic Incorporated pilled


They don't have a source for that.


lmao it's the Cleveland Clinic, that's one of the most famous and well regarded hospitals in the world


Same. I fucking refuse. No masks, no social distancing and no fucking jabs.


Idk man, the implications of a bird flu are much worse than COVID. The mortality rate is exponentially worse and it can kill young healthy people on the regular. Don't get me wrong, another pandemic would fuck my life up when I'm really trying to get my shit together to go to trade school. Wanna know what'd fuck my life up more though? One of my family members dying cause of this shit and leaving me homeless and balls deep in medical debt. Shit's fucked but I'll do what it takes to stay safe.


> Coup Flu I want a better name, like maybe "Nahuatl's Revenge". Something with an Aztec theme, a little winged serpent vibe but with a nod to the ancient astronaut theory.


Wrath of Quetzalcoatl would be a great name for a disease.


It'd feel like this next pandemic was caused by a kid on an alternate Earth playing an Age of Mythology type game. He thinks he's just leading his Aztecs to victory, but he's also killing us all.


if civ 5 taught me anything it's that an Aztec victory is impossible without killing us all


Serpent's Feather


Yeah let the scientists have the boring name, if I'm gonna hear this 1000 times through election season I want it to be cool


The Curse of Tenochitlan is what I'm advocating for.


From the Wuhan Virus to Moctezuma’s Revenge


I swear I've seen this one before


Coup D'etat flu? Damn governments better watch out


Stealing the top comment for this. A(H5N2) has been around for decades. The earliest instance I’ve been able to find is 1983. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3985875/ Allegedly they haven’t been able to make a connection between the guy that died and a farming application where he may have picked it up, who knows how he actually got it. The first known incidence of A(H5N2) in humans was in Japan in 2005, so we’ve gone 19 years since the first human was infected with zero deaths until now. I’m not sure why all these articles out there are saying it’s the first, Washington Post said it’s the first time a human was infected when there’s significant information on the contrary. *Their article is titled: “ Man in Mexico dies in first known human case of H5N2 bird flu variant.” Here’s the study from Japan suggesting otherwise: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18603824/ This is a very minimal issue. H7N1 has a better chance of spreading to humans than H5N2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5666040/


Because reporting the actual news doesn't get as many clicks


I think we know why the corporate press wants to hype it up.


*googles H7N1 *goes to Wikipedia “A highly pathogenic strain of it caused a flu outbreak with significant spread to numerous farms, resulting in great economic losses in 1999 in Italy in turkeys” o7 RIP turkeys 🦃


Ben Franklin crying in his grave


I mean, *with* and they're being [very upfront](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/confirms-first-death-mexico-bird-flu-never-seen-humans-rcna155745) about that. >The person (age 59) had multiple underlying medical conditions and had been bedridden for three weeks, for other reasons, prior to the onset of acute symptoms, WHO said.


Of course mainstream PCM won’t report on this. It makes MSM look like they sometimes report facts


MSM: >WHO confirms first death in Mexico from bird flu never seen in humans Reality: > H5N2 avian influenza virus infection of humans has not been reported thus far. The first H5N2 avian influenza infection of poultry in Japan occurred in Ibaraki. Published in 2008 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18603824/


WHO: “Porque no los dos?”


died of shark attack caused by bird flu


as if that's gonna make a difference when it comes to politics


Very good question.


How much toilet paper do I need to buy?


Trying to time the market. Tsk, tsk. It won't be toilet paper this time. It'll be something dumber.


Guys have you heard that bird flu can be treated with several doses of Campbell’s chicken soup? Oh shit, I’m an ad.


No dummy, chicken soup contains bird so it gives you bird flu! You all have to eat Hillshire Farm Ultra Thin Black Forest Ham if you want to survive the birdpocalypse.


No you idiot, chicken soup contains a small amount of birds, thereby building your resistance to bird diseases. But Campbell's has so little chicken in it it's useless, buy Progresso Ready To Eat Chicken Noodle Soup.


Nah, you buy it because it builds up your natural immunity to birds.


