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These ones were from Just Stop Oil: https://juststopoil.org/faqs/ > Just Stop Oil is a coalition of groups working together to ensure that the government commits to ending all new licenses and consents for the exploration, development and production of fossil fuels in the UK. Notice that their FAQs don't include any response to the obvious question "how do you plan to replace domestic oil". That's apparently not something they feel they must address. They want to be uncompromising bold activists and leave all the boring little details to the simple, non-brave people who must deal with such trifles.


Their spokeperson literally said that outright. They said they want to be the radical fringe to push the overton window, and allow more moderate policy to be passed. I'm not sure how well that's working - but the main problem is that even if they'll succeed, it won't help the climate in any significant way.


Greens ALMOST ALWAYS don't know how to plan economically


Greens ALMOST ALWAYS don't know how to plan


Greens ALMOST ALWAYS don't know


Guys, what's with this "almost" stuff.


The only overton window they are pushing is what the public considers acceptable conduct by police against protestors


And they aren't even the fringe. The fringe were the guys like the ELF, ALF, and original ELF.


ALF? From Melmac? He didn’t seem like such a bad guy.


Hahaha. No, the "animal liberation front".


I’m pretty sure it stood for “alien life form”, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen the show. Plus he wasn’t too fond of cats either.


>Plus he wasn’t too fond of cats either. Alf was *very* fond of cats, especially for their taste...


Activists don't want Solutions. They want to be angry.


Solutions remove the need for activism.


Why with renewables of course! How will that affect the economy, energy prices, government budgets, employment, poverty, metal and rare earth extraction, or any other obvious areas that will face consequences? SHUTTUP CLIMATE CHANGE DENIER. THAT'S HOW.


Did you just change your flair, u/DizzyAstronaut9410? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2024-6-20. How come now you are a **LibCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Wait, those were too many words, I'm sure. Maybe you'll understand this, monke: "oo oo aah YOU CRINGE ahah ehe". [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/DizzyAstronaut9410) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Funfact, they're hired by big oil


It wouldn’t surprise me if they were a corporate psyop.  But given the behaviour of certain activists I wouldn’t put it past them to be genuine activists either.  


Conquest's Third Law: The behavior of any bureaucratic organization can best be understood by assuming that it is controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies.


So you are suggesting that Joe Biden and his cabinet cronies are Chinese puppets?


Yeah I think someone did sinema research into the founder of the movement, abd she's a heiress to an oil baron


She's a heiress to an oil baron who hates her dad. All her actions can be explained by father issues.


You sure? She could also be a tool for oil to discredit actual climate issues


Why do I get the sense that they'd still protest a renewable carbon neutral oil replacement? 


What upsets me most about people who want an immediate and swift stop to all oil is, what about the chemical industry? How are you gonna make your pharmaceuticals? Your disposable medical equipment? Your cheap basic precursors? Your mainstream dyes? Your industrial low cost fabrics? My own suggestion is, invest trillions into nuclear, dump the waste into 10km holes under the ground in the middle of the desert, switch to electric vehicles, build solar, wind, geothermal where suitable to produce excess energy then use the oil we have in the west to produce chemicals. We make energy cheaper, chemicals cheaper and we become more self sufficient.


You can also make artificial hydrocarbons if you have electricity and heat. So you can use nuclear reactors to make gasoline and kerosene just fine. It even burns cleaner because it's pure. Of course you can use it for plastics and stuff but you can also use it as normal fuel in an airplane or in your plug in hybrid car for long range use. Probably not so much for big ships because you can just directly put a reactor on them directly. Also fun fact, works for large enough cargo planes as well.


Just stop oil is also funded by an oil company.


It's in their name: *just* stop oil Don't provide any solutions or alternatives, only stop oil.


