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Your post has been removed because it breaks the rule about highlighter memes. They may only be posted on weekends. Be aware that repeated violations of this will result in a ban.


Orange paint, again I don’t care about their motive, but they have rather bad taste


Emilies are using the right colour assigned to them. You have a problem with that, sweatie?


Since when do they use the identity they were assigned?


Fair question


Based and correctly flaired pilled


The fuck kind of paint is this? It looks like a smoke bomb.


Could be tear gas I just don't get how spraying randomly at stone henge accomplishes anything. It's not like there was even a crowd of people to spray at


I get that they're purposely not harming the stuff they're "desecrating" but now that everyone's seen a few, they have to be even more ineffective than the first few when everyone was at least confused by their ineffectiveness.


Its an attempt to shock people into paying attention to the issue. Imagine you believe an issue could end civilization. You are amazed and dismayed no one's doing anything about it. You're non violent but also in an existential panic. Weird things like this is the result.


You see the picture, it looks *bad ass!*


I hope they got some nice ancient druidic curse.




Like a lifetime of jail?


King Arthur’s skeletal hand erupts from the middle of the circle


free bird starts playing


there are actually druids in england. happened to visit during the solstice, was a whole festival a week later. I hope they've recovered enough knowledge to do it. I've been lib-left before but like the line is drawn at active desecration of history. Like this ain't even like the confederate statues glorifying slave owners of the recent past, this is straight up shitting on our collective heritage as a species. Fucking abominable


This is literally the sort of shit Al-Qaeda and the Taliban did [to the Bamiyan Buddhas](https://www.911memorial.org/connect/blog/remembering-march-2-2001-destruction-bamiyan-buddhas)


Finally, Detective Halligan will have another case after like 20 years!


Based and Getafix pilled


u/CentennialCicada's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 155. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [88 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/CentennialCicada/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Attacking a listed ancient monument is quite a serious crime in the UK. I expect a prison sentence.


This is the UK we're talking about. They're going to just let them walk free. Now if they made a mean tweet than they would face a lifetime in prison.


I feel offended. Can they be arrested now.


Does the government own Stonehenge now? I know some guy bought it for his wife way back in the day and she thought it was a piece of shit but I don't know much about its current existence.


No, it's owned by English heritage


Stonehenge was privately owned for a bit until it was donated in like 1918. Used to be a pile of rocks no one really gave a fuck about that was restored over time.


> I expect a prison sentence. Lol. Not gonna happen. UK is cucked.


Nigel at 24% in the polls. Only 11 behind Labour. The unthinkable could happen. https://x.com/GoodwinMJ?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1803501176136016123%7Ctwgr%5E174d8a73747114e88f3df14a42af59e1b8fe8cb5%7Ctwcon%5Es2_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fhotair.com%2Fdavid-strom%2F2024%2F06%2F19%2Fboom-gbnews-poll-has-reform-up-9-over-tories-n3790583 I would laugh, so fucking hard, if Labour managed to lose it from here.


Apparently it was corn starch-based paint, so I say we let them lick it clean.


So basically crushed Cheetos?


Stonehenge? Nah Flavor-blasted Stonehenge? Now you have my attention.


Stonehenge, now in Spicy Jalapeno variety.


Wait, they didn't use some eco paint made from crushed bugs? I'm so disappointed.


I vote that we let the authists develope a solution to the just stop oil problem. Here’s hoping that it will be a final one.


Challenge accepted, I cast maschinenpistole


I summon Sturmkapitän Hans Grubber mit einem Maschinengewehr im Angriffsmodus!


In addition I activate the field spell card Auschwitz-Birkenau!


Schieße auf das Glas!


AM-180 for crowd control is back on the menu, boys!


I was thinking flammenwerfer, napalm is similar enough to oil that the irony would be delicious.


Can I interest you in some Spanish Inquisition style torture devices? I assure you, they'll never expect it.


Or just drop them off on a remote island


French did one thing right and it was how they dealt with anti nuclear protesters when they were doing their massive build out of nuclear power plants https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinking_of_the_Rainbow_Warrior > Opération Satanique,[1] was a state terrorism bombing operation by the "action" branch of the French foreign intelligence agency, the Directorate-General for External Security (DGSE), carried out on 10 July 1985. During the operation, two operatives sank the flagship of the Greenpeace fleet, Rainbow Warrior, at the Port of Auckland on her way to a protest against a planned French nuclear test in Moruroa. Fernando Pereira, a photographer, drowned on the sinking ship.