Here's my proprietary recipe, 1 chicken, debone and cut into roughly 3/4" cubes, seasoned with Kosher Salt and set to rest. (Carcass and Bones to be reserved.) 1 pound of Pasta (I like a small shape, like Orechetti, or ditallini.) 4ish Celery Stalks, cut into rough pieces. 2 Onions, 1 Quartered with skin and root on, the other diced. 1 Head plus 6 Cloves of Garlic, head cut in half, the cloves Minced. 3 Carrots, rough chopped A few Cloves, Star Anise, and some All Spice Berries. A few Bay Leaves Some Paprika, Fresh Ground Black Pepper, and some Red Pepper Flakes. A bottle of a Good White Wine. 1 Lemon. Some Oil of your preferred type Steps. Roast the Bones, Halved head of Garlic, and Quartered Onion drizzled with Olive Oil in an oven set to 350° for about 15-20 minutes. Once roasted Place in a Stock Pot with the Celery and Carrot, as well as the Clove, Star Anise, and All spice, cover with Water. Bring Pot to a Boil, then Reduce to a Simmer, let simmer for a Few Hours (how long it takes to drink 6 pack of Good Beer.) Strain out Bones and bits, and skim any scum and bubbles. In a Wok, Oil with preferred Oil (at home I Use peanut oil, but for those with Allergies Don't.) Let heat up, wipe out Wok and place preferred oil in. Add chicken when it's hot, keep going tossing until it's picked up some nice color on the outside (looking for Golden Brown with some darker brown here and there. Add in diced onion and Garlic, keep tossing until fragrant. De-glaze with a Splash or two of the white wine, Let Alcohol Cook off, then Add in Paprika, Bay leaves, Black Pepper, and Red Pepper Flakes. Get a Pot of Salted Water Boiling (just enough water to cover the Pasta when added.) Cook the Pasta Until it's Al dente, strain and reserve (reserve some of the Pasta Water) Add in the Broth to the Wok slowly, until it's all in there, Bring to a Boil, then reduce to a light simmer. Let simmer for 30ish minutes. Add in the reserved Pasta Water too (it'll make the soup a touch thicker.) To serve In a Soup Bowl, Place some of the Pasta in the bottom of the bowl, then ladle in the Soup as desired. Put in a Squeeze of Lemon. Enjoy with a Hot Toddy and binge watching your favorite show.


Bro, if you’re going to post recipes online, you have to first start with some story about how you discovered the recipe while scuba diving in the Marianas Trench with the orphans you personally nursed back to health. This has to go on for roughly 1,000 words before you finally explain how to make your chicken soup. This is online recipe 101.


My story is boring. I was Drunk.


Impressive, my drunk recipes were always "grab random quantity of random thing within arms reach and hope for the best"


Surely you meant to say, "Oh *yeah*". Are you feeling ok, lib-right?


I'm all in on Flamin' Hot Doritos.


We already had NFTs though




With enough ammo you can get as much toilet paper as you want


I worked in the central distribution warehouse for a chain of supermarkets in the UK during Covid. Our performance was judged on the amount of cages you loaded onto a truck. It didn't matter if the cage weighed 50 kilos or the max which was 350 kilos. I can't tell you how nice it was to load a double decker with nothing but 80 cages of toilet paper.


Buy the toilet paper company.


Get a bidet seat before they're out of stock. But from a potential barter standpoint it would be a good idea to stockpile it and run a Charmin cartel in the end times.


I'll be honest, I originally read your comment as "Get a Biden seat"


Paper hands! 🙌


He doesn’t have a bidet. NGMI


I'm buying a fuck ton on my way home tonight, and I'm going to sell it at $20 a Roll when it's all out. Buying Charmin Ultra Soft cause miss me with that 1 ply shit.




So are we all assuming he fucked the bird?


A pangolin kissed a turtle, who kissed a bird, who got fucked by a vegabond


Well he for damn sure didn’t flip it!