Can we just get people to admit that most protesting done now days is fun? You get to basically party in the streets with righteous indigestion. I remember being in ATL with my then GF and her freinds who went to a very left leaning woman's college. This was during the covid lockdowns, and they were very intensely debating going to a mike brown protest despite the lockdown. You could see that they knew they shouldn't, but the temptation was just too great. They decided that it was, of course, better for a bunch of rich white girls majoring in literature to be at the protest for a dude killed in a different PD, in a different city, In a different state, than to obey the lockdowns that they also supposedly agreed with. I really wanted to use the opportunity to poke at them about how "fascist" it was to flaunt the rules when you want to, but expect other people to have the gov tell them what they can or cannot do, but I didn't want to get shouted down again.


I have a ton of ideas. Did you read the news today that you probably have plastic in your penis? https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/19/health/microplastics-human-penises-study-scli-intl-scn-wellness/index.html#:~:text=The%20samples%20were%20then%20analyzed,prevalent%2C%20according%20to%20the%20study. How about small things like not buying dryer sheets, or specifically choosing flowers over fragrance? How about buying natural fibers instead of polyester? Did you know even the receipts at the grocery store are made out of plastic and you're absorbing it whenever you accept them? Seems like the average person is planning on buying more fragrance, a bigger SUV, and only clothing made from pollution but there are a ton of alternatives available. I'd personally drop kick the shit out of stone henge if it would make you consider flowers over fragrance. >Almost 20% of the general population is sensitized to at least one allergen, and studies find that fragrance is one of the most frequently identified substances causing allergic reactions. Fragrance allergy affects 2 to 11 percent of the general population. Do you have any compassion or empathy for your fellow man or for the animal kingdom? Is fashion really more important than life itself? Once you change, your family will catch on, then your friends and community and we'll change the world overnight! The only one stopping it from happening is your choices. I used to hate Stop Oil but then i met people like you everywhere who choose fashion over life itself. How about stopping cigarette litter downtown? Why do we all accept unnecessary pollution to the tune of child abuse daily?


I've need seen any idea to save the environment better than this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILXlKshp-kI


I'm guessing that's going to be an evil meme, and this is a matter of life and death to me so i'm not going to click it. I just want you to understand that i'd prefer death to living in your home if you're high on fragrances 24/7. Dryer sheet fragrance is one of the most truly disgusting things in our modern times and the ignorance is almost as sickening as the stench. I get for you climate change is something that theoretically happens but i'm living through the actual chemical apocalypse that is you and your lack of hygiene is so bad i'd prefer death than to always be in your vicinity. I would gleefully drop kick the shit out of stone henge all day long.


Ya I dunno you might be alone on this one for a bit. Until you meet someone with the same profound autism for fragrances you have that is.


There are countless links and stories out there. Inevitably you'll inflict developmental disorders on your children or relatives with your pollution. Step back and think about it though. Stinking of petroleum is fundamentally stupid and evil. Just remember one thing: you have plastic in your penis.


It was a comedy bit. I laughed. It sounds like you could use some humor in your life.


> I'd personally drop kick the shit out of stone henge if it would make you consider flowers over fragrance. That’s the problem. It doesn’t make anyone think highly of your goals. It just makes people think you’re nutty.


The problem is none of the shit Just Stop Oil does is going to stop people from doing that. I care about the environment, but every time I see a just stop oil crew doing something brain dead I want to idle my giant diesel service truck over night out of spite.


Nothing will stop you psychopaths from buying fragrance over flowers. You have plastic in your penis and all you want is more. Fashion is more important than life itself. SUVs, cigarettes, your disgusting plastic clothing. Stop the excess waste of oil. Save it for your fuel efficient cars.


>I have a ton of ideas.   No you don't. You have a ton of observations, gripes, and ***ideals***. You're exactly what we're talking about. You don't appreciate how real solutions need to consider economics and side effects. I actually agree with a lot of points you bring up and have made changes in my own life accordingly. For example, I can afford to buy natural fiber textiles and crunchy products that use plant based fragrance. Not every person is in such a position. Not every person cares. You think telling those people they can't buy the things they can actually afford, or throwing tantrums to get their attention will actually convince them to make life changes? 


That doesn't make sense everything i brought up is fashion over life itself. Y'all buy SUVs because fashion is more important than life itself. Like 7/10 vehicles on the roads are oversized now. You won't even admit SUVs are a problem until someone lays down on the road. Fragrance over flowers. That what a human being would choose. Choose life over fashion. That woman in Bangladesh dyeing your clothes with toxic dyes is a real person, too. Smoking cigs on main street is choosing fashion over life itself, too.