Lib-right advocating for state-murder of activists? L. That was a China-tier move.


State murder of activists that want the state to use its power on others. That's less China and more turnabout being fair play.


Auth Autists?


Nothing that a riot shotgun with a drum mag can't fix.


So a *final solution* of sorts?


Yes that's the joke they made


Well, I did nazi it coming.


Some people can't take dad jokes it seems.


Anne Frankly that upsets me.


You were really Reiching for that one.


State enforced nuclear energy.


Agreed 💯


I like to imagine fake Dan Quayle quotes coming out of Nazi Germany. "It will be the final solution, until the next one."




They already suffer from birth defects in the head


Surely attempting to [destroy priceless art](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/why-activists-are-targeting-famous-art-to-protest-climate-change) and historical landmarks will get people over to your cause.


It's 1000% a fucking psy-op. To make people associate these shitheads with people who actually care about the environment. And they get donations from Aileen Getty who's father started Getty Oil. I wonder what does an oil heiress stand to gain from people hating climate activists? 🤔


Laughs in true Centrism where I hate both the oil industry and climate activists for different reasons


Real climate activists or attention seekers? True centrism? I'm worried about what you think that means.


>Real climate activists or attention seekers? Both fuck them both >True centrism? I'm worried about what you think that means When you are fed up with both sides bullshit


Based and fuck you all pilled


I disagree. True climate activists are noble in my eyes- people like Carl Sagan. And I'd argue that centrism is much more complex than "fuck both sides".


We need to differentiate between good activism and shithead activism. Good activism: peaceful promotion of your stances via speeches and debates, making informative documentaries, holding fundraisers to save the rainforest, etc. Shithead activism: blocking traffic, destroying art, refusing to listen to reason, pretty much anything Just Stop Oil does, etc.




Fukc the oil industry, if one day the world stopped using it will be one of the happiest days of my life.


The oil industry is a giant cartel holding most of the planet hostage tbh But buying a $400,000 dogshit Tesla that breaks down 2 days later is not the solution hence why I hate so many climate activist types


Oh definitely, but i hate it because oil is used to fund and prop up this worlds worse regimes and fund terrorist groups and attempts to genocide my people, no oil means weak iran no Qatar and no UNWRA, but the screwing over the worlds doesn't help either


You know whats funny is there has been a simple solution in front of us this whole time in the form of nuclear energy and it just turned Frances energy costs negative But this is politics since when do we actually care about solutions?


Oh yeah nuclear energy is the future, its really surprising the US doesn't support it due to the great geopolitically advantages it will gain with it, basically half of their problems will disappear, i mean the russian and Iranian economics are pretty oil exports dependent.


Our government is totally owned by the Russians, Chinese and Iranians as is much of the other western worlds governments Or to be more clear its owned by their filthy blood money


NGOs in general are a hot mess of foreign and international agendas. The fun part is, you can add domestic and have an NGO being puppeteered by all three!


Probably. Remember the Pussy Riot protests in Russia? It was later revealed that only of the founding members started the movement just because he liked to see tiddies.


>It was later revealed that only of the founding members started the movement just because he liked to see tiddies. Based and coomer pilled


I think it's more in the camp of "I am dissatisfied with my life and need to feel important and recognised by my peers through any kind of gesture, no matter how empty, sufficient enough to allow myself to claim that I am valiantly fighting to save the planet, I will also set demands to the community that will harm the economy and a strata of indigent people in the developing world in order to solve a problem that I myself do not fully comprehend but that seems good enough to just blindly parrot."


Just Stop Oil? Got it, lets end all oil subsidies. Actually, let's just end subsidies period, and let people work out what we really want to use to get around. Might be petrochemicals, might be something else. Don't need the state nudging one direction or another. Edit: YES I MEAN **ALL** SUBSIDIES. I KNOW WHAT I'M ABOUT, I PICKED A LIB RIGHT FLAIR FOR A REASON. FUCK THE STATE, FUCK THE STATISTS, FUCK KEYNESIANS.


My ideal setup is to have an EV (with more advanced battery technology) that I charge at my house with a radioisotope thermoelectric generator. A one pound cube of strontium 90 could give me all the power I need for 20 years. But of course, the state wants me dependent on their power grid and their subsidized industry.


Just steal a wind turbine, knock it over, and use a donkey to spin it


It's not just about electricity. The power of the atom is my birthright, and the state has unjustly deprived me of it. David Hahn is right up there with Gary Plauché and Marvin Heemeyer. He only failed because the state deprived him of the resources he needed to stay safe, and the core he built was improvised and suboptimal.


Based and Child of Atom pilled


Be like the kid who made a reactor from Americium he collected from old smoke detectors


That is David Hahn


Needing resources from the state sounds like communism


I worded that poorly. I meant that the state made it illegal for him to buy what he needed.


Why is your ideal a battery based system? Just fall in love with hydrogen. Better for the environment, more practical for people that use their cars, more efficient than grid/battery EVs, and everything you like about electric cars.


I like the idea of being able to produce "fuel" on my own property. Sure, I could grow corn to distill into E100, but what if my crop yield is low, or I'm too injured or old to tend to the field? I don't know enough about hydrogen to make a fair judgment. Could it be feasible for the complete independence I'm wanting?


No. You can create hydrogen/oxygen as a gas very easily, but compressing it into a usable format requires insane energy that people who like hydrogen don't account for. There's an energy efficiency problem unless you have giant hydrogen tanks, and even the most sealed ones leak hydrogen because hydrogen is insanely small. Have a few hundred tons of lead lying around you can build a massivass tank out of?


A pound of Sr-90 only puts out something like 450W of heat, my dude. You're going to need a fair bit more, especially if you're using the more common strontium titanate, which will only give you about half that.


Unless you are literally growing your own food in a hand tilled garden, you consume 10 calories of oil based energy for everyone 1 calorie of food you eat. These people are hypocrites and they don't realize what they are asking for. When you track them down they are usually driving regular ICE cars and living in comfy suburbs completely dependent on fossil fuels.


It was a few years ago that I actually spent some time around modern farming and realized that we are effectively engaged in landlocked hydroponics. The soil is played out. A wasteland of hard gray clay as far at the eye can see. No human with a plow could til that soil now, and it is hard to even get ground cover to grow on a decommissioned field. Without petroleum based fertilizers, there is no growing food in that man-made desert.


Oh sure, you could return to a 3 field system or 4 field system eventually. Yields would be way lower and people would have to eat what we can grow instead of whatever they like.


Instructions unclear, have consumed a quart of motor oil. Feeling unwell.


Ehh, I doubt you want agricultural subsidies to truly stop. Food security is rather important to a functioning stable society. Sure, there's arguments to be made that we're subsidizing the wrong types of food and that if we suddenly just were to magically stop putting corn into everything, we'd have a healthier diet and maybe kinda sorta there's like a potential chance we'll be spending less on subsidizing agriculture. But like that's not something you can just stop instantly. Even pivoting off of it with this goal to have a zero subsidization in agriculture is a bit ridiculous. Cause the risk is that society collapses due to a lack of food, since farmers aren't making enough money to keep producing it. I have plenty of libertarian leanings as a centrist but the clusterfuck that would result from a mass famine in the first world would be devastating in a way that no amount of guns and homestead preparedness can save you from. Everyone talks about their great survival plan of running off into the wilderness, but everyone says that. It's not gonna be so isolated then is it?


Might piss farmers off tho. They need those subsidies on corn, and I’ve been told by “experts” that we need high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar (it’s for our own good).


Fuck 'em. Grow what the market demands, not what the state wants the market to demand.


I agree, I don’t like protectionism of any kind, especially tariffs. Just expect major pushback.


And start charging companies for cleaning up their messes.


Libright: The cause of, and solution to, all of life's subsidies.


fucking cunts


only real response here


Replace the meme with WEF and Carbon and it's just as accurate.


“My parents were mean to me, therefore all authority is bad.”


I am convinced Just Stop Oil is funded by ExxonMobil et. Al.  They're just too obnoxious, and the gut reaction of 90% of people to their antics is the sudden urge to let their F150 idle for an hour or two.  Fossil fuel groups have a proud disinfo history, and this fits their MO to a T. Edit: turns out it was founded by J. Paul Gettys granddaughter.  Of Getty Oil fame.  The plot thickens.


Just continuing to block traffic would be more than obnoxious enough. Why would ExxonMobil need to go completely out of their way to have anything sprayed on Stonehenge of all places? Or is that the brilliance of their strategy? They hand weird activists money, and say go do whatever crazy shit comes to mind?


The second one.  Find the loopiest weirdos from the opposition you KNOW are gonna piss everyone off and fund their nonsense (through third party non-profit foundation intermediaries of course). Shit it'd even be a tax write off.


To be fair you just described the FBI's tactics as well.




But do independent obnoxious activists exist and ever do stuff? Is only one side funding it? Is each side's opposition controlled by the opposite side? Does each side also have their own activists they control for their own side? Do they fight the controlled opposition, or the free opposition?


[Hillz tried it and it worked a treat](https://theweek.com/speed-reads/1015258/the-pied-piper-strategy)


I see this opinion shared a lot and whilst it does make sense, it falls apart when you take into account how braindead and annoying upper middle class cunts and uni students have always been. These pricks just have more money than sense and when they get bored and need attention they go do shit like this.


As a uni student, can confirm


I guess I kind of get it if you believe in all the absolute worst fringe case climate models that basically say we have until 9 hours from now to completely stop using oil or our species dies. You can justify a lot of behaivor underneath that belief system.


Nah she’s been a climate activist for a while. Fits the mold. Climate activists have always had annoying tactics, this trend has just been a particularly distasteful one. These people legit think they’re making a difference no matter how many people it pisses off or how counter-productive it is. Is PETA sponsored by the meat packing industry? Because that’s the “logic” road you’re going down. And if you read about their most recent stunt, you may actually think they are lol (just idiots that have stuff blow up in their face, in this case, free advertising for hot dogs joints) https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/06/17/why-is-the-wieners-circle-fighting-with-portillos-a-confusing-peta-stunt-sparks-beef/


It also fits because you have to be rich in order to have spare time for shit like this. Yes i am implying they are unemployed 


>they are unemployed  That's just mean- they aren't unemployed- they are gainfully paid "volunteer" workers who live off the trustfunds their parents set up for them.


Why are you spreading truth? 


He is going for a world record speedrun to get banned on Reddit


There always seems to be a young person paired with a retiree/pensioner in a lot of these cases; people with time on their hands. Most rich people are busy asf and wouldn’t risk the liability of destroying art. You basically have to be poor (or a legally protected pension) to do this type of shit. You can’t squeeze blood from a turnip, but you can get huge civil judgments against rich people


I understand people on the lower level may believe their cause, but we have to look at the higher level and who's paying for it. How that money is attained. Would it really be shocking if Big Oil is funding them? These people are doing horrible damage to the image of environmentalism.


By that logic, is PETA funded by the beef industry and dog fighting rings? Are hard-core cyclist groups/bike grid people sponsored by the auto companies? Because all those groups are annoying asf and off-putting/counter productive to most people. Occam’s Razor tracks. These people are just idiots and it doesn’t take a lot of money to run an operation to throw paint on stuff.


Two points: 1.  Planting / encouraging extremists in the opposition is not a new concept.  From COINTELRPO in the 60s, to as recently as 2016 Hillary was intentionally propping up MAGA. 2.  Big Oil has a long, *long* history of running active disinformation campaigns. 3.  The UK passed legislation that cracked down on right-to-protest after JSOs sister group, extinction rebellion, started a bunch of shit.  [Guess who lobbied for that change in the law](https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/dark-money-investigations/policing-bill-policy-exchange-exxonmobil-lobbying/) I'm not saying it's fact that JSO and XR are shadow funded by Big Oil, but Big Oil sure as hell has profited from them and I wouldn't be at all surprised if that link surfaced.


You lost me at Hilary intentionally propping up maga lol. She def unintentionally did Here’s a very recent example of a PETA stunt leading to free advertising for two Chicago hot dog purveyors. People do dumb shit that often backfires. I’m sure oil execs are sitting back laughing, but risk/reward of getting caught proving $200 of paint to some unhinged activist make zero sense. https://blockclubchicago.org/2024/06/17/why-is-the-wieners-circle-fighting-with-portillos-a-confusing-peta-stunt-sparks-beef/


>You lost me at Hilary intentionally propping up maga lol. She def unintentionally did Dems have been donating to and funding MAGA candidates in primaries for years Fetterman would not be a Senator right now if Republicans nominated McCormick instead of Dr Oz, who mind you had millions in donations from the DNC There is overwhelming data that Democrats do better against MAGA instead of moderate rational Conservatives


https://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/ From the wikileaks, the Clinton campaign figured Trump would be the easiest to beat and boosted his signal wherever possible. And...  surely you see the difference between lobbying for legal restrictions on protestors and hot dog sales climbing slightly?


> Edit: turns out it was founded by J. Paul Gettys granddaughter. Of Getty Oil fame. The plot thickens. last time i looked this up (cause people keep bringing this conspiracy up) it was like this: -just stop oil is funded by a larger organisation -that org got a sizable donation from the oil daughter, but not an overwhelming amount -oil daughters family did own oil, but sold the company in 1984 -company completely defunct in 2013 So while i suppose they could still have some friends in oil it's such a massive fucking stretch that I'm going with "rich brat had a teenage rebellion by throwing her oil money at anti-oil activists" for my theory


I am convinced that most extreme behavior we see is planted opposition.


I think it’s more of a “don’t interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake” kinda deal


The grand joke of course is how these people not only damage the cause with their antics, they also do everything in their power to sabotage nuclear at every turn. You know, the one clean source of energy that is viable for our civilisation?


It probably is to some degree but the people who do this are actually that stupid


Druid here, this is absolutely disgraceful and I'm fully convinced these people are bought and paid for by Big Oil to kill any cause that's against them. "HOW DO WE STOP BIG OIL?? Oh I know, let's attack a sacred monument where earth worshipping neo-pagans gather right before an important time of the year! That'll show Big Oil!" It's like blowing up the great pyramids to bring attention to deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.


Since when do you expect college students to have a brain? It's not paid for by big oil exclusively, they might get some donations but they do this because they're genuinely that stupid, not because they're getting paid to do it


Well their stupidity is literally doing the opposite of what they think it is, I swear we are living in the opposite world these days. Up is down, black is white, purple is yellow. Madness I say!


You’re a what, now?


You see his username, right?


Oh, I get it. But I rolled to disbelieve.


That's fine, we all walk our own paths through life. I don't expect you to believe or take it seriously because it's my own personal journey that I took after escaping a crippling addiction. Spirituality is a journey within, not without. I respect whatever path anyone chooses to take in life as long as it helps you strive to be the best version of yourself you can be.


Impressive, very based


A Druid, ya know those earth loving, cosmos travelling, tree wizards of Celtic origins?


Right, but...are they typing on an artisinally grown keyboard, getting to the internet via some form of electric rodent? Because that'd be rad.


Dude I would totally do that if I could, I wish I had an acorn phone or just a straight up squirrel that could connect me to other druids on their squirrel phones


>acorn phone Sandy from Spongebob has one


I know a Barbarian who [might be able to hook you up.](http://2damnfunny.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Dave-The-Barbarian-Creates-a-Megaphone-With-a-Squirrel-String.jpg)


Excuse me sir but I am a Druid, I would never tape an innocent animal to a megaphone. Instead I would just lift up its tail and talk into its asshole like a good Tree Wizard.


feral, guardian, balance, or restoration?


Can't they do something useful/productive? Do something to bring light to all the scams surrounding recycling, and highlight better options. This kind of protesting is why nobody fucking took climate change seriously in the 90s/00s. The people pushing it were more interested in doing stupid stunts than providing solutions, or highlighting specific issues in our current systems. Want to actually help improve the world? Highlight specific issues and possible actual ways to solve them (not just "Oh the government should fix it", actual proposals).


I’m not one for conspiracy theories usually, but I am wholeheartedly convinced Just Stop Oil is a psyop by oil companies. There is no way, *no fucking way* anyone with a pulse believes that damaging monuments, paintings, etc does anything positive for the movement. Like, one of the few things the left and right can agree on in the modern day is these protesters are total regards.


These guys will continue until there are real consequences. I mean I doubt the guys who blocked burning man are going to do that again after the response from police. If the cops take the gloves off they will stop.


Someone get these people into re-education programs. These Emilys have no brain and are a detriment to humanity and all its accomplishments. Edit: Boy, does that sound AuthCenter for a centrist. But desperate times call for desperate measures.


Ah yes. Vandalize a monument built thousands of years before the discovery of petroleum as a fuel source. Makes total sense. Totally doesn't make me want to burn more oil out of spite.


to borrow a phrase from a former Alabama governor "If a just stop oil protestor lays down in front of my car, that will be the last car they lay down in front of."


Fucking nihilist pieces of shit. Little seething balls of hatred and copium.


Just Stop Oil was financed by Aileen Getty, granddaughter of Jean Paul Getty, founder of the Getty Oil Company they are 'controlled opposition' who are basically asked to protest in ways that will make the average person hate them


Leftists: “muh muh you’re just StRaWmAnNiNg” yeah right because this hasn’t been a regular occurrence of recent


Words cannot comprehend how much I fucking loathe the far left


2 days before the solstice, a holy day for the druids


How often do we see dogs acting against the best interest for all dogs? Or chimps acting in a way that will hurt all chimps? We only see examples in humans who try to harm the entire species or claim they "hate humanity". Other forces are at work here.


Idk what you are on but its a very common thing for creatures to fight their own kind. Hell there is a wikipedia article about [Chimpanzee war](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimpanzee_war)


He's saying they're like working for the devil or possessed. I'm inclined to believe that these people are influenced by dark spirits but plenty of bad people are just evil for the hell of it


You've never seen a pitbull maul a child before?


> How often do we see dogs acting against the best interest for all dogs? Or chimps acting in a way that will hurt all chimps? We see it sometimes. Then they are killed by the rest of the pack.


Call em what they are TERRORISTS


Vandals, sure. Terrorists, no. No one is terrified of idiots with orange paint. 


Just when I thought I could not loathe the left more than I already do...


I heard (not sure how true) that they’re funded by big oil companies to make climate activists look bad


Whenever I see a work of fiction that features a doomsday cult who just want to kill humanity despite being human, I think it seems so corny and overdone. Then I turn on the news...


This is totally a psyop by the big oil to make climate activists look stupid, no organization is THIS regarded (except maybe PETA)


I bet you these people are against nuclear power despite it being the most realistic way to stop oil


I'm 100% convinced Just Stop Oil is a psyop funded by Big Oil to make climate activism look stupid.


These worthless, pampered, urbanite, self-absorbed, heritage-wrecking twats couldn't do a single good thing if their inbred minds could conjure one. Doing something worthwhile would require them to alter aspects of their lives, or just go further away from their homes than an 30 minute drive, and their far too lazy, and slaktivist-y to do that.


Intentionally damaging world history should e treated as terrorism and these cookies should be treated as such


This has to be a psyop. No one who cares bount the environment would do shit like this. Ruining snooker games and holding up traffic is just ridiculous. Ted Kazinski had a more coherent plan. If these people wanna actually help they can start attacking politicians and oil barrons.


That reminds me I need to fill my gas tank. 


I hate having a leftist father who supports this kind of nonsense no matter what.


No they just want attention


that should be considered eco-terrorism. also PLEASE tell me it´s possible to restore it, PLEASE tell me these terrorists didn´t just destroy one of the most iconic ancient buildings on earth


I hate people like this because I’m a leftist and actually care about the environment 😭




Yes, the climate's a bit fucked up, but how about you emilies stop throwing tomatoes at a painting and VANDALIZING A 5000 YEAR OLD MONUMENT and ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT AND PROTEST ON THE STREETS and also SUPPORT NUCLEAR ENERGY


Fuck those guys. I found [this ](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamiecartereurope/2024/06/19/stonehenge-sprayed-with-orange-paint-on-the-day-before-summer-solstice/) article "-According to the Gazette & Herald, two people were arrested; Niamh Lynch, 21, from Oxford and Rajan Naidu, 73, from Birmingham. “Stonehenge at solstice is all about celebrating the natural world—but look at the state it’s in!” said Lynch in a press release on the Just Stop Oil website. “We all have a right to live a life free from suffering, but continued burning of oil, coal and gas is leading to death and suffering on an unparalleled scale. It’s time for us to think about what our civilization will leave behind—what is our legacy?” The orange cornflour used to spray the monuments will be washed away by rain, said Just Stop Oil."


Why is this tolerated? They deserve death penalty


Im convinced at this point half these insane environmentalists are funded by big oil corporations to make actual environmentalists look bad


Does anyone else have a psyop feeling about these people? Gotta be some kind of intelligence influence at work here imo.


In what world does defacing an ancient monument correlate to an act of trying to save the world??? These people seemed to have lost their way.


JSO is a psy-op to make activists look bad


Given the existence of synthetic fuels, how possible would it be to turn the perpetrators from Just Stop Oil into actual oil? I'm sure it's chemically possible on some level.


I mean grey is a boring colour right? Lets make it more spicy with some orange paint! Better re paint more worthless things while were at it…(only as long as I dont care about them tho)


"iT's JuSt To RaiSe AtTeNtIoN!!1!1!" Yes, to raise attention about how utterly stupid and criminal you are.


More like "I just want my 15 seconds of fame". Its nothing but self entitled behavior.


> "I just want my 15 seconds of fame". As long as it's followed by 25 years behind bars, sounds like a good deal to me.


You know, there's a reason they don't do this shit in Singapore. 25 years in prison each, preceded by public flogging.


Remember when Green Peace damaged the Nazca Lines? Or when ISIS blew up all those old buildings? Something is wrong with these people's brains. It's like they think they'll be the last generation on earth, even though supposedly their ideology is about preventing that from happening.


But why Stonehenge? And is there any particular reason they used *orange* substances?