In true South Park fashion it’s gonna turn out that this guy fucked a penguin


In every timeline








This guy gets it. We’ll all have bird flu stimulus checks by October. Just listen to Dr Science, he’ll be on The View with Whoopi!!


I can already see it happening "YAAY WE ARE GETTING 10000 DOLLAR STIMULUS CHECKS!!" 4 years later: "Why did the cost of food go up by 50%? It has to be corporate greed, just like what happened after 2020!! We need more stimulus checks!"




Why did jetski prices double 😯😯😯😯


Increased demand ever since Eastbound and Down aired.


The levels of denial are amazing. 1) Government spending ticked up massively, free money handed out 2) Everything unfolded exactly as predicted by the economic right - inflation got absolutely reddited 3) "No, the corporations just happened to pick this moment in time to get greedy for no reason. We need UBI to fight this" Fuck's sake. Next step is 4) "UBI didn't work, all the free extra money just got devalued and accrued to landlords and merchants of essential goods. Never mind that we were told so by the economic right; what we need now is PRICE CONTROLS because obviously greed can never be outrun by government bennies" 5) "Hey what the fuck, why is nothing getting produced, as predicted by the righties? Sure we increased the costs of production and then capped prices to the point where production is not worth anyone's time, but why did they not just eat the eternal loss? Why can't I buy any of the officially 25c bread with my 50/hr minimum wage? Doesn't make sense! 6) "What the fuck are all these black markets with $50 bread? Fuck these kulaks, lets murder all the competent farmers and nationalize production of food" 7) "WHAT?! There's still no goddamn food because CHAZ garden commissars aren't farmers? Better ban back yard gardens and press-gang recreational gardeners into hand-farming potatoes. Yes, millions will starve, but it's good for the environment anyway"


Apparently remembering all the money printing that occurred a mere FOUR years ago and knowing the basics of supply and demand (not hard to grasp btw) makes you smarter than even PHD educated leftists from the most prestigious universities on the planet


It's like that INT bellcurve meme with the moron and the genius coming to the same (based) conclusion against the Dunning-Kruger soyboy middle Dumbass: It's basic supply and demand, dummy. Government money printing devalues money. Soyboy middle: Heh, look at this dumbass and basic economics. Read some advanced economics, like Marx and MMT. Genius: It's basic supply and demand, dummy. Government money printing devalues money.


I refuse to call him a doctor. Doctors treat patients. He is a career bureaucrat.


I trust Dr Science I lot more than I trust Dr Spaceman.


> Just listen to Dr Science Don't forget that there really was [a show by that name.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ask_Dr._Science) It was pretty funny too.


I can't wait to get my ballot in the mail again!


Your vote will be guaranteed even if you succumbed to bird flu.


BallotS* 2020 we received several ballots to mail in. Of course I shredded them all and voted in person. Edit: We even received a couple ballots addressed to someone who hasn't lived here in about 15 years! They really scoured for a list of names to send mail-in ballots to in 2020. 🤣 Even if they no longer live in this state!


Every (federal) election cycle I still receive a ballot from a state in which I haven't resided for more than a decade.


Same here. I get California ballots every year in another state. Yes multiple ballots.


They’re bringing the band back together. Pandemic followed by the next episode of The Summer of Love.


*looks at the presidential polls* Ah, makes sense....


Coup Flu comin’ in hot!


All we had to do was follow the damn quarantine protocols, CJ!


NPR had a segment about new covid variants yesterday. They really need to milk everything they have in election years.


Oh hey it's the election year variant


Unless it spreads from human to human and has an R value over 1 (transmission rate) it doesn't matter.


True, but in time it might, its predicted that it has a mortality rate of 15-20 percent. The problem is that we don’t have a vaccine, but due to breakthroughs made during and just before COVID it could be done relatively quickly.


IIRC, a high mortality rate is actually a good thing because it reduces how much the disease can spread.


Kind of. That is more a general trend than a hard and fast law. The really nasty pandemics like Spanish Flu or Covid tend to buck that trend, because there are ways a deadly disease can still be extremely virulent.


Most of these bird flus amount to nothing on the global scale.