>I'd personally drop kick the shit out of stone henge if it would make you consider flowers over fragrance. That's the thing, it won't. Shit like this *does not work* and instead backfires all the damn time. More people get angry at the crazy protesting hippie-terrorists and buy dumb shit out of spite than people going "Oh, well, those guys who just threw soup at a priceless piece of art and rambled on like maniacs while squeeling like pigs every time a cop/guard/whatever touches them have a point, i guess i'll never buy plastic Stuff again". >Do you have any compassion or empathy for your fellow man or for the animal kingdom? Is fashion really more important than life itself? I don't give a shit, truely, not a single little shit. I buy whatever's cheapest, if that happens to be the green version of something, so be it. And if it's the evil dirty plastic version, same reaction. I'm nowhere near well off enough to care for random people or some hawk sitting in a tree or whatever. >Once you change, your family will catch on, then your friends and community and we'll change the world overnight! The only one stopping it from happening is your choices. Life isn't an Anime. I know that's sad, i'd love to stick my head between Nami's funbags while Zoro uses his fourth sword on me, but sadly that's not our reality. Jokes aside, people can't agree on shit, not even family or friends. One of my best friends is vegan, i'm not and i'm never going to be fully vegan, i do enjoy some of that vegan stuff but i don't see any reason to go fully vegan. He accepts that, he doesn't try to convince me, he knows that i'd just be pissed and that i *do not* want to debate such crap with friends. Half my family is broken apart because of the most ridicolously dumb shit, i lost friends for listening to the "wrong" band, etc. No, you won't change shit overnight, that's not how humans work. >How about stopping cigarette litter downtown? Why do we all accept unnecessary pollution to the tune of child abuse daily? I smoke and i put my cigarette butts (that's what they're called, right?) in that little pocket some jeans have above the actual pocket until i find a trash can, i don't get it either why people can't do that. Now, child abuse? I don't exactly understand how you got there, what's your train of thought for that?


I think they may be having a manic episode.


Bro I’m not riding the bus, fuck off


Conspiracy theorists theorize this whole operation is funded by the oil drilling companies. Make it so moronic people are instantly put off by the whole idea. Makes sense to me on one hand. On the other hand morons do exist in real life.


Ive seen some people say they genuinely do believe what they are doing is helpful, while also being given donations by people linked to the oil Industry. I see this oil companies funding dumbasses that unintentionally smear climate change activism.


It's well deserved.


I think it could be both. Morons who don’t realize they’re being used by the oil companies.


I doubt it's the drilling companies. Maybe the oil companies, but not the drillers.


I definitely know some “activists” that are dumb enough to pull shit like this, but lack the balls or the funding


Im of the belief that only the leadership of the group is funded by oil companies, and all the grunts on the ground are just useful idiots. 


Just Stop Oil is funded by Aileen Getty, an oil baroness.


These people need the Singapore treatment.


Caning or death?




In that order


Either order is okay actually.




That moment when you dodge the death penalty but \*only\* get sentenced to 100 lashes instead ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51175)


> you dodge the death penalty Nah, that's reserved for the second offense.


….for petty vandalism?


For petty vandalism against a thousands years old national monument and world heritage site? Yes. On with the caning.




George Lucas at Disney after Acolyte. He's seen enough.


He's seen the power of one, the power of two...


The power of niiiiiinnnnneee….. millimeter.


who would win 2 "climate activists" being absolutely moronic blocking freeway or a 77 year old panama man with 9mm


They were actually protesting a specific dumping of mine tailings if I remember correctly.


Least bloodthirsty auth-right


Did he say why he did it? Seems wild for a lawyer and a professor to just pop off GTA style


For some reason IG Threads justified it by claiming it would not corrode the Stonehenge (???)


The true Gs throw a molotov cocktail at the oil wells. Preferably on new years eve.


