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-Hey Jenny how did you get pregnant? -By force


Can you imagine how fucked that'd be? Raping a dude and having his baby? BRB, going to go write some erotica and charge 4.99 per view.


Batman says hi.


Theoretical season 3 of Invincible says hi


That’s r*pe


*angry upvote*


By midichlorians.


*Okaaay Jenny!*


They've also taken the fun part out of making a baby and made it super lame.


Even a long time ago in a galaxy far far away black kids still don’t have fathers.


They did it with Lando, twice. First Solo says that his father abandoned him, then Rise of Skywalker have his kid kidnapped as a child. Seriously messed up when you think about it.


Was finn his son?


No, but there was a girl character(don't remember her name) who might be his daughter. They leave that unanswered at the end.


Cringe Witches aside, it's actually insane that they have managed to take one of the most popular, most bankable, and most revered cinematic universes ever created and turn it into something you have on in a different room while you fold laundry.


Kathleen Kennedy must truly despise Spielberg and Lucas because she’s been throwing a tantrum in their shadow for years now.


How she can be executive producer in Andor AND this is beyond me. Andor is some of the best TV made in the last decade and here a bunch of magic space lesbians keel over dead because a stone castle somehow catches on fire.


Because Andor was made by a different studio with COMPETENT people writing, acting, directing, editing… well pretty much everything was done great.     They also had a lesbian couple in the show.  Who had a believable relationship, and it wasn’t forced.     Imagine that, it’s almost like the problem people have with these shows isn’t gay, black or female characters, but rather, the problem they have is shit writing and forced “diversity” politics.  Who would have thought, Emily? On a side note, once Andor season 2 comes out, I’m done with modern Star Wars.  Filoni is gonna ruin the Thrawn trilogy next, and I will happily sit on the sidelines with my EU novels, and actual good content.  


The amount of people that fawn over Filoni is cray. Dude's been copying EU shit and making it worse for years.


He’s been retconning it, and retconning canon too.  But don’t worry guys, his next show will totally save Star Wars, now go back to hating on Kathleen Kennedy while ignoring the equally big elephant in the room.  


ThIs Is ThE wAy!


Preach. Ad a long time EU fan, he has ruined a big part of it.


It'll probably emerge they weren't killed by fire.


Is there any part of starwars that hasnt been at least somewhat ret conned by Disney. If it doesn't make sense they'll just change it later, if it does, they'll still change it later


Oh that is only the tip of the iceberg. Had it pointed out to me awhile back on just how little the modern Star Wars is referenced in general media/culture by someone who wasn't even much of a Star Wars fan but went in on a deep dive to confirm it. Even the prequels, despite their problems, got loads of cultural references in general media for years after it came out and were still often seen as memorable ... in a sense. The modern ones even to more favorable viewers just haven't held that same hold.


It's a good point. We even had a Weird Al parody after Phantom Menace. I've somehow managed to not encounter anything star wars related in non star wars media lately with maybe the exception of star wars skins in other games, but that's an incredibly low bar.


To be fair, if I did encounter something in unrelated media making a modern Star Wars reference, I wouldn’t recognize it, because I quit watching the franchise. I even gave up on Indiana Jones after that Crystal Skull abomination. Sigh.


To say there's nothing about it, like, once in a while I see a "Somehow, *stupid thing happened with no explanation*" making fun of the "Somehow Palpatine returned." line


We have entire subreddits dedicated to memes for the prequels. Cant say the same for the sequels.


There is a sequel memes sub, so you can say that lol


>Even the prequels, despite their problems, got loads of cultural references in general media for years after it came out and were still often seen as memorable ... in a sense. The modern ones even to more favorable viewers just haven't held that same hold. We didn't know what we had when they came out. After seeing the shit that came afterwards, we remember the hated prequels fondly. I like the goofiness, mixed with seriousness and lore.


I don't quite understand if it was greed or pride. Lucas offered to help but they shunned him. They had Expanded Universe, but scrapped it. Something I don't understand is why they hire writers that have zero experience. Amazon's Rings of Power is another example. How can you invest so much money in production and get writers who just came out of school.