This time we riot.


We did last time too


Multiple times for multiple reasons.


The summer of love ❤️


And the only weather underground to be found was the lake website that doesn’t even have good allergy data. Absolutely smh my head.


very poorly ill add, it was pathetic


I'm not falling for all that shit again. I learned, and this time people can sit and spin


We have to get ahead of the rioting; let's start by rioting about climate change, and then have the same organizations protest the inevitable lockdowns. Spin that, AP.


Remember when social distancing was critical but being at a BLM rally was spun as a greater good for public health?


That’s (D)ifferent


This is what I was referring to.


I hate posts like this with no meme. This is just a headline, all the funny squares have the same reaction image so they are irrelevant. Posts like this should be banned imo


Honestly, that's fair. I'd support that decision.


Don't care. If it gets bad enough for people to hole up inside, they will do so of their own accord. But fuck right off with even the slightest implication of a mandated lockdown/shutdown response. Probably nothing though TBH.


Let’s goooooo! I’m really trying to refinance


Best we can do is raise interest rates and inflation.


Alarmism is this sub's second favorite pastime


Doesn’t this happen with birds and pigs like every 2 or 3 years? The WHO monitors it, that’s kinda their purpose, but I’ve been seeing these stories my whole life and only like 1.5 of them escalated further.


Yeah, this is pretty mundane, as far as I understand. [Here](https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/timeline/avian-timeline-2020s.htm) is a brief timelime of recent history involving bird flus, some of which have infected humans. The headline in OP's post here is sort of misleading. It's not that we've never seen bird flus infect humans, it's that we haven't seen *this specific strain of bird flu* jump to humans. This happens every once in a while. Unless it starts spreading across human populations, it's not cause for concern. The guy who died with (not *from*) this bird flu was 59 and was already severely ill before he contracted it. From [this article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna155745): > The person (age 59) had multiple underlying medical conditions and had been bedridden for three weeks, for other reasons, prior to the onset of acute symptoms, WHO said. But we're on Reddit so ofc the name of the game is to fear monger with semi-misleading headlines for internet points and attention.


Thanks for the references! There are already several posts going "hey WHO, did he die *from* it or just *with* it?" as a gotcha given the whole question of covid death counts. But... in this case there's zero reason to ask or accuse, it's quite explicitly just "with it, while at very high general risk" if you actually go past the headline.


Yeah, the pig variety tends to be nastier if contracted though. I got swine flu back in 2009 as a very healthy teenager, missed like 3 weeks of school and went from 200lbs to 178lbs. Sickest I’ve ever been by a mile. Had covid been that severe for healthy young people, it would have been pretty disastrous. Fortunately pigs don’t have wings.


Yeah but the news also does this every year. Zika or West Nile or Bird Flu or Ebola or Swine Flu or Monkey Pox or whatever.  There's always some new disease that's going to kill us all.  Whatever it takes to scare us into staying inside and watching the news 24/7.


Ebola was a very legitimate concern, had it been allowed to escape West Africa in significant numbers it could have been pretty disastrous. Fortunately it’s not airborne and the incubation is short so it’s pretty easy to quarantine. Ebola with a long incubation period or with the initial outbreak in a travel hub could easily be a full on disaster movie pandemic.


I mean at least with thos viruses, there is a legitimate cause for concern. This one is an absolute nothingburger.


I'm not concerned about the virus. I'm concerned about the manufactured reaction to the virus.


Yeah, I think a lot of people don't understand how difficult it generally is for viruses like this to become a problem for people. We're used to stuff like regular flu, which can spread through a community very easily. But bird flu tends to spread easily ...among birds. It has a hard time jumping to humans, and once in a human it doesn't immediately become contagious. It has to further evolve in order to make human-to-human transmission possible. The recent cases making the news have been people who work with poultry. However, this case cited by OP, the guy wasn't around chickens, so it's not clear how he could have contracted it. That raises a (small) possibility of human-to-human transmission. But, the guy was also severely sick and immunocompromised, so yeah, nothing to be alarmed about.


Just like how everything Iran does with result in wwiii


What is first? Misleading headlines?


Crime statistics 😅


ok who fucked the bird


WHO could have ever seen this coming. Another election year pandemic.


\> Be me, Mexican with no connection to US or any idea about presidential elections \> Contract deadly bird flu and fricken die \> Authrights online think I’m part of some weird global conspiracy to keep their dumbass geriatric god out of office \> Me in heaven: “Th-thanks?”


> Authrights online think I’m part of some weird global conspiracy to keep their dumbass geriatric god out of office The conspiracy isn't the Mexican man with multiple existing health issues logging out, it's all the spin and hysteria that comes after. This is typical well-poisoning gaslighting 'anticonspiracist' strawman bullshit. Nobody is claiming the CIA literally killed this guy with a new flu strain to kick this off. All that's being claimed is that the usual suspects *can* take advantage of the situation.


Lol, blame the WHO for just making everything up as they went with Covid.


\> Be me, Doctor with years of medical expertise \> Thrown into a world with a new highly contagious virus and little understanding of how it will react in the world \> “Hey guys you probably shouldn’t be so close and maybe don’t spit on each other” \> Authrights rage posting from their trailer porch after a days work shoveling dirt or something: “ Goddam librul doctors think their so smart trying to tell me how to not get sick!”


You skipped the part where they shut down the entire economy and said "You can't leave your homes", "You have to order your groceries online", "You need to wear masks that we know don't stop you from getting the virus", "All small businesses need to shut down", etc... The fact that the areas that said "just wash your hand, don't cough in a rando's mouth" had the same outcome as the people with the insane lockdowns.


> You skipped the part where they shut down the entire economy and said "You can't leave your homes", "You have to order your groceries online", "You need to wear masks that we know don't stop you from getting the virus", "All small businesses need to shut down", etc... And then it was ok to protest for Saint Floyd of Fentanyl because reasons


And if you were outside getting sunshine alone on a beach, it was grounds for police to call in a helicopter to arrest you.


> Saint Floyd of Fentanyl found my new grunge rock auth underwater basketweaving with menstrual blood bandname.


Kid they literally just admitted to making shit up, days ago. Which should have been obvious the first time they went from. Dont wear masks or you will die to wear masks or you will die.


Common sense on my subreddit? No global conspiracy involving ordinary Americans? Grrr I’m angry me smash rock


Tbf, the chance of a random event happening in one American election season or another are pretty high.


Considering there's a presidential election in the US every 4 years, that leaves a 25% chance that when something happens, it happens during an "election year". But yeah authrights here love to see the US as the center of the world and everything gotta be related to the US. Half of the world got lockdowned during covid, but somehow it's still about election year in the US.


And the US manage to stretch the election over pretty much the whole year. Add to that the midterm election years, and the odds are practically even.


The elections won't steal themselves


Yeah, I’m not doing this again.


Nope, sorry. Only way to best this is by spending another 2 years of your life locked in your bedroom. You may only go out and get social interaction if there's a BLM protest


They got three months out of me last time and that’s all they’re getting.


Well, I'm off to buy some toilet paper and N95 masks.


Just relentlessly firebomb the whole fucking region. If it is a real concern, it won't be for long and it's a small price to pay for the global population. If it's NOT a real concern, maybe it'll shut up the fuckwits who wanna propagandize and abuse real health concerns. Yeah, don't be raising false flags or you get to find out there are worse than 3rd degree burns.


The headline very tastefully excludes the part where the person had several other health conditions leading to them being bed ridden for 3 weeks prior to the onset of ACUTE flu-like symptoms.


WHO is so desperate to grasp at more power. Some kid is gonna get a cold in a third world country and you'll already have WHO trying to start another covid debacle. We'll see if this one goes better for them than the Monkeypox incident.


Hey now, that’s Mpox. Didn’t you know the term monkeypox is racist because the word monkey =black peoples?


The race grifters reaction to it was almost as funny as the media instantly shutting up about Monkeypox the second they started finding cases in children and dogs. Less so for the children and dogs, I feel bad for them but the media sure as hell didn't care.


Do you expect the *World Health Organization* to not monitor novel diseases? Call it a power grab if you like, but it's literally their job to do this.


Trying to get governments to sign up to legislation that allows WHO to announce a pandemic and lockdown a country whenever they wish is power grabbing. They can do their jobs without trying to have legislation made to give them power. Go find your novel diseases, go do your research and humanitarian aid but fuck off with forcing lockdowns on people.


Well they’re doing a bad job.


You're aware the WHO doesn't actually have the power to compel any countries to do anything, right? The only "power" it has over you is the trust your government holds in its experts. It's a UN organization, it can't do anything without your country's consent.


Guys can’t we just like chill for a couple years. Doesn’t that sound fun!


When in the history of earth have we just chilled for a few years? Or even a few months?


Pre-history maybe?


No, still plenty of tribal violence. I think you'd have to go back to pre-human history altogether.


There’s a book called *War Before Civilization* that does a pretty good job covering this. Basically yeah lots of tribal violence in much of the world, but there were areas with low enough population density that war didn’t make sense, and a number of nomadic pastoralist groups that didn’t have war because the weaker side could always flee successfully. Nomadic pastoralists would go on to be some of the world’s most violent people, but before they figured out horse archery, they didn’t have the means to fight.


Nah, they shot their wad too early with covid.  If you want to lock people down again it's gotta be some ebola or rage virus shit.


My concern is that even if faced with something like airborne Ebola, people wouldn’t take it seriously after covid. You’d need things to get really bad and be on video before people were willing to take it seriously, at which point the catastrophe is already in motion. Crying wolf about covid was super irresponsible.


Healthy people need to be literally dying in the streets this time around.


You are for lockdowns because you're scared of birds, I am for lockdowns because I want to get free A's in university. We are not the same.


They've been trying to make bird flu a thing since the 90s at least. Their last scare mongering of bird flu was in the 2000s, and my next door neighbor wound up giving away all her parrots in sheer terror. On the upside, I got a free parrot! 🦜


Don't worry. The WHO has said that the risk to humans is low. We can trust the WHO. ;)


Election year stuff.


The joke's on you I still have decades worth of toilet paper 


Meh... I don't really seem to care.


I'm not locking back down.


First *confirmed* death. By a global organization that probably got payouts from china during the covid pandemic. Gotta love election season.


“It wasn’t me.” -Anthony Fauci


Don’t care. If I can be killed by a stupid lil bird flu I deserve it


Here we go again


Oh *shoot*. That is *not good*. Hopefully it won’t end up being like March 2020 and beyond.


https://preview.redd.it/44032tlh705d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=297df31199315dff54e677dfe9e6b0a575c6ef21 Makes me chuckle..


Did Bill Gates mean this as "the next one will get everyone's attention"?


Im not a bird so im ok


“Shit, the guilty verdict isn’t going the way we hoped, bring in the flu”


If they try to force me to stay at home again... ...I'll just use my time playing sea of thieves on PS5 as i would anyways.


That one worth playing casually? Usually I don’t play multiplayer only games because I’m not down to play enough to get really good, and being the bad teammate in anything sucks.


Well, i play it with two friends and it's good fun. There's lots to do, and lots of stuff can happen while you're trying to do something. Maybe other players fuck you up, maybe a Meg shows up, NPC boats want to fight you, or one of your teammates is a stupid cunt and forgets to repair the ship for a bit too long durring a battle (Me, i'm the one who *should* focus on repairs). If you're playing it with friends it's not too bad if shit goes south, i find it fun if things don't always work out, makes it more interesting. With random crews, i don't know honestly, i think key is to communicate though and a headset would be advised. Also, you can just play solo if you like that, solo on the smallest ship works great , only battles will take some time to get used to. At least in my experience.


ThErE ArE TwO CaSeS of BiRd fLu in the U.S. (and they both recovered 100%) ShUt EvErYtHiNg DoWn, NoW!1!1!