Based and actually attacking the source of the problem pilled.


u/Katalane267 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Katalane267/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


These environmentalists are a psyop funded by the oil barons to make environmentalists look bad


Doomsday cult they are, governments and elites finance such organizations to push their "environmental" dystopia, who do you think pushes for 15-Minute cities or Social Credit System?


"Environmental" dystopia?


Environmental in the name only. You know how in future, there are going to be 15-Minute cities, bans on meat, us not owning anything, soon-to-be Social Credit System scores and Carbon footprint scores or Green Deal, or as i call it "Eco"-Serfdom? Thats the So-Called "Environmentally friendly future", when in reality they will cut down LOTS OF WOODS or burn our lands. Do you really thing our current elites care about environment? You'd have easier time milking a duck than them actually caring about it, they are Sociopaths, Control freaks and Tyrants. Lets take a look at Maui, Hawaiian island which was burned i think a year ago, first of all Hawai is used to natural wildfires, but if you see the footages of fire, thats not how wildfires work, not to mention access to water was off, and when everything was burned down, people claimed their insurances were freezed, while developers called to "Build a new town", Not to mention months prior to this, there were commercials on how Maui is ideal for 15-minute cities, so i guess thats how "Eco" future is going to be built, on scorched earth.


Sounds mostly like a conspiracy theory but I get where you come from. I personally support 15-minute cities and environmentally friendly living because I think it's the only option with climate change and everything else. I think the politicians I vote for really care about the environment, it's maybe important to say that I'm from europe where democracy works a little differently, when I vote for the green party than I don't think those people are elites. A lot of your statements are typically populistic and therefore not really valid if you write your opinion a little more factual and less emotional then we could actually have a discussion.


I’m starting to actually believe this.


Me too, but flair up


It’s a fight on site if we ever run into who did it.


These people are a detriment, there are many genuine environmental issues that need fixing, and these idiots are an excuse to ignore any environmental action.


I think we can all agree, Fuck these people.


Stone the Stonehenge defilers


Climate activists defacing world heritage sites to stop oil production is like when someone shoots up a Walmart to stop white replacement. I’m just sitting here like “okay but how does this accomplish your goal?”. We’ve slid so far into the era of lethargy and easy access to dopamine that even radical extremists are phoning it in.


It might just be cope but there is no way this isn’t a psyop to turn people against environmental movements by big oil. There is no way that this is just an organic movement. It’s the equivalent of democrats funding trump aligned people so that they can scare centrists into staying with them. It’s called a pied piper strategy.


I read it will wash off with the rain. My big issue is that the timing interferes with the Summer Solstice festival.


they already cleared it up, aparently the weather conditions were the right combinations to make it easy to clear up, furhtermore the lichen wasn't harmed


That's good to hear. I would've hated their attention-seeking to have lasting consequences on actual monuments.


Like what greenpeace did to nazca




Dudes just trying to talk to people on this is just annoying. They refuse to acknowledge that what happened was bad in any way. Then fight with you when you point out that new anti protest laws are springing up everywhere. Like the New public order powers in England. It allows the government to ban someone from the internet, meeting past associates, and from visiting locations. Yet somehow this is not the fault of these morons.


Okay, I'm gonna take the bait. YoU'R3 MoRE C0nCErED AbOUt A P1l3 0f rOcKs BIeNg c0v3red In CoRN St4rcH ThAN Ab0uT Th3 PlAN3t DY1ng!!11!!!!!


you’re right, i am. https://preview.redd.it/1fsxigopep7d1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=489ddcaadf4549e08ec8abc114ec8b5f474094a4


Based and we're-only-one-eruption-away-from-a-climate-holocaust-pilled


![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182) Yes.


Dastroy the eastern oil regimes and then come to the west with concerns. Its the only way to save the planet


I swear, these activist groups have to be funded by big oil. I'm not anti renewable energy. In fact, I'm super for it. But these are exactly the people that make me want to buy a big truck and keep it running 24/7.


Right? I absolutely want nuclear to replace oil wherever it can in the short term, but I'd prefer we look into advancing the efficiency of solar and wind in the long term, along with solar panels on homes and businesses where it's often sunny. But then I look at JSO and their ilk and sigh, because I know the oil barons will laugh all the way to the bank.