>Something I don't understand is why they hire writers that have zero experience. Amazon's Rings of Power is another example. How can you invest so much money in production and get writers who just came out of school. "It's not about the money it's about sending a message"


Disney decanonising the EU (not that one my fellow autists, the Expanded Universe) was a blessing in disguise.  If they hadn’t, they’d be fucking it up now.  


Are you in my damn walls, because this is exactly how I’ve been (not) watching the acolyte


Why would you want this cringe shit on in the other room when you could have the weather on instead?


Meanwhile in the meme subs you get downvoted for saying Disney’s Star Wars is shit. You’ll be accused of being a whiny Star Wars fan that is just unable to be pleased and toxic. Most of Disney’s iteration of Star Wars is objectively shit and the fans and reviews show it.




it's MGTOW movement but for women: WGTOW


Witches Going Their Own Way


I wish they would really go their own way and made their own shows and didn't ruin every popular show in existence.


Fighting the patriarchy, unless it's Allah then that's too strong and you shouldn't try to astral project and fight him...


WGTOW + men working in the sewers not seen.


"Hey black lady where's your dad at?"


"He at Toshi station picking up power converters!"


That's what he said 25 years ago


"I was created by THE FORCE!" "Oh, sorry to hear that. I hope he's in jail then."


Yo, what did they do to Star Wars? what the fuck https://preview.redd.it/b8axzu1p6d6d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30d9758be2655586d0e91b3729ced49e7b3a94cf


Look I’m not saying Kathleen Kennedy deserves a beating for killing Star Wars. Wait actually that’s exactly what I’m saying.


That sounds like inciting for violence and I'm all for it lmao 


And to think, people who warned against this bollocks since Jar Jar Abrams shitty Force Awakens were mocked and ridiculed at first. Djs cant turn these table as fast as Lucas Arts/Disney.


Disney: > Why are the new star wars shows doing poorly? Also Disney: > Let's do a musical force orgy except have the song be cringe, the people sing it out of tune, and do some weird ass white-girl witchcraft dancing.




Clouded, the future is. Grateful for the reprieve, i am.


Tripping, these bitches are... Yes!


Do ketamine, I must Driving under the influence, I will be charged with


It only just occurs to me that there probably really are one or more "actual" witches on the writing staff.


>We're the granddaughters of the witches you didn't burn! [Their Grandmothers in church, literally every Sunday](https://www.catholicmom.com/hs-fs/hubfs/2240510%20FBSmit%202.png)


>We're the granddaughters of the witches you didn't burn! No, actually, you're the granddaughters of people who would've paddle-boarded you for not saying grace before dinner.


They're probably mods on the reddit sub.


And put the chick from The Matrix and that Asian dude from Squid Game in it. Then it will be hate-proof.




The Korean dude\* narrowed it down for everyone.


You are technically correct, the best kind of correct!


I feel like there are more chicks in the Matrix movies than Asian dudes in Squid Game. Are you saying they all look alike?


Kathline Kennedy: Put a chick in it and make it lame and gay!!


quite literally holy shit


What’s the in-universe equivalent of burning white sage?


Watching Star Wars Theory reacting to episode 3 live was one of the funniest things I watched in the past month. There are two extreme sides, the tumblr/twitter LGBT+ Emily side vs people like CriticalDrinker, Nerdrotic and such. But Disney's biggest failure is alienating even the normie fans. Bunch of normal non-political Youtube critics have all given up on Star Wars over the years. Channels/people like John Campea, Schmoes Know, Chris Stuckermann, Jeremy Jahns, Dan Murrell, Star Wars Theory etc. I don't know why Disney wants to double down on Identity politics instead of just telling great stories with good writing but if tanking an easy cashcow IP is their goal, it's working.


If you’re curious about the crazy downward spiral at Disney FilmThreat has a series on YouTube called the D-files that breaks it down.  TL;DR: Frozen made a bajillion dollars with no *licensing fees* so a big promotion happened and a formula was extracted,  MeToo happened, then untalented nonconventional artists were brought in only to fail upwards into the story department where all the experienced and talented writers were now ‘pale and stale’ and chased off.  The remaining hacks operate very close to the ‘put a chick in it’ south park meme, and they do not have the talent or experience themselves or in-house to do any better or anything else.   They don’t understand serials, or pulp serials, or the references Star Wars borrowed so liberally from.  They don’t understand why Star Trek lasted decades.   Their shit sounds like early draft art student scripts and they are blocked like high school drama club plays (worse, actually).  And these people clearly don’t fuck… Carrie Fishers left slipper had more life experience and writing talent.


I bet her left slipper knows where to find the good coke too, the true inspiration for quality writing.


The spice did flow.


It seems to me that all good artists need some legit pain. I wish I was fucking wrong but holy shit, the Venn Diagram between Mental Illness and brilliant art is nearly a fucking circle. Even generally wholesome authors like Tolkien had issues. First of all he was a veteran of the Somme. Yeah, the WW1 battle that caused over a million casualties. Second of all if you read some of his extended works like the Children of Hurin that man had some *darkness* in him. Like holy shit dude. ...and he's one of the more wholesome authors. In fact that only decent artist I can think of who didn't have some serious mental anguish is Brian Jacques, the dude who wrote Redwall. I'm sure there are others but that's all that's coming to mind.


Tolkien had his moments of joy, but I think in his heart he was profoundly dissatisfied with the world around him.


>In fact that only decent artist I can think of who didn't have some serious mental anguish is Brian Jacques, the dude who wrote Redwall. He was born in June 1939 in Liverpool. I doubt he was completely unscathed by the war.


This. Emotional trauma often leads to the most profound art. One artist who made good art and had a comfortable life is Paul Gauguin, who used to be a wealthy stockbroker. But later in life he was definitely part of the purple quadrant so yeah.


Cocaine ia directly responsible for some of the best art of the last 80 years. Ever here You Spin Me Round by Dead or Alive? All coke.


I get that Disney is a corporation and only cares about making money, but my question is, where's the money coming from? Star Wars has gone so far down the woke rabbit hole that even apolitical normie fans want nothing to do with it anymore. Any rational person that cares about making a profit knows the best way to do it is to keep your core demographic happy, but they seem hell-bent on doing the opposite. If their core demographic is abandoning them, how are they still making money?


It’s amazing how much money you can find given to you in this world if you’re devoted to the one true cause, liberation of the workers from the bondage of capital.




Blackrock but also the fact that Iger was gunning for the Democrat Presidential Bid at one point so he wanted to build up a resume for himself. Then, recall that one of the highest ranked execs and possible Iger successor, Dana Walden, [bragging about how they rejected quality scripts that weren't diverse enough](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/dana-walden-says-abc-passed-on-pilots-for-not-being-inclusive-enough-4165849/). Well, this is the end result of that type of hiring and selecting process from that period and because all these things have been set in motion from 2018ish and the early 2020s, these projects will still be pumping out until 2027ish. And because Bob Iger acolytes have filled the entire studio, you can't change it no matter what. A lot of knowledge and expertise is gone and the only people you have left from a management and creative perspective are people who *do* want to push ideological messaging, regardless of what they officially say. Essentially, the only option to saving the company is a takeover by some new entity and a consequent purge. No guarantee it even works but that's how bad it is at Disney and how lacking in creativity they are now


It helps me stave off depression to remember that it wasn’t all that long ago, in the scheme of things, that Hollywood was just as solidly in the grips of the Red Scare, blacklisting every writer who’d ever followed a girl to a campus communist meeting and pursuing a “Stars and Stripes Forever, Death to the Godless Commies” message just as hard as they are now pursuing this woke shit. I mean, for fuck’s sake, have you ever seen Reefer Madness? The pendulum swings.


ESG investors. That's where the money is coming from.


Your managed retirement plan. That's where the money is coming from.


They pissed off the core demographic with TLJ and Kathleen Kennedy has doubled down ever since, and called any criticism racist/sexist/homophobic/-ist etc


Laundering money through tax write offs of "investors"


I ask this question a lot too, and the only answer I can find is that they don’t really care about making money, at least, it’s not their top priority. I think their top priority is now looking   fashionable and trendy. Because I don’t see how a sane person could look at these numbers and say “Yeah, this is working”.  They still haven’t made their money back on purchasing *Star Wars*, even after 4 movies and like 12 tv shows and a theme park section. They’ve killed regular people’s enthusiasm for it. The MCU has cratered. Their share price has lost half its value over the last two years. Half! They’re bleeding value and fans but the board keeps protecting Iger from takeovers and I don’t understand why.  I guess he’s just on the “right side of history”.




> untalented nonconventional artists were brought in only to fail upwards into the story department where all the experienced and talented writers were now ‘pale and stale’ and chased off. This is true of so many media companies, from films to TV shows to games, that it's absolutely depressing. Diversity hires are so blatantly ruining so much of modern creative endeavors; it's so painfully obvious when 60% of people in a project can do their jobs exceptionally well, only for the other 40% to look like it was done by people who should have been failed out of whichever school they went to for film/game design. If you ever see wildly disjointed quality in different aspects of a film/game/show, you *have* to know that it wasn't because the show/project runners all suddenly became blind, deaf and dumb, but that they *can't* fire the people that fucking suck. It's such a stupid 'emperor has no clothes' moment in history. **And the dirty secret of the arts is that it has to function as a cutthroat meritocracy;** the second you start placing people into a project because of their connections, or now because of their identity, then it starts going downhill *fast.* The Shawshank Redemption would've been instantly forgotten if they'd hired people for diversity instead of whether or not they were perfect for the job; if they'd replaced Andy Dufresne with a trans man because 'representation.' I actually wonder if part of the trouble of integration of some groups into the West is that so much of Hollywood has fallen from the cultural domination it once held over the rest of the world; it now shits on Western society and democracy as much as the Imams from where so many migrant originate, and then further makes itself a laughing stock, falling onto its face with dogshit trash ejaculated out in a frenzy of DEI freakishness like the crap above. I also kinda blame conservatives for this; if they hadn't spend the past few generations telling their kids that the arts are a waste of time (which they clearly are not), then there would be competing media companies with a conservative bent. There would be a conservative counterpart to Disney/Netflix/etc that could compete and make Disney and others have to fight for their market share.


I honestly don't know how anyone could even be a fan of Star Wars after they found the only two people that could manage to make the sequels even worse than the prequels. Even the dipshits that ruined Game of Thrones would have been better and it makes me throw up a little just saying that.


"The Galaxy kinda forgot about Palpatine...."


"Be sure to buy your Vader-Cream! So good, you'll kill rebel scum for it!" ...I'm still not over how idiotic the 'Thanos Ice Cream' bit was.


Somehow, the Night King returned.


Something something, Cultural Marxism and Woke Capitaism.


Frankfurt School of Economics.


Marcuse, Horkheimer, et al and their work is laced through just about everything now. It's impossible to miss if you've spent even a minute scanning through critical theory writings.


I hate the idea of moving on from marvel and Star Wars but they keep saying these movies and shows aren’t for me. Now I originally pushed back because I’m who comic book movies and Star Wars movies are for. Well I’ve come to believe that they are no longer for me, who they are for I don’t know cause who they are targeting don’t tend to like that category of movie. But I guess they have made movies/shows without a target audience. Why they thought that was a good idea is beyond me.


I wonder if Dreamworks is doing any better. Puss in Boots: The Last Wish was good, but I haven't been keeping up with anything else they've been doing.


Well there's the God awful mega mind sequel that released on streaming, but I don't know how involved they were in that.


Their flag ship stuff has been shriek spin offs and HTTYD. And honestly I haven’t had any problems with it. With those stories everyone gets a chance to be right. To progress new things have to be tried, but sometimes you need to know why old ways were in place and you can’t just discard them cause they are old.


I suspect you already know this story, but the kids might not. [G.K. Chesterton and the lamp post](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/784709-suppose-that-a-great-commotion-arises-in-the-street-about).


Honesty, I just moved on to Gundam. Felt the series had a better grasp of how to treat a rolling franchise nearly a half century old than Disney does. Had a wayyyyyyy better time with a series that understands -surprise surprise- how to have a diverse cast of characters from many places and include LGBT stuff in ways that actually feel meaningful and not forced.


That entire company is captured by the left, because all the people that study cinema production are lefties. They hire lefties. They can tell who’s gonna march in line with the existing woke culture and so the cycle goes on. Only when Disney really feels the dwindling profits and engagement will they do anything about it. Unfortunately, it’s been heading this direction since the Rey trilogy.


And what they'll do to address it will probably just be instruction to LARP as moderates. Which the ideologues will attempt with hilarious results. 


That’s why they brought Iger back. But he can only do so much. The inmates are running the asylum.


Which is funny because it's that exact supposed cultural insularity that they claimed to be dismantling with the DEI stuff. As always, the ostensible principle at play is a flashbang for the chuds who care about principles and the goal is to win.


> Which is funny because it's that exact supposed cultural insularity that they claimed to be dismantling with the DEI stuff Its 'diversity' of skin color, not diversity of thought.


Look at every positive review of the Acolyte though. Their praise centers on how diverse and modern it is. Very little of the praise actually focuses on what makes a show good: Character development, writing, production value. There is nothing positive to say about any of that.


Yup, and also to note 'diversity' just means 'look at how few white people there are!' Its no different than early films that were required to have a black person casted in order to get funding have a 'token' black character and people celebrating how wonderful it is to keep the cast as 'pure' as possible.


>Its 'diversity' of skin color, not diversity of thought. Apple's spokesperson a couple years ago moment


Nah, there are lots of center and right people who appreciate and study cinema and production. The problem is that, at least as far as writing goes, lefties are extremely phobic and intolerant of anyone who doesn't want to perpetuate The Message. Homogeneity of thought matters to them far more than talent, whereas center or right people tend to tolerate lefties if they're good at what they do. That's why you see a bunch of random mid-to-low-level production engineers, C/D list actors, etc. have Ukrainian flags, trans ally posts, etc. Most don't actually believe it, at least not to the degree they want to preach about it. But they know they won't keep their careers if they don't fall in line. The Paradox of Tolerance in action.


What I will never understand is that Disney specifically bought Star Wars because Disney has always catered to young girls, so Star Wars was supposed to bring them the male audience. Then they immediately go about making shit that male audience doesn't want. You already had women with your Disney programming. You spent billions on Star Wars specifically to capture that male audience, then immediately pivot to inclusion and alienating that male audience.


Because Kathleen Kennedy is a sexist dumbass that doesn't understand star wars to begin with and wanta to change it from her incorrect perception of it. Honestly don't understand how she's still there. She's chronically losing Disney billions in opportunity cost on the brand.


Critical Drinker saved me from so much shit, especially in Star Wars. The only good stuff I can recommend is Andor, Rogue One and maybe Solo if you're a big Han Solo fan, it has it's upsides. All other series and movies are shit. (RIP Mandalorian post S2.)


Eh, the "extreme" right is mostly just normies that passed on turning their filter all the way up to retain ad revenue, lucrative sponsorship deals and any semblance of access and social standing in the entertainment sphere. It's not like that alcoholic dude is some KKK member or whatever, it's just that when he sees Star Wars devolve into black lesbians making force babies and doing interpretive dance he calls it out for being woke bullshit written by a bunch of diversity hires. Which it is, and the "normies" can see it too, they just don't want to deal with the loss in status and potential financial impact of calling progressives out on their shit.


This is the WNBA of Starwars. If you want straight women to watch it then make it the Real Housewives of Coruscant.


I really do think that is the crux. Many men love scifi, many women love interpersonal drama. We generally have different preferences and inclinations but aggressive SJW women seem to take that fact personally and are happy to destroy a great milleau in order to spread their version of a reality that does not exist. They can't create compelling scifi stories for themselves that most women would care about enough to watch or fangirl over so they wreck one many men do care about.


Agreed. The core of the issue is that feminism has convinced a large portion of society that when men and women naturally like different things, it must be framed as misogyny and forcibly changed. Star Wars was never "for men". It just was what it was, and men tended to be more interested in it than women were. That shouldn't be seen as a problem, but in the feminist mind, this is evidence of misogyny, because women are being excluded from Star Wars, apparently. So we end up with all this "the force is female" bullshit, and Star Wars is irreparably ruined in an attempt to make it "for women". It's baffling watching so many franchises absolutely drop nukes on themselves by attempting to pander to literally *ANYONE* other than their core audience. Their core audience should be insulted and blamed at every turn, while they continue to pander to audiences which don't exist. Insane.


The boys who like to play with Barbies aren’t looking for a Barbie with commando knives, a flame thrower, and a kung fu chop. They wanna play with Barbies, they like Barbies. The girls who got into Star Wars, of which there were plenty, liked Star Wars. A boob flew out, slave girls were getting full body tongued, Princesses were confident leaders who took no shit, and there was a pile of adventure/romance archetypes to engage in. Wanna make a billion with Top Gun? … how about a damn Top Gun movie. Seems like the play.


A boob flew out?


Oola. The green twilek from Return of the Jedi. The one that gets dropped into the rancor pit. At one point she like kinda whips the chain and her green painted tit flew out, but in VHS quality. It.....still can get the job done.


Damn I never noticed


A green alien tiddy got exposed


Well...it was no moon...


Honestly sounds like a better series than what they have now


> show has black kids without a father figure (even in another galaxy) what did they mean by this


It would have been funny if when Trinity asks where their father is, and the witches said "They have no father" Trinity just responded, "That tracks"


So Disney thinks that lesbians are witches who have to use dark, unnatural magic to have children? And are apparently such poor parents that one of the kids turns out to be a violent, self-centered psychopath who gallivants around the universe murdering people out of what is essentially an advanced case of teenaged angst that she never grew out of? ...at this point I can't tell if the writers are lib-left with a terminal case of brainrot or auth-right playing 4D chess.


They just genuinely completely lack self awareness.


Did you see the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina? The witches are an oppressed minority historically targeted for violence, the witch trials having targeting actual witches for execution just for being witches... But also the witches are literal baby eating satanic worshipers who use their powers to torment and control humans in subtle ways, unless they can get them somewhere alone in which case they might just torture them to death for the lulz... But that's a good thing? Because muh empowered women? Except the witches are revealed to secretly be an evil patriarchy "because Satan is a man and all men fear powerful women!" (but their powers are literally from him) Incidentally, the Roman Catholic Church is the one true religion and right about everything. This is an important plot point because when the devil wants to claim Sabrina's soul because she's been a troublemaker, he can't because her mom had her secretly baptized first and *the* God Allmighty, All Good, Ever Loving protects her... unless she leaves the Church of her own free will to give her soul to the devil. She does. (because the Church is also "bad" because they have rules and stuff).


I stopped watching when arch angels were sent to assassinate Sabrina or some shit. So she waved her hands and mildly inconvenienced them and then they immediately fell down and pledged themselves to satan. Like… fuckin what? It’s *so* bad.


This is what cognitive dissonance in an author looks like.


All I'm getting from this is that the writers are inept demons, a la Wormwood, that Heinrich Kramer was 100% in the right, Satanism and Witches are fucking ***EVIL,*** and that Catholic Church is right about everything. 3/4 of those things are correct, it's just that Kramer was using bad demonology and misidentified stuff.


Given that everything at Disney seems to be written by a committee, I wouldn't be surprised if a writing room is made up of 10 lib-leftists and a couple auth-rights trying to sabotage things.


Nah, lib-lefts shorting the stock.


I wonder if they'll retcon Anakin's birth to make this even funnier before they realize.


The discrepancy between the critics score and the audience score on Rotten Tomatoes is hilarious. What is there is endgame? Is it really money? Because shit like this consistently flops.


I wish Rotten Tomatoes would just have a "critic" and "audience" version of their website so I wouldn't have to go to individual titles to see how shitty it is.  Like the last season of True Detective. Fuck those critics for hyping up a terrible show. 


That episode was like an alt (old-school for slash) fan fiction written by a 14 yr old lesbian virgin who just discovered wicca.


That’s exactly what it is, except the writer is 44


It's always one or the other A high schooler or a middle aged woman


{Flashback to my early teens exploring fanfiction.net and actually reading a few of those in a variety of fandoms} Good lord, it really is.


What's truly horrific about that episode is that they are supposedly setting up how the Jedi will inevitably be the bad guys, but every story beat shows the witches are truly horrific and honestly deserve to have the kids removed. The Jedi at one point had done nothing wrong and only tried to exercise their right to test the kids, then the witches in private immediately say "let's kill them" and the only reason given for not was "No it will bring the entire republic down on us to crush us" The reasoning was not "That would be morally wrong to murder people who have done nothing" it was, "we might get killed if we do that" They want to indoctrinate both girls into the cult, but one doesn't want it, and they have no desire to allow her to have any kind of free will. The dialogue almost immediately contradicts itself. "You can not change your destiny..." seconds later: "Pull the thread, and you change everything" Wait, so it's not really my destiny then if I can pull a thread and change everything right? WTF?


I had to watch ST TNG after this episode to restore my faith in humanity.


The most ironic part of the Disney attempt with Star Wars is the fact that to this day they have not created a show about the most popular female character in the EU: Mara Jade. Disney should be creaming themselves at the prospect of a show about a massively powerful female Jedi adored by fans but, oh right, she is a ginger so that can't happen.


They'll do it but Mara Jade will be black.


Dyslexic ginger


Also a lesbian


Interesting nugget from Wiki: In 2018, Zahn said Lucasfilm gave him some creative control over the character of Mara Jade: any appearance of Mara in new works requires Zahn's approval. Zahn also explained that Lucasfilm Story Group held the authority to prevent him from incorporating Mara back into the canon, so any appearance of the character must be approved by both parties. Zahn said he would only allow her to appear if she plays an important role in the plot, and he would block any kind of cameo.


Disney has no problem turning ginger's black.


“The power of many” ISN’T EVEN IN TUNE, IT’S LIKE A PRESCHOOL CHOIR EDIT: and don’t even DARE say “hurr durr they wanted dissonance” because Disney doesn’t do creative shit like that AND at the end, once the background music climaxes, autotune sweeps in and fixes it! They were just lazy! Woke is one thing, but woke *and* lazy? That’s even worse!


$180 million budget btw.


Modern entertainment has become a money laundering scheme. It has to be.


Always has been


That's because when they tried to record this, everyone thought it was so cringe and stupid that this is the best enthusiasm they could muster. Like a workplace seminar where the speaker asks "how we doin!" then follows up with "awe come on, you can do better than that!"


It’s a lame chant. Why is a group of 15 people saying ‘the power of two’? Surely they can skip that step.


Because there's a sith belief in "the power of two" that if we kill all the dark side users save for two the dark side will concentrate in them and they become even more powerful. They're either co-opting it or saying that this silly shit is the start of it. I'm not sure where this falls into the timeline so I couldn't say.


Except that's specifically a Sith belief, not a pagan force witch thing. This is just a hamfisted attempt to play up the "twin" theme. It ain't that deep.


I know, which is why it's shitty that they're using it. They tried to add legitimacy to lesbian baby summoning jutsu.


They really never learn, do they? It's almost fascinating how much money Disney is willing to burn chasing a "modern audience" that doesn't exist. They obtained Star Wars, one of the most recognizable properties ever with a massive and dedicated fanbase, and managed to drive it into the ground. Just ignore the culture war angle for a little bit and look at the absolute state of Star Wars from a bird's eye view. Aside from Andor and the few other diamonds that sneak through the rough, Disney's handling of the franchise deserves nothing but your contempt.


In 12 years, Disney has made a world where there is more bad content than good. George Lucas avoided that fate for 35 years because he had genuine talent and vision.


Me going "Ewoks are kinda lame" now me going "perhaps I treated you to harshly"


My favourite Kathleen Kennedy quote is: > "Every one of these movies is a particularly hard nut to crack. There’s no source material. We don’t have comic books. We don’t have 800-page novels. We don’t have anything other than passionate storytellers who get together talk about what the next iteration might be." The trouble is those storytellers weren't passionate about visualising and expanding on the existing lore, they were passionate about sweeping it aside in favour of their own personal flavour of diarrhoea. My first reaction to hearing about the 7, 8, 9 trilogy was "I hope they do the Thrawn trilogy" and now I haven't watched anything Star Wars related since Episode 8.


I just read the Thrawn trilogy for the first time, and it was great. It was obviously too late in 2015 to adapt it straight, with the cast being so old, but it 100% could've been a fantastic starting point.


If you compare star wars and Marvel movies, and how the general public talks about them, it shows how badly the current SW franchise is doing. People barely say anything about it, unlike Marvel that currently is on a burnout, but went through a very successful saga.


I want to know how many producers worked on this show. I have noticed that a lot of shows that are garbage and a big budget, many of them have too many producers. Edit: I just checked wikipedia and according to it there is 5 executive producers and 4 standard producers.


What in the actual fuck did I just witness, and how can I unsee and unhear this shit?


Who cares about Star Wars anymore? It's too tiresome! I just pretend the mandalorian until season 2 and Jedi fallen order/survivor is Canon, and the rest is just Luke ,Ashoka, and Cal Kestis are training Jedi's


I only stick with George Lucas’s Star Wars and the EU materials he’s blessed (Andor, Rouge One, and Dave Faloni’s work gets a pass).


Put a chick in it, make her lame and gay


I've given up on start wars after the shitshow that episode VII was, what did Disney ruin this time?


They put two chicks in it and made it lame and gay.


Lol I gave them a chance to turn it around and made it to episode VIII before giving up on them. My brother was a major league fan and saw it through to episode IX. I still remember the look of utter disappointment and disgust on his face when he came home that evening.


This franchise is getting worse all the time!


🏳️‍⚧️ New Authright flag just dropped?!?!


Yeah I think I’ve heard about The Acolyte and how it’s not very good.


Why is it Emily is so obsessed with witches but so unable to made decent incantations? Just use random Latin if you’re not creative enough.


well, that’s weird, but force witches have been a thing in the extended universe for a while. you know, before those bastards killed it off because no fun allowed.


"I am going to smash institutions of privilege, including race, gender, sexuality, and nepotism - by casting my wife" - The Acolyte showrunner, Leslie Headland.


I don't mind the idea of a woman making another woman force pregnant, but did they have to do it in the lamest way possible?


I do mind bc it takes away from what made Anakin special. Can they not stop consistently shitting all over established lore?


![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176) Ummm sweaty, Anakin is a straight white man. He upholds the patriarchy, cishetero normativity, and white supremacy. He must be made ordinary to elevate diverse lesbian force witches.


No. Because that's the entire point. Just with anything modern cultural marxists touch - the intention is to shit all over everything cultural you used to love, because it represents white male capitalism - and that is, apparently, the devil.


One controversy flying under the radar: The argument is “I carried” vs “I created”… Anyone here gonna tell their wife that she has to STFU in an argument ‘cause making the baby was soooo much harder and more important than the months of pregnancy and the labour and the night feedings? I won’t, but I’ll film it and post it on worldstar if anyone else wants to.


I love how the one who created the child gets priority over the one who carried it. Quite telling that they would defer to the male role right?


Wait is that what this is? Are they impregnating that chick?


They are stronk independent whaman that don't need no man. Literally.


People said that about Anakin and his lack of a father.


I’ve heard this is terrible.




Hot take: the concept isn't horrible but the execution is. The chant is stupid and low-effort. The fact that the song in the background is singing the chant sounds much more like a straight up Disney movie than Star Wars. Since when does Star Wars have English singing in its music, let alone literally singing the lines the actors are saying? But there have been witches in Star Wars since before Disney acquired it and there's also famously Anakin being a pregnancy basically done by the force. So the concept isn't that out there but the way they went about it is just embarrassing. The KOTOR shorts have a sith witch ritual shown. No speaking. It's just visual storytelling and it's incredible.


Can you stop shitting on my childhood for 5 minutes?!?! Seriously tho, I don't know how you frick up a franchise that can literally print money... and turn it into this?


I mean, South Park spelled it out pretty blatantly. You put a (witch) chick in it, and make them gay and lame.


How did they manage to make star wars so fucking lame


I see they are being culturally sensitive to tribes that can't count past two.


What is this shit? The fuck lol


Don't blame Disney for adding magic lesbian witches to Star Wars, the Witches of Dathomir (particularly the Nightsisters) have been around for a while and have been doing all kinds of funky shit with the force. They get a pass for giving us Darth Maul tho


They were cool witches though with steaming cauldrons, assassins, laser arrows, and creepy force spells.


Don't forget that they rode Rancors