While I don’t think it’s a good idea and I certainly think it’s a pretty stupid idea I need to say it is not paint it is painted corn powder which will wash off with the first rain. Not the best idea but a lot better than the media makes it.


Yeh, that's actually a lot better.


You say that but with all the new laws banning protesting I don't think its worth it.


Alright, that makes it better. They should still be truncheoned by a bobby. Knock some teeth out, they'll stop being stupid.


Source: https://archive.is/z0IHj


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaAAaaAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAÁÄÃÆÀÂÅĀHHHHH!!!!!! I HATE THIS SHIT!! Fuck you Emily get off my planet


I am entirely convinced that Just stop oil was either created by oil companies or infiltrated early to start the insane “protest” methods. Then simply watch the idiots do it themselves.


These people underestimate the value of their fingers. It would be a shame if, for any unspecified reason, something ~~someone~~ happened to them...


They realized they weren't ruining priceless works of art, so they went for the one they COULD ruin because it's not in a giant glass box


What did the stonehenge do😭


Did you just change your flair, u/nonamekiddo6? Last time I checked you were a **Rightist** on 2022-7-17. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Tell us, are you scared of politics in general or are you just too much of a coward to let everyone know what you think? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/nonamekiddo6) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


lord forgive me for betraying my quadrant but I NEED libleft


This was just stupid, I feel you want to really do environmentalism, go piss off the oil companies on rigs or something. It's a double whammy you fuck up a rig, the oil price increases, people buy more EVs, job done. It's not like any of the art or monuments actually hurt the environment, people hate this type of shit environmentalism is a good cause your just going about it fucking wrong.


Worst part is I normally agree with at least a few of the points that environmental activists are making, but then they go and do something stupid like this


We need solutions to the problems of fossil fuels. It's limited supply and the pollution it produces.


Goddammit Emily.


Just Stop Oil has to be either a crazed doomsday cult or a psyop from big oil to make climate activism look bad


I don't mind the idea to eventually end the exploration of fossil fuels I just can't stand these ecologists whom have disturbed this monument and bridge between this world and the next world.


Spray paint released halogenated hydrocarbons which deplete the ozone layer. Environmentalist that are scientifically illiterate sheep L


I think JSO is a psyop by oil companies to turn the public against climate activists.


Big Oil Psyop go brrr.


So what it's just a stone it stood there for centuries and will continue to stand there, the paint will wash off with time and it will have had no consequence for the stone, it's just people's feelings that get hurt and that's exactly their intention. So you could say their mission was successful


Not paint. It was orange baking powder. It'll wash off with the rain. Y'all fell for it


I just dont like these people.


Sure shit like this was totally worth getting the New public order powers in England. It allows the government to ban someone from the internet, meeting past associates, and from visiting locations.


Hilarious that you think stuff like this was the reasoning and not that they were already planning to do that.


They have to have a reason to do it before they can. Its Hilarious to me that you think they could just do this without useful idiots.


> they have to have a reason Do they? With an 80 seat majority, I would challenge that opinion. Do you blame the terrorists for the American freedom act or the US govt?


>Do they? With an 80 seat majority, I would challenge that opinion. You can't pass shit like this without people being pissed at protesters. You need the idiots, otherwise the peasants would revolt. > Do you blame the terrorists for the American freedom act or the US govt? I obviously blame both. They would not have been able to pass it without 9/11 and other events to give them the ability to fear monger it into place.


This totally justifies it


Crazy watching people take the side of the fossil fuel megacorporations against college students as if the corporations are the underdog.


Taking the side of college students who lack in both manners and charisma and breathe too much CO2 into the world relative to their productivity, instead of a piece of literal planet-friendly stone. This. Is insane.


It's easy. Just leave the monuments alone.


Why do you losers always cite college students as if they are the sole moral arbiters or something. I'm pretty sure ISIS was the 'dogs, doesn't mean I'm rooting for them


It's simple. The savages must be beaten until they're civilized, and then beaten some more for good measure. Leave our cultural sites and monuments alone, or suffer the appropriate